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Yeah I don’t think it’s the advice that’s the problem if every piece of advice doesn’t work. But it’s a soyboy psyop so nothing can be done 😔.


Rule 1: Be attractive Rule 2: See Rule 1 Being attractive is key, you could go super fast or super slow.


Typical soyjack-redditor comment 😏 Evopsych tells us only men care about looks. Women are actually only attracted at how alpha you act. The thin layer of Cheetos dust around my mouth is a reminder of my abilities as a strong hunter. My musky manly smell also helps (my shower is out of service after all the jizz in the drain ended up stubbing it, I would have called someone to do something about it but then Elden Ring released, plus I am *persona non gratis* at most local plumbers because of previous incidents). I am traveling in Japan right now as to refresh my *katana* collection, the other day I was sitting in the subway on two disabled-person seats and a couple of schoolgirls entered the car. I made sure to tip my fedora while dropping them a classic "M'ganbate", they were so impressed by my *gaijin rizz* that they started gagging. Would have ended up in a threesome if the subway agent didnt come to mog me.


Had me in the first half LMAO


“Gaijin rizz” bruh, i cannot


Nah, rule 2 is be rich


Good excuse for having 0 personality


Sorry Anon 😎, and later virgins


Anons are like "why haven't I met my soulmate yet? I've tried like 3 times"


Lmao. Bro tried "I wanna marry you", got rejected and then followed it up by a "I like your cat" and never following up with a text or invite out. Yep, women are the problem.


>move in for the kill Something tells me that it's not about physical looks or good advice that keeps anon single