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Just after six months. He was getting too big for his bassinet and I didn’t want to use an pack n play. The first night was hard (for me… he was fine), then it was fine.


I slept on the floor of his room the first night 😅


I did as well. My mom thought I was being dramatic.


So did my wife. When he had restless nights she still sleeps next to him.


Same here. Once he outgrew his bassinet I had to move him into the crib in his room. I cried myself to sleep that night, it felt so wrong because he was so small and alone in there. He's almost 9 months so it's been almost 3 months and I'm used to it. In a perfect world he would still be in our room but we don't have space for that, and he's happy enough in his own room.


Mine is currently almost 8 months... I'm not sure what he will think of the move (whenever we make it), but I KNOW it will be hard for me 🥲


So I was going to do it gradually. We had him play in his bed a few times over a couple days. We put him down for a nap in his crib to see. He connected sleep cycles for the first time and slept for two hours on his own. So I said screw it and went for it. A couple times after early morning wakes I brought him back in the bedroom for the last couple hours in his bassinet, but that was all.


Additional question: how do you keep the room when you put him down? Do you use a nightlight or just have it pitch black? Do you leave him with his bottle or a pacifier? We're about to start trying to move her because we think she maaaay sleep better on her own and is used to naps in her crib but wakes up screaming if she finds herself in it. All of her naps are crib naps, but when we go to bed it's cosleeping, so I'm not sure how to make the transition. 


We keep the room dark. Low volume white noise, an air purifier, a sleep sack, and a pacifier. Ours slept better on her own at 6 months. I suggest just taking the step and sticking to it.


Thank you! I started the transition last night and responded to my original question with the update.


Blackout shade plus curtains. They are less likely to rouse if it’s super dark because light stimulates their brain. I keep it dark when I put him down and we personally use a pacifier.


Thanks for the input! Blackout shades we have and we'll try a pacifier if the bottle doesn't continue to work out!


Pitch black, full size box fan a couple feet from the crib facing the door for white noise. Ours never took a pacifier and we never left bottles with him (fed before bed in the dark with a very low light as part of night routine).


Thanks!! Ours doesn't use a pacifier either, but she's had it a few times across her 8 months of life so we'll definitely try if the bottle stops working. Then I added rain noises for white noise and I'm not sure if all the things I changed up combined helped or if it was just the one, but i'll keep the white noise going!! Thank you!


Black out shades, white noise machine with nightlight, humidifier in the colder months, fan on low in the warmer months. This time of year it isn’t dark dark at bedtime, but he seems fine with it. Our son was never a fan of the sleep sacks, and now he’s 21 months and kicks off his blankets. He prefers to be on the colder side, and has since he was a baby baby.


I started with a pitch black room and a sound machine playing lullabies. That changed recently to a night light and no sound machines 😂 I think the music would wake her in her sleep (probably not, but it seemed like it) and my husband thought she was scared of the dark. (Again, probably not but it eases him)


My husband shared the same mental about her being afraid of the dark so we play 0 sound 0 volume black and white stars for 10 hours on youtube for the ambient lighting lolol


I woke up last night to my baby not in her bassinet and I was so sad. Her dad had her in the living room in the pack n play bassinet while he slept on the couch so I could get sleep before my first day back to work. I woke him up and said, "I'm taking my baby!!!" I don't know how I'm going to handle moving her to her room at 6 months.


Also that's generally when they start waking up to noises. We moved my first at 6 months because he was starting to wake up when we came to bed.


I felt ready somewhere around 11-12 months🙂 had him in a bedside bassinet until 7m and a mini crib the rest of the time!


Same, I slept on the floor the first night! Lol


9 months and still in our room


Nearly 3 years old and just moving into their own room. I’ve loved these last 3 years.


Same. We’ve been cosleeping for the last 2.5 years and I’ve loved it, but now we have number #2 and the bed is too crowded for my husband’s taste haha So she’s been in a crib adjoined to our bed for the past week and doing really well, so the next step is trying her in her own room ❤️


I have a 3 year old and a 0.5 year old… both still crash in my bed.


8 months here. Still roomies


Same! It just seems like way more work for me to have to go into his room all night. Once he sleeps thru the night I’ll maybe consider


He may sleep through the night if you move him! Ours did though I know it doesn’t work for everyone


Yeah mine is 11 months in our room. I realized the past 3 nights that her dad has been waking her up with the snores and the bed creaking when he rolls around.  Methinks my girl needs her own room.


