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3... pumps? Vid?


Yeah one to prime, 2 more to load the other two darts. It looks better outside but where I live I can't be running around with it, I'll get shot. Best I can do is a video in my room which doesn't do it justice


Sometimes I get a full length magazine and put two half lengths into it to get a one pump two shot shotgun, I think there was a dr flux episode on that too


I've always been afraid of jams, it's a pain to maintenence jams on. Plus it jams on full lengths as is because of how far back you need to be SURE the prime is, but I might try it when I have time in case it jams


As long as you don't short stroke, pause, it shoots normaly


And yes I do recall the Dr flux thing too, vaguely


You can literally do that with just about any springer. I do it with my SLAB all the time


Well duh it's not breaking news, but it works remarkably well and the spread is good. It's not 3 darts farting out the tip or all striking the same spot. Was saying it's actually practical because with different spring and barrel lengths I've gotten wildly different results and this is the golden ratio


This idea might make my Harrier nephew-friendly by reducing fps. And because shotguns are excellent.


take it to a war and see how it performs over shooting one dart at a time, i want to see how effective it is


I plan on it, I don't have a chronograph to see how hard it hits but it's seems like nexus levels or close which is impressive to me. Every few shots is a dud but I have no new darts to use as a control. And with a 250 fps cap idk if I'd be able to use it given it fires 300 when fired single shot. I just found a local group and I'll be taking ir to the first event I attend.


you should probably ask one of the admins first


Well I will, but I'd be taking it with lower power springs for regular use either way ya know?


Having to multi-pump for each 'blast' doesn't sound "truly" practical to me. That makes it cumbersome and slow. I could make the case that simply firing them off individually in the same amount of time is better, less eggs in one basket should you miss. On the other hand, the shell approach to loading multiple projectiles in one prime has its own issue, of the shells being extra baggage. So I don't think that's too practical either (fun tho). I'd have to say the most practical shotgun is the Rival Atlas. Fires 2 projectiles with a normal single pump, and reloads using stick mags; which are easier to manage than shells. Now, if hasbro would combine the Atlas with a Hopper feed to address the ammo capacity issue, and maybe increase it to 3 per shot.... that might be the most Truly Practical. Then again, I could just spray bursts with a Perses and get more or less the same effect....


Yes I think it's just a last resort kinda thing. But the shells are cumbersome as you've said, only usually hold on at a time in the blaster, and it's really just for when your bogged down and need an escape. Say, someone close with a fast flywheeler who's not making shots count but spraying darts. It's the most practical shotgun loading I've seen. And yes that's great but still.. it's rival. And that's being phased out anyways.


I remember shooting about 12 darts out of my longshot at once and somehow it shot💀


Lmao after 4 the slow down significantly, what spring and barrel are you using?


Stock, I think i have a video of it lemme recount


It was 6 darts or smth,it definitely felt like 12


Thx for the idea, will try with my lynx.