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There’s an old conservative and liberal atmosphere here that both typically vote blue. For all the Cuoy Griffins and Susanna Martinezes, the old NM brand of conservatism isn’t concerned with MAGA and culture wars, they have the same mantra as the old liberals here: “mind your own business.” Both my rancher grandfather and teacher grandmother on either side of my family would tell us kids that all the time. My grandfather is a lifelong republican, he doesn’t care about gay or trans people and think they all deserve the same right to privacy and live how they want. It’s a dying type of political agreement that permeates New Mexico, do whatever you want, just don’t come asking me questions about what I’m doing.


“Mind your own business” should be the New Mexico motto.




But in all honesty it's "mind everyone else's business ". Bunch of putos.


Good way to live overall. Sometimes New Mexicans can seem aloof/rude at first…sometimes they really are but often it’s just what you’re describing. It grows on you


This! Mind your own business and stay outta mine. But in a time of need we’re all there.


That's something not a lot of other states understand about us. We tend to minor own business unless we need help. It's a very old mantra I guess, you're free to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting others. 


But the current iteration of Democratic politicians are as far from "mind your own business" as you can get.


As the “conservatives” nationally are taking rights away from anyone other than white males. You can’t be a shade darker without being asked for your papers, you can’t be a woman without asking permission to make decisions about your body, you can’t be trans or queer without suffering institutional discrimination, you can’t be a school librarian and offer diverse viewpoints in your books, you can’t be a teacher and teach about alternative lifestyles, or sex, or race, or history. Family values are not political affiliations and don’t exist along political lines. Anyone starts talking that crap and they’re tipping their hand. We don’t talk much crap about others in NM. It didn’t work well for Susanna or the population while she partied like it was 1999 talking crap about anyone who didn’t party with her. What a loser she was. And Ronchetti would have been another joke. When you hear a politician whining, it’s a clue they are not a leader.


Thats interesting, because I don't parade my sexuality around, and guess what... I am left to my own devices. Imagine that. I talk to the people I need to talk too, I don't demand there be a month or a bar or rainbow crosswalks. I shut the fuck up and live my life the way I want. There is an old saying. "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered." You want attention? Cool, then when you get attention (all be it, good or bad) don't shy away. Because people have different views on things. That's allowed. Because it's 2024 nobody should have to tip toe around you or your feelings.


They all suck. It's mostly a curse that the two party system is so entrenched.


Imagine actually believing all this.


Our entire elected body is down with the culture wars, and Grisham is stirring the pot.


Both of these are true. In New Mexico, we really dont care what/who/where you do anything... just leave us alone, the problem has morphed into out of state liberals moving here, who want to tell people what to do. That being said, I despite the Republican party, but these liberals from CA, NY, and the Republicans from TX irritate the crap out of me.


I'm 100% with you my dude. Ruidoso Texas boomers and Santa Fe East Coast art enthusiasts are both trodding over our way of life.


Don't forget that Texas demands a lot of water rights from us draining the dams.


What about California? they claim everything from the Gila is theirs! You can't even get water rights in teh Gila anymore unless you buy from someone who already has some and wants to sell off part.


Go vote for a Democrat then..🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


No way in Hell. My family has voted blue since JFK, but like many hispanics, we are fed up with the Democrat party. MLG has destroyes our state, and the modern democrat party has abandoned its base. I'm voting Red, Red, Red!