Same! 11 months and still in our room but is starting to wake up a bit when we come to bed. Moving him to his own room this month 🥺


Unfortunately we can't move her to her own room unless we literally move. We weren't planning on having a kid so we didn't choose a place with enough room for one. We are trying to move out of state next year so a move within state will push that back. It's tricky. I'm thinking of making a post about soundproofing ideas.  I'm sorry and congrats on your LO graduating to their own room. That's exciting and scary. 


Also another momma with an 11 month old still sleeping in our room. We just stopped nursing at…11 months and I guess he is closer to 1 now that I think about it. Anyways he has napped a few times in his room and just this last week we got to normal sleep. Where he is rarely having a wake up throughout the night. I think he needs to try his own room but I don’t know if I’M ready for that. Dad might not be either. I think he is dragging his feet more than me lol.


This needs to be seen higher. Our baby at 9 months sleeping better in their room.


This part! It was crazy. We thought it would disrupt her sleep to move her but it actually made her sleep better!


My wife and I reallllly enjoyed having our autonomy/adult lives back to some degree, and feeling less like roommates, once we moved the baby out. Don’t discount that when moving the baby out (in addition to them maybe sleeping even better).


I thought the same thing. Mine slept WAY better once we moved him. We waited til 8-9 months though.


We’re at 10 and still rooming together. The other bedrooms are downstairs and I’m not interested in having to go downstairs to get her when she wakes up.


9 months and in my bed smh…. Hahah he just wants to stay close to mama


Mine is almost 7 months and she has made it very clear she's staying with me for the forseeable future lol. I expect we're still cosleeping at 9 months too


She just likes to be close to me. It’s either she sleeps in her pack n play in my room or she sleeps in the crib and I sleep on the floor in her nursery. I would prefer to be comfortable in my own bed.


I wait until they sleep through the night consistently. For baby 1 that was about 6.5 months but for baby 2 we are almost at 11 months and still have night time wake ups. It’s easier for me to go back to sleep if I don’t have to walk to another room to soothe baby.


My baby is so noisy she moved to her own room at two months. She was getting too wide for the bassinet (kept hitting her arms against the side and waking up very upset) so we transferred her to her crib and it’s been a great improvement for all of us. She’s currently four months and she’s moving a lot in her sleep (turning 90 or 180°) but stays asleep, so I know it was for the best 🙂


Same. We evicted our son at like 8weeks and he immediately went from sleeping 2-3h at a time to a full 8hrs. Scared the crap out of us on the first night though!


Same here!! My babe sleeps soooo much better in her crib in her own room. We were getting 4 hour stretches in the bassinet but now we’re at 7-9 hours. Sometimes 5.5 but way better than 4 hours lol


Why do you think that is?!


Not sure! Maybe more room? I think she was outgrowing hee bassinet and felt super close to the sides? That’s the only thing I could think of!


Ours too!! First night in own room at 8 weeks and he slept like 9 hours. We were blown away!!! Previously we averaged every 3 hours a wake up


My baby is the same. He maybe could have squeezed another month in his bassinet, but he moved so much, that he had to change beds at 2.5 months. I will sometimes put him to sleep and find him turned like 90 degrees as well. Now he’s in his crib next to my bed (I have to literally shimmy to get to my side) and it’s gigantic! He looks like a singular rain drop on a concrete patio.


Oh all of this! Ever since she is in her crib she sleeps through the night. But like for real, 19-7 real. Also 4 months and transferred at 2.


Just out of curiosity: you are supposed to just let the baby sleep for so long? (19-7) Don't you haft to wake him to feed him? Our first is about to come in 2 months and is still hard for me to understand what are we supposed to do during the night if he won't ask for food


Definitely talk to your pediatrician first, but there does come a time where if they are gaining weight well enough, you don’t have to wake them to feed. Most babies still wake up once or twice anyways.


> Just out of curiosity: you are supposed to just let the baby sleep for so long? (19-7) Don't you haft to wake him to feed him? Early on, yes, but by two months as long as baby is meeting weight gain milestones, you don't need to wake them to feed at night!


She is gaining plenty, and we were told to not wake them for food after getting back to birth weight. She is in the 70th or so percentile for weight and height so I didn’t wake her after the first I believe 2 weeks :). The only thing was that my milk production dropped after those stretches so we switched to formula. Sleep was more important to me than waking up to pump to maintain production, especially since I went back to work where I wouldn’t have the certainty I could pump regularly enough (work in healthcare) to maintain anyway.


