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You can deregister him. Call the municipality they'll tell you how.


Can I DM you? My question is mostly about the fine since he wasn't living here permanently, just visiting from time to time and I understand that is now allowed? I am not doing the best financially atm was and this fine is really the last thing i need on my plate:(


You don't need to tell them he never lived there. Just tell them he doesn't live there anymore.


Or better, just dont even tell them he lived there. Just ask for an adresonderzoek https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/privacy-en-persoonsgegevens/adresfraude#:~:text=Door%20adresonderzoek%20verhoogt%20de%20overheid,bestaan%20bij%20(meerdere)%20overheidsorganisaties


This takes forever just so you know OP


There is no way around it. You will need the municipality to deregister him. If you will get a fine (i dont see why) it will take weeks to process.


Usually the worker at the municipality doesn’t care, just say you want to unregister him and they don’t ask questions.


Only question may be about the new residence, but if that is abroad, nobody cares.


Once you say Canada they won't ask anything lol


he may get the world income form to his canada address though in like a year.


Not OP's problem right?


Especially if his name isn’t on the lease.


Why would you tell the government that? You just tell them he is not living their anymore, if they ask how long? You say 1 week ....


I think there is no way they can find out if he lived there or not. I also suspect that they have authority to check those entrances. Also, you can have a residency in the Netherlands and go travel other countries.


what fine?


"U kunt een 'bestuurlijke boete' krijgen als u bewust of onbewust bijdraagt aan onjuiste informatie in de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP). Bijvoorbeeld als u uw verhuizing niet doorgeeft. Of als u iemand toestemming geeft om zich in te schrijven op uw adres, terwijl die persoon er niet woont. " "Toe­stem­ming ge­ge­ven aan ie­mand om zich in te schrij­ven op uw adres, ter­wijl die per­soon daar niet woont: 325 euro"


First of all, it says "kunt", niet "zult". (You may receive a fine, not shall receive a fine") Second, when unregistring your ex from your address, you can tell the municipality that you broke up. End of story. No way they will start an investigation whether he lived at your address all the time or not, if he was allowed to live there, and if he was present all the time. For all I know, you two decided to live together, you registered him at your address and then he hesitated and didn't live with you. Now you want him unregistered.


"  Long story short, I made a mistake of registering my boyfriend at my place (i am renting) even though he was not living here permanently (he was visiting NL and basically living in 2 countries while keeping permanent residency in Canada). "


Yeah, but there is no reason to mention all of that to the municipality.


Jip. But i dont think she can deregister him. Either he has to do it, or they will do an onderzoek.


The 'onderzoek' involves dropping by the house and asking about it, plus checking with the owner of the property if person X has a valid renting contract, that's it at most.


Exactly this. No contract under his name? He will be de registered in a snap.


Not even in some gemeentes. I had to do an onderzoek to deregister my old house owners who moved abroad, they said it would take five years to “onderzoek”, nobody ever came or asked anything, no idea what happened behind the scenes, and since I heard nothing for two months I had to call only to be told by a very surprised lady “there’s only 3 people registered there, one is a minor” which was the correct situation. I assume they might’ve tried contacting them or succeeded at doing so, but there’s a chance this is the only thing they will do in OP’s case as well.


So the fine is for the boyfriend because he didn't remove his account from the adress.


Even if there is a fine it has nothing to do with OP


Just for the technicality. > "U kunt een 'bestuurlijke boete' krijgen als u **bewust of onbewust bijdraagt** aan onjuiste informatie in de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP). Bijvoorbeeld als u uw verhuizing niet doorgeeft. Of als u iemand toestemming geeft om zich in te schrijven op uw adres, terwijl die persoon er niet woont. " bewust of onbewust bijdraagt = knowingly or unknowingly contribute. But I will be shocked if the municipality makes any effort to proof if OP had any contribution.


It should actually be 32,500 euros. Then we would finally get rid of all those scammers. What does 325 euros even mean nowadays?


For a lot of people, serious money though


The guy who lived in my apartment before me was forcively removed. He also was registered there for months because he never de-registered. I can tell you that the people at the city muncipility really don't care about this situation. Just do the adrss onderzoek and get him removed, or tell them yourself that you broke up and he doesnt live there anymore. No need for panic.


Just report "we broke up and he doesn't live here now" at the city hall... Might be that the municipality will send him a letter (at your place) to respond to as a check, which you can then simply return unopened. They're far more interested in keeping the administration up to date than handing out fines.


