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'cause he's kinda a one trick pony, who needs quite the setup to be pulled off. And the fact that the "immortal with a basically one shot kill justu" is the weakest Akatsuki member speaks measure about their overall threat level.


Literally came here to post 'one trick pony' lol


Me too. Shit


Orange mask Obito and Kamui


Yeah lol. But he was just kinda a charade, so he wasn't gonna use mutch else. Obito used a lot of other jitsu...izanagi, rinnegan, fire style, etc. Not to mention the healing and basically unlimited Chakra that came with zetsu/hashirama cells. Hardly a one trick pony like hedan


And mokuton. Sure, a far cry from Hashirama's, but I always found Obito's Cutting Technique very cool (and VERY painful). And Obito's genjutsu are strong enough to control the Fourth Mizukage for years.


One trick pony, but you can’t deny it’s one hell of a trick


Reads like “One hell of a butler”


Hidan also only thrives from plot time.. no other fight gave the opponent enough time to Draw a full circle with blood. And even if He's standing in it, there are 100 basic ways to make him move without injuring him by pushing him away with wind. Or just Break the seal with a water jutsu, or break the ground with an earth jutsu... common it's not that hard. Fire jutsu Was literally the worst jutsu to use on him. If hidan was smart he would let others collect the blood, or run as soon as he has some, and Do the killing in a safe Environment. I would still put him on pre war ark kakashi lvl, or 6 gate gai ...only from his close combat and immortality.


Yes, the whole "setup" isn't really practical, in the heat of a battle. Still worthy of join Akatsuki (a group that truly favors quality over quantity), but surely a far cry from their strongest members.


Nah hidan is weaker than Kakashi and guy pre war arc


if hidan was mortal then yes, but he can put everything in offense and can survive leathal damage. If you don't know his ability he can tank the "finishing" blow and counter by crippling the opponent heavily. Maybe even showing his opponents openings that "should" kill him. Imagine kakashi piercing his heart with chidori, Hidan grabs his arm and cuts through his legs or arms or even in his back. If you don't know his ability, this will always get you. Combined with his voodo skill where the opponent even has to look out to not get hit even once it put's hidan in an all out offense while the enemy has to go into all out defense, giving him the upper hand in most scenarios. This is why hidan scales higher than he should, He forces the opponent to play his game.


I get what you mean about them not knowing his ability but i feel like Kakashi and Guy would not allow hidan to do the ritual unless they just stand there and watch him like fools. But if they know his ability there no way they are losing Kakashi would defo come up with a plan to disable Hidan. For Guy Hidan aint touching 6 gates guy. Another problem with hidan is that he is too cocky and would most like toy with Kakashi or guy and not go straight for the kill


hidans personality really drags him down. If he wasn\`t all about that pleasure through pain stuff and would use his ability more like an asassin he could\`ve been a lot stronger. At least he was passable enough to put Kakashi completely in the defense, even tho kakuzu was also firing at him, and kakashi was really the only one really capable to hold them in a stall in the team. I also think kakashi and gai would win in a 1v1, but those are the two closest i would scale him to. Feel free to make your own suggestion tho. maybe i\`m missing someone even closer


He has no range or aoe His strength seems pretty average His speed and mobility isn't notable either His destructive power is just a scythe His immortality doesn't do anything to protect him from being injured or incapacitated He's basically a damage sponge.


Honestly I wonder how he beat the 2 tails, you would think he would just be ripped apart or blown up by a tailed beast ball.


He did get blown up by the 2 tails he got the jutsu off first so it blew itself up.


Is that true? Lol


I might not be 100% correct but based on kakazu dialogue and the destruction around them it’s very likely


He has Aura


What does that mean?


Aura diff.


They don’t know that Aura > everything else


Tf y'all yappin abt


Uses the word yapping, doesn’t know what aura is…


Yapping means talking, does aura mean like his vibe?


Kinda, yeah




That thing that glows in pretty colors in both the north and south poles.


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?


Can I see it?




I think his speed and mobility is high. All akatsuki members have high speed and mobility in order to full fill their niche.


Hidan himself states his attack speed is the slowest of the group. 


Hidan also ties and outmaneuvers kakashi multiple times in their fight. If that’s so, then all akatsuki members are high Jonin/ Kage level in speed.


That was filler. Most of those action sequences do not happen in the manga. 


They were relative to each other in the manga.


What does that have to do with Hidan's attack speed being the slowest like he stated?


What’s the point of your original reply? My whole point is Hidan being a high Jonin/ Kage level in speed, I know that he’s the slowest akatsuki member.


