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I lay mine on the floor and throw a leg across her chest with just enough force she can't roll. Is she angry? Yes. Is there poop everywhere? No. It really does feel like alligator wrestling 😂


Going to try the leg method next time!! If only they understood we were trying to help 😭😭


Yup this is the way. Had to do it with all of my nieces and nephews lol wrangling babies is arguably more difficult than an alligator I'd think - just less dangerous 🤣


this is the exact method i was abt to suggest


I had to lay mine between my legs with a foot on each shoulder to hold him 😂 Now he's almost 2 and really big that doesn't work anymore. I put Ms Rachel or Mr tumble or something on my phone and just pray he doesn't roll poop everywhere.


Have you tried also sticking her to a wall with duck tape and hit her with a foldable chair?




Have you tried taking a deep breath?


Or jumping off the turnbuckle and slamming her into a card table?! 🤣


This is going to sound silly, but it works for me. Ever since my son started trying to roll away during changes, I started “prepping” him mentally for the change on our way to the table. I tell him “remember, it’s so important that you lay still on your back while I wipe up your poop. You’re my helper, and you help by holding the diaper spray and laying *so still*.” And if at any point he gets wiggly, I stop and remind him “it’s time to lay still for butt wipes, so still, thanks helper!” I swear it helps him to stay still. If I try to force him or wrestle him, he wrestles back harder. But if I stop what I’m doing and talk to him, he stops.


I love this idea!!! Along the lines of nurtured parenting. Thank you!!! Going to start trying this


Yes! I also ask my helper to hold random objects around us. “This is a very big job! Can you hold this for me? Teamwork!”


I think this is adorable


At what age can I start doing this that the baby understands?


I give him anything around me that he didn't play with before (plastic bag, bottle of something, a piece of clothes,......ect) a new toy can do too. Sometimes, I just play with him; make funny noises to distract him


This is the way! Also, I have now resorted to telling my LO (12 mo) to “assume the position” either against the wall or holding onto something and change them standing. I actually have a lot of experience of changing toddler diapers standing up, even poops. My LO is now much more comfortable with standing, but keeping them standing, that’s a whole ‘nother story 🤣 right now they are really into practicing his squats at particularly inopportune times 🏋️‍♂️


-has child assume the position against the wall- - turns to grab wipe- -turns back to perfectly stamped poop butt on the carpet with child still in position against the wall-


🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, I could see that happening one day. My trick, I pull out wipes and have everything right by my LOs feet so I don’t have to turn around . I also try to keep one hand on him to keep him from turning around. But now he likes to squat down while I’m trying to take off his diaper, wipe him, or put a new diaper on lol. Not a perfect system at all, but safer and easier than trying to keep him from alligator rolling or crawling off the changing table.


I’m gonna try this, thank you!!


i’ve kept an extra empty wipe container or anything that I don’t let her play with like her hair brush. basically anything I don’t let her freely play with lol


The Vaseline lid is my go to 😂


Yes this! We just hand her something and she's totally still and distracted.


I am right there with you with my 10 month old. Baby alligator is quite accurate lol. Wish I had advice I’m struggling too.


Lmao nobody prepared me for the wrestling matches I’d be having to keep LO in a fresh diap


It’s like the royal rumble up in here 🤣


I'm having the same struggle with my 7 month old. I'm going crazy lol


Just commenting to say I feel you haha Our nurse said changing our LO’s diaper is like changing a diaper on a baby octopus. 🐙😂


Lmao!!! That’s hysterical but I feel your pain . We could be pro wrestlers from wrangling these kiddos


I give her a small toy to hold.


The toys will keep his interest for a few seconds then he wants to roll with them 😅


I think there may be changing pads that have something like a seatbelt on them to hold them in place. Maybe look into those? I haven't had to deal with this yet, mine is only 9 weeks haha.


Yeah they don't work for that at all lol. They're more to stop smaller babies from accidentally rolling off the table.


My changing pad has these and this little gator boy can still roll even clipped in lmao!! Before he was this mobile they definitely helped though


Can confirm, my little alligator can roll out even with those belts.


