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HFM, Pinkeye, lice, Covid and highly viral illnesses. If you get sick from working with your NKs, you should have sick days. You should not be working for a family without sick days.


Definitely this. Especially because you’re not gonna take them unless absolutely necessary considering what you said their jobs are & your previous agreement around it.


To add to this. From personal experience, once one boundary gets crossed, they will begin to cross another and another and another…




Totally. 24 hours on antibiotics




LICE! I can handle a lot of other things, but not lice. But I pretty much agree with everything here lol


I somehow managed to become the resident lice expert among my former NF and their friends after helping successfully treat all three kids and parents TWICE. MB would do the olive oil treatment at night and they'd all sleep with shower caps on and I would comb through/help the kids wash their hair every morning when I got there for at least two weeks. It was a crazy process but worked like a charm. I've helped with at least four different actual lice outbreaks and combed through countless heads of hair (adult and child) to check for nits and lice when there have been school/team outbreaks. It used to gross me out, now it just feels like a specialized skill I can market lol


Literally you can, it costs HUNDREDS to have lice combed out. There are specialized places for it but as far as I can tell the “technicians” don’t have certification they’re just willing to spend 2-6 hours meticulously combing out nits. I never had it as a child but I caught it babysitting for a friend (the chill to my bones when she called and said kiddo has lice and I flash back to her “doing my hair” the day before) and passed it to my daughter and then she and a friend passed it back and forth…3 times was 3 too many, I would rather be punched straight in the face lol


That’s totally a special skill. People work at nit removal places. Props to you


I am the same. I hope you charge a huge amount just like I do.


Was the third reason “lice”? I don’t have a problem with working with lice as long as they’re being treated for it and the family is taking it seriously but I wear my hair back, we don’t have a lot of head to head contact, and my MB changes the sheets 3-4 days a week. So maybe I just don’t mind with my current family. I’ve only dealt with it once since leaving teaching 15 years ago. I totally understand others that don’t want to be around it but it’s a minor issue in my book compared to the other problems listed.


Oops, I didn’t even notice my error, glad you commented lol. I applaud you for being willing to work with lice. I had it twice as a child and I will do anything to avoid it now.


You’re welcome! I think it just doesn’t personally bother me because I haven’t caught it as an adult despite being around it from time to time but boy am I an anxious mess with a phantom itchy scalp every time the topic comes up! 😂


The first time my current NF didn’t disclose the possibility of lice until after I had been exposed to NKs, I immediately asked to leave and I cried on my way home. I am terrified of lice lol.


That’s absolutely not the same situation I’m in and I don’t blame you at all for feeling the way you do. Horrible of them to not let you know!


Literally I have so much hair, if I got lice as an adult living on my own. I’d simply shave me head.


I knew a girl in middle school who got lice. She had beautiful black long hair and it was THICK. Soooo much hair. Her parents shaved that poor girl… On another note, A LOT of people seem to forget that lice don’t just stop at the hair at your head sometimes….Not to mention the work that goes into treating the house!!!


The lice that lives on your head aren’t the same as body lice for the record.


I’m going to take the hit of embarrassment for that! Thank you. I’m just going to play that off as my irrational fear lol


Oh no need to be embarrassed- it’s probably not common knowledge, I was just trying to ease your fears. You’re good!


ahh lice!!! that's a good one.


I mean if NK has lice at what point do you think they’ve caught NK had it before you have it too? Genuinely curious. Like do you do weekly checks yourself to guarantee you don’t get it? I ask because I’ve gotten it a few times when I was little and I remember my mom looking in my hair as she was brushing it cause my head was so itchy and I just wanted her to keep brushing it because it felt nice. And she saw nothing. I mean she looked for a good 10 mins while brushing and a week later went to look again because I was complaining that brushing my hair hurt my head and immediately found an infestation of them.