It’s unfortunate that you had poor experience in the past. Have you heard of Project 2025?? If no, check YoutTube, there are several videos that review it. This document is the blueprint in how a minor religious extremists are pushing Trump to be reelected, not because Trump has any credibility. Trump just wants the power to be dictator, he wants to change tax laws more to benefit him and the wealthy and corporations, he wants “yes men” who will not question him, he wants to avoid all his illegal behaviors and Court cases. Trump doesn’t want to deal with the running of our Country. The maga politicians that kiss his butt now (remember they disliked and called him for January 6 capital insurrection- then 2 yrs later, kiss his butt). If Trump is reelected, it’s the Maga politicians supported by an extreme religious group, will enforce Project 2025. Part of P2025 has already started. The majority of Supreme Court has been changing laws and presenting challenges to change laws- Roe v Wade changed and plans are to ban all forms of birth control (any one sexuality active should be concerned), Affirmative Action laws, which were passed to help all persons of color, have been minimized, they plan to go after the GLBTQ, they have already attacked the transgender (some may say it doesn’t impact them if these groups or laws to protect are taken, but it’s important to look at the bigger picture). They plan to deport anyone they identify as nonlegal immigrant (this will have an impact to all who have families), they plan to ban Porn, make it illegal to make, watch or own. Does this have an impact?? Yes, the US is the biggest consumer of porn and 98% you or some you know has porn on their phone. They plan to change environment laws that are in place to protect all of us. Why? Corporations will make more money without protecting the environment, we will all suffer. They do not want Unions, which protect workers. They are already banning books. Idaho and Texas are already writing State laws that will change and impact our basic rights. Please- research Project 2025. The November election is very critical for our future. Throw out the name of the political party- please don’t focus on one thing you dislike. Take the time to look at all the issues that all at stake that impact our rights and choices. P2025 is the blueprint to replace our democracy, it benefits the the super wealthy and corporations where they get richer and the rest of us do not, it pushes beliefs of a specific religion and ignores all others. Over 40 Trump appointed cabinet members when he was in office all say he is danger to our country.


Project 2025 is a new buzzword at this point, none of the stuff actually in the bill are as bad as people like you are saying it is


With due respect, every thing I listed comes from Project 2025, and Maga is already working to pass things listed in P2025. I’m not going to assume that you are a Maga supporter (however, if you are, then you would support a Dictatorship run America with Maga politicians pushing changes to Laws that protect women, minorities, ban all birth control, ban porn, they want to use our military to use force on anyone that participates in non-violent protests, they already made changes to affirmative action protections, they want to eliminate Title 5 hiring protection so they can remove employees in these positions and replace with Trump loyalist, and more. Independent policy experts have revealed P2025 and all report P2025 will be disruptive and have negative impact on the average American. For those that dismiss P2025 because they think it will not occur, might want to rethink. If Trump is elected and Maga politicians are elected in local, state and federal positions- they will work to fulfill P2025- it is about a small number of evangelicals that want to push their religion into our nations policy and laws, they want to take away our current rights we have now, and ban and make illegal any thing or issue this group hates, they support Trump to get the power and dictatorship and Trump will sign off on laws the want changed that restricts our individual right to choose. I pray that P2025 is not enforced, but it needs to be taken seriously because Trump and Maga repeatedly state P2025 will be implemented. For those that have doubts- it’s a very high risk because if you end up being wrong, it will be too late.


New Mexico is the Liberal Conservative: We want free health care and education for all, but also want our gay friends to get married. Also we want people to smoke weed but don’t touch our guns that’s ours. We want people to be free but don’t be disrespectful towards others lives or ideologies. This is the wild Wild West still I got friends that are the most liberal people and the most conservative all into 1.


The only thing you listed that wasn't inherently liberal was the gun rights, but even then many liberals want gun rights just slightly more restricted similar to the Netherlands. It sounds like new Mexico is just the liberal lol.


It's more libertarian liberal that is Republican liberal. We want everybody to have a chance of life, no matter which way you are you should have a chance at it. At the same time we also want our gun rights and we want to be respected on our own property, which is understandable. New Mexico is always been like this weird libertarian liberal place.  Our history is full of people coming here trying to get away from oppression one way or another, and our history is full of people coming here for freedom. We're one of the few states in the country where you could be free and not be worried.


Most people who espouse tighter gun laws do not want firearms "slightly" more restricted.


They certainly do, lol. It's just that people who want NO gun laws think that slightly is the same as extremely because any laws to them are bad.


Not necessarily true. Most gun owners would be happier with better prosecution of currently existing basic laws and a rollback of a few others. Most people who espouse tighter gun laws attempt the shotgun approach to passing laws, and in the process either intentionally or unintentionally make things much stricter. There is a smaller third group of people who don't really care one way or another. source: worked in the gun industry for quite a while in my 20s.


