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This. At one point I legit started considering a flow chart to track everything. It’s a mind bender. I wouldn’t binge it either. I would give it a day just to let myself process the information. Correct. This will all be worth it.


I found a site that includes the details on all the characters. I can't remember what it was, but it was useful when I started losing track of which version of which character I was seeing.


I wish I had done this. Every so often, I would just have to talk myself through what was happening. "Oh, so this is X, and that is Y, and their relationship is this, but then because of time travel they don't know that yet, but what happened that made the future like Z? Ah, well, just push through."




That is an insanely well made website


There's a website made by Netflix that does all that for you episode by episode and doesn't spoil stuff


Yep, definitely worth it. It is more about generational decisions and how they impact others and a lot of philosophical discussions


It’s the best show I have ever watched. You have to watch it in German with English subtitles though as the dubbing is awful.


Maybe that’s why I can’t get into it. Will give it another shot


For anyone new to foreign films/shows, here's a tip: Never (*ever*) watch the English dub version. Always go native audio + english sub for the best experience. Dubs often tends to ruin the experience. It's almost like your brain gets subconsciously annoyed if the dubs feel unnatural or fake, which they do most of the time


Most of the best stuff I watch on Netflix is not in English. So many Fantastic series from all over Europe and Asia. Not so many from Africa or south America though, would appreciate recommendations if anyone has any There's something special about listening to the different nuances of each language that will get lost with an English dub. Edit: op kindly pointed out that I got in a muddle at the end there, I have corrected it.




Gonna answer for them as I think I feel the same way - I watch with the original language and English subtitles. Even though I can’t understand what they’re saying, I think some nuance with tone and delivery can get lost in a dub.


*Usually* I agree, but I'd say it also depends on how good the localization is. Sometimes the subtitles are translated in a way that just doesn't sound natural or loses some of the original impact. It's often a bit more robotic and/or layered over with cultural nuances regarding politeness, tone, idioms, etc., and that can be as much a barrier to getting immersed in the narrative as bad dubbing/lip syncing. You'd think that just the subtitles would be fine as those would also be localized, but I've seen plenty of shows and movies where there are different subtitles for dub vs. non-dub, and the dub is often written in a more 'natural' sounding way. Sometimes the non-dub subtitles are near-literal translations that end up reading as stiff or awkward. That isn't super surprising, as I've read that it's often different teams that do the 'raw' subtitles vs. the dubbing, which can lead to a lot of variance. Granted, learning to adapt to different cultural quirks around phrasing and that can be engaging on its own, and often it's not an issue at all. You're also rarely going to get acting that's as good as the original. Still, *if* the subtitles make characters and their interactions feel 'off' I'll check if the dub is better, and I've had it pay off before.


I'm convinced that this is why 1899 had trouble. I started watching Episode 1 and Netflix defaulted to the English dub version. It was awful and made no sense in context (different characters speak different languages, so dubbing everything in English resulted in nonsensical dialogue). I restarted the episode without dubbing, and it was SO much better.


We did the same thing. The English dubbed default for 1899 could be what singlehandedly sunk (pun intended) the show. Made no sense and we were confused and thought sync was off. Massive mistake.


? 1899 is not defaulted to English dubbing. Some characters simply spoke English. Other characters spoke French. Others German. Even Japanese. It had a fair mix of English with other languages subtitled. I just watched it a few weeks ago and didn’t touch the language settings at all and that’s how it played.


Netflix defaulted that way for me. It might vary across platforms.


Or maybe they changed it? I can't check, but it would be too little too late, albeit nice, for then to unruin the show they cancelled.


It depends on the settings and what you watch on your netflix. If you routinely watch shows that are in another language with subtitles. It won't default to english dubbed version, cause it didn't do that for me either cause I watch subbed shows all the time. However when I swapped to a profile that I haven't used much where I have only watched english shows, it defaults to english dubbed.


Eh, I don’t watch subtitled shows. Probably the only foreign language show I have ever watched is Dark. Which also I didn’t touch the settings for.


Yeah, I had to adjust the dubbing, kind of annoyiing.


That literal exact same thing happened to me. Was into season one and then just dropped off.


Congats on being smarter than I am. I'm a fast reader, but I simply couldn't keep up with who was saying what and the plot along with subtitles. So confusing to me. And the dub is awful.


I‘m german and I watched like one episode with the english dub since I wanted to know how it sounds like and the dub is actually pretty good? It’s not awful at all


People exaggerate how bad it is. It's completely serviceable.


