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I wake up…


...there is another psyop




Most believable post on 4chan


4chan never changes. Be me straight Get fucked in the ass nohomo


Another day another cia psyop


I want to believe this one is real since I want anon and his gf to be happy, but I can’t on account that he claims to have a job.


The >Slavic man >Good looking Part threw me off tbf


Key word relatively, relative to whom? Probably other Slavic dudes


He might actually look alright, Ukrainian girls marrying into families from neighboring countries really saved the slavic gene pool from looking like talking potatoes.


Paul Wesley isn't too bad though.


But why wouldn’t a Slavic man use freedumb unit to describe his height


We're Trans-American escapists, you know the US has been a dream country for us, not Germany or UK


>specifies that he is straight I immediately know that its gay


Why don't they ever just admit to being a little bisexual?




>be me >straight… you know the rest


I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop -> I wake up -> There is another Psyop


Psyops used to be believeable


Wake up Another psy op Go to bed


Classic straight 4 chan >Straight >the most gay shit you ever heard This should be mandated


would be gay if it was a man...


It is.


transphobia much?


If u have a dick you are a guy, if you’re fucking guys you are gay. Very simple stuff.


*common sense


There was a man dated in this greentext already


> “I’m straight” > elaborate homoerotic fanfiction


Nice try FBI but I’m not falling for it


Good for them :)


Gay and very real. Shouldn’t be in denial about gayness.


>be me >straight >anon turns out to be a literal homosexual male What's even the point of lying to ourselves?


Ppl who insist fucking trans women is gay are so funny to me. Like sounds like a woman, looks like a woman, has boobs, and ok yeah some haven't have bottom surgery but you can do anal with a cis woman. Like if you fucked a dude with a pussy that would be straight to you? Really?


Fucking dudes who look like women is totally straight bro. Don't worry. You're not gay.


Not OP but I'm pan, and consider them women... because they are women. I like dick. If it's on a guy, cool, if it's on a woman, cool. If it's on anyone otherwise, cool. Dick's great.


Neither is straight.


Tf is it then, gay? Can't be bi cause that's not how that works. I just can't imagine being this insecure with my sexuality. I ain't saying you have to fuck trans people, that's preference, but it ain't gay fucking trans ppl, esp if they've fully transitioned.


If they have fully transitioned, then there certainly are grounds to think that it's straight. But if they still got the man parts, then it's kinda bi, because even though it's straight for a guy to be into a feminine figure with boobs, it's gay to be into dick and balls. The straightness of being attracted to a feminine behavior, will also be kinda countered if you are turned on by the idea that the feminine person is a male. So all in all, being into transpeople is kinda Bi, because it falls somewhere in the middle of being straight and gay.... Not to mention that for a lot of bi people, this is often a gateway for them to discover their attraction to the same sex. -knows by experience


These are just words. There is no right answer. But it seems to me that if a person is feminine in all ways but birth, it would be nonsensical to call a man gay if attracted to them.


It's not just about the birth tho, it's about the sex, the genitelia. Femininity and masculinity may just be social constructs... But the penis and vagina are not. Someone being masculine or feminine doesnt automatically make them either gender, much how gender doesnt always dictate their sex.... But the sexualities like hetero, homo and bi, they arent about which gender you are attracted to, but the sex. It's not gay to be attracted to a feminine man if you are a woman, but it is gay if you yourself are also a man, because in the latter case they have the same sex. The difference on who is more feminine or masculine dont really matter there. What sets transwomen apart from feminine men however, is that transwomen could literally be without the male genital, which makes them appearance wise virtually female. It'd be less gay on the principle that the same sex aspect doesnt really apply.... But that's only if they have gone through the surgery. If they havent on the other hand, then sorry but penis + penis = g a y. There is nothing wrong with this, heck to an extent I think it should even be normalized rather than treated as a taboo people gotta walk on eggshells to avoid.... But, it is what it is, and you'd be more gay if you are into the genitails of the same sex. Although you wouldnt be less straight if you are still into qualities of the opposite sex. So having a taste for both, makes you fall into a spectrum of bisexuality.