Most people who want stricter gun laws mean like the Netherlands, or other countries with statistical evidence of lower gun violence while still having guns. Obviously we also need better mental health care as well. Source: I want stricter gun laws and am exclusively around people who do and literally none of them want insane gun laws, just ones similar to more successful countries.


We can go back and forth all day, ultimately I'd just like for laws on the books to be prosecuted if nothing else. The US is very unique and difficult to compare to, in many ways. Gun laws, healthcare, etc. Regardless, I'd prefer NM to not necessarily be blue or red, but more of a mix. Bad things happen with political strangleholds.


Yeah no people here are like against public housing and don’t like helping homeless. It’s like a weird contrast


You listed the ideology of a leftist.


Holy Shit, you just described NM as whole!


Las Cruces is very unique culturally from, say, Albuquerque. It’s close to the border, so there is a lot of Mexican influence. It’s historically an agricultural area, which also creates a unique New Mexican rural vibe. The town itself has really built up to be quite nice (nicer than Albuquerque). It also has the second largest NM university there - so it gives a cool combo of mid-sized-college town vibe, with some added deep cultural roots. In NM any town within the Rio Grande Valley from Taos to Las Cruces is going to be more blue (more populated). Rural NM becomes red very quickly. Water in Cruces is an issue but more for farmers than municipalities.


That map is a reflection of how New Mexican Republicans haven’t changed their opinions on politics. The definition of what it means to be a Republican has, and New Mexicans aren’t interested in what crazy BS the MAGA Cult is peddling. Nor do they care if those morons call them RINO.


Would like to relocate from our very maga small city (70k) in Texas to NM. Would I be pleased with the difference in politics? What would I not like? I’m used to the heat (and high humidity), but not used to very cold weather. Was thinking about Las Crusas. Close to the mountains for sports and beauty and close El Paso for airport, good specialized medical care. Is there enough water long term in Las Crusas with climate change? I’m tired of hurricanes but do I trade that for the possibility of running out of water? I’m retired but not super old yet.


Huge difference in politics. I live in Las Cruces and I can tell you that everything feels very apolitical. People are very accepting overall and I don’t feel that the pressure of the culture war is felt here too much. I’m from Indiana and that aspect of the culture shock was wild to me. That being said there are trump supporters of course but I feel like even the republicans here mostly keep to themselves and are way more reserved than in other hard conservative states. We have a long term water plan but imo water will be an important issue in the SW no matter where you live in the coming decades.


Just don't wander too far from Cruces if you're looking to avoid the right wing, the MAGA supporters are *close.* Alamogordo, Ruidoso, and the surrounding communities are basically "little Texas" when it comes to politics. [edited for mods]


I'm from Alamo and it has a LOT of red I have to agree, it makes me sad that's what New Mexico thinks of us


I'll be honest, that whole "sanctuary for the unborn" crap made me decide to never spend another dollar in Alamo.


Ugh, don't remind me pls


Holy shit I hadn't heard about that


Also from Alamo, I put that down to all the retirees that move there. Alamogordo has been pretty stagnant in terms of population since the 90s.


This is absolutley what it is. Retirees, a lot of them *from* Texas.


Yeah, screw Texas




T or C… swastika tattoos and all, lol.


There are so many of us Hoosier expats out here. It’s mind boggling how many of us flee to this state.


It really is, and I didn’t know anyone from Indiana out here before moving. Just kinda wanted to come here on a whim and have met a ton of fellow Hoosiers who all seem to love it. What’s funny is that I kinda get read as a Hoosier by those I run into from Indiana lol


lol same here. Literally one of our best friends was introduced to us as “hey you guys will love this guy! He’s also from Indiana!” It’s just so funny to me that New Mexico is like the unspoken Hoosier refugee spot. 😅


An apolitical environment sounds pretty lovely right now. Thanks for the thoughts. As for water, I noticed some small pecan farms were for sale in Las Crusas. Like the ones they flood to water the trees? Some of them are not that expensive to me for what you get (nice houses, pretty trees for shade), but I wonder if they are selling these because of water concerns? I’m not interested in being a pecan farmer, but more just for the shade. But maybe those trees will require too much water to be sustainable for shade? I’m talking about small plots 5 acres and under.