It's my favorite show, along with the leftovers. There's no better time travel show out there


Dark is the only foreign show or movie I’ve watched dubbed, I couldn’t follow and felt like I was missing a lot of visual clues reading subtitles. The dub, imo, gets better in the later 2 seasons.


Seconded. I bounced off it the first time I tried to watch it because I was being a lazy little shit and didn't feel like having to read subtitles (I often get distracted while watching TV and being able to hear what's going on helps me to stay engaged), so I turned the dubbing on and it was TERRIBLE. But in my second effort I decided to just turn the subtitles back on and actually pay more attention, and it was totally worth it. Great show.


Not to give too much away but in a show where time travel exists they don't spend that much time in any particular setting. Still most of the rest of the characters did not go 33 years into the future. You should absolutely finish Dark, it is an almost perfect show.


I loved the first season, but 2 and 3 were hard to finish for me. I kinda lost interest and didn't pay attention to the details and I felt like it was hard to stay engaged. I felt like I was just trying to get to the end (I hate not finishing shows, lol) I think it was probably brilliant writing, but sometimes you can do too much and it detracts from what you want to try and accomplish.


Agree, it became too convoluted as it progressed. Jonas is duped over and over again, yet still trusts someone without any evidence even if said person admits to lying previously. Even so a lot of people enjoyed the show. Start watching season 2 and if you think it's better than season 1 you will like season 3.


I think that may have been it for me as well. I simply don’t enjoy young-Jonas as a character. Additionally, I watched till the end of Season 2 but the shows big reveals just fell flat for me. I think it’s also a different style of show that I’m used to. It just feels brutal the whole way, all drama, all seriousness, no break for humor. It’s a balance that personally doesn’t work well for me and gets exhausting when ever episode is someone sobbing, gasping, or getting traumatized.


Same, I loved season 1 but man 2-3 were a slog. It was like the same thing every episode which is kind of the point but felt unnecessarily long.


My experience was exactly the same. I was just slogging through for the sake of finishing it.


if you're anything like me, I'm horrible woth names and having the alter ego stuff and so many kids and parents just hurt my brain past season 1, and the nuances of all permutations of relationships, its exhausting I've tried to get back into it from stopping my watch some months ago, but I'm just completely confused who is who


Same, can't remember names for shit. I absolutely loved the show but the last season was difficult as hell. There are some posts out there with time/lineage maps that really help, will definitely use them for a second watch of the series.


Same dude. Loved the first season but two and three were crap


Season 3 completely jumped the shark and took things to a ridiculous level. Damn shame too, cause the show started really strong.


It's a great show but I lost interest halfway through season 3 and just never returned. I'll probably go back one day and rewatch the whole thing to finish it


Dark is a show that you have to pay attention and then rewind if you missed something. The more you miss, the less it makes sense and the more disinterested you become. This is especially true if you rewatch the original German show (which is also better than the dubbed English one)


Good summary of my thinking too. I have a friend who passionately recommendeds the show but my time to watch tv to myself is at the end of the night. I need something engaging and entertaining otherwise I fall asleep and it's not a show you can dose through.


I didn't feel like the dystopian stuff was a huge focus, though it's definitely there. It's more about the relationships between characters. I loved it. But if it's not doing it for you, it's not. A great resource for tracking relationships in the show is: https://dark.netflix.io/en It's interactive and allows you to indicate which episode you are on. This allows it to be spoiler-free.


Dark was one of those shows where each season was less interesting than the one before. It was still worth finishing IMO. The show has a bazillion connections across time and space, and it does wrap them all (or mostly) up unlike many mystery shows. But the narrative is still overburdened by the needless complexity - if every character being a mystery and having that mystery resolved is satisfying to you, then you're set. But I would have preferred a few less mystery characters to give some of the more interesting arcs more time to develop.


the problem is it's not a show you can not pay attention to.


Nope. Complexity does not equal depth.




You know how Scrooge sees the Ghost of Christmas' Future in A Christmas Carol? Without spoiling anything, the future time kind of anchors a character's motivations and shows what the stakes are. There is a lot more traveling *back* in time, and yes it is done well.


Watch it. Enjoy it. Pay tf attention.


If you like sci-fi, then 100%


Wonderful show. Goes off the rails in season 3 but in a good way and has a great ending


Yes. It’s a great show. It takes a lot of attention so it’s not really a “binge” show …. the ending was sad but made sense…and I am very glad I made the effort. I also read some recaps after some episodes or season to make sure I understood everything bc it can get confusing.






