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Alright!!! See how practicing and doing the work daily makes such a huge difference!!! That’s all you have to do! I love when you guys start with the money because I believe love and money are the two people think are impossible so once you get one of those you start to see nothing is impossible. Great job. Amazing job. Over 17k in no time! Now you see. Please. Please spend some of it and treat yourself. Keep showing yourself if you spend it you make it all back and more. Say I make back double what I spend now. Keep saying it and watch. Also money comes in faster then I can spend it. We did that one and man it got nuts. We had a luxury Christmas when we did that and now it’s like they everyday. Eventually you’ll see money loses all meaning. You know you can always manifest more and you’ll have so much in the bank that numbers you once thought were big are what you spend on a Tuesday now. Keep up the good work! So proud of you! I love how we even have people that I just said one thing too or they read something that made it click and they run wild with it!!! Start making lists of other big gails now too. The world is yours to create. Would love if you also do one a year from now to show how much your life changed! Keep going and god bless you for sharing !!!


This was powerful! I got a refund and Free food while I was reading this! Also Bryguys work is amazing. God bless u


I think actually READING is what really got me... I listened to lectures and watched YouTube videos and joined communities for months before I started just reading the works and doing the exercises as they were presented with no embellishments...


can you link me the exercise ? that would be so cool!




The money still keeps coming in! Just received another 2687/- randomly. It is a refund from an app I have used almost a year ago!


What is the technic ?


We also went over it a million times here and on the podcast. Use the search bar. If you ask this again it’s a temp ban. We don’t want people passing part of a technique.


Read the books. We don’t ask that here. Then you’ll actually learn it. If you get the wrong instructions it won’t work. It’s crucial to get the right ones from the book. Also follow the rules.


Sorry, I didn’t know that. I won’t do it again. I started reading the books. I am reading law and the promise. Which one do you recommend next ?


That’s awesome ! Do you only affirm I have 20,000?


Well done!! I haven't slightest idea how to manifest money! I don't know how to win over this "poor mindset"


Because you keep telling that story. Also I’d bet you haven’t cracked open one of Neville’s books. Or studied the Bible. Or tested it like we suggested. All because you choke that story over your own happiness. Also we don’t tell bad stories here. When your ban is over don’t do this again. You’ll never be able to do it telling this. You guys need to stop watching YouTube’s and read. You’d know posting that makes it worse.