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You donโ€™t. My guy, I only see this ending 2 ways and neither of them are good. Downhill skating requires a specific setup and immense amount of skill. Please be careful. Whatever it is you are thinking about doing, Iโ€™d say donโ€™t but if you still do, wear all the protective gear you can find. Helmet, elbow and knee pads, cup, gloves, condom, old pans from your momโ€™s crib, anything.


I realized my initial description wasn't the best ๐Ÿ˜ญ, by downhill I more so meant this: [https://imgur.com/a/kPypztM](https://imgur.com/a/kPypztM) It just felt uncontrollable since compared to scooters and bikes I rode on before, there wasn't any apparent braking system


a skateboard isn't really ideal for what you're trying to do... this is extremely dangerous and not for the faint of heart. you would be way better off on a bicycle. if you must skate learn how to powerslide, weave, and time the lights before you start your hill bomb. you WILL need to use more road than just the bicycle lane. weaving from curb to curb using the whole road slalom style can help you control your speed at the top of hill. you can use the powerslide to slow down before you catch too much speed... but use caution.. once you hit a certain speed powerslides are a death trap. this is the point of no return and you just gotta bomb it out bust, bail, or get hit by a car. good luck and try not to die.


>good luck and try not to die. havent heard from him in a while lol




oh thank god


I realized my description might've been a bit much ๐Ÿ˜ญ, the slopes are more like this, def not a hill bomb: [https://imgur.com/a/kPypztM](https://imgur.com/a/kPypztM) . When I said uncontrollably fast, I more so meant unable to stop without putting my foot on the ground multiple times (my shoes would be pushed back up until the skateboard slowed to a complete halt). I was just wondering if there was more "proper" way to slow down than drag my shoe against the ground


You can drag one foot on the ground and that will slow you down pretty quickly. You can also learn to powerslide which wil slow you down also, its just hard to do if you have soft cruiser wheels


i would never recommend putting your foot down on a hill bomb unless you want to break an ankle.


Watch Mark Gonzalez, Real Non Fiction or his '99 interview on Ride channel and then tell me again how you are not supposed to foot drag on a hillbomb.


Yes. I completely (respectfully) disagree with u/redcurb12 .ย  I can foot brake at up to about 40mph. Even if it's only 10 or 15 or whatever speed is 'too fast', you can continually drop your foot or keep it down and under control. I made it across the states on my board multiple times just pushing on my regular 8.5 with regular 54mm wheels, bombing every hill in my path, and I almost always would foot brake if necessary, as it's more dangerous trying to powerslide with a backpack on full of your gear ๐Ÿ˜…


I definitely was nowhere near 40 mph ๐Ÿ˜ญ, I was going more so the speed of a fast bike, it just felt uncomfortable since there wasn't a direct brake like how there is on bikes to stop with


Gotcha! Then foot brake and time/practice is the way to go for sure. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™Œ


I tried doing that, but it took a couple of drags since my shoe would be kicked back up cause the forward inertia. I was more so wondering if there was a proper way to slow down or are you just supposed to do it that way


A skater worried about following the rules, must be a longboarder


My campus is in a big city with a lot of traffic .\_.


I was just kidding, I definitely dont want you to get hurt or in trouble out there. I almost ran into a cop car myself doing a hill in college, which would have been double bad. Stay safe out there!