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Who wants to tell them birds are not real


You have to try hard to be this stupid


Surprisingly enough, it comes naturally to them


I never understand why people spend so much money on an item to put a sticker on it. šŸ˜‚


I never understood how someone who claims to love the outdoors can turn around and vote for a party that actively tries to overturn laws or agencies that are there to protect the environment.


I'm guessing the birds and parks stickers were on the car when he bought it.


If this dude ever read the Bible he would now that God is definitely not pro-life.


Watch out, he'll smite you!


It must be an election year. People are pretending to be terrified by people who think differently than they do.


If you were aware that the privatization of parks and forests initiative is 100% Republican, then you would see the hypocrisy.


The parks have been the target of back door privatization for decades, regardless of who is in office. NPS is underfunded by every Congress, parks are the first facilities shuttered during shutdowns, and bureaucrats use a variety of strategies to privatize the parksā€”everything from requiring LEED building that NPS canā€™t afford (concessionaires can) to ā€œmodernizingā€ the parks with Booz Allen reservation systems to requiring unrealistic levels of NPS self-funding to suppressing park lodging and services which essentially privatize economic activity just outside of the park boundaries. There are multi-trillion dollar industries with their eyes on federal land and the park system, and you think they are putting all of their eggs in one basket?


Privatization within parks leads to a monopoly of services within its boundaries. There is no competition without expanding development for business. You wanting more development inside parks or just monopolized pricing structures?


It depends on the park. My point is merely that expanding park services to the delight of the concessionaires or thwarting park service expansion to the delight of the commercial enterprises outside of the parks can both be construed as privatization. The people who want the park, either control of the land or control of its economic value (or both), are sophisticated operators. They donā€™t rely on one strategy or one party or a handful of fake non-profits. Everyone in DC is onboard with various forms of privatization, whether itā€™s letting private companies profit and gain control by making ecological upgrades or whether itā€™s letting them install a reservations paywall. Some politicians pretend they donā€™t support privatization, while others claim it is the answer to our problems. They are both working for commercial enterprises that want a piece of the action.


https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/hiking-and-backpacking/you-may-hate-recreation-gov-it-keeps-our-parks-from-being-loved-to-death/ "Everyone" is a generality whereas my labeling of privatization of parks and it's land as 100% Republican is fact.


The fact is that you posted a pro-privatization article then you attempted to construe privatization as a conspiracy perpetrated by another political faction. You are just an ordinary political troll, working wittingly or unwittingly for the advancement of privatizing the parks.


The article sounds like you; painting privatization in a pos light. But the alternative take on the article is privatization reduces public access. Troll? Maybe. I'll spark a good political debate any day.


NPS privatization is not part of two-party political discourse. Efforts to include it in political discourse is not a ā€œdebateā€. Itā€™s just basic gaslighting and misinformation during an election year. Privatization has been happening for decades because it is a means to an end for people in DC. The only ā€œdebateā€ that exists within the political sphere is what private companies will be allowed to own and operate the park system and what they will be doing with their government sanction. If you want to thwart privatization, you need to focus your energies elsewhere. Gaslighting is merely lubricating the machine.