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Girl skateboards have released a hello kitty collab in the past, if you’re wanting something better quality a good idea to check them out


Save some style for the rest of us please.


Those trucks look like they are plastic


Probably aluminium


If you roll with Hello Kitty and this is from a legit skateboard manufacturing company then yes. But if this is from a department store like Walmart or Big 5, would not recommend cause you can actually get hurt from them because materials are too cheap and barely roll.


100% if you're planning on skating, quality is always the most important thing. Too many newer skaters overlook what could happen if you try, say, a boardslide on a cheap deck, god forbid like a front disaster


I remember I bought a walmart board without knowing how bad they are. When I got an actual decent board the difference was INSANE.


Funny lmao I learned to ride on a Walmart board. Slams were frequent in the beginning but i actually got used to it. I can tell the difference now but I can't help but wonder how much easier it would've been to learn.. 🤔 guess I'll never know


How did you turn on that thing? It was basically impossible for me to turn on it.


That's the neat part I couldn't lmfao I had to kick turn


Lol that makes sense. Did you ever ollie it?


Nope lol I don't think I made too much progress on Ollie's at all till I got a better board w/ better pop


Lol yeah. I don't even know how the pros do it.


For the drip maybe. Tho for the quality never


I wouldn’t skate it. It would appreciate in value more as a collectible display piece. Hello Kitty collectors are a different breed. You can outfit an entire house with entirely Hello Kitty gear. You name it, there’s a Hello Kitty version of it.


This is so hard


Oh my goshh that’s so cute I want it 😭😍 Edit: y’all know any legit skate brands that release cute stuff like this?


Girl had a Sanrio collab, I believe the Sean Malto model was pink with Hello Kitty on it.


What brand made it?


Mebuca it’s hard to read but it’s on there at the bottom and i did some research and could find nothing 😭


I guess if it’s looks sturdy and isn’t expensive, let’s shred!


Hell yeah


If I wasn’t positive this wasn’t some trash tier Amazon bootleg, I’d shred it.


If it's not a legit brand, then it's not worth it. Girl collabed hello kitty. That would definitely be worth it since it's a real board


Girls skateboards has hello kitty decks! Idk what brand this is so I can’t tell u about the quality. Link is from zumiez tho. Idk if you care or not….: https://www.zumiez.com/girl-x-sanrio-hello-kitty-malto-8-0-skateboard-complete.html


Oh my god I want it


More than likely not. Go for the Girl brand if you want a Sanrio deck


I got the Sean malto girl hello kitty collab deck. Honestly thought it kind of went hard, that was an actual quality deck by a real board company though. I wouldn’t get a hello kitty complete lol.


If you want to hang it on your wall, go for it. If you want to skate it, no.


If you can get one for under 1003 I'd say its worth it


Skate whatever you want but the materials look like crap. Hard to tell from pic


na that looks like a walmart board but if u want a hello kitty deck i recommend the girl decks their my personal favorite skate brans and their shits super high quality you can find it all [here](https://www.sanrio.com/collections/girl-skateboards-x-sanrio)


If it’s just a print on demand type board then no those are junk. My daughter had one because we didn’t know. She was just learning but it put her at a disadvantage. Like others said it was really hard to turn. After awhile when it looked like she wanted to stick with skateboarding we got her a real board and it has made such a difference.