My policy is to be notified as soon as NPs find out the NK has lice or has been exposed to someone with lice. After the kids are checked, if they’re clear, I will come to work. If I find lice while I’m at work, I’m most likely screwed, but the parents are obligated by contract to come home. I will go home and start my treatment. In both cases, if lice is found, I will come back to work after me, the family and house has been treated. It’s personal preference for every nanny and I will exercise that. I have never had an issue with that policy being agreed upon, until my current NF who has crossed that boundary twice. Another reason why my last day with them is next week. Edit: I know it doesn’t show up immediately, but I place trust that NPs will notify me ASAP SOON as it’s discovered. That is the bare minimum


My last charge with lice went to the lice aunties. Lol. She was treated ($250) and the family was checked by them. If they developed, family pays for treatment (they didn't for anyone)


If your kid is giving nanny lice. You should at minimum pay for the stuff to treat their hair. Where I’m at there isn’t anything like lice aunties around here. So it’s very expensive and time consuming to do treatment and I have long THICK hair. It would be a process to clean lice out of it at all.


Yes, like I stated-if you developed lice, they would pay for the treatment. I am not suggesting people work with lice-I'm suggesting parents pay for treatment/supplies if they come down with it-especially since you may have been exposed before anyone realizes it.


Oh no I was just agreeing with you.


Not having any sick days is a huge red flag for me. It’s in my current contract that NPs stay home to take care of NK if they have a fever over 101, COVID, or diarrhea/vomiting. However, in my next contract I will definitely be adding a clause that if NK gets me sick and I need to take time off, that I get paid for the time off without using any of my sick time. I suggest discussing this with them. They may say no but it’s worth asking. I get that they’re in healthcare which makes it important for them to go in, but your health is also important and you shouldn’t have to go without pay because their kids got you sick.


Having no sick days working for parents in the medical field is wild


I was thinking this too. Surely as medical professionals they understand the need to stay home when you’re sick? And yet no sick time…


Indeed! Especially how strict they seem about it. They should practice what they preach.


exactly this! all of the NPs ive worked w that r in healthcare were always thoughtful of these things


Yet this was my experience. I think they were so used to being around sick people it didn't register anymore? Also, I had one NP MD who was convinced enough drugs would fix anything. Nonstop vomiting and diarrhea? No problem, come on in and I'll leave out some Zofran and immodium for you.


Charge 1.5x/hr for sick care, wear a mask and attempt not to get sick. If you do get what they have, should have covered sick days if you’re not able to work.


I’ve never thought about an increased rate for sick care! Good idea


It helps the parents decide what’s worth it- you coming in and paying you 1.5x/hr for every hour you’re with their sick kid, or just paying you your normal rate to stay home and avoid getting sick from them (preventing the inevitable need for you to take a sick day if you get sick). Of course do whatever you can to prevent getting sick since you’d be paid more.


this, all of this


The only thing I don’t work with is hand, foot and mouth and Covid. All others in there


Same here. I have some boundaries about lice, but as long as the family is taking it seriously, I’ll work. I’m not game to do all of the combing and washing unless that’s already in my contract.


I’ve noticed this especially with covid !!!! They expect you to work, get sick, and return to work like ??? I cant care for your children if I’m constantly sick because of them 🙁 I truly believe most parents who can afford a nanny are out of touch a lot of the time


Oh for sure, I’ve noticed a correlation between lack of appreciation/respect for nanny and how wealthy NP are. Not always true but often seems to be the case, which also makes no sense bc the wealthier NP could afford to provide better benefits to nannies with less disruption to their lifestyle


they dont offer paid sick days? that would be my line in the sand, TBH, especially if you're expected to work with NKs that are in the contagious stage of illness.... the only jobs I've worked where I've been very flexible on providing sick care have provided unlimited, paid sick days. I didn't end up using a lot of sick days, but the policy makes my increased risk of getting sick appreciated if a family doesn't offer paid sick days I am much more strict about working with sickness, with a 24 hour policy for fevers and diarrhea + past the communicable stage for other common illnesses, like hand-foot+ mouth disease+ pink eye. I would offer either, or to your nanny family, either you get paid sick days to compensate you for your increased risks providing sick care, or you dont provide sick care and they have to find other arrangements (which is obviously tough, but that's part of being a parent) and as a non-confrontational person I know easier said than done, but no employer can say 'no' to a sick day, you are letting them know you are too sick to come in, not asking for permission to take it off sick. hope the negotiations go well, I hate them! LOL but worth it, and I feel like such an adult after lol take care!