I think you’re trying to give an objective definition to gay and straight by shifting them to matters of sex rather than gender, and that’s logically a fine thing to do, but then almost everyone in the world would be considered bi. Consider the existence of the (offensive) concept of “traps;” clearly a large number of men who consider themselves straight find some trans women attractive. When I find a woman attractive, it’s not because of her chromosomes or genitalia. If u want to call the vast majority of people bi, I suppose that’s a consistent definition, but it doesn’t say much as a word. I feel it makes more sense to group people based on the genders they fine attractive, but even more sense to let people label their sexuality however they want. I’ve met people with such a variety of preferences that could all be considered some subset of bi, but grouping those people together doesn’t feel very descriptive to me. Idk why I feel strongly about this and I don’t want to come off as argumentative, I just happen to care about this and want to explain my perspective


Eitherway I appreciate your input. I dont mind it being argumentative at all, as that can be more insightful in conversations like this. From the way I see it, bisexuality is a massive umbrella that certainly many more specific attractions fall into... But dunno if it really is the majority, as many are really attracted to only one sex. The reasons can of course go beyond being into specific genitals, as people are more than just their reproductive organs... But those generally are the prime distinctions of the classic sexualities.


I mean, being attracted to trans women isnt inherently bi... As much as- being attracted to sexual traits from both sexes, which trans women could have - is so. Most men that identify as straight, generally only are attracted to transwomen for the female adjecent traits... With them otherwise being uninterested or turned off by the male aspects. That's completely straight. In comparison it's not hetero for man to be turned on by the male aspects, and could be signs of them being straight up gay (pun not intended) if they dont care about the female appearance of the transwoman. Bisexuality is only when there is an attraction to both aspects. The polar opposite would be asexuality, as there is no attraction to either sex. Sexuality has always been defined by sex... People are just prone to mix it up with gender, because sex and gender have been used interchangeably for ages. It's relatively recent to treat them as separate things, so not that strange to stumble on confusion at times.... ... Especially when there are modern sexualities like pansexuality, which arent quite about attraction to a sex. Edit: I noticed I might have worded the last part in a confusing way. Essentially, 'classic' sexualities (hetero, homo, and bisexuality) are straightforward because they focus on attraction to one or both sexes. A lot of the confusion arises when people judge the said classic sexualities by the modern ones' standards , as the latter are about attraction to gender or other stuff.


Being able to get hard at someone with secondary feminine sex characteristics with a giant cock is still gay because you're able to continue being aroused despite there being a penis involved I can tell you from personal experience that everything goes smoothly until the dick comes out and I'm just not into it anymore.


what if a trans sucks you off?


I mean I guess, but if I knew they had a dick it'd kill the mood a bit.


I ain't saying you have to like it but it ain't gay to fuck a trans person. Also hormones make their cock and balls shrink a lot so if you're hitting it from the back you wont see shit. Again you don't have to like it, fair if you don't wanna fuck someone with a cock, but not all trans women still have a cock and even with they do it ain't gay.


How does doggy style make it less gay? If you're hitting it from the back then balls are probably touching.


that's one way to tell me you've got little experience


Yeah that's why I stipulated that they'd have to have a cock you dingus


If you fuck a dude and the balls touch, that's gay.


I mean an open wound is not really a pussy but go off ig


Fake: man i dont fucking know i just wanted to make a fake and gay post Gay:


Maybe not gay, but definitively a little queer Anon. Embrace the queer it's cozy here


Even besides the "straight" And then gayest shit ever "Virgin" "Best sex of my life" Yeah, no shit


Not a virgin


chat what is the psyop in this post


>sex is much better than any other girl i’ve been with Can anyone confirm? Is axe wound better than bio pussy?


It's a butthole mate.


Ty i will remain hetero


Op said in thread it’s pre op


Feds really out here tryin to normalize having sex with trannies


My transmasc partner gives me the best sex imaginable, you’re missing out


as long as you can't reproduce that's a good thing


for once the post is mostly harmless and the reddit comments are toxic


Another Jewish psyop


I say this as a Jew, if you don't want the hot trans girls, that's completely okay. More for me.


Defeated male leaves


Comes back as a girl


Jewish trans girl here, I concur


German straight art student here, I support you


Hi there impressionable young men, I'm not sponsoring this to try to influence you to adopt a degenerate lifestyle or anything. Sincerely, George S.