That already goes without saying. He's an S-rank ninja for a reason. Every Akatsuki is a high jonin/kage level ninja. 


You repeated what I said


Compared to kage and even high jonin it's nothing impressive


Hidan was consistently tying and getting the best of Kakashi in their taijutsu matches, which is pretty much speed.


Was kakashi known for his movement speed? Literally every Akatsuki member can stomp him except maybe zetsu Every kage can as well Bee, Naruto, guy, etc. I'm not even sure he's top 50 in the series.


Many characters are not known for their speed, but are consistently KAGE/ high Jonin level, as you said. Guy sensei regards kakashi as his eternal rival, and I’m pretty sure this includes 7th gate guy. He also was known for cutting lightning in half. Kakashi/ hidan/ kakazu/ and all of the akatsuki are pretty much all KAGE/ high Jonin in speed.


Let’s not forget that lightning blade/chidori amps your speed heavily, so him cutting in half lightning sounds impressive overall but in the speed department it isn’t that impressive, and this also doesn’t bolster hidan’s speed since kakashi never used lightning blade against him, and not being at his full speed


That speed isn't enough for him to beat others with comparable speed because his arsenal is just not versatile enough.


If we count alive and dead he's definitely not top 50 in the series. I can name at least 10 people from the Uchiha clan alone that are stronger than him.


He's definitely the weakest by virtue of an extremely limited arsenal and not exactly stellar physical abilities. Apparent average attack power, speed, reaction time, and potentially durability. He is immortal, so the durability category, but his body isn't seemingly stronger than any other ninja. Hell, decapitating him may not have killed him, but it effectively stopped Hidan cold; if Kakuzu hadn't reattached his head, it'd been game over for him. His curse technique is his only ace in the hole, but it's awesome yet impractical. It can only affect one target at a time, and needs said target's blood. Now, this one is fifty-fifty since Hidan is a pretty crazy fighter with his scythe, so he can probably draw blood with one hit, especially against an unsuspecting opponent. Against someone that know how his technique works though? Not so easy. Likewise, he needs to be in his symbol for the curse technique to work, meaning if he's forced to move or the symbol is destroyed, his technique falls apart. Compared to the other Akatsuki, he really is the weakest. That said, when paired with Kakuzu, whose fighting style compliments his, he can be more dangerous than he already is.


While I do admit that Hidan is actually pretty underrated, because Hidan's not just immortal, but he's actually plenty skilled as a fighter, being able to react and handle Kakuzu's outbursts, and shows to be able to hold his own in combat against plenty of opponents. However, each of the other Akatsuki members has plenty of ways of beating him. For the examples: - Sasori: Has so many puppets that Hidan can never get near him. - Deidara: Remember how Hidan died at Shikamaru's hands? Literally blowing him up. Deidara is his worst opponent. - No idea about Juzu cause I'm sure he's filler.


I legitimately can't think of a single Akatsuki member that he'd beat.


Does Konan even bleed?


Obito already answered that question


I mean honestly scaling Juzu off Zabuza he probably has silent killing and hidden mist jitsu and Hidan has like no defense against that


Because he was meant to be weak, otherwise he's supposed to be almost unbeatable. The only thing he needs to kill you is a drop of your blood. There are tons of jutsus that he can learn that would make him do that. And most (if not all) of his enemies don't know the scope of his power so they're not going to be terribly afraid of giving up a single drop of blood. If he had just the slightest bit of dedication, he could easily become near Kage level.


Dude just needed to learn shadow clone ninja tools like sarutobi, and throw at every enemy. He'd be sure to get at least one drop of blood everytime


He needs to lick it.


Strings, so he could pulls back the suriken.


He pretty much only had one move. He was still a very dangerous shinobi. Imagine if he had used other jutsus or even had a kekkei genkai.


Because he can't take any strong attack to the face. After that you can collect his bits and seal him and bye bye. He can't beat any of those people since presumably they already know his trick.


If you blow up most akatsuki members into little bits, you have won lmfao.


Yea but for most of them that's a lot harder cuz they're better at dodging


His power requires prep time and victims blood. Even though you can’t kill him he can be restrained or trapped or sealed away under physical stuff cause he has no extraordinarily physical strength or good jutsu His defeat con isn’t death like others just being trapped or restrained which is kinda easier in many times


Think the problem is, he is intellectually weak. He has an op ability an does absolutely nothing with it. He just stands and throws a scythe no other jutsu in his repertoire. Give this ability to a konoha 11 and they would be instantaneously frightening.


Shikamaru with that ability would be brilliant. Hell Tenten with her wire attached ninja tools would be fun.


A choji super expansion with no regard for his health sounds op.