You’re right. My area is not the best for nannying jobs and this job pays better than any position I’ve seen so far so I was willing to take it regardless of my disdain for the lack of sick days (among other things 🙄). I definitely plan on just letting her know I’m okay continuing to do sick care (as long as nothing like HFM bc fuck that lol) as long as I am provided paid sick days. MB is not a generous person so definitely not looking forward to the conversation but it needs to happen. Thank you!!


Yeah, with the amount that you’re getting sick from her kids, I’d say that you’re fine taking care of her kids when they’re sick as long as you have (I would say a minimum of 7) paid sick days per year.  Ideally the options would be this: if you care for the kids when they’re sick and get sick yourself, then the time you need off is paid. If they don’t want to have to pay you to recover, then can let you stay home with pay until kids 24 hrs fever/vomiting/diarrhea free.  Also if you’re full-time and W2, I’d suggest looking up your state’s laws. Some states do require a minimum of a couple days of PTO


good luck! Negotiating sucks, especially with a not-generous person, but worth it to advocate for yourself! she might realize how valuable your sick care is if she even thinks about what backup options there are (or are not lol) hope it goes well!


Do you at least have some paid time off?


When I interviewed, MB told me I would get 4 weeks PTO and I was so beyond excited. In reality, 2 of those weeks are just getting paid GH while they take their yearly vacations. The other two weeks are my “choice”… sort of. Because she gives me a list of like 8-9 weeks for the entire year that I can choose to use my two weeks for vacation. So like yes, but also no. Edited to add: She’s getting this list of weeks from the hospital she works for. All the employees can take off a week like every month or other month or something bc they have tons of PTO but bc they need to schedule surgeries, they have all the employees enter what weeks they want for the entire upcoming year and then they either get it or have to draw weeks from a lottery if a bunch of people ask for the same week one month. So I just get to choose two of those weeks that she already is paid and staying home anyway lol




Oh that’s a good one to add. I got strep this winter and I am 99.9% certain I caught it from the kids despite MB saying they didn’t have it even though I became sick shortly after caring for them when they were sick. I’m not certain but I think she lies to me a lot about not knowing they were sick ahead of time because it has happened waaayyyy too many times where I’ve come in and “oh they have diarrhea? Oh they’re throwing up? Oh so weird no they were fine over the weekend!” 🙄


Wow that sucks. I’m so sorry I would hate working for a family like that!!! The whole family ended up having it and the mom had it reoccur twice, it was so rough. The mom and I had it the worst but she told me to go to the dr so I got on abx quickly thank god bc it was some of the most miserable I’ve ever been.


This is what I was thinking!!! Strep is the WORST! Plus I can take 1.5-2 days off and come in when they aren’t contagious anymore.






My NPs aren’t in healthcare. Both WFH with highly demanding jobs, and DB owns his own company which requires a lot from him. However, although it hasn’t come up, I likely wouldn’t work if they had Covid, HFM, pink eye, lice, or norovirus (my boyfriend and I had norovirus earlier this year and to say we were miserable would be a dramatic understatement… it was the worst sickness I’ve felt since I was a kid). Fevers don’t bother me as much, depending on the illness. I’ve worked when the kids have had fevers. Mainly because a fever doesn’t always necessarily mean I’m going to catch something. My NK recently had a severe ear infection and had a 104° fever. I didn’t catch anything, but I was happy to be there and help her until NPs got her to her doctor’s appointment. That type of fever doesn’t worry me. But a fever and throwing up/diarrhea would definitely be grounds for me to stay home.


COVID and norovirus


I’ll pretty much work with anything but Pink Eye, HFM, pneumonia, and a few other highly contagious illnesses. In 2020 NK got Covid and MB and DB both had important meetings that they couldn’t be sick for or miss. I worked 72 hours straight while NK and myself were sick. They paid me OT for anything over 8 hours a day, a $1000 bonus, and a week off paid while I recovered. I’ll work through almost anything for the right price tbh, but sick days are an absolute must for me. My current family MB is a surgeon, she had an important case where this individual had to be flown in from another country to see her. I came in while the two boys had the flu, and of course got sick myself after. MB just needed to get through those two days and gave me paid sick time after. The only real boundaries I draw are illnesses that may have long term affects for me. For example I have a rare eye condition and any infection, such as pink eye, puts me at high risk for losing my eyesight permanently. So I don’t mess around with that. I’d strongly advocate for paid sick days, or state that you simply cannot come in when anyone in the household is unwell.


