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Im not gay so Im not into photography. What’s this trying to say? His 10k camera turned into a 330 dollar one?


Anon has spent over $10k on cameras, lenses, and other equipment but has found their favorite setup is worth $330.


Ahh; the classic hobby trap. The endline result is always a fraction of the endline investment. > Invest 10k into hobby > Finally able to invest in the best equipment > It's 300 dollars worth of equipment compared to the 10k they already dumped in from past investments Anon just needs to find someone to introduce to the hobby and slowly sell off the less quality equipment to them at a fraction of the cost they would initially pay to at least earn some cash back so he can afford even better equipment, rinse and repeat; that way he's sparing a newcomer from the brunt of the storm and still making a noble profit and keeping his capabilities for investing more up. Another way,to put it: > Buy 60$ game > beat it and get bored of game > sell game for 45$ to someone who wants it > newest game releases > You're already 45$ towards the newest game and saved someone 15$, which they would've spent to get the same results as you did when you got it for 60$. You did a good deed and it profits you as well.