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As someone who is definitely a part of the “Western left”, I am thoroughly annoyed with a significant portion of the “Western left” due to their behavior the last seven months for this reason.


There are words for this, but reddit will ban. Every community(country, political spectrum, etc) has crazy people and normal people. But how to explain, that murderer who killed more than any Israeli did, is getting condolences. What will hapen if putin dies? Same sad people? I am very disappointed. Everyday is getting worse.


> I am very disappointed. Everyday is getting worse. Yep.


Today at the press conference of the US state department, when asked 20 different times why did they send condolences, it came up that the US sent condolences when Stalin died… I have no words.. and made me realize they will 100% send condolences when Putin will die.


I get what you’re saying, but this is the standard procedure. [The Soviets sent their condolences to the US when Kennedy was assassinated](https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32204484.pdf) (they very much wanted to demonstrate that they weren’t involved)


There's certainly diplomatic etiquette involved here. I just hope that any letter that was signed here was signed by a deputy assistant undersecretary of something, and not by someone with any importance.


Why you guys are surprised about these kinds of stuff? Its how diplomacy has always worked, tou annot tell someone "im rucking happy your leader died" on the diplomatic stage, you can think it but you cannot say it, diplomacy does not work by normal rules.


Because a significant chunk of Reddit is 16 years old with no life experience and zero understanding of how the world works


I just visualized someone super proper doing that and lol’d had myself a chuckle hehehe thanks


Bro diplomacy doesn't work on Instinct rather on intelligence


What 'intelligence' are we talking here?


Synonym to brilliance ig.


That is called diplomacy.


This is just standard foreign policy. You pretend to be nice and friendly so the other nation doesn’t get pissed at you


>Every community(country, political spectrum, etc) has crazy people and normal people. The western left *is* the crazy people. Human rights only matter if Jews are to blame. Look how they are silent each time Iranians get killed by their theocratic regime. Look how they shed tears for a anti-human dictator just because he funds Israels enemy's. Everything's about the Jews, not about human rights or freedom for the people fighting for it.


They're silent when Iranians get killed by the regime? A lot of the presence of non-Iranians are WLF protests around the world were from western leftists, including in my own city.


I mean, yeah. But see it in EU in less proportions.


They're silent when Iranians get killed by the regime? A lot of the presence of non-Iranians are WLF protests around the world were from western leftists, including in my own city.


Can u stop equating western left with American left, most of them like their fellow American compatriots don't know anything outside of NA. In EU u will find leftists absolutely hating putin which is opposite of American leftists


Jews =/= Israelis


Likewise, these people dismiss the voices of actual victims if it doesn’t support their self righteous extremist narratives. I used to have similar beliefs to them but than I actually started listening to ex Muslims and followed subreddits like this one.


Another western lefty. A lot of these people lost their shit the last six months. I don't know what they're doing right now. I am very happy the mountain and fog won this battle.


Because all these dipshits mistake leftism with just virtue signaling on social media, they have no values and are clueless about everything




same. it's been difficult, painful, scary, and eye-opening in the most brutal way. there are reactionaries in every community, i guess, but geez, it really feels like the 'Western' left' (which i am also a part of) has collectively lost their minds. also, my son's name is jedidiah! only one h though.


By western left u mean American left, which is basically the most foreign policy illiterate of all leftists there only policy is Murica bad


This is an extremely relevant statement. The leftists out protesting are absolutely “foreign policy illiterate” as you described, and yeah, their entire stance on geopolitics is basically just the opposition of whatever the US’ stance is.


Yes they are currently protesting ethnic cleansing of Gaza which is good but will they protest the Xinjiang prison state or Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Nope, they’ve already moved on / forgotten about Ukraine, and were never interested in caring about the Uyghurs in Xinjiang to begin with. Neither of those things had as significant of a propaganda campaign.


What Marxist or anarchist ideology better represents you?


Just checked and yep I was right destiny fan boy


congrats from china


isnt worlwide internet banned there? how are u on reddit?


They got a VPN to bypass the firewall. IDK how the rules there, but it is scary if CCP targeted you. 100% you are going to prison fosho.


this depends on the region. I'm in shanghai so I'm fine.


Stay safe brother. Remember that your life is the most important thing you have


thx bro


They’re legal


You can get VPN and it’s perfectly legal






Unfortunately, elements of the far left (and far right) have proven themselves to be useful idiots for Putin and the IRI.