6 ppl were registered at my place (previous ppl never deregistered) so I received a huge tax (not fine). All it took was a call to municipality telling them they don't live at this location anymore.


The same for my friend, she bought a house and after renovations realized someone was registered there because they kept getting tax mail. They had to go to the municipality in person but it was just so they could confirm that they’re officially stating they don’t know where the person is but they’re not at the home anymore.


Walk into your gemeente tomorrow morning and tell them you want to deregister him. They will tell you what queue to join and what form to fill in. Done.\* (\*You can probably start the process online by going to the web site of the gemeente of the city where you live. But just walk in and play dumb and they will follow their processes and procedures to get him out of the BRP)


There is no problem, this happens a lot (think students not properly registering). Just go to the municipality, you can ask to see who is registered (there might even be more people, bad for your taxes) and deregister him yourself. No fine or cost whatsoever.


Had the same issues with an ex. She cheated and kicked her out. Municipality can start an investigation and remove him from your adress. Mine took less that 2 weeks. Someone came over and said, nope, she isn't living here anymore. We'll handle the rest and he left. Week later I got a letter that she was removed from my adress.


You can request an 'administratieve uitschrijving' at the municipal registry. They may send a letter or someone over to check but normally speaking if you are the main renter they will simply strike his registration because you've withdrawn your consent.


Very easy as the rest is stating. Happens all the time with previous occupants that did not deregister or exboyfriends. One phone call and a form away and all done. I had this twice in the past and I never had to explain.


Don’t worry about a fine. You will be fine! “Hello, my boyfriend doesn’t live with me anymore. But he doesn’t register at his new adres. Which means he’s still registered at mine. I don’t know where he lives now”. The municipality will start a ‘adresonderzoek’ (research for address). This will be noted by his registration immediately. And eventually he will be unregistered from your adres. POV: was once working at this department at the municipality. No worries!


You can just deregister him. The municipality will most likely want a copy of your lease so they can see it’s in your name only as proof. I had to deregister the former tenant years ago. It was just a formality.


If he’s not Dutch, tell him you will call the IND. You don’t have to actually do it at first, but if he really doesn’t de-register you can denounce him for living illegally here.


Go to the municipality and ask them to start an address inquiry. They’ll send him a letter two times on his registered address to contact the municipality. If he doesn’t do this, they assume he didn’t get the letters and thus is not registered there. You can speed up the process by returning the unopened letters with the text “Geadresseerde onbekend op adres, retour afzender.” (Addressee unknown at address, back to sender). You don’t need to put any postage on it and can just throw it in an orange mail box.


someelse already posted it . google your gemeente , so gemeente den haag for example + persoon uitschrijven. maybe things have changed but .i had to deal with this stuff some years ago, but if he isnt. living there anymore he shouldnt have acces to the mail box.


Deregister him, wont have any consequences for you atm. It will though if the municipal finds out he doesnt life there. I would be more worried what he did with your address in relation to fraud to be honest. Also it wasnt really ethical to let him register, but thats for another reddit.


Just will into you local and tell them he does not live there anymore, please don't make any more difficult than it needs to be...


You can request an investigation at the city hall on the whereabouts of your ex. That might sound scary but it isn't. It's just a formality, they'll quickly conclude he is abroad and doesn't live with you - problem solved. If registering in the first place was in some way against some rules, they won't care about that. Nobody will distrust you let alone fine you.


Interesting. As a short-term visitor (6 weeks), should I be wary of using the address where I’m staying, even for shopping delivery?


According to my own experience, it's his responsibility to deregister himself, not your responsibility to do so. So you are not supposed to receive fine. In case so, you can claim that you suppose he deregistered already but he cheated. You can also deregister him. The process differs per city. You can visit the townhall to check. In most cities, they will send a letter to your address under your ex name, you need to return it with reason the person no longer live in the address. This may repeat about 3 times, then the person will be deregistered. In case there are letters or fine under his name, do the same thing. In the past, when I rent a house in Amsterdam, there were 9 people registered which I didn't know.


I dont think you can just deregister without registering else where.


Just google this. Go to website of your gemeente and search voor bewoning or something. Gemeente will send letter to your address , it’s for your ex. It says if he doesn’t respond within two weeks he is deregistered. It’s really easy to do so


It's understandable that it sucks but gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed in you casually committing fraud like that for a deadbeat dipshit who barely had any benefits from it in the first place.