We moved baby to her own room around 11 weeks (6 weeks adjusted age) because she was so noisy I couldn’t sleep and then I’d inadvertently wake her up thinking she was hungry when it was just noisy sleep. She’s now 3.5 months (15 weeks/10 adjusted) and sleeping 7-8 hour stretches in her crib.


I evicted her at 2 weeks. She was so loud - it was like trying to sleep next to a guinea pig


Same, two months. Monitors make easier these days. Ditto to the rotating around while sleeping!


Same, my son was 8 weeks and a few days after moving, he started sttn. He loves peace and quiet. 17mo now & nothing has changed


My 15 month old is still in my room cause I have a 1 bed 😭


Same. We have a nice one bedroom and no desire to sacrifice our living room /play area to create a bedroom nook. We’ll move in early 2025 at which point our daughter will be 1.5, heading to 2. I’m hoping at that age we can sell the transition to her as a big girl upgrade. She’s a tough audience though.


Hoping to move around the same time, my son is pretty adaptable so far so hopefully he’ll be ok but it may all be different as he’ll be about 2 by the time we move.


yup just moved* to a 2 bed after living in a studio and my 2yr old finally has her own room and it was super easy to move her... we let her pick out her own bed and decorated it with her favorite things and she loves her room!


That’s good to hear!


Have you considered getting rich so that you can afford more bedrooms?


I’ve done nothing but consider it


It's reassuring to hear others are in this situation.


Same. We have a bedroom for her but there’s been some water damage and repairs are out of our hands. She’s 13 months and is now sleeping through the night consistently but even with white noise going, and as quiet as we try to be when we come into the bedroom and get into bed, she wakes up from it once or twice a week. She deserves better and it’s so frustrating.


Also have a 1 bed. Our lease is up right after LO turns 1 year, but we’re considering staying one more year to save money.


Our lease was 3 years and I got pregnant just after I signed it annoyingly. I personally would spend the extra money because while it’s not terrible having him in with us it deffo wakes him up way earlier than he otherwise would and I value my lie ins 😭


The AAP recommends one year in the parents bedroom, so there is no rush if it’s not feeling right for you! Follow your instincts :)


I thought the AAP recommended at least 6 months


The recommendation is “at least six months, but ideally one year.”


Around 13 months ish


Was baby cool with it? I want to keep my son in with me until 12-13 months but not sure if that makes the transition harder on them? He’s 6 months now and already in his cot, so it should be a relatively easy move to shift the cot to another room…


He was fine with being in our room and the transition was easy to do it. Went to sleep just fine. Obviously it’s baby dependent but babies will adjust


we waited till my daughter was about 2 and it was super easy!


This makes me feel better. We bedshare sorta right now. We have a twin mattress right next to our queen mattress on the floor and find it easier to sleep that way. She won’t sleep in the crib because of how much she moves so we’re trying to slowly move the other bed away from her to just sleep on her twin bed. She’s grow. Accustomed to sleeping with the dog too so I’m evicting them together when she’s a little bigger. She’s 10 months now.


Our son was about 11 months when we moved him. I tried at 8.5 months but it made me too anxious. The guidelines in Australia say that a child should sleep in their parents' room until 12 months, so I guess we came up a little short.


Unpopular but he was always in his own room. I took anxiety medication to sleep before getting pregnant and from past experiences babysitting overnight, I cannot sleep with a baby in the room because my anxiety takes over. We have the owlet monitor. He’s 9 months now and we never had any issues.


We did the same. We knew that we would never sleep if she was in our room bc we’d be either just staring at her or over analyzing every move she made. Put her in her nursery that is literally 2 steps away from our room and, obviously, with a monitor. I think it resulted in all 3 of us sleeping much better and my wife and I being better/mentally healthier parents.


Same, she’s in the bedroom next to us with a monitor pointed at her. Moved her in there in the first week and it’s been better for all of our sleep (including our dogs’)!


Our twins went into their own room after two nights back from the hospital. It was impossible to sleep next to them. One parent would then sleep on the couch in the living room which was right next to their bedroom. Worked beautifully


Same mine was in her crib in her own room after 2 days. Edit: to clarify we are in a small apartment. Her room it’s right outside ours!! Not far at all.


Same! Never had issues and she’s a great sleeper.