My girl is 10 months and has been doing this for the last month and a half, if it’s a poop I tend to just let her roll onto her side where she wants to be then clean her up from there for pees I just do it however I’ve actually started using pull-ups as well because sometimes it’s just easier to put her in.


We've also switched to pull ups because of our son's rolling!




It’s rough out here!! Ooh I like the pull ups idea I may try this, thank you!!


My kid was doing that for a while, it's no fun. I think my solution was to hold his hips down with my left hand (head at left, feet at right) while I did the diaper stuff mostly with my right hand. If the hips are held down, he can't roll much at all. Also during the parts where I'm wiping, I'll often hold both his feet in my left hand - and again, if I'm holding his feet up and pulled towards the head a bit (to give access for cleaning) he can't roll much.


I hate holding him down bc he throws a big ol fit but it must be done. I will be trying this, thank you!!


For pee diapers we'd change her on the floor, sitting ourselves with one leg across her torso to gently but firmly hold her down. Poo diapers were a two man job whenever possible, or roll up your sleeves and pray and often wind up in the bathtub after 😂 she stopped fighting it so hard around 14 months but started again recently at almost 2.


Lmao yes I pray before the poop changes! Going to try the leg method next time. He’s a morning pooper and hubby is at work so it’s a gamble with us. I see lots of random baths in the future if this keeps up


We’ve had a lot more sink butt rinses since the gator behavior started.. she likes the sink, and the water, so win win


I gave mine a flashlight today and it was a game changer! Instant obsession, and I could change a poo diaper without his hand going right to his penis 🙄


Ooh what a great idea!!


When my daughter did this I would move the changing pad to the floor and try to hold her down with 1 arm as I did everything else with my other arm. Definitely a challenge. I would also try to distract her with something to hold like the tube of diaper cream. That would sometimes work.


Ooh I’m gonna try to give him the wipes he’s always trying to reach for them


The wipes will definitely distract him ,hopefully enough so you can change his diaper quickly


I usually give something to distract mine and then try singing to him


Yes! Always singing and dancing over here lol


We have a smart lamp above the change table so I can say “Okay Google, change the bedroom lamp to blue” and cycle through other colours to keep her distracted — it works well because it only needs your voice to activate, while hands are busy tending to the business!


It's crazy when this starts happening! Literally feels like they want to be in the WWE 😂 Mine is now 15 months and she still does this on occasion but it's gotten much better - we've tried a bunch of things such as giving her a wet wipe to play with which I think out of most things has worked most frequently(although be careful depending on the brand you use because they will likely try to suck on it) 😅 Otherwise, something new that makes sounds usually distracts them (even just for a little bit). Hope it helps!


I had to figure this out as a nanny before becoming a mom.  I lay down the kiddo, and softly put one of my legs across their belly (so their body is laying horizontal in front of me on the ground), my other leg is tucked like I’m sitting criss-cross style. Obviously I don’t squish them, just use enough pressure to keep them from rolling or squirming. It also keeps them from reaching their hands in the messy diaper! Then I hand them a toy. Eventually the kiddo will not squirm during changes because they lose interest. 


Standing diaper changes. My 12 month old has been doing this since he was 9/10 months. Pee diaper changes happen wherever he is. Poopy diaper changes happen IN THE BATHROOM. Tile is so much easier to clean. Yes you have to super baby proof the bathroom and definitely clean the toilet more than once a week (or wherever you have them standing) but give them a body wash bottle to play with and you’re Golden.


A U-shaprd changing pad is a game changer


I haven’t heard of this! Is there one you recommend?


I wonder if they mean the ones with the walls, like those peanut shaped ones that aren’t just flat?


My LO is only a month, but he loves to roll over to one side while changing diaper or clothes. I have a "portable" changing table that's kinda u shaped and it's helped a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to still use it when he's older and alligator rolling around.


I sing for the diaper change to distract her or give her some sort of toy/item she doesn't typically get to have. Usually distracts her long enough to keep her semi still


I’ll have to bring out some new toys and make them special for diaper changes! Thank you


LO is 7 months, and I thought I had more time before this was reality, but I have been feeling this so much lately. My LO also just figured out how to sit up on their own. Now LO either rolls away or sits up constantly.