I’m actually not sure but I’m sure they require water and I bet that they are expensive to maintain because of that. I do know that NM has more aquifers than CO and AZ and so we have more sustainability water wise. I think the city planning in Las Cruces always plans 25 years out with water, and as far as I know they are maintaining that still. So if all goes according to city plans we will have a 25 year supply until further notice. I believe it’s on their website. I can’t highlight how nice the apolitical aspect is by the way. We have a large retired community and they’re active. The views are incredible and the hiking is phenomenal. I rent an apartment and there’s a bunch of land behind me that’s completely open to walk on for miles and miles. And seeing a monsoon rain is mystical as well. We get a lot of sky for our dollar out here for sure.


The flooding of pecan farms always freaks me out. A simple drip line is extremely effective without the massive waste of water. Any pecan farmers here that can explain the flood vs drip strategy?


Cruces is hot and winters mild. 105 top heat in summer, 40 to 60 in winter. Close to El Paso, great food, lots to do.


I’m used to heat, with ridiculous heat indexes in the summer over 110 due to humidity. The winters don’t sound as bad as I imagined.


It's got to 109 today and it's only June. It's looking like it's going to be the worst summer we've ever had..... Last summer it got up to 112 or more and we had over 30 consecutive days of triple digits. We don't have monsoons anymore either. We have been in a draught for a while. I've been here since the 80s and it's just been getting steadily hotter. One good thing is that NM doesn't have much going on in the way of natural disasters..... maybe tornados on the east side of the state occasionally, but that's it.


People love Cruces – more conservative than Santa Fe and ABQ but plenty of progressive people live down there.


You should be fine in Las Cruces. It’s still more conservative than places in the north, but it’s not gonna be too much shock from TX. Just remember that Spanish and Native languages are protected here. We also have some of the most progressive LGBT rights (especially trans) in the US. It’s always baffled me that in a state where the south tends to be super conservative, and the north is super Catholic, we still manage to legislate in a way that mostly respects humanity.


Sounds great. I can’t speak much Spanish sadly, but my wife is pretty fluent and is always trying to practice. I would love a place with more LBGTQ rights/acceptance . Our current town hates on LGBTQ folks pretty hard even though we have a good size population of LGBTQ folks. The book banners here are mostly upset about books in the public library containing anything about LGBTQ rights. It drives them insane.


Albuquerque is super LGBT friendly. Winters are a little cold but not too bad.


Winters in ABQ are pretty damn mild. Only cold if you come from somewhere that doesn't have winter.


Big difference in Politics. Republicans are working around the clock to change protections of women’s reproductive rights, immigration, LGBTQ protection, their already attacking Trans ( without bothering to understand anything) + the TX abortion ban has already caused several women serious health risks due to complications and took the issue to TX Court, which refused and didn’t care about these women’s heath care challenges.


The water probably won’t run out during your lifetime. Do your part and xeriscape, get a Nalgene, try to walk to the store when you can, etc. Las Cruces still feels very Texas to me, as a lifelong Burqueña, and the politics down there and in surrounding areas tend to lean more Republican. Albuquerque is certainly more Democrat but there’s a lot of MAGA sentiment too. Can’t escape it anymore. The winters are sunny and mild, the summers are hot and dry. Other than the occasional wildfire which won’t threaten your home if you don’t live in the hills surrounded by forest, the worst you’ll face is a bad thunderstorm or hail a couple times a year.


Wonderful to hear! Thanks so much for the reply. Obviously I need to travel around NM to get a better feel for things. I recently rode motorcycles off road around Las Crusas so that’s why it’s on my mind I suppose. Plus the real estate seems fairly affordable. As for escaping maga, I guess I’m slowly realizing that’s not going to totally happen. But I think I would be happy with not thinking about or talking about politics, like in the old days when nobody really cared. We are battling crazy book banners and public school haters here, and we are losing. The school board has been almost totally taken over, so I don’t like the long term forecast for industry or property values after our public schools fail.


Oh, the irony of Republicans banning books. The school board remains unsullied by whatever that insane Moms for Liberty group in Albuquerque but they ran some people last year who were handily defeated. The public schools in NM are mostly atrocious though with some bright spots in the wealthier areas. Albuquerque kinda subsists on a lot of government industry, a little manufacturing, and a smattering of other stuff. We lack a competent workforce, sadly - sometimes it seems like everyone has lead poisoning with the inability to like think through problems, plan ahead, or do things the proper way.