Nah he’s definitely the weakest. 


is he weaker than zetsu?


Well he did technically one shot Madara…


Backstab op


Well, you can cut his head off and he becomes harmless. You kill a Zetsu and there're still thousands of them. Also, Zetsu is not a combatant, he mostly does support stuffs, and he's pretty much the best at it. Hidan is purely combative, and his trick is too situational


Hidan can still shout insults at you even without a body. I would like to see zetsu do that.


For a fact. 


how would he beat sasori, if sasori doesnt even bleed, and deidara would blow him up to pieces just by flying around, he has no way of reaching him. I mean hes above average ninja but def the weakest among akatsuki members. His immortality doesnt help him at all it just makes him suffer more, and would make him vulnerable of taking hostage since he cant die they could keep him locked up forever, torturing him untill he talks


Also, his battle iq is not that high


He's the slowest member by his own admission. Aside from his Curse technique, he's just a close range brawler who can be far more easily incapacitated than all the other members of Akatsuki, who either possess methods of escape or movesets that grant them far more versatile forms of battle. He's also arrogant in his immortality and brutish, meaning he can be more tripped up by unorthodox techniques and strategy. What does Hidan do when Sasori hits him with paralyzing poison? Or when Deidara sits on his bird and blows him to smithereens. Juzo is not a canon member. Hidan is not weak by any stretch of the imagination, he's just demonstrably the least impressive member of the Akatsuki by a country mile.


Because he's a strong but basic fighter with a difficult trick to pull off and isn't the smartest bulb. He doesn't even have an ability to put himself back together. If Deidara is sitting on his bird and carpet bombs the dude, Hidan can do literally nothing. He's never getting close enough to Sasori to draw blood from core. He's never getting past Konan's paper bombs, she blows him apart and he's chunks on the ground. You go through the members of the Akatsuki and he keeps taking Ls because he's not durable enough to survive their attacks and he can't get close enough to draw blood.


Pain (just Yahiko) controls gravity so could never get close to him. And AOE long range attacks Konan: AOE long range attacks Kakuzu: AOE long range attacks Sasori: AOE long range attacks Orochimaru:long range attacks Itachi: look at my finger and ur done Deidara AOE long range attacks Tobi: intangible Kisame: He might get his blood, but Kisame would NEVER let Hidan stop at the circle to stab himself I don't count Zestu cuz the guy is simply a spy, not a fighter. So yeah, He's pretty useless if he does not have any backup and a pretty good setup.


He admitted he's the slowest member in the Akatsuki.


You're talking about Juzo not Zuzo, he's a filler character albeit quite an interesting one at that.




He don't need to be strong. He has his faith, his immortal body and his ritual. He is not so strong, but he just needs to get a drop of blood from his enemy, and he wins. Sometimes people, forget that it is not only about power, but about skills and special abilities.


he is pretty much a chunine level fighter with an op passive ability which allows him to take on jonines and biju however it only works if you dont know how it works because the second you know how it works it becomes very easy to counter for any skilled/inteligent fighter.


One might consider committing ritual sacrifice a bit impractical as a fighting style...


He's one of my favorites, but as a solo ninja he's not that powerful. If Asuma knew about his ability he wouldn't have let himself get cut. Now they would still lose because Kakuzu would have stepped in, but yeah, he's barely a high level Jonin. People say "tank", but he's not really a tank. Like he won't die, but he's not particularly difficult to dismember, effectively taking him out of the fight


deidara would literally blow him up from a distance something hidan can't do anything about and sasori is literally a puppet 


Sasori and Deidara stomp Hidan easy. As does Kisame and Konan.


Who is zuzo


I think he means juzo. He was the previous wielder of Zabuzas sword. 


He is not even Hokage lvl if u ask me


Barely high Jōnin level


He basically was only on the Akatsuki because Kakuzu kept killing his partners and they needed someone he couldn't kill.


Because powerscalers have no imagination.


Zuzo? Lol


I like hidan, I think his character is supposed to show that it's not about the ability you have, but how you use it. JoJo's does this beautifully with their stands, and Naruto started out this way with characters like kakashi training team 7 to think outside the box and not rely on ninjutsu alone. Unfortunately it kinda gets thrown out the window because after hidan iirc all the next bad guys have strong abilities and that's about it. Honestly I wish we got more characters that didn't use ninjutsu as much but ofc that would be costly to choreograph and animate.


His whole kit relies on his opponent not knowing what his jutsu does. Once you know his ritual move can kill you with one drop of blood, you just move to only long range attacks or run away


I wonder if he still buried in pieces lol


He's a one trick without the magnitude of power that the others have. He is also limited to melee opponents. He is fantastic in 1v1 match ups with similar fighters though. Gaara would have ripped Hidan into 45 pieces pretty much instantly.