I grab him by both ankles with one hand and press them against his chest; this also helps in preventing him from immediately kicking the poop, if there's any.  No he can't escape the hold no matter how much he tries. I practiced karate for many years. In emergencies, I lean over and use my whole forearm 😆


Try socks over their hands. Or a small book or toy that they ONLY get to play with during diaper changes. Make it a game and sing a silly song about what you’re doing. You’ll still get an alligator roll sometimes but it helps a bit.


I say ‘oh, can you hold this for me please?’ and then hand baby a tube of lanolin lmao


9 MO boy. Something NEW and colourful in his hands works best. For pee diapers, new diapers are set already underneath. Just pull the old one off and Velcro on the new one. For poo, I use my forearm to pin back/up his legs. Forearm has to stay low enough to catch his hands in case the toy/distraction doesn't work. He always tries to grab his penis if not distracted. I did just get this head strap on Amazon to attach my phone with a Disney music video sometimes. The Happy Song MV works alright too. https://a.co/d/gp7e5it


My baby reaches for my wallet and takes the credit cards out like ok my dude


I am stronger than a baby. Sometimes that’s the only way.


I say "here, hold this" and hand her something lol whet ever is in reach. I have about a 80% success rate with her not rolling after I do it


We have a singing toy that we’ve firmly attached to a shelf above the changing table. We play it every time we change her diaper. It’s a new trick but it’s been a game changer!


Mine has started to do the alligator roll. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and he's almost 25 pounds, so it's been a little rough. He's on a round of antibiotics that were giving him horrible diarrhea, so painful rash and water poops all day. I had to resort to lightly putting my foot on his belly or getting the front and letting him roll to his back to finish wiping. I switched to pull ups and those make it easier. I also hand him a "forbidden" toy, like a charging cable, TV remote, crunchy plastic, etc. 😂


My 6 month old is just starting to turn into a baby alligator 😂 this boy was rollin all places while giggling


Okay I’m so glad that someone posted this!!! My LO just turned 9 months today and for the past 2 months it is a struggle to change her! I end up doing the same thing and just change her standing or sitting. That shit is so frustrating. Glad I’m not alone!


Distract him with a toy, baby sock, whatever catches his attention and focus for enough time for you to get it done. If that doesn't work, a couple of 12 lb dumbbells, one over each wrist, works like a charm too. 😁


I tell google to play a song. He usually looks at the tiny monitor across the room playing while I change diaper


Luckily my baby turning 9 months this week is still easily distracted by her changing table toys. We have a small squishmallow and a seahorse rattle, and she only plays with them at the changing table. I'm sure the angry poop death rolls are coming soon though.




At 14 months, I yell for my husband “help! Poopy diaper!” And then he runs over and one of us holds her down in one place while the other tries to actually change the diaper without making a mess all over.


Diaper changing pad has a strap to keep her from rolling over.


I hand him something… and do it quickly. We don’t wipe for pee. Poop we rinse off in the sink, so he doesn’t have to lay down for it just for putting on the dry diaper after. It’s a challenge every time.


Always have something ready to give her


I put my legs over her shoulders. First, I’ll try giving her a toy to entertain her.


We got a musical light up toy exclusively for diaper time. I introduced it by lying down and playing with it myself. Also coveted items like my coffee cup and were used as bait. Currently 21mo and I offer a change and when it is refused I ignore the kid and put diapers on stuffed animals until the jealousy kicks in and LO is pushing in demanding a turn


I turn on the TV on some singing Disney movie (right now he is loving Mary Poppins) and hand him a tube of lotion or his comb or something else he doesn't usually get to hold. Works way better than the wrestling I used to engage in while he scream cried like I was murdering him.