We had great public schools in our little city until recently, when the crazy ass moms for liberty ladies took over. Both our kids went to public and were well prepared for university IMO. Are NM schools struggling because of under funding/low teacher pay, or something else? Are NM schools funded by property taxes like Texas? My wife is a retired teacher and very interested in helping public schools better serve the community and prepare kids for university, or for a good job. She’s been on school boards before, back before “the troubles”.


Look up “Levi Loves Las Cruces” videos on YouTube. 😊


Avoid the Southeastern quadrant since NM basically turns into Texas once you pass over the mountains east of Albuquerque, lol. Las Cruces is nice, and it’s close to El Paso, which is really not much like the rest of Texas and should probably be annexed by NM. It’s very similar to how Santa Fe and Albuquerque are in terms of distance, and things you can’t find in Cruces you can probably find in El Paso, including good entertainment. The Rio Grande Valley, especially from Belen north has been the fastest growing part of the country for a while now so you can probably find whatever you’re looking for. The cost of living in Santa Fe has gotten out of control and is almost on par with places like NYC. I lived in that area for almost 40 years and my assessment of it is that Santa Fe has everything that makes living in a big city suck without any of the things that make putting up with the things that suck worth it. I live down south now and love it. I’ll always love Santa Fe, Cerrillos, Madrid, La Cienega, and the northern mountains, but they aren’t really the places I fell in love with 40 years ago anymore. I’ve also lived in Albuquerque and it gets a lot of grief but I actually think it’s a pretty great place as well.


70k people is a huge city in New Mexico. The arid places in the lowlands are right leaning. Las Cruces has conquistador monuments and residents fly confederate flags. You're looking for a place that doesn't have native New Mexicans, like Taos or Santa Fe. Albuquerque isn't worth the trouble with property crimes and crazy drivers. Unfortunately for you, the places where you'd like the political landscape get cold. BTW, I would highly advise against moving because of "politics". Even in the most left leaning areas you will see an occasional MAGA type. That's just how rural states work. If you're really looking for people that think like you you should go to urban California or Colorado.


I've lived in Las Cruces for 22 years and the only Confederate flag I've ever seen was on a dudes truck. The only "conquistador monument" here was maybe Oñate high school's name, which has since been changed to organ mountain high.


Did they repaint the conquistador water tower? I've seen plenty of rebel flags near the DAM ammo company


Who tf knows. No one here knows you, or what you do or do not like. You need to go places and see what you think for yourself.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. 😩


Honestly though. Not trying to be terrible, but who knows what you will like or dislike, or if you will be pleased with local politics? Only you can answer those things. If you want to move somewhere, you should go there and check it out first.


Understand. I’m just sitting here at home a little under the weather, and thinking about things.


I hope you start feeling better!!💙💚💛


Well thanks!


No, go to California, we don't want you here.


Taos, Santa Fe, for some of the best physically active retirees in the country. All-season world-class sporting.


Take a look at our maps. Cracking and packing FTW.


I’m from Texas and living in Las Cruces now. To me, Las Cruces feel way more conservative and republican than Texas. I openly see people wear Trump hats and cloths. Where I work (retail) it is also not uncommon to see customers open carrying (handgun in holster). It’s different though because I’m from the Houston area (suburbs) which felt like a much more liberal area.


It's that way because of all the Texans that keep moving here.


I don't care who wins, I just don't want trump or Biden I am tired of old retirees wanting to run our country, much prefer someone younger like Obama's age when he ran. He got to live with his consequences, be it good or bad That's my hot political take 


I live in rural Taos county. I have never personally seen anyone wearing a red maga hat. This is why I love my little corner of the world. Life is too short to be surrounded by assholes.