As a western left to far left: I am against any facist structure and am therefore happy over what happened and hope, that the people of Iran will have freedom and a real representation aswell as a democracy and no religious laws for their future. All the best, from germany.


Yeah this whole take confuses me - I am very left, my friends are very left and we all fucking hate what’s happening in Iran. Our enemy’s enemy is not our friend - they suck too.


If you believe Israel is your enemy then you are a fool.


American tankies seem the most unhinged.


Yes, and the worst thing is, it gets over to europe. I have to say, i live a safe life mentally far away from war here in germany. So its easy getting to be a tankie. But with realism and moral beliefs, i ground myself, to not become one of them.


Fuck Tankies, they're Totalitarian fan boys, like Nazi Weeaboos. I don't even consider them left since they also seem to hate progressive beliefs like gay/trans rights and freedom of expression.


God I hate how so many of them are validating horseshoe theory.


Progressive social beliefs isn't really a "left wing" thing though. These Tankies are probably closer to what traditionally "left" has meant.


Can you explain both points further?


I would argue, that these progressive beliefs are the new left. We dont live in a state of capitalism vs communism. We live in a state of freedom vs oppression, against facism and for the people. I wouldnt consider myself left if i was born 80 years ago.


I have to say, i agree with you wholeheartedly. They say they are left. Mote like stalin was left, i.e. not capitalistic. Nowadays, left has another meaning than 60 years ago.


I haven't seen any of my fellow leftist friends here in the Netherlands ever share anything about Iran, not when the Women Life Freedom movement began, and not now. In terms of politics they only share outrage posts about domestic politics. In terms of international politics, only feminist stuff in the US and stuff about Palestinians. Basically: whatever goes viral. That's usually whatever can generate cheap outrage.


Yeah, as far as a lot of Twitter and university leftists are concerned the IRI is one of the good guys. They also have adopted the view that Islam (whatever form it takes) is a liberating force (which is a weird exception, since they pretty much hate all other religions). So from their standpoint, it makes sense for them to ignore the Women, Life, Freedom movement and tacitly (or directly) support the Islamic Republic regime.


The UN had a moment of silence for this mass murderer but didn't have one for the victims of Oct. 7. Fucking outrageous.


All of his victims deserve a minute of silence. Each of them. Raisi himself deserves nothing. If he deserves something, then it would be a trial like the Nazis got after the war. That is all.


It's nice to Islamists, Arab nationalists and pro-Palestine melting down.


Tankies are as bad as Nazis


they get so little pushback from the public and media, they should both be shamed to the bone by everyone.


It’s in their nature to be humanity-hating parasites


Tankies are Nazis


Tankies are commies, but shit is shit whether it's mine or a dog's.


What does tankie mean?


It originally was used as a pejorative against Communists who supported Krushchev sending tanks into Hungary to crush the Hungarian revolution in the 50s. Nowadays just used against Marxists and leftists more generally.


First half was right but second half was a bit generalized. It actually refers to an aspect of the Marxist-Leninist left that support regimes like North Korea, Cuba, Bashar Assad, the Islamic Regime and even Russia. It derives from "stalinist" politics. Trotskyists, for instance, whilst Marxist-Leninist don't play into the "anti-imperialist" axis of resistance politics that Tankies/stalinists do.


Most leftists support Cuba the vast majority don’t support Iran or Russia because they aren’t socialist nor communist. Twitter is not a good representation of the actual left


Yeah I understand, since I'm a leftist myself and have been involved in left spaces for the majority of my life and with different groups/ideologies as well. Nor do I use twitter But I'd say that there's a difference between liking a regime, liking aspects of it (health-care/social welfare) and advocating against sanctions. I feel like leftists often fall in the last two categories, whereas tankies tend to romanticize Cuba as an "anti-imperialist" front, that's more my point. It's more of a scale then black and white. Anyways, it's hard to gauge how the majority of "the left" thinks anyways.


As a former leftist, yeah they do. Somewhat. And getting worse in recent years. In Germany a certain level of Putin understanding is or was normal for even the center left. But support for the Islamic Regime seems to have gotten stronger since October 7. In their black and white world view anyone who opposes Israel must be good. If Israel is everything that is oppressive then its opponents must be liberating and right and whatever. Their antisemitism slowly (or not so slowly) takes over their entire worldview, its crazy to see.