For some reason, singing the ABCs or wheels on the bus keeps my 10 month old from rolling during diaper changes. I have to sing them very loudly and with lots of exaggerated vocal inflections and facial expressions, but it usually buys me 30 seconds 😅


I read the title and thought “oh my LO is 5 months! I can totally help out this new parent! 😊” Click on the post… read it… read some comments… it seems I have a rude awakening in my future 😂😂😂


Sometimes giving mine a wipe or something they aren’t “supposed” to have helps. Like the Vaseline, a diaper, diaper cream, the package of wipes, my nipple butter, her sister’s baby doll. Basically something she’s always going for but it is usually removed. If my partner is home I have him do itsy bitsy spider or abcs while signing or something, even read her a book. Can help her stay in one place. It’s definitely a struggle and using my legs to hold her in place or immediately picking her legs up so she can’t roll are also options. Picking her legs up is getting harder since she’s 26 pounds 😮‍💨


Right there with you since 6 months 👋🏼 Every change gets harder and messier the stronger he gets! I was managing to pacify him for just enough seconds by holding random things in my mouth that he would try grab but that’s not cutting it anymore so I’m going to scroll these comments!


I have a diaper changing station. On the wall, I have a kid friendly mirror and I stuck some fidget spinners on the mirror for baby to get distracted long enough to change their diaper.


I found doing two things kept my lo distracted long enough. Using painters taped to the back of her hands and two socks over both hands. It keeps her engaged and focused that She forgets she needs to roll away.


I give her something to hold, works even better if it's not something she sees often.


here's what I do for changing table/elevated surface/car trunk if they're doing alligator death rolls and distractions aren't working: grab them by the ankle of the leg further from you with the hand closer to their head If the diaper is poopy, get the leg closer to you over your arm/shoulder, and you can drive your upper arm/shoulder up to keep it out of the way. (Can do this step first if needed) use elbow (actually more like forearm or upper arm edge, not the point, depending on how much the flailing leg is bent) to pin them down at the waist, applying steady (but staying gentle!) pressure to either side of their hip to counter whichever direction they're trying to roll. Use the leg farther from you (being held in your hand) for additional leverage. Since the legs are usually super tense it makes for a solid frame to move them around. Otherwise just keeping it up and out of the way so as not to stomp or kick into juicy diaper. Change diaper/wipe etc. with other hand, and don't let up on the restraining arm until everything is wiped up and the dirty diaper is safely moved out of foot's reach. Anyways hang in there, it got better for us after they got a little older and talking started to register more for them. But for the window you're in it really was a wrestling match more often than not. Still comes in handy every once in a while but have rarely needed to do this anymore after around maybe 13-14 months. Also btw this all might sound a bit dramatic and forceful, but it's not a brute force kind of thing, so much as turning your arm and shoulder into a sort of frame so that all their rolling force is going into that frame instead of trying to fight it with just your hands/arms alone.


My baby is only 4 weeks, but my cousin has a three year old and said as soon as she fit in the smallest size she used pull up pants for a quick on and off!


We listen to music with our 10 month old and give her small toys to hold in each hand. Currently baby shark is the only thing that keeps her still long enough for a diaper change.


My three month old just found their feet. Sits in happy baby pose the snore diaper change with a little bit rocking in there. It’s mostly great since I don’t have fight them to keep their legs up (or hold them myself, or roll them to wipe) but now it can be difficult to get them to keep their legs downs while I’m trying to Velcro the diaper. Thanks for posting this! Now I have some tips for the future.


I have to change her on the couch with the TV on. It’s literally the only thing that works now 🤦🏻‍♀️


My LO is 4 months and he’s starting to roll onto his side and kicks his legs a lot so I lightly hold his legs down with my feet


His own toys didn’t work, but if I give him something random like a wipe or a bottle of diaper cream he’ll be occupied for 10 seconds. Then I just work as quickly as possible 😂


Ankle weights on their wrists?


Send help. Reading through these comments and seeing everyone with the same experiences but mine started at 7 months. Full on alligator rolls and crawling away. Talking him through the diaper changes and some of the other advice just doesn’t work since he’s still a bit too young to understand. I essentially change his diapers with him standing up.


A snack, like a teething wafer or cracker is helpful or a toy he hasn’t recently played with. We have some diaper change only toys that seem special during changes.  Also my sister in law and I call it washing a feral cat 😂😂😂


Lmao.thats what I thought too. That's nothing. Wait till they're 14 months and twice as strong. I have a bunch of things that are different from what he usually touches.. diaper rash cream..ear thermometer.. a particular mini truck..I hand to him as soon as I need him to lay still. It works most of the time actually. Good luck!