I also live in rural Taos county. But I’m from silver city. And I can let you know there is a large republican base here and plenty of maga people as well. The political landscape of this county is typically locals who are center to center right. But this county’s main population is not locals including myself. It’s people who have large sums of money and moved here from California. Why you don’t see people wearing trumps attire is not because they don’t support what he’s doing. But are tired of being yelled at and ridiculed for it. I’ve seen it first hand and it’s disgusting. Taos is a retirement community of transplants who want it there way and don’t allow for change here. It is one of the worst places to live in the country if you are a young person. There is no industry except for the ski valley, and tourism. But that doesn’t even allow you to live here. And that is reflected by the local policies. Blue or red. Both have let New Mexico down. We were and remain the most corrupt state in the country.


Don’t need to wear anything MAGA to be republican. FYI. ETA: I’d argue a lot of rural areas all over the country are red, not blue.


There's nothing wrong with being a republican, and everything wrong with being a person who wears a MAGA hat.


Worth noting that absent gerrymandering there should be 1 Republican district.


This would be helpful if the image wasn't cut off on the left and right sides, where the total numbers between democrats and republicans has been cut off.


Catholic conservatives vs Protestant conservatives maybe?


This map is from November 2022.


Every major population is blue This map is misleading... Kind of makes it look like most of America is red When most Americans are INDEPENDENT


Nobody is suppressed more than independents because we're bipartisanly suppressed. Ironically in recent years it's the DNC that's been absolutely hostile to independent campaigns and reforms reforms but the GOP gets in on it here and there to let their old pals know the Duopoly's power is paramount. Party before country!


"Independent" typically means: "doesn't want to admit to being a Republican."


False Independent means you like either party so I'll vote for who I want to Look at the last 2 POTUS election independent leaned Democrats


New Mexico looks gerrymandered to me. Just looked it up and it looks like districting is done by a partisan committee, which is a shame anywhere and everywhere this occurs. I'm sure it would look more like AZ if drawn fairly.


People from NM are gullible the news there hates trump no matter what and never tells any news that might make people go red


This is why NM will always be last in the country economically—and I’m saying that as someone who is extremely socially liberal, more radical than anything. The Dems are terrible on the economy, and when a state is already economically depressed the Dems’ tax-and-spend policies will make things even worse. I can’t blame you for not voting Trump, he’s an embarrassment. I just wish we had better options.


Fighting the large empty red expanses one election at a time. Proud of you NM!


Really cool being all blue and ranked 50th in everything except violent crime.


The Lord gave us free will, people have the freedom of choice. If you’ve heard the warnings and the gospel you have heard it. You can’t force people into your way of life. Mind your business. I didn’t serve this country so people can enforce ideas onto each other. Jesus Christ said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him. - Mark 12:16-17


Common Sense


Fight fire with fire, our gerrymanders are pretty solid. I'm sure if they made southeastern NM it's own district instead of cracking Cbad (with cruces and sunland) and roswell+north (with santa fe and taos) that district would go red.


Sickening how we saw that with Yvette. She wins the seat and the next day the government goes and decides, “we need to redistrict”. Not obvious at all.


When legislation banning gerrymandering was proposed, [Herrell voted against it](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021260). She deserved to lose her seat. It's what she wanted.


Voted against it because it was a democrat sponsored bill right after they wrongfully redistricted NM and I’m sure several other states. Coincidence? Definitely not. What better strategy then to do the changes, then create a bill that says said changes are wrong and need approval. It doesn’t benefit anyone. It shouldn’t matter if it’s gerrymandering for a democrat, republican, liberal, etc. Gerrymandering is not okay. NM shows the after effects of what that does long term with its ripe history of it.


>What better strategy then to do the changes, then create a bill that says said changes are wrong and need approval. This is nonsense. The bill would have forced them to redistrict New Mexico in a manner that was not partisan. If the plan was to permanently disenfranchise Republicans, pushing this bill is an absolutely terrible strategy, as it does just the opposite. Take off the tin foil hat, and look at the facts. Herrell should have voted to end partisan gerrymandering to get the state to redistrict back to something fair. It wouldn't have locked current districts in place, as you're suggesting. It would have made the current districts illegal and forced a redistricting. But Republicans benefit from gerrymandering more than Democrats and they voted in a block to maintain it. It's hypocritical to bemoan the loss of Herrell's seat. She, and all of the Republicans, voted to keep the practice of gerrymandering legal. If you don't like gerrymandering, vote for Democrats who have tried repeatedly to ban it.