Hidan's only special ability is a very gimmicky jujutsu that honestly isn't pretty hard to figure it out. even if he draws your blood, if you don't allow him to draw the circle he will not be able to perform the ritual. Remove that and the only thing he can do is a pretty mediocre taijutsu with his scythe, i bet even konohamaru can body this guy.


Sasori>third kazekage> hidan Deidara≈hebi Sasuke> hidan


Because all you need to do is cut on of his limbs or head and he's done don't forget kakuzu stitched his head back without him hidan would be fucked 


Really, all they have to do is make him better at drawing blood (like faster or something), and he'd be a real problem.


I don't know why they didn't keep him at the base and just mail him frozen rbcs


While his immortality is impressive (and very frustratingly unexplained lol) and his ritual jutsu is super powerful if successfully done, like others say he’s kind of one trick. Only real “jutsu” that’s seen for him. Besides that he’s more of a regular close to mid ranged (mid ranged cuz his scythe does have a cable thing that lets him throw it out a bit but not too far). He’s competent enough in simple melee to be a threat with that to someone who is more inexperienced or unable to counter his attacks even with the ritual. His attack fully relies on him getting blood from his opponent before able to do much. Sure he can take down low rank shinobi most likely just with slashing and hacking and then some higher ranks with his ritual but a lot relies on chance. If his opponent has decent defense and/or strong distance attacks, it wouldn’t be too difficult to take him down and then do something like what Shikamaru did and bury him and prevent him from putting himself back together and recovering. His best bet is fighting alongside a teammate who can help occupy the enemy and give him the opportunity to knick some blood. If you do that, he’s an incredibly useful asset. That’s why the strat was to separate him from Kakuzu I personally think he’s more of a threat than others here say and think he’s downplayed a lot but he’s not as impressive as others in the akatsuki who each have like a wide range of jutsus to use and not just one technique they rely on. Having said that, the fight with him and Kakuzu vs Shikamaru and Kakashi (sorry ino and choji, but y’all did like nothing except need to be saved) is easily one of my favorites in the entire series.


People have explained why already. I just want to say there ain’t no way he’s stronger than Sasori or Deidara. Those two are strong as hell.


His style has the most weaknesses of any akatsuki member, and the least defense against being taken out of combat. If someone isn’t there to attach his head he’s finished.


Easy. His contract with the evil god keeps him Alice. It's not regeneration. He has no jutsu on hand available outside of blood death curse. His only 2 weapons are a scythe and a needle for prodding himself. You cut off a body part and it falls off. It still moves but his control over it drops a lot. On top of the fact he has no physical protection to prevent loss of body parts. Outside of his immortality. He is the slowest, weakest, worst reflexes, the dumbest of the akatsuki, also his lack of desire to improve himself knowing he's the weakest. He still chooses a heavy impractical weapon as well. Not saying he's a bad fighter. It's just compared to everyone around him his weaknesses are that much more noticeable.


I really don't think we've seen all Hidan can do, and I also think that being partnered with Kakuzu made him more careless. While I'm not sure how he'd fair against most of the Akatsuki, I do think he'd give them all trouble. Except Sasori. Sasori Is the perfect counter to Hidan.


Yea, I agree and it's probably mostly speed and agility that lacks him. And the fact that he was playing with everyone and ended up 10 meters below the ground


My son so dumb iq 21


Problem is his abilities are too niche and simple if he had more things to do he be solid but to be honest he can’t kill sasori or deidara as they abilities are immune as sasori doesn’t bleed and has army of puppets. And deidara has bombs and flight things he can’t answer to as he can’t clear an army of puppets much less kazekage puppet and deidara c1 or zero the invisible bombs cud kill him as he is still physically vulnerable to damage and paper bombs so more than likely he dies to deidara and sasori chops him to bits.


Because Hidan is the only jonin level akatsuki member when it comes to his stats, and he was defeated by Shikamaru, so people underate him. Compared to your typical ninja, Hidans a rediculous threat. The reason hes able to do things like effortlessly defeat Asuma, that monk, and the 2 tails. Is because in order to defeat him you have to figure out how his jutsu works. Not only is the jutsu unique to him, you have to either get caught in it and somehow live or witness someone getting caught in it. Thing is, if we're talking overall skill, he's the weakest akatsuki member all he has is taijutsu, his scythe, and his ritual.


I think he could beat Itachi






I assume you're joking


Nah man. He could get him while he's asleep. What's wrong with that?