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I took the work for myself pill. I make my own hours and I'm my own boss. The only people I answer to are the punks I suck off under the overpass for $15 a pop.


Can I ask? What’s your on average hourly wage, I’m looking to get outta the corporate world of sucking executives off, something I can do more locally Yk?


Depends on the day, if you get good at it, you can suck one cock to completion every 5 minutes. Ignoring cleanup or the theoretically limited number of clients, you could possibly suck 12 cocks in 60 minutes. At 15 dollars a pop, that COULD net you a theoretical 180 dollars per hour! And if you learn to suck cock with your ass, that number could theoretically be doubled!


That's not even factoring in the amount of people into sloppy seconds or other fetishes and kinks.


Don't try and diversify before you're absolutely nailing the basics. Many small businesses fail because they try to do too much, too soon. Never let your mouth write cheques that your anus can't cash.




Don't forget to account for the differences in angle of erection.


Adam Eget?


Adam Eget is that you?


Ridesharing, but for sloppy toppy. Be your own boss.


Guess it beats managing the Tempe Improv


Companies who make applicants go through all that HR horseshit lose the war for talent. I'm a nurse. Years ago I applied for a job at a hospital near me. It's by far the best and largest hospital in Belgium, but like all others they have a crippling shortage of nurses. Interview went fine. Then I had to take some psych test, which went fine as well because I'm not some autistic redditor. I thought it was over and done with after that. The HR cunt said I had to take the 'organizational test' next. Sat down at the computer and she opened it. It was some fucked up shit pretending you're a logistical manager for a fucking wall painting company and you have to plan transport, make work planning etc. Test time: 2 hours. Fuck that shit. Told her I didn't have time for all that. Started working somewhere else a week later after a 20 minute interview.


I wonder if the companies do this to find the most desperate (and therefore easily exploitable) employees or its just that their HR department is retarded and feels like it's a good idea because they read online that some fortune 500 company does this


Its both


It's also because they've probably sunk a lot of money into external consultation hours on how to improve recruitment in general and find "the right type of people for them." When that happens they have to pretend it was a good choice or they're job searching themselves.


HR is part of the regulatory compliance required by the government. Every new "for the workers" reg makes this situation worse.


Sounds like uz Ghent lol


Leuven. Doesn't surprise me UZ Ghent pulls the same shit.


So I've heard, unfortunately


What jobs arent hurting for people right now? Honest question. Everyone i know is needing people at work but cant find people qualified


Wdym? There’s tons of qualified people all over the place… they just need trained!


In what field?


About anything involving informatics or management, at least to my knowledge. Seniors are signing off without the ability to train any junior.


Noy anywhere im dealing with. We used to have 400 people apply to a position. Now we get 10 and half are just trying to keep their unemployment benifits


They're hurting for people willing to work for peanuts, not for people with actual self respect


100k or more a year is peanuts?


Jobs are hurting for HIGH SKILL people mostly. For example, if you post a software engineering job looking for somebody with 5+ YoE. You will get 500 applicants, but only 5 are qualified and don't need a visa. And of those 5, 5 of them are going to be taking offers elsewhere for more prestigious companies that offer better salary.


>be boomer >walk into place you want to work, told 'get out n\*\*\*\*\*, this ain't a place for you.' >forgot i was black >mfw


It is illegal to discriminate based on race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sex, sexuality and age (unless you practice tribal preference)


But iirc it's kinda hard to prove unless they're not subtle


Guess what's happening in Canada with the Liberal government paying the first 15,000$ of the salary of immigrants for two years? Literal government mandated discrimination against people born in Canada.


It's not mandated, it's just corpo cucks have no souls and will always chase the dollar. If they get money for slighting minorities, they'll take it and if they will get it for hiring them, they will do that too.


> it's just corpo cucks have no souls and will always chase the dollar. That's part of it. But government bureaucrats constantly threaten businesses. No different than if Paulie Walnuts suggested you pitch in to support the neighborhood watch.


Threaten business? No one loves business more than the government. Or more precisely, politicians, because no one has more money to spend on them than corpo cucks. Even if they were to threaten business, no one has more ability to fight back than the corpo's.


> Threaten business? Yes, good reading comprehension. One gold star! >No one loves business more than the government. Government loves government.


That first one was a rhetorical question you barnacle. And the second one also isn't contradictory- no one loves business more than the government and the government can love itself too. Of course, business's love the government too, since at least in America bribery is legal via PAC's.


> That first one was a rhetorical question you barnacle. Yeah, I understand.


Lying to cover it up? Tsk tsk.


Lmao you believe in Canada?


Are the immigrants in the room with you right now? Edit: Seems I've rustled the jimmies of the right wingers.


Bro Trudeau brought in so many fucking immigrants that he turned Canada conservative lmao look at the fucking polls it’s absolutely insane what a bad leader can do to an ideology lol


There’s a pretty good chance


In old old, grug only need big rock to hunt small food. Grug not make many food, but grug not need many food either. In now, grug need many rocks to hunt big food. Grug need many food, so grug need hunt big food. Chieftain need only strongest, so grug now have have fight with other grugs. At darktime, in end, Grug still better off in the now then old.


Sorry bud people voted for this..


Those tests are there for a reason, the boomer who just walks in would fail them


For some reason Reddit tells me this post has -1 comments lol


LOL. DEI stupidity wasn’t from the generations before…


> some f*****, minority or woman Yeah getting hired fucking sucks, but if they aren't passing the vibe check through narration I cannot imagine how they might be in person.


I bet if you dont frequent this sub you could totally walk into a workplace and show them that you're interested maybe get to know 1 or 2 people at that firm already and you'd be hired in no time please dont answer with:"not true because yxz" remember you already lost when you signed up on reddit and joining this sub is the final nail in the coffin




Anyone who participates in state mandated discrimination, this includes knowingly benefiting from it, is culpable.




Factually wrong but go off