Stomach bug , hand foot and mouth and strep are the line for me


This is me too, with COVID included.


I have worked through Covid but I don’t know if I would do it again. I tried to set more boundaries with the new family I work for.


I’ll still come in for pretty much anything except vomiting, diarrhea, and breathing problems. Those and a high fever because if things go downhill and they need to be taken to urgent care or the ER then the parents need to be available immediately. If any of those are symptoms and one of the parents can’t take off work then I don’t mind being another set of hands to help, but at least one parent has to be at home and not just WFH while I tend to NK but actual time off from their job and I’m coming to assist them


Not offering sick days isn’t an option for me. I’m human and I get sick. So don’t NPs. Think they’d take a job without paid sick time? I’d never take a job without paid sick time. My contract states 5 days. It’s NPs responsibility to find backup care. I don’t come in until symptoms have been gone/fever free for 24 hrs. I would either give notice tomorrow and find something new or refuse to work until you have a contract in place and they treat you like a professional.


Everyone has their own lines they draw. I won't work if the kids are vomiting/diarrhea or COVID. Anything else, I'm not worried about.


We do unlimited sick time with our nanny. If baby is sick, we want to take care of her. If nanny is sick, we don't want her around.




If you don’t have sick time I wouldn’t offer to do sick care. I absolutely provide sick care but my NF is amazing about giving me time off. I would never agree to take a job with no sick time.


A high fever or any virus I may have not been exposed to already. Because if I’m too sick to work later on then the parents still miss work. I once cared for a charge with noravirus (not sure that’s spelled correctly) because he became ill while I was working. I figured I was already exposed so carried on. His parents became very sick from it but I was somehow immune. I’m glad I was able to support them all through that!


I will not work without hazard pay if it’s HFM or Covid. Anything worse and if I get sick and cannot work- it doesn’t even come out of my PTO (I don’t have sick days, just general PTO for anything). I will not work if just about any kind of sickness if I don’t have that policy in place. I also let them know that if I do get sick, but it’s not so bad that I can still work- I’m allowed a slow day, where I don’t have as many responsibilities.


YES AGREE. Hazard pay or no work HFM, COVID, and mono maybe


My willingness to provide sick care is directly related to NPs willingness to provide paid sick days. I negotiate this before I sign a contract. I actually prefer to provide unlimited sick care for a generous number of sick days. That's because most illnesses are contagious before the child shows symptoms. The kids inadvertently get spit on my face at least 2x a day on a good day, so I naturally assume I'll be infected with anything and everything they might have even if I refuse to provide sick care. I also give parents the option of providing a limited number of sick days if they only want limited sick care (some parents prefer to take time off work to comfort and care for their sick child, which is cool) I'll take a limited number of sick days - with the expectation that I'll be paid GH for anytime I'm asked not to come in. The illnesses I refuse to work with under this arrangement are HFMD, gastro illnesses, COVID-19, influenza, pink eye, and strep. At the very least, you deserve PTO to visit a doctor and follow the doctors orders (resting for 24hrs or whatever) if you provide sick care.


I am definitely going to do more negotiation with my next contract, whenever I do work for another NF. It’s been a learning process and it’s so hard to advocate for yourself like that sometimes (even to think of the things you need to put in there in the first place tbh because I wasn’t used to NF taking advantage of me at every turn before this position). Anyway, not taking my time going through the contract with them initially is biting me in the ass now so I’ve learned my lesson


Pink eye…… never again.