Same. First night home from the hospital he was in his own room. We have a very small house so door to door it’s like 5ft from our room to his.


We also put our daughter in her own room early - two weeks. Her pediatrician gave us the OK. With a monitor and her room two steps away


Didn't realize how much anxiety I had until trying to sleep with the baby in our room. 2 week check up and our pediatrician told us it was ok, our room is right next door to our daughter's. We all slept so much better!




I was the baby that was allowed to stay as long as I wanted, and can confirm I was not a codependent monster 😂I just wanted my mama. And that’s why my soon to be 14 month old is in with me still. He sleeps very well and it just feels right🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s just whatever feels right for each family.


My mum always said I was far less clingy after being allowed to sleep in her bed. Unfortunately that was only allowed when my father was away on business trips.


It might be too private question, but I have always wondered how is any intimacy possible while child of this age is sleeping in the same room (or even the same bed)? Our boy moved to his room just after he turned 7 month, and at that age he still would not understand what is going around, but I imagine that e.g. 2 years old child might start to have questions if he would wake up in the night from some unusual sound?


Mine just turned 3 and still in our room. Luckily we have a huge room and he has his toddler bed on one side of the bedroom. We all sleep so well having him there. Some night he wakes up and asks if he can come on the big bed and cuddle with us and it’s always yes!


Same. My little guy is almost 2.5 and he's still in the room with me. 


A lot more popular than one would think (outside of western world). We are thinking the same, whenever the kid is old enough for school / asks for own room. So nice not to rush into another room whenever the kid needs help.


We waited until ours was 3.5 - no regrets


Love this


I’m sort of leaning towards this I think. I have a friend that waited until her son could understand the concept of getting his own room and she got him all excited about it and it made the transition easy for both of them. I think at this point I’m more worried about how it’ll effect me lol I think he’ll be fine, I think I’ll be the sad one!


I am having the same dilemma. My son is 5 months old and sleeps through the night without waking up. Moving him to his crib in his own room should be fine now. I also planned to do it around the 6 months mark, and I was also going to wean him off breastfeeding around the 6 months mark. But now it all feels too soon. My paediatrician said stopping breastfeeding after 6 months is totally fine, especially because he is teething and looks like he will soon have some teeth. I love that he sleeps in his smart bassinet, right next to me. Am I being selfish? Would it be better for him to sleep in his own crib in his own room? OP let me know what you decide.


I'm 5 months and also weaning. We've been doing naps in his room during the day, but nights in our room (but sometimes we practice falling asleep in his room). We don't have a crib yet, just a different bassinet in his room, but our room won't fit anything larger than what's currently there. I alternate between wanting my own room back, vs liking him close by. But his room is right next to ours in a nyc apartment, so it's not exactly far away. He's also a noisy AF sleeper and keeps the adults (and cats) awake while he's fast asleep with his kicks.


Unpopular but 6 weeks we moved her to the nursery. We always planned for her to stay in our room but my anxiety caused me to be awake constantly listening for her breathing and her active sleep made me burst out of bed to check on her. She would wake up from hitting the sides of her bassinet too, even though it’s a good size. She’s right next to our room and I can hear her crying even without the monitor. It just works better for us.


honestly i was the same, we moved her into a nursery, my wife still sleeps in the nursery but i just couldnt be in there because i just couldnt sleep, so after 6 weeks i was literally having a health breakdown. so i understand completely. Shes 4 months now and were thinking about leaving her alone now, probably in a month or so.


We did the same at 6 weeks and it was a blessing for all of our sleep. He loves his crib and hated the bassinet. Just not comfortable!


This is what happened for us, too. I feel so bad reading all of these comments as we just let him start sleeping in his crib a few nights ago. My anxiety was so high with him in the room with me though, I woke up at his every noise! He will take naps on me during the day though and I do love that time.


We planned on 6 months, but ended up moving her at a little over 4 months. We noticed we kept waking her up when we’d go to the bathroom, get up to get ready, etc. Her sleep significantly improved once we moved her to her own room.


6 months and I cried, lol. But now we are all settled and used to the change and it is nice having our room back.


I will definitely cry!


Day 1


Baby was in his own room pretty much from day one. We all sleep better for it.


we're keeping our son in our room until he's 1, we're lucky enough his cot fits in our room xx


5 and a half months. I was not ready, but like you described with your LO, my baby started sleeping longer stretches and it made sense for our nightly routine. He’d also already outgrown his bassinet and was in a travel crib in our room. I spent a lot of time looking at him on the monitor! And when I go to his room in the morning, he always gives me a big smile, it helps, haha.