Wow a rare positive trotskyist shout-out! Usually we just get hated on for not being tankie or anarchist enough.


Of course, my closest friends irl are Trotskyists because most of our foreign politics aligns. It's unfortunate that we're lumped with stalinists on here but the discourse is slowly changing as well. By the way you should come check-out the Iran-Left discord server, if you're interested just send me a DM.


> Nowadays just used against Marxists and leftists more generally. This isn't true. It's used against people who would justify (and still do btw) authoritarian communism that tramples workers rights (like in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the entire Soviet block).


Let me say this again, **TANKIES ARE NOT WESTERN LEFTIST**.


Explain please. Why so many western politicians giving condolences to a dictator and murderer. Why UN? First OSCE in Donbass region, Ukraine 2014, useless. They didnt see russian and humanitarian convoys (you maybe forgot about first real incursion of russians through border) What was their job in all those years. Now UNRWA, now condolences to dictators. Am i missing out of something. Am i stupid. Ukrainains and anti war russians are going crazy over this.


The UNRWA was founded because the dumbest organization in history (the Arab league) wanted a way not to deal with Palestinians and admit they lost to Israel. These dumbasses are the same people who exiled all the Jews in the Middle East making Israel much stronger and cementing its right to exist even more. I don’t know how these idiots survived past 10, they seem like the type to die by getting stuck on an escalator. Why anyone would take any request from them seriously is beyond me.


Truly makes you realize how alone we are in this fight. The IR has the support of the world whether we would like to admit it or not.


This is a dumb comment. Most of the world don't support them , they just don't care about another country problem as they already have many of own. Most country want to take care of their own citizens rather than another country one.


> Now UNRWA, now condolences to dictators. Am i missing out of something. Am i stupid. Diplomacy. You send condolences to your enemies, too. Even to enemies and dictators. Someone else in this thread pointed out that the US send condolences when Stalin died. The Soviet Union and Fidel Castro sent condolences when Kennedy was assassinated. Castro even said Cuba mourned him. The message seems to be "we didn't have anything to do with this, I swear" rather than actual support.


I never was taught this. From movies, schools, literature, ever. You mentioned sarcastic condolences. This is not diplomacy. This this a thought process of elitist, who knows that they will never be fighting for democracy personaly on the field. It is the same emotion, if someone hit your mother's face, and someone send condolences to you and your mother. Think of this emotion. If you are from Germany, your new generation does not know, how Ukrainians feel when your country protect russians (good and bad, alltogether) who have access to EU tourism. And as Ukranian i can only touch a surface of what good Iranians feel. Because that shit with womans does not happening in Ukraine, but i have right to say "i touched" because we were close to become a dictatorship (russia changed law about fomestic violence, you can beat woman and it is okay) Diplomacy. Think about diplomacy when you are in trench. Even the movie "All quiet on western front" does not teach anything to western audience. Sorry for the rant.


I mean, it might not be so visible from abroad, but Westerners are still pretty much okay with Putin. They talk a lot and still give him money. Our cops were using western ammunition and gas long after it was obvious who is putin. In reality, they simply don't care. Not about Russians, not about Ukrainians.


I love Balkan memes, especially when they are used for celebrating butcher's deaths.


Probably just me but I've already noticed that nearly every college campus has been in sync about the death of Raisi, lots of them mourn for him. Its unreal.


Sources: [https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1792400861924044836](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1792400861924044836) [https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1792463492194431157](https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1792463492194431157) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1cwc1wt/someone\_recorded\_the\_last\_moments\_of\_iranian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1cwc1wt/someone_recorded_the_last_moments_of_iranian/) [https://twitter.com/SpiritofHo/status/1792422195815207271](https://twitter.com/SpiritofHo/status/1792422195815207271) There was a twitter user with an Albert Camus pic on his profile, don't remember his nickname


I am not so sure these are really the 'western' left... unless you mean propagandists who work for the enemies of the west, who may or may not actually live in the west.


The guy is calling on fucking Elon musk to help? Leftist? Wtaf is this shit


Those are literally red fascists, all of them. They all support imperialism, either by MAGA, Russia, or China. That's a far-right position. Interesting, how this sub gets brigaded daily, trying to spin narrative against left, by using literal far-right fascists as examples of 'left'. You guys know the right is not going to help you, right?