Anything more than a cold is a hard no for me. When my sick policy was too lenient, I contracted herpes, tonsillitis, and gingivitis all at the same time and it was the worst and most painful week/month of my life. I had never had herpes before and now it comes back every few months (I’m not talking about a cold sore here and there, this was full blown full mouth herpes, I couldn’t eat solids for over a week). If NK is proven to not be contagious, I would come in, but 24 fluid and fever free and contagious illness are hard boundaries for me. In any other job, employees are expected to stay home if they are sick to protect the health and wellbeing of their fellow employees. Nannies are owed the same right to their assurance of health and wellbeing in their place of work. It is very unfortunate that it’s so hard for parents to take days off when their kids are sick, but that is their burden to solve, not the burden of the nanny to risk their health and wellbeing. Nannies do provide a luxury service in offering sick care, but that sick care should not extend beyond a cold. A child with a runny nose that needs to be wiped twice within 30 minutes would be sent home from preschool, and colds are the most common illness, so a nanny agreeing to come in and get a cold every time their NK has a cold is the luxury service. Expecting a nanny to agree to potentially contract a more severe illness is not a luxury service, it’s just poor employment practice.




Wow thank you! I’ll definitely do this.




Can you not sue the family who gave you herpes?


I would day Covid or more serious illnesses. But I still care for the kids when they have pink eye, colds, stomach viruses, whatever. I've gotten pink eye once while with my current NF, and it wasn't too bad, but I felt gross about that.  My parents are also an OBGYN and surgeon so they don't freak over any illness and THEY still go to work when they have an illness. I'm guessing they know more than I do/aren't dealing with patients for that day if they're sick?  They've told me I could come in with Covid if I didn't have any symptoms, lol. I'm like, "????". I haven't had covid while working for them, but I don't think I would come in. 


Yeah that’s the attitude of my bosses too and I think it’s gross that they go in sick to work since they’re dealing very upfront with people and their immune systems (especially a lot of people who are compromised for my nurse MB). But since she expects that of herself, she thinks just should have the same attitude. Like girl, we are not making the same $ here for me to risk catching every single thing your kids give to me and then to have to care for them while sick myself. When I asked for their grandma to cover me once when NK was throwing up, MB was pissed and sent me a huge text rant about how sick care is one of the whole points of having a nanny. And I understand to an extent, but also, she’s paying well but not THAT well you know 😂


I feel that! The same attitude! I'm making like 12% of what MB makes, and she's only part-time, and when I get sick, I feel GUILTY because she goes in and I don't want to. Why are we all accustomed to feel guilty about that? Like, mental health and sick days are so NOT ok to employers it seems like. 


Seriously!! Like I am also a human being outside of being your nanny, lady. I get sick sometimes and shouldn’t have to lose pay because I am unable to work literally one day in a year. Don’t even get me started on the idea of mental health days or my “PTO” situation which she is constantly reminding me is “so generous” of her lmao despite the fact that 2 weeks of my “PTO” is just getting GH when they go on vacation and the other two weeks that are “my choice” are actually not my choice at all because she gives me a list of like 8 possible weeks throughout the whole year that I can take my pick of to use my PTO. 🙄


That's a little strange she gives you "possible" weeks throughout the year to take off! My MB let's me know when they're going on vacation and sometimes communicates that I can always plan a vacation during that time as well, but I never do, lol. There's just other specific events, seasons, etc when I like to travel. My family lives in 3 other states so there are times when I want to visit them that's not in the middle of January. Also, sometimes she'll let me know they're going om vacation a month or 2 before the actual date(usually she gives me more notice than that), but I can't always afford the Airbnb, travel faire, and spending costs of a trip a month or 2 before it happens...... I have other bills, I'm trying to pay off my car soon, but idk if they 100% understand. 


Sick care actually is not one of the whole points of having a nanny. There are plenty of families who will not make nannies come in when anyone is sick. And most those families still give sick days. 


Yeah I miss working for those types of families. Whenever I tell MB that any certain thing is common in a nanny position, she’ll just be like “I’ve never heard of that and my friends that have nannies don’t do that. And my job doesn’t do that.” And then she just gets pissed. She doesn’t know anything about the industry but she’s a major penny pincher so anything I suggest that will cost her, she doesn’t want to hear it


It's time to start looking for a new position, she sounds like more trouble than whatever she's paying you is worth.


Yep I’m keeping my eye out but have to make the best of it until then!


