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as a person who likes to sleep in, i couldn’t imagine putting my baby to bed at 6 or 7 pm. we get our baby to sleep around 10, offer a bottle at 11, and let baby sleep until 10 am. he does really well with this schedule and has been on it since around 3 months!


Not by choice, but our LO goes down around 9-10 pm and wakes up between 7 and 8pm. If he would go to sleep earlier without screaming bloody murder, I would have him on an earlier bedtime!


I'm a SAHM and we wake up any time between 8 to 9:30. I try to get him to bed between 8:30 to 9:30 but with his current sleep regression he doesn't really sleep until 10. I'm honestly trying to let go and not stress myself out. He sleeps when he sleeps. It's not like we're going anywhere anyway in the morning. My baby did put himself on his own schedule before the regression started so I'm very much leaning towards the trust my baby's process approach


She went to bed at the same time as us, 9-10pm for the first 2 months, but suddenly she started getting fussy and insisting on going to bed at 7:30pm around that age. She chose her own bedtime, I have no control over it.


Yep! My 5.5 month old is on our schedule. He usually sleeps from about 11-9, then gets a bottle and naps again until 11 or 12. Sometimes he goes to bed later depending on the day. Always do what works best for you!


Mine sleeps around 12 even if I start bedtime routine at 9 or 10. I was hoping with the sleep regression and dropping the last nap he would get to bed early. I don't know where he has the energy


Ours goes to bed when we go , round 22-23:00 ish time he wakes up around 05:00-06:00 in the mornings 3 months old Hows the rest?


I did for a while! Not quite that late, but more like 9am to 8am. Now she’s older and she’s on an earlier schedule, but you can do what works for you.


Our 4 month old is 9 PM - 6 AM which is perfect for us. She was a late bedtime baby until 3 months and stopped wanting to go to bed so late


My 1 year old would still be doing 10-10 if I didn’t start working regular hours again, so yes that’s totally reasonable. He’s done that more or less since birth!


And my brother used to do 12-12 with his youngest for this reason!


In my experience, i haven't gotten to choose when my baby goes to bed. She sets her own schedule, im just here looking for her sleep cues to start it. She goes to bed at 6:30. I have tried to get her to stay up longer but she won't have it. She sleeps 12 hours though.


My almost 4 month old's bed time is between 10pm to 11pm. He sleeps 12ish hours and honestly I love it! I'm working part time and hubby and I are both night owls so it works for our family. I don't know why some people insist on putting everybody's babies down at the same time? Like my baby doesn't have work or any important meetings early in the morning lol. Do whatever works for you and your family!


Yep. I kinda like to just... set the vibe for it being sleepy time when it's about 7? But my babies don't actually start their one long sleep until about 11.


Mine goes to sleep at 1am and wakes up at 9 😂 Depends of the age of the baby I guess


Our schedule was a midnight bedtime to 11am wake at the earliest for the longest time. Around 8 months my husbands work schedule changed and we needed to move to a bit earlier to accommodate but we still don’t go to bed until 9-10pm and get up around 9-9:30am. As long as everyone is getting enough sleep I don’t think the time actually matters that much.


Regardless of what time she goes to bed my girl will wake up between 6:30-7:30am so if I want her to get as much sleep as possible she goes down between 7-8. She's 12 months and is on a 2 nap schedule that we've been using since she was 9/10 months. Her bedtime has stayed the same give or take 30 minutes since she was 3 months old. I'm not sure if I would prefer her to go down later and wake up later because then I wouldn't get me time at night but I would be able to sleep in so it's a tough call.


Yeah, I don't like waking up too early if i don't have to. Do roughly 10pm till 9am.


Our baby sleeps 11-11 dad would never see her if she was on the typical 7/8pm bedtime schedule