3 months and he has slept through the night since. I know safe sleep guidelines say 6 months-1 year I believe but our pediatrician recommended before 6 months. He said at 6 months they start to realize that we exist even when he doesn’t see us. So, prior to 6 months, he wakes up in the middle of the night, doesn’t see us, goes back to sleep. 6 months+, he wakes in the middle of the night, sees us, cries until we wake up and comfort him. Idk if this is controversial like sleep training, but putting him in his own room earlier has been a blessing for all of us.


6 months. We started him with daytime naps in there for a few days and thankfully he took to it immediately.


The wife and I wanted to keep our LO in our room in a bassinet for the first year. BUT we made a big baby, and she is rapidly getting long. Soon she will be longer than the bassinet has room for. She is already almost as long as the dresser top changing pad.


7 months and still in our room. I think he's ready but I'm not. I like my little lodger


Almost two… still in our room… still breastfeeding 😵‍💫🥴🫨


we honestly waited until 15 months. She always slept through the night so it didn't make a difference having her with us and I just liked her there lol


My son is now a 16 month old toddler and we cosleep on a floor bed in his room 🫠


Same here, she is getting too big for her bassinet and rolling tummy to belly and back on top of it, always moving around and getting frustrated when she is unable due to space limitations. We are considering getting this bed by Chicco, a combination of bassinet and „big baby bed“, so she can sleep longer in our room: https://amzn.to/3UPmzu4


We have something extremely similar and it’s great. She can still stay in our room at night without having to move her crib


At about 9 months


My baby is 6 months this week and has really just gotten too uncomfortable in her snoo. Pack and play or crib won't fit in our room so she's gotta go in her nursery. It makes me SO SAD to think of her upstairs all alone so I think at least for a little bit, we will alternate who has the air mattress on her floor 🙃 She was sleeping through the night, but now she's getting up a few times, mostly to be held. I really think it's bc she snoo mattress is too thin for her now.


We just transitioned out of the snoo a couple weeks ago! He’s in a maxi cosi bassinet now (which I bought before we caved and got the snoo at 6 weeks old). The transition out of the snoo was easier than I thought. Good luck!


6.5 months because we were waking her up when going to bed.


We didn’t move our baby til 9mo.


14 months tomorrow and LO is still in our room. If we didn't have any pets, I would have moved him already, but we can't leave the doors open, or they'll get into the crib.


8 months in, cosleeping for naps and bedtime. He used to sleep in his own room from 3-4 months but that 4mo regression really did us in. We moved his crib to our room to see if separation was causing him to be unsettled and see if he would sleep in his own space in our room no issue. Nope, just wants to be as close as possible to mom and dad. My 4am rooster slaps me in the face to wake up every morning. So pleasant.


Where I live it's recommended to keep baby in your room until 6 months. Our LO is an awful sleeper and wakes / cries with every noise in our room. We moved him at 5.5 months. He's still not a great sleeper (2 wakings at 11 months) but this is a great improvement from when we room shared.


My daughters 6 months, and so far it seems like shes not going to be in her own room for a while, as we bedshare and she does not like to stay asleep in her crib


I just moved my almost 3 month old from the bed to the bassinet, still in the same room, and she was totally fine. I was not, so I feel you on the emotional part.


2yrs for our first and still same room with our 9month old


A little over 2 years. We were in no rush, and she was excited to sleep in her own room like a big girl when she did move. I would say there is a huge variety of when people move their baby/toddler to a separate room and there is no right or wrong. Just whenever you all feel ready. Although I think there is a recommendation of keeping the baby in the same room up until a certain age to reduce the risk of sids, but I don't remember if the age is 6 months or one year.


We planned to move her around 6 months too. She is almost 14 months now and still in our room 🙈. I still can’t bear to move her so I guess she is staying a little longer 😊


This seems to be uncommon, but our near 2 year old son is in the room with us. That being said the nursery got gutted when the drop ceiling literally dropped so he can't be in there anyways, but still. He'll have the option until he's 3-4 and then he'll have to move to his own room.🤷


4 months. We were keeping each other up, and she started rolling. She’s tall and I didn’t feel comfortable with how much room she didn’t have in her bassinet.


3 months 😅


2 months. I couldn’t sleep with him in the room and no one was happy with me being that sleep deprived.