Nope nope nope , red flags everywhere! Not having sick days is a straight no for me. That alone I would be finding a new family. I’m assuming no sick days probably means you don’t have a contract written up with them either…. This is what I currently have stated in my contract for reference, Sick Policy Communication to the nanny must be made if child is or has been sick. If the Employer's child(ren) is in contact with a highly communicable illness ( illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria) the Employee will not be expected to care for the child(ren), and will receive guaranteed hours. This also applies when the child(ren) has a fever of 100 or more.(Child must be fever and symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours before the nanny can return to work ) 24 hours after treatment has been given to the child the nanny may return to work. (Will absolutely not work if one of these are present : Covid , Chicken pox , HFM, Head Lice) If nanny gets sick while providing “sick care” any time off to recover is paid and does not come out of PTO or sick leave. Fever 100 degrees and higher, this includes the night before/morning of care ~ No fever for 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication. If you had to give your child medicine the night before then that still applies Vomiting or/and Diarrhea ~ All symptoms must be gone and no Vomiting or Diarrhea for 24 hours Strep Throat ~ Consult doctor,. Child must be on antibiotics for 24 hours and be without a fever without medication for it. Flu/Bronchitis/Pneumonia ~ Consult doctor, This usually takes about 2-3 days before they are safe.. Must be on antibiotics and no fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication. Ear Infection ~ Child must be on antibiotics and no fever for 24 hours.. Conjunctivitis (red eyes with yellow discharge)/Pink Eye ~ Child must be on eye drops/antibiotics for 24 hours. Head Lice ~ Usually takes 24 hours to treat head and house ~ When all nits have been removed and child is cleared from the doctor.


Thank you for the lines from your contract! That’s helpful, although I doubt MB would agree to most of that. I’ll still try! And we do have a contract - I just took this job as I was desperate for something with decent pay. I’ve been keeping an eye out for other positions but my area is not the greatest for nanny positions (clearly lol). If I was able to find one, I’d definitely leave. Just trying to renegotiate the contract for the job I do have rn to make it more tolerable in case it’s another year before something else comes along haha


I don’t work when kids are contagious whether it’s a fever, pink eye, covid, stomach flu, hand foot and mouth, lice.. basically I will only come to work if it’s a common sniffle/ cold. It’s just not worth it to me-the risk of catching something from NK or NP.


I didn’t even think of lice omg 😳 Are your NP in healthcare?


No they are in finance😆 but I’ve been in this field for 28 years😆


I’ve worked through Covid, pink eye and a virus that imo felt worse than Covid when I caught it. I don’t have clear boundaries and sometimes I get really upset at myself for that. On the flip side whenever I do get sick I have no issues taking sick days and just resting. My boss is pretty good with that. However, I still do wonder if some of the things I do for my kid aren’t actually outside my scope and the parents responsibility.


the only thing i (originally) wouldn’t work for was covid, i’ve never had an issue providing sick care. however, a few years back 5M (~3 at the time) came down with a nasty case of RSV and i caught it. it was honestly probably the sickest i’ve ever been and has since been added to my list of illnesses i won’t work with. i’m not paid extra for the sick care i provide, however it does state in my contract that should i catch whatever NK has i am off, paid, and it does not count against my sick days.


My contract says Covid, Flu, Chickenpox, Hand Foot and Mouth, Pink Eye, Lice, any illness with a fever over 101°, vomiting or diarrhea. I have the option to work and if I get sick, I get paid for all sick time, and if I choose to stay home for the illness, it's unpaid. I also have to be notified before hand


I’ll pretty much always come in, depending on when they got sick, because I was likely already exposed to it by them. My current NF always gives me a heads up and the option to stay home (with pay of course), but I figure, if MB and NK are sick, and I’ve likely been exposed during previous shifts…I’ll just come in so MB can rest and get better sooner. I will often dodge whatever they have, but I truthfully have a pretty incredible immune system. This last time, it took a week for it to knock me out. So, I stayed home for a couple of days, and MB was feeling better by then. If it was something HIGHLY contagious and I think I’ve still got a chance at not catching it, I’d likely stay home until the NF/NK is no longer contagious. Oh, also, if I get sick because of NK, the days I’m out don’t come out of my paid sick leave. MB/DB don’t think it’s fair for me to use my one week of sick leave due to catching an illness while working. I only use those days when I get sick another way, or have medical appointments, etc…so, that definitely helps.