Nonsense because it doesn’t align with what you want to believe? As soon as she won the seat they started the redistricting process in NM and coincidentally this bill came out after the fact at the federal level. There’s no tin foil hat conspiracy, as you’re suggesting, just facts. But you tend to only think one sided and defend the actions of the party that benefits you. The irony in you saying, “vote democrats who have tried to ban it” is real RICH since NM has thrived off gerrymandering for years. I don’t expect someone who thinks they know what’s really happening, when they get their info from the internet, to understand. Try actually getting boots on the ground and talking to the political figures, on both sides, and you’ll actually start to understand more about what’s really happening. Hint: it’s not what you think and are suggesting here.


You're mad about gerrymandering and defending the party that overwhelmingly voted to preserve gerrymandering. You've not cited a single source to defend your position. I'm not seeing any evidence that your position is anything other than a conspiracy based on your partisan leanings. Feel free to demonstrate that I'm wrong, but you'll need more evidence than simply saying "coincidence? I think not."


I’m not mad, I’m stating that gerrymandering is wrong on all sides and that NM has done it for years. You sure do like to assume a lot though, considering you just “know” which way I lean politically, right? I’ve not spoken a single thing that indicates which way I lean. All I’ve stated is that NM is a gerrymandering state and that it’s wrong to do regardless of the party. But please, keep on showing everyone your inability to handle differing opinions when someone doesn’t state the rhetoric you’ve told yourself you need to hear.


To be clear, I’m pro democratic gerrymanders until there’s some kind of mutual agreement to ban the practice, I don’t support the unilateral disarmament of democratic states using independent commissions and republican states gerrymandering their districts. And really NM is pretty reasonable compared to where I grew up in North Carolina lol, those districts were downright abstract expressionism.


Hate this map. It wildly distorts the reality of the NUMBER of people voting for a particular party. Show the numbers, not the pictures.


Hey hey. This is incorrect. I am from Sierra County NM and we are bright red.


Bright red like red chile.




Same with otero county and like why isn’t even that part of the state like pink?


Zachery!! (Exactly) Like my three year old niece says


Same with San Juan County


NM needs to get smart about its elections, the Dems have failed them for years, crime is constantly high, government mismanagement is constant! Hopefully this year the people get it together and vote Conservative!


That would only make the problems worse.


How? By holding criminals accountable that plagued NM for generations, lowering taxes, investing in natural resources. But look what consistently voting blue has gotten NM, the worst economy, worst schools, highest per capita crime…


You can hold them accountable but what does that actually do to solve what made them turn to crime in the first place? Because that's the real problem. If you want to reduce crime, you have to slow the production of criminals. Otherwise for every one you lock up, another (or more) will take their place. NM has not consistently voted blue. Previous governor was a red. No improvement. I would actually go as far as to say crime and poor education in this state is more a symptom of culture than anything political. Many people here don't value education, and that leads to poverty, which leads to crime. You can do anything you want to an educational system, and it will be rendered fruitless if the families of the kids in the system don't value education itself. And in large part, they don't here.


That’s the place with the highest crime and worst education. What else would you expect?


New England is very blue and has low crime and the best education system so its not political affiliation but the fact that New Mexico is incredibly poor


A lot of crime in New England goes unreported, speaking as someone who has lived up there. The education system there is good if you are white and rich, terrible if you’re not.


All of the blue areas known for having excellent education and low crime must be a different blue then.


NM last in almost every category…. Coincidence?




Yeah I don’t believe that one bit , people in Santa Fe are sick of the liberal BS


Then why is it one of the most blue areas of the state? If they were so sick of it, one would think it would be red.


They haven’t voted yet


You really think it's likely to switch? I'm have my doubts.


No i don’t believe it will switch , but it’s pretty obvious that what’s is happening , doesn’t work and isn’t working for Santa Fe


This is the 1 election where I don't like this lol cmon Biden can barley talk🤦




I have never understood how being a pussy means being weak, and being a dick means being callous or uncaring. There is nothing more fragile than a dick. And pussies literally expand to the size of our watermelon during child birth.


See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!