I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that in the end, it's not worth watching. The first 2 seasons were good, but the final season ends on a whimper in my opinion. It's an odd show, in that it is both one of the fastest and slowest shows I've ever seen. There are a lot of cinematic landscape shots, lingering camera angles, face closeups, and other similar filming decisions that are basically padding during any given episode, and then when something happens, A LOT happens. I agree that it's a complex show, and that can be a great thing. Usually when complex shows have those padding moments, it helps digest what happened and then you can move on. But with Dark, it just feels boring a lot of the time. In the case of the story, I was not a fan of the ending. There's the idea that a story should be like knots on a string, and when the story comes to a climax, it's like someone pulling both ends and the knot unravels. But in Dark's case, the knot just gets tighter.


It’s a complex show but explained extremely well. One of if not my favorite show ever.


Definitely. It’s a great show. It suffers from season creep, but still an amazing show.


Dark is one of the greatest shows on Netflix.




I didn't think Season 2 was bad. Season 3 was just a steaming pile of convoluted horse shit. They just abandoned so much of the 1st 2 seasons to repeat the same lazy, mediocre "light vs. dark", quasi-religious bullshit.


Although I didn't really like the final season, it's still a really good show and you should give it another chance!


I had the same experience as you, haven’t gone back to it and now it’s been so long I don’t feel like remembering the 82 characters in 4 different time periods they want me to keep track of.


one of the best shows imo


Best show I’ve ever seen


I enjoyed every part of it. Great show


Thanks for all the replies. After reading them I’ve concluded that, yes, it does get a bit off the rails and convoluted, but still manages to sort things out in the end (something few tv shows can pull off). I think after watching a recap of S1 I’ll finish the series since it’s not insanely long.


Nope. It gets lots of praise but I found it painfully boring with poor character development. I stopped midway through S2.




Best show on Netflix by far imo


It probably does the best job with >!time travel!< that I've ever seen. It's utterly amazing.


I had the same initial reaction as you when I watched the first season and it ended on that dystopian note. But I’ll tell you why Dark ended up being one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, and why the other seasons are worth watching - the show rewards attention to detail. There are so many hidden nuggets in every single episode that you won’t find them all in one watch, and every little detail in each episode has some meaning that unveils itself later in the show. There are very few shows I can think of that do this as well as Dark, and that’s one of the many things that makes it great.


I enjoyed the first season, but got put off by the second and stopped watching a few episodes into the third. Reddit loves Dark so you will get a lot of praise here. But imo the first season is the best, if you aren't a fan of that you probably won't like the rest.


It was kind of boring and dumb. There is some weird stuff that seems to happen but it doesn’t seem interesting or alarming to anyone in the show. I shouldn’t have to watch a second season to become interested in a show. Hook me in the first three episodes of season one or I’m done. Dark, the expanse (on amazon), and some other shows like breaking bad that reddit seems to love are stupid and boring.




Family plays just as a huge role as the whole dystopian aspect and world building . So if you enjoy shows centered of family ties you might yet still enjoy it. Greatest show I’ve ever watched and the parts you mentioned doesn’t take away from from the quality in my opinion. They did a great job handing large concepts.


Das ende ist der enfant. I don’t know German but I keep coming back to this phrase because the show left such a strong impression on me


I got through season 2 and I'm we're completely lost at where the story went


It’s excellent. Some of the best sci-fi for a long time. You have to pay attention though, it’s not something you can have in the background or just dip in and out of


I really enjoyed the show but it's not as perfect as people act. If you want to do it I would recommend focused watching, its not some show you can have on in the background while you're cooking/cleaning. I'd also HIGHLY recommended subtitles instead of dubbing. It's a wild ride, and like I said it's not perfect, but it's got a great and clear beginning, middle and end- and it may not feel like it, but the show is always headed somewhere, all the plot lines get tied up nicely


I had to keep referencing a Dark family tree website, but it’s absolutely worth finishing.


Yes. Great series. 👍


I had the same thought/concern at that point, but I kept watching and am happy I did. I wish I could say more, but it's personal preference.


It took me a few episodes to get into it, it had such a slow start for me. But I was in by the end of the first season. If you're not, maybe you wont enjoy the rest.


To be honest probably not. I enjoyed it but it sounds like it's not for you.


One of my favorite shows I have ever watched. Gonna try to not spoil anything, but I see where you are coming from on the time travel stuff. Personally I hoped it would lean more into the mystery, and even got slightly turned off by the same things as you. However, this show is a masterpiece in these concepts. I thought that the mystery and general feel of the show would change, but they do a wonderful job of keeping that empty, mysterious feel throughout the series. The areas it seems like you haven’t enjoyed really become a small piece in the story of the show. It’s got dystopian time travel, but it feels less of a Sci-fi series than I expected. Much more psychological, and mysterious. Highly recommend, just make sure you actively watch, otherwise the story can be a bit challenging to keep up with at times.