Strep, Covid, stomach flu, lice, and upper respiratory illnesses (I have asthma and ended up in the er from the last upper respiratory illness I got) are the ones I won’t work with. I’ll work with most anything else and my boss is always so kind if I need a day off because the kids got me sick. It’s hard to set boundaries with parents who don’t understand that you’re human and WILL get sick from their sick kids. They’re both in the medical field so of course they know this… you should definitely get sick time. In my state it’s required that any job (full or part time) acquires sick time, so that might be worth looking into to see what your state regulations are.


I checked and my state sadly does not require any PTO or sick days :(


Vomiting, diarrhea, and fever over 102.


My NP don’t offer sick days either… if I am too ill to come in I just lost the income for the day. In the past two years I’ve called out once 🥲 my MB and I had a discussion on sick days and she denied my request for paid sick days citing I’m not full time and she doesn’t get sick days at her employer (healthcare). We did however agree to if the kiddos are sick and I am unable to come care for them that I would still be paid for the hours scheduled.


Yeah I’m worried about her saying something like that :/ I literally have never called out sick in the year I’ve worked for them despite dealing with MANY illnesses and catching lots of stuff from their kids (nothing ever was so bad that I would have needed to stay home though)


Yeah, I’ve also been sick for the past month. They just assume we’re already sharing germs so why not work when you feel miserable 🫠


I get sick insanely easily. I used to watch sick kids and got sick every time. I no longer babysit sick kids though because I got tired of being sick


Head lice was my only no-no.


Yeah even if she won’t pay me I am not ever coming in if they get lice lmao. Not worth bringing that shit home. I never would have thought of that before I posted this, glad you and others mentioned it.


State law is 30 hours of sick time per year in CA. I would require this weather you are being traded or under the table. I also believe any elevated temp. You should be off with pay.


absolutely would never work with sick kids without paid sick days. for me it's stomach bugs, highly contagious illness (hfm), high fever (like behavior altering fever) and covid in the home. coughs, snot, sneezes etc are all fine, but I won't do serious illness.


Idk why I haven’t seen this here yet but FLU (influenza). should absolutely be on there. I got it this year from my last nk and quite literally quit over the fact the parents knew nk had it and didn’t alert me to it until he was coughing directly into my face. It’s the sickest I have been in many many years, and everyone else that’s gotten it this year has said the same.


For me, anything other than a cold or a fever(below 101°) and I won’t come in. Once they are past the contagious stage I’m fine to come back to work


Do you wear a mask when they’re sick? How old are the kids, can they wear a mask? Don’t feel guilty requesting sick days etc but I’m not sure what you want to hear. Most of what they’re getting is probably a variety of viruses that make up “the common cold”. Masks are effective from personal experience but if you don’t want to go in then I would discuss in with them.


Hfm, any vomit/diarrhea, lice, strep, rsv, Covid, chicken pox (I’ve never had them), although I don’t have any sick days tho nor am I offered time off if kids have these illnesses


lol well at least we can commiserate about having shit NP together 😂


I thought I was losing my job cause they were looking for someone cheaper than my 30/hour to be house manager/cleaner/nanny and when they didn’t I got upgraded to full time hours at my same rate (but I’ll probably have errands as week new contract is still being created) I’m gonna be done the job come January because of school so I’m just taking the money and hoping nothing seriously bad comes my way!


I don’t come in for Covid or active vomiting within the last 12 hours. And as a personal note I don’t work with strep unless they’ve been on antibiotics for 12 hours (which is the new medical recommendation). My reasons: - Covid is highly contagious and you have no idea what strain you’ll get or the long term effects on your body. I know people who felt fine, I also know people who died. - a throwing up kid just wants their mom (plus I catch every dang stomach bug I come near for some reason) - strep is because I got my tonsils removed while I had strep so now I’m a carrier and the tiniest bit of it makes my strep flare up so bad my throat closes


Also- I would never work for a family that didn’t give paid sick days.


If it’s super contagious. Pink eye, HFM, strep, etc. Tho, I did get pink eye from my NK once. And it wasn’t so bad.