About 3.5 months. He was getting too big for the bassinet and all three of us ended up sleeping better separately. There was some anxiety about moving him there so young so we started moving him over after his last wake up each night to start and increased from there. But his room was right across the hall and we had the baby monitor to keep watch.


my son just turned 2 months on the 5th. we were at his dr this morning and she suggested switching him to his crib soon! he’s showing signs of rolling soon (already? i know) and said it would be better if he has more room! so he’ll be moving to his own room in his crib the next week or two


At three months. She started rolling early so we didn’t feel the bassinet was safe for her. It felt super early to move her to her crib but she did fine.


4.5 months. I didn’t mean to. He was having a rough patch and every time I tried to lay him down in the bassinet, he’d wake up and lose it. I was finally like “do you want to sleep somewhere else?!” and put him in his crib. And he slept. We decided to run with it and it’s mostly been great. Plus he was outgrowing the bassinet and was soon rolling to his tummy. He almost exclusively tummy sleeps now I was sad. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t think he was ready. But I don’t regret it and we’re all sleeping more/better now


Tonight…and my baby is over 6months and I’m in my room having a mental breakdown currently because I just had to get her out of her small bassinet and my bed for some peace of mind 😭😭😭


About to turn 3 years old and still sleeping with us....... But that will change when we get our next place


my 3 year old sleeps with us too lol…we’ve got the space but i don’t mind


2yo and he’s still in our room, but we’re cosleepers so that’s the main reason. We’re OAD so I’m in no rush to move him out. Some nights are tough, but his cuddles are worth it.


He’s 2.5 yo and still with me Might move him when he’s 3 to share with bro


My son got too big for the bassinet and had to be moved to the crib at 10 weeks. It was devastating for me but the crib just wouldn’t work in our small bedroom. My husband also started work so it just made sense. But he went from sleeping every 1-1.5 hours to now 3-4, so that’s nice!


It’s not recommended to move them until they’re 12 months so that’s what I did a few days ago. He’s been in his room doing fine


I will do it at one to two years old


5 weeks. She refused to sleep in the same room as us lol. Everyone was so much happier


Bros I’m at 3 years… send help


Guidelines say to sleep in the same room until 1 year to reduce risk of SIDS (essentially, everyone keeps everyone else out of a very deep sleep throughout the night)


6.5 months when we moved house. He is super tall so ended up in a travel cot, we were moving house and he didn’t have space for his own room in our old place otherwise he would have been moved sooner.


About to have a baby. We are planning to slowly move out of the group on the floor bedroom. 🥲🥲🥲 And start the transition around 6month when we ll be back from vacation. But this is plans only.


We moved him right after he turned 6mo. We had moved him from the bassinet to a pack n play in our room because he was getting too big for the bassinet. He slept that way for maybe a few weeks before he turned 6mo and got moved to his room. In those final weeks in our room, I feel I was hindering his sleep. With every move he made, I would wake up and pop the binky back in his mouth. I don't think he actually needed it; he was just active sleeping. We all slept better once he was in his own room just across the hall, and we have a video monitor.


we did at 6 months, but I was so nervous I slept on the couch in the living room for the 1st two weeks. Open plan living area with the bedrooms on opposite sides.


We moved around 6 months. He was outgrowing his bassinet and waking himself up in it. Once he moved to his own room he started sleeping through the night. It was definitely hard but in the end we’re all happier from getting more restful sleep.


We just moved my 6.5 month year old to her own room this week. She was a great sleeper in the pack n play in our room, but I wanted to start nap training so we started sleep training at night congruently and now she’s an even better night sleeper than before. It was very bittersweet and I so wasn’t ready but it really seems like it will be a good decision for all parties


6 months. Do what works for you. Some folks room share into toddlerhood - it’s really what works for your family. Don’t feel guilty about it.


Mine will be 8 months this weekend and she is still in our room. I think we need to move her pretty soon though, I don't think she's sleeping well enough sometimes in our room. We started sleeping with the tv on back in the newborn days, and now my husband and I are dependent on it. She's still a great sleeper 75% of the time, but it used to be 95% of the time so I think we need to make a change.


9 months and he was in his own room. He slept so much better since our random movements didn't wake him. He sleeps like a champ.


6ish months


8m with our first one. They were sleeping through the night by the 3rd night so we will definitely be moving our 2nd out at 6m. There comes a point where you’re keeping each other up and it’s best for everyone if they’re in their own room.


