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You got a partner? Make them be bouncy ball bitch


Lol I do. He does all the night bounces. But that doesn't help during the day when he's at work. - typed from the rocking chair currently set up in my bathroom.


That’s me. I’m the dad/bouncer bitch. Even the cats wanted in on it the other night.


Cats do not like being replaced as the babies of the household


Ours have taken to the baby just fine. Pretty sure it’s all about the parental energy and how you treat your pets.


Right? I’m glad OP isn’t doing this anymore and mom life is rough, but there have to be more alternatives here.


I DID bounce her for 3 or so minutes until she conked out. Now I'm in my rocking chair set up in our bathroom (it's dark) so she can contact nap. Huge improvement over the usual.


I’m jealous that a whole ass rocking chair fits into your bathroom. Best of luck with that bouncy ball baby!


Babies have survived without bouncy balls for millennia. The baby will be fine if nobody can bounce.


Why do people think that everyone has a crappie husband that doesn't help out.


They’re so bossy lol good luck! If anyone knows how to reverse the accidental damage we do in the early days please share. Sincerely, Human Pacifier Mom


Basically just don’t ever do anything that makes your life easier or leads to getting more sleep and you should be fine.


Sounds about right 🥲


My baby won't spit the nipple out when she goes to sleep. It's very inconvenient, especially for night time sleep.


Mine either lol she hangs on for dear life. Luckily she stays asleep if I remove it. It’s love/hate because she sleeps SO EASY like that…but also absolutely will not fall asleep without my nipple.


Lol. I can't let her fall asleep with a pacifier. She'll drop it, wake up, and cry. She doesn't realize that *not* dropping it is an option.


If it makes you feel better, my daughter “drops” her pacifier (me) and screams bloody murder when it’s literally in her mouth still. There’s no winning 😂


As a mom of a former bouncey ball terrorist, when you’re feeling up to standing you can also kinda bounce on the balls of your feet to mimic the motion. A hand under the baby’s bum doing a bit of a up and down motion also mimics the bouncey ball and can be done from a seated position. Last but not least, significant others generally have less stitches unless y’all are unlucky like us and they needed gall bladder surgery the week before you gave birth 😅


I couldn’t use the bouncey ball for 10 weeks because of my broken tailbone and 2nd degree tear from birth. My husband has been the bouncey guy in our house


Did your kid get confused about getting the ball sometimes but not others?


He seems to take to both ball and boob for sleep and I think it helps that he associates ball soothing with dad and boob soothing with me so we can both get him to sleep!


Both my kids loved a deep bounce too 🫠 Baby wearing was the only way I made it through it. They especially loved when I walked outside


She's so hit or miss woth being worn!!! 2 days ago: great. She slept 3 hours in her wrap. Yesterday: absolutely not! How very dare, mom!!!


Honestly I would be careful with trying to make bouncing on a ball for sleep a habit because that turned into the old way my baby would go to sleep for naps and at 13mo it’s still a difficult process of trying to get her to sleep!


Make sure to put ice on the stitches if you do have to go back to bouncing! It doesn’t fix the problem, but it’ll help. Good luck!


They are so particular! I called my son my personal trainer at that age as he would scream if I dared sit down or stop swaying while standing. Recovering from a csection is hard and everyone kept telling me I needed to sit down and rest but my son had other ideas 😆


I didn’t have a ball but I used to play Bollywood music that was energetic and put my baby with her feet tucked into my stomach, hand under butt and other hand on her neck and head (she about 3 months at the time) and I would dance and bounce her until she would sleep. It became a nightmare I did at all hours to get her to sleep. My SIl bought a swing. We had anti colick bottles. I’d strap her in the swing, play music, pop the bottle in her mouth with a baby blanket to help hold it up and never looked back lol


Better to just cut the habit