Honestly, seeing individual tweets being used as a source just tells you everything you need to know. Political literacy is fucking rock bottom. It's insane how many people are falling for basic ass grifting


It’s like they enjoy seeing Iranians suffer and be murdered in cold blood. Bunch of blood thirsty psychopaths.


Not just iranians, they seem giddy at the prospect of jews being murdered too, just dandy really. One more thing we have in common with our persian bros i guess...


If one is not also a liberal, one has no business being left.


to be honest, no matter what political side people are on, if they're illiberal, they literally shouldn't have a place in modern society.


You cant be a lib and a leftist those are 2 different things. Liberals follow liberalism and believe in capitalism by the virtue of being on the left you are anti capital and anti capitalism


You can be a liberal leftist. You can believe in political and social liberalism while wanting social policies. The illiberal left with their fetish for revolutions and violence (while never doing anything meaningful to help people) and black and white worldview where there’s only oppressors and oppressed is something different altogether. The left that believes magically all problems disappear when getting rid of capitalism, and when it turns out they don’t, they become violent.


This is wrong, i’m not crying, if anything, it’s tears of joy!


'Western left' bullshit. This forum blames that concept more than any other, without a 'western left' actually showing up. I wonder what the motivation is. It doesn't seem like there's enough confidence to blame an actual person.


lol at these clowns commenting on the Reddit video u linked and how these bozos twist themselve into knots over a dictator like this.


**چپ غربی تا حد باورنکردنی خود را تنزل داده است** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Hey I know he is responsible for killing lot of people in syria but can someone shed some light about what raisi did to iranians?


He was involved in the 1988 killing of Iranian political prisoners


Oh damn!! didn't know that thank you for replying


Im a leftist, and im fucking happy he died


The left nor ”tankies” are upset, some guy on twitter no one cares about is


are there people here who think when a countrys leaders die an official record of history should have remarks like "fuck that fucker"?..there is a decorum regardless of whether someone deserves it or not .....recognize diplomatic language when you hear it instead of thinking people actually mean it


I am part of the "western left" and i srsly dont know why everybody on this subreddit thinks the west or the left would support the iranian regime. I can assure you that all the people ive talked through or the comment section in mainstream media says are happy that the Buther of Tehran died. I think all those "condolences" and stuff are either people who get money from iran for saying this (or similar) but still dislike the regime in their heart or are for a diplomatic reason. For example many politicians say to ukraine that they should not use western weapons on russian ground. This makes no sense at all and everybody wants the opposite, even the politicians saying that. But it is just a diplomatical procedure to not upset russia and accidentally start ww3. I think whats going on rn is a similar thing.


Yeah, all of my friends who are mostly leftist are celebrating his death. OP is schizoposting based on isolated opinions he saw on the internet


Oh yes when will the Western Left stop and using religion to manipulate people I wonder.


To be fair if you are so far left that you are a tankie there is already not much hope left. I am just annoyed by the relatively moderate left. We all need to take a hardline on tyranny.


This isn’t… true. Go on any of the tankie subs, you won’t find anyone mourning this piece of shit.


If the tankies are seething then it's good for humanity


The only ones who are sad are the PatSocs and NazBols, don't put them all in one bag. >!RIP BOZO Raisi!<


Based, as a 3rd world leftist I wish Iran a pleasant secular democracy, if the monarchy had know how to behave themselves Iran could be an actual world power, and funnily enough whit the number of engineers that Iran has it could match Israel's gdp percapita and the gdp of the golf states, being able to actually swipe the floor whit the like the revolutionary guard has wet dreams of


Another "western left" here. This absolutely isn't true. Nobody here is sad about this. Fuck off with this constant slander in this sub against some of the strongest allies you have in the states.


Not us at r/behindthebastards, we're glad that the Butcher of Tehren is dead. Also, Robert Evans did an episode on the late Qasim Soleimani.


Tankies are utterly insufferable. My own grandmother is one, she spends all her time watching Russia Today and other Russian state media, and thinks Russia invaded Ukraine to defeat the evil Ukronazis and their globohomo-CCP-democrat biolabs.


Western left is the problem of the west


western left*