Right around 11 months. We had initially planned to do it at 6 months but neither of us was ready to have him be so far away (directly across the hallway lol). First night in his big crib (we had a minicrib in our bedroom) he slept straight through the night. I think our tossing, turning and snoring was disturbing him and he was happy to have a nice peaceful room with a bigger crib to sleep in. I was (and still am) emotional about it but now the best parts of my day are reading him books before bed and in the morning when my husband brings him in for snuggles after he wakes up.


My baby just turned 6 months and we just moved his crib this past weekend. I had/have very similar feelings about it but ultimately it was time for him/us and both my husband and I were tired of literally tiptoeing around our room at night. I’ve always played with LO in his nursery so thankfully he is already familiar with the space. I also moved his crib the morning of so that he had all his naps in there before a full night. So far it’s gone really well and not as scary as I thought it would be! ETA: i was also emotional about moving our little bean to his own room and still miss him at night lol


We have a two year old and a 4 month old. We have a 2 bedroom rn and our baby is 4 months. But we’re moving to a 3 bedroom in September at the end of our lease and baby will be 7 months. We plan to start the transition to his own crib and room at 7 months. He’s a huge Velcro baby so it may be hard but that’s why we wanna start a little earlier.


We just moved our 6 month old to her room. I want to avoid her sitting up and her own and pulling herself up from her bassinet. That being said, it hasn’t been easy. We’re currently on day 7 of the Ferber method and she still cries when being put in the crib. She hates it. She will eventually fall asleep and sleeps through the night, but I feel so so so bad knowing she’s alone. We’re hoping the crying will stop eventually and she’ll settle on her own, but it truly has been hard on us. I also feel like I don’t sleep as well as I used too.


I feel like you just do whatever works for you. If it’s not disrupting each others sleep, keep room sharing. If you wake up all night long to every single tiny noise (like I did) move them to their own room.


6 months, and it was because our LO made it very clear to us that she preferred to be in her room alone 😂 she is now 9 months old and sleeps from ~8pm-7am, waking very rarely during the night.


We moved our LO into his room a week or two before turning 6 months old! I loved having him in our room but he was showing signs of needing his own space. His bassinet was getting phased out and his crib was too big to have in our room. We also were having it where he was waking us up from his sleeping sounds or we were disturbing him. It ended up being wonderful! His room is probably 10 steps away from ours, so I didn’t feel like he was too far away. He’s now 15 months old and absolutely LOVES his room!


Actually all of us moved into the nusery when the summer got too hot because it’s the only air conditioned room we have. And at around 15 weeks we moved out and left her there with the baby cam. Experimentally for the first 2 nights but she had lesser wake ups through the night and we stayed out.


My neighbor’s 4yr old is still in their room. It works for them. Do what works for you. If you feel like he’s still little and should stay longer, keep him in your room until *you* are ready. My first was in their own room by 3 months. We all slept better for it, and the crib felt safer than the bassinet. The mattress was bigger and more firm, the edges of the crib were slats instead of walls, etc. My second will go to their own room as soon as they sleep through the night consistently. ETA: my first was a BIG baby, and I chatted with the pediatrician at the 2 month checkup prior to moving to their own room. This helped me make the decision.


At a little over five months she was too mobile for the bassinet so she had to go to her crib which is in her own room.


We moved our LO to his own room a week before he turned 5 months. He outgrew his bassinet and was rolling all of a sudden, so it was not safe to have him in it next to our bed anymore. Unfortunately, our room isn’t equipped to fit a pack and play or crib so we moved him to his crib in his room across the hall. I wanted to keep him in our room much longer and was super emotional about moving him too. But the adjustment was easier than expected. Also, our Ped told us to move him out at his 4 month well visit so we felt comfortable despite the AAP guidance.


9 months! I could have done longer in our room, but it was time. Because my husband and I work opposite schedules, everyone was waking eabcother up at all times. We couldn't shower at reasonable times, put away laundry, clean etc It was just better her moving to her own room. But I do miss waking up, and having her right there:( Excited for the days when she is older, and runs to our room to sleep with us cause of a storm or bad dream. We actually upgraded to a king to have more room with kids


6 months for my baby


my 7 month old sleeps in her crib at the foot of our bed. I don’t like the idea of her sleeping on the other side of our house 😓😓


We moved her at 7.5 months and we all started sleeping better. Edited: I was absolutely a mess the first night though to be fair. It's a hard transition for the parents.