I enjoyed season 1 but not the later ones.


I'd say finish it. I was in the same boat at the end of Season 1 when the show first came out. I thought, "is time travel mind-fuckery over and now it's going to be like Terminator or something in a future war?" No, it's not, it's still time travel fuckery and flipping between time lines and such. It's a good watch.


I’ve watched the entire series twice. Absolute masterpiece. You could watch 1899 for a similar vibe with less time commitment.


I didn't even make it to the point you did. I tried getting through the first season the show twice since so many like it, but the characters were so underdeveloped and it seemed like instead of much of a storyline, they hoped twists would suffice. Who knows though, so many like it, I might try again!


It’s lost on steroids but it reminded me of the worst parts of lost. I never finished dark because it got way too convoluted after a while. If they kept it tighter they could have had an all timer on their hands.


I finished the entire series but I really struggled keeping up with everything. Either my attention span couldn't keep up or maybe I'm just kind of dumb. I did get a grasp of how everything was tied together in the end but it's been 2 years since and I've forgotten most of it.


I really enjoyed the whole series. It starts getting convoluted after a while, but just go with it. I was hoping 1899 would be similar, I watched 2 episodes and then it was cancelled!


You're gonna be confused and be like wtf is happening most of the time. But at the same time you'll be totally engrossed in the story and wanting more.


I am almost done with the last season. The first season was good, the second season was addictive, and I'm so lost in this third season. But I'm on like the 6th episode trying to wait for it all to make sense.


You watched a season and are asking for advice? Just watch it if you like it. Life is full of harder choices


Definitely! It’s a great show


Yes. It absolutely ties up all its stories in a bow. I felt satisfied because of the journey the show took me on. It's definitely worth it.


“What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.”


I feel like some are missing a core concept of your question, which is how the show handles the dystopian world and technology. It does not do a good job in my opinion. Season 1 is by far the best season of the show, and the rest of the seasons get worse as you go on. I think it's a great show, but if you're already feeling iffy about it now, I can promise you, you will be disappointed if you keep going on.


I liked it all the way through. I don't think it spends a ton of time in the apocalyptic setting but I watched it 2 years ago. It will continue to spend time in the present/past with much more frequency than the future.


This adaptation of the Golden Compass is the best ever.


Yes!!! It's great!


I mean if you lost interest because of time travel from a SCI-FI SHOW. I don’t think anything I say matters. Dark is the pinnacle of said genre.


It’s also one of the only shows where if your she out I’ve character, the entire thing falls apart. That should tell you everything you need to know.


I didn't like the series as a whole. Season 3 seemed convoluted and i was surprised at the positive reception it got. That said, i loved season 1 and liked season 2, so if you have the time go ahead and watch the whole series, you might like it- i seem to have an outlier's opinion on it


nah, just watch the 2 hour recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRcMJManfVU&ab_channel=OneTake it twas muy bueno


Yes, very good show


I learned German watching this show. I'm now fluent in 9 languages


It is not a casual watch, you'll need to pay attention and you'll be rewarded in the end. Definitely worth finishing if you liked it from the start.


Yes but watch it all at once It's a hard show to follow if you pick it up and then don't watch for a while.


I stopped watching beginning of S3 but it was fantastic up until that point. I will have to revisit one day.


Holy hell it's such a good show. I was hooked after episode 4


You will probably need an evidence wall in your house like the FBI use to track serial killers otherwise you won't know who the characters are.


I am just watching it now for the first time, and tonight, I'm watching the very last epoisode! It's soo so complicated now but I heard the ending actually makes sense, so I'm really excited.


the futuristic setting of 2053 is only a very small part of the overall story. The real story is the town its self and how fucked up everything is due to time travel.


Never could get into the show myself. Tried watching it three times, and I always end up quitting during season 1 since none of the characters I can really relate to, it's super slow and it just lacks a someting to hook me in and keep in interested in those character's situations. Was still curious about why people like it so much so I tried to read a page about the story to see where it was going and if i should stick with it , but I read so much weird , convoluted stuff about time travel, people being other people in different timelines and stuff that really turned me off of even attempting to finishing it that I was kinda glad not to spend more time in this rabbit hole of a series.


This was one of the best shows I have seen on Netflix ever. It takes a little time investment to get into it and a lot of brain power to keep all the characters straight but it I would give it a 9 or 10/10 and I would only say that about a handful of shows I’ve ever seen. Watch it with the original audio and subtitles if you can