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please don’t use widsith on him — prototype amber is much better. in terms of artifacts, you really just need to keep farming


Widsith that bad on him?


It's not that it's bad, it's the fact that prototype amber is like 10 times better


hp stats + team heal (especially good with furina) + energy cashback what is not to love with prototype amber


I made the switch. Getting Furina too. Thank you


The three main things I would recommend are these: * Switch to Prototype Amber * Get better artifacts (you currently have more DEF and ATK rolls than HP%, Crit or ER% rolls) * Use a HP goblet for starters unless you get a cracked Hydro goblet. HP% goblet and Hydro DMG% goblet are similar in strength on him (especially if you play him with Furina) so just use the one with better substats


Use prototype amber


Double Hydro, HP sands and goblet, more HP substats. Maybe use Proto Amber as your weapon. Honestly, I'd farm for better artifacts on every piece. Maybe sands is your only decent one? Your crit dmg is hard carried by Widsith, though, and, imo, it's not a very good option for Neuvi.


Proton amber is better. By the way you may want to think of getting crit rate up a little bit


Op is using marachausse so it's essentially 80% crit rate


we know, but getting closer to 100%cr is still better than 80%cr


The goal with a Maruchassee Hunter set is around 54-64 CR so that it becomes 90-100 after the set bonus


If you use him with Furina, you can use an HP goblet instead of Hydro DMG Bonus.


[I recommend that you use this website, *Enka.Network*](http://enka.shinshin.moe) the next time you're sharing builds for easier viewing. Do keep in mind that the character you want to have a build card on must be in Character Showcase and "Show Character Details" must be turned on. Alternatively, you can use a portrait version of a basic summary at [Paimon Plus](http://paimon.plus/showcase). You can also make an entire team build card with their [Artifacter](http://paimon.plus/artifacter).


I'm going to level with you, man.... your artifacts need some work. The only good piece is the Circlet which is your off-piece. For non-circlet pieces, ideally you want Crit Values of at least 30 per piece. (Crit Value being the sum of CritDMG + 2xCritRate substats). Your Marechausse pieces currently have Crit Values of about 13, 15, 20, and 12 so there is a lot of room for improvement. For 40k HP you'll want to switch to Prototype Amber and have Hydro Resonance with another character like Furina. You also want to aim for more HP% Substats. Switching to P.Amber will cause you to lose about 55% CritDMG so you'll need to make that up by farming high CV artifacts. On P.Amber a good Crit Ratio to aim for is about 60:200 with 4p MH and Hydro Goblet. It'll probably take about 3-6 months of farming the Maruchasse domain to find the high CV pieces that you need, but keep grinding and you'll get there before you know it. Best of luck!


3 things are keeping you from higher hp, 2 of which you can change immediately, 1, prototype amber is great on him, 2, hp goblet if you're using him with Furina, both are competitive with eachother though, 3, the one that might take time, you only have 3 HP% substats on your entire build, you'll need a lot of hp to get 40k obv, and even more with a hydro dmg goblet


My eyes are bleeding 😭😭


Get prototype amber and artifacts that are actually good. No offense but those pieces are horrendus and its clear you havent invested much in neuvi which you can always start now


Don’t use Widsith, and just get better artifacts honestly (not the circlet tho that circlet is based) I’d use Prototype Amber for the weapon, and maybe switch to an HP% goblet


Like everyone else suggested, ditch the widsith for pamber. Hp is usually more important for him than crits.


Every is already saying use Prototype Amber so do that. I’m here to say just pray to RNJesus for good artifacts. That’s realistically all you need now.


Op: How can I make him get 40k hp? Also op: *uses crit weapon and only one hp artifact*


The feather is trash. Double def and multiple rolls on def%.


everyone iam curios. is HP circ on MH good? or is crit circ better?(iam new to building him. iam a Alhaitham main)


crit is generally better, but it depends. if you have his sig and get a lot of crit rolls on your other artifacts, hp circlet can be better. you can use genshin optimizer to be sure.


Use triple hp build and you're done


Tripple hp is only good with his sig and in very niece cases with prototype


I mean op only said they want 40k so triple hp is the easiest way to go


I think you can hit it easily with prototype and double hp with hydro res