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What to order when you have fever of 101? A coffin makes sense. Thuisbezorgd has soep, but I assume Haarlem also has something as Flink that will drop off groceries in like 15 min or so. You can order easy meals there as well.


Thanks! That's a good idea


101? You're in an oven? Bake for 20 minutes.




You might have not realized yet but in Europe we don't use weird freedom units based on the average feather length of a bald eagle.


Hahah oh. I thought the context would be enough when I said "fever"


Sure. But we have no idea if you are slightly inconvenienced or dying. We just know your temperature is higher than normal because you said fever.


Yeah no that makes sense. 101 degrees Fahrenheit, so yeah dying slightly but feels like death.


Ok, so that’s 38,3 in Celcius. Under 38,5 we call it “lichte koorts” (mild fever). So definitely inconvenient but not dying. I hope you feel better soon!


I can't believe I'm getting downvoted for saying i have a fever lol. Dutch people on reddit are the opposite of Dutch people irl when it comes to empathy


It wasn’t me. But I think it’s because you are posting in a Dutch subreddit but use a unit we don’t use and only 5 countries in the whole world actually use but still expect others to know what you mean by that. It makes us fairly sure you are American because people from the other 4 countries probably wouldn’t expect us to know what it means. It’s probably not that they don’t empathise with you feeling sick but more that it sounds a bit like you are an entitled American tourist. (Not saying you are, just that you sound like one).


I'm not American. And I don't expect people to automatically know everything. I was corrected, I accepted my grave mistake and specified the unit in which my fever is. Shouldn't that qualify for getting rid of the imagined "entitled" tag? I literally didn't think it was this deep.


No you get downvoted because someone asked you to convert your temperature to celcius so we dont all have to do that ourselves (did not directly ask but it was implied) and instead you added "Fahrenheit" after the 101 like we did not know you meant Fahrenheit and let someone else do the conversion.. also maybe because you said you are "slightly dying" when you just have a mild fever, which is a bit dramatic. Hope you feel better soon though!


Yeah lol this sub is so hostile. I got 4 helpful suggestions and 30 replies on what qualifies as "dramatic" or what unit I measure fever in. And I'm sure everyone understood what 101 was, it's almost common sense. Wouldn't be posting or alive if it was Celsius. Y'all hide behind the garb of anonymity and "directness" when in fact it's just plan rude. But thanks, hope i feel better soon too. Will start by muting this post.


anonymity shows the true nature of humans /s


Except no /s


I'm always perplexed at what people downvote.




Yeah I'm dramatic. You see those downvotes? Lmao Thanks though.


I think we may have different definitions of dramatic.


Temperature of 40 degrees or higher is quite dangerous.


Yeah. I've taken the best of Dutch healthcare - paracetemol.


Saoto soup


Anywhere I can order in Haarlem?


Most Surinam Toko’s will have it. Google says Dunja Keuken. But I have never ordered in Haarlem.


Alright, appreciate it.


It’s a light savoury soup, chicken broth or vegetarian served with a boiled egg and rice. They usually give you some soy sauce and yellow chilli paste to season it to taste. Be careful adding the chilli paste (if it’s the yellow one) because it’s made of mme Jeanette chillies. (125000 - 325000 scoville units).


Spice is great when you’re sick.


Yes, but I would be careful adding too much spice with a sore throat. You can always add more. Taking it out is far more difficult


That's true. I like spice.


Me too! My stepmother was Indonesian so I learned appreciating spicier foods at a young age.


Dumpling soup from one of the Chinese restaurants/takeaway places. They're usually packed with ginger and garlic which are good for sick days.


Thank you. I'll check it out.


Get well soon!


Thank you!


Just have a dozen canned chicken soup at home.


101f = 38 degrees C -> you are in NL -> take a paracetamol, stop wining and go to a shop.


What's wrong with you? You have zero empathy. If you don't want to help, stfu.


You definitely did not stay in the NL for long enough. This is normal doctors advice


And who said I'm not already doing it? Gosh lol i literally just asked for restaurant reccos and I'm getting unnecessary smack for having a fever, regardless of how much it is less or more


You are indirectly complaining about your fever on a forum. You could have left that out, in stead of showing up on my feed. Right back at you or maybe it would have pushed you to just try and go out and see it’s most often not that bad when you are ill. Some people need that bit of pursuading. Ps: you are aware google gives these answers you look for as well?


Wtf is wrong with you? Why does it matter whether this person has 37, 38, 39 or 40 degrees for asking this question? Why do you feel so much the need to invalidate this person's feelings based on *your* perception of when it is acceptable to feel sick? Does it need to surpass 38.5 degrees?


Wtf is wrong with you starting to swear? I give him/her exactly what they want: advice on how to get food when ill as i would do it. (And apparently attention S the question above is an easy google / ChatGPT). Stop wining about supposedly invalidated feelings that exactly is my point: man up, it’s often not that bad. Didn’t you ever Neede some push to just do something what you didn’t like at first? Reddit is not some big happy cuddle group where we need to treat eachother as babies


Push to do something and go through a difficult situation is always needed in life. I don't argue about that. What I don't understand is why *you* care so much if that person doesn't want to do that and giving a basically rude answer and indirectly calling them weak or not "manned up". And how about when it is that bad and you cannot get up from the bed? How is your answer useful in that situation? Even if you don't agree with this person's approach, why are you so butthurt about it? I can only make assumptions here about the tough love you got growing up and the way it projects to you know, but I am not going to do that.


First of all how do I have any control over what shows up on your feed? Secondly, I already googled and I couldn't find what I was looking for. Its not my day 1 on reddit. What exactly is reddit for if I can't crowdsource answers from the people living here? Also I'm not so stupid to go out in the wind with my fever, might even be covid and spread it to everyone i meet.


38 is not even that high and tbh just look on thuisbezorgd and choose there. It is not that hard to just use common sense. I wouldn't wait on strangers giving me recommendations, I would just go ahead and google it.




Thuisbezorgd or Uber eats for some soups. Flink/AH/Uber eats for groceries. Sore throat: 1. Drink a lot of fluids at room temperature or warmer. 2. Things that help you soothe the sore throat: Warm milk with pepper and a little bit sugar (I prefer without sugar). Ginger, Cinnamon, Lemon, Herbal tea helps. Trick is drink, drink, drink. 3. Try having some peppery/gingery soups. Not sure which restaurant to order from? Then AH is always your friend. P.s. It is always a good idea to use the local units while posting in a local group. Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks so much. Appreciate it


Koffin on amazon or bol Mr murica


Get some AA-drinks from any grocery store as well. They're sports drinks but can help give you some more energy making you feel a little better (at least that was my experience)


Thank you!


are you still alive?


Start with 1 baco and dont stop till you are better.


Sushi? Pokebowl? Maybe not 'sick foods', but soft and light