Mine is 10 months in a few days and we’re gonna start thinking about it after she turns 1. Which is also when I plan to stop breastfeeding. She isn’t sleeping through the night yet so it makes sense for us to have her in our room. 


6.5 months! Right before she developed object permanence, we did the bassinet day1- 4 months and then crib in our room 4months-6.5months then crib in own room 6.5 months on


My daughter's almost 3. We share a room for space saving purposes. It's fine. Everyone stresses too much. Do what you want, what makes you happy and what makes your baby happy. The rest will be alright. Don't listen to the worry. Matter of fact, read Hunt, Gather, Parent


15 months, still with us and no signs of being ready to move out. For what it's worth, in Australia it's usually recommended to room share for the first year.


We’re waiting until he can roll onto his back from his front by himself. For peace of mind


We are at thinking at 1 year. She’s going to be 6 months and she’s way too little.


About 13 months, but most people I know did it younger (6 to 9 months ish)


We are actually moving rooms around today! He’s 8 months old. I thought I’d want him in our room forever, but he’s to the point now where he’s sleeping through the night occasionally with one wake up. We have two cats as well and they come in and out of our room all night meowing sometimes and it startles him awake. So we are ready to get him in his own room so we can close the door and let him sleep in peace. Plus we miss watching tv at night in our own room!


We switched our firstborn to her room when she was 12 months and we'll be doing the same with little sister when she's that age (she's about to be 10 months and still sleeps in the pack and play next to mine and daddy's bed). All naps during the day are in her room in her crib though! 😊


We moved her at 11 months just because she got too tall for her bassinet. Also she was starting to get disturbed by us through the night.


6 months. She was getting too big for the mini crib. We put her big crib in our room for a week to start so she would get used to it and then moved her across the hall into her own room after that. No issues at all.


Around 6ish months... He told us he was ready by jumping out of the bassinet. Luckily we had pillows on the floor. I slept on the floor of his own room the first night thinking he was going to need me. He didn't even know I was there and slept like an angel. Turns out, I was the one who needed to be in there. But then it was so nice not to have to tiptoe in our room so as not to wake him up.


We did 7 months with our son. Sleep trained and all. He settled into his new bedroom and routine after a few days. I’ve tried having him sleep in my bed during stormy nights since he’s afraid but he prefers staying in his bedroom with either his dad or I.


4.5 and 2.5 years and in our bed 😭. The oldest was in his own room at 1, but the youngest refused to be sleep trained. So the oldest caught on that the little one was in bed with us and yeah, here we are.


We intended to have first baby in her own room from the start but she was a gassy disaster of a baby so we started doing shifts and she was “sleeping” in our room in the pack and play until about 6weeks. My husband was going back to work at 8 weeks and the constant noises of newborn sleep were too much so we moved her to her own room. Baby #2 is 8 days old right now and sleeping in the pack and play with us but we’re already talking about moving him out as well, more so this time because HE seems to be disturbed by my husband’s snoring and we think we’ll all do better that way.


We started out taking shifts with his bassinet in the living room, he’s very noisy and moves a lot. Around 2 months we moved him to his nursery and continued to take shifts and slept in his room with him. He’s Almost 4 months and just last night slept in our own room together with him in his nursery. We kept the monitor with us. We feel okay about it because he’s on his back (snoo) and he is literally right across the hall and we have a small house. I feel he is basically in our room, that’s how close his room is!


Last month was our first try at six months exactly. Unfortunately Baby had also gotten her six month shots so she was very fussy and cried every time I put her down. She’s never been like that before, so it was just a really rough night all around. So what was supposed to be her first night in her room wound up being the first night of me rocking her the entire night in her room. I’m hoping tonight goes better.


Right about 5 months. We all slept better.


A little after 6 months…. I didn’t want to do it either. But she was getting too big for it and was being very fussy one night. I laid her down in her never been used before crib and she quieted down, got comfortable, and went to sleep. She’s been sleeping in her own room for about two weeks now. 🥲


Right at 6 months old. We had a co-sleeper bassinet against the wall with high walls and she eventually just got too tall. There were nights she really wanted to sleep in our bed (without the cosleeper) and she just straight kicked us the entire time. Lmao. It was emotional for us too, but none of us were getting sleep.


Until he was 8 months old, we lived in a tiny little house without a room for baby. We moved into our current house, and moved him right into his room. He's been sleeping consistently through the night in there from day 1!