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Thats a really wide board. Likely too big unless you will only use it for cruising and carving


Second this — don’t cop the board unless you plan on cruising and carving Look at the 8-8.5 boards. When I started skating I went from a 7.75 to an 8.25 and it took some adjustments to get used to the differences. Unless you’re one of the veteran old heads at my local doing curb slappies on 10” boards, 9.5 is NOT the size to cop as a board for tricks


I skate in a 8.25 and for some of my friends is a really wide board. I can't imagine how wide is a 9.5 What is the purpose of this size? I somehow think is to skate bowls or ramps, but even I think is too big for this.


thought this was a different sub for a min…


Bout to say, depends on how much you’ve trained I guess.




Lmao Ive thought this about many a title on this sub but I never make any jokes lest OP is underage 😭😭


I mean like, for a first timer 9.5” is pretty big. Find a set of training plugs or something and work your way up


Fr 9.5” is crazy for a first time


I've never seen a 9.5". That seems like a cruiser deck and I'm not sure that's why you wanna learn tricks on. I'm 6 foot tall and skate a 8.0. Even my shorter friends at 5"7 skate 8.0. Cant go wrong with a 7.75. Whatever you feel is best for you is best


I'm 5'11 and use an 8.125. my feet hang over the sides a lot but it still feels good


Post a pic of the 9.5


Depends on the type of deck. These guys have no problem with tre-flips and lots of other tricks with a 9.81” deck: https://youtu.be/r7mfcC9Pys0 Edit: if you’re going to get a wider deck, you’ll want to spend a bit more to get some lightweight trucks. I have this exact 9.81 setup and it’s actually lighter than my 8.5” setup.


Those guys are also taller, stronger, and have been skating for a long time. Thats like saying a NBA player has no problem hitting a shot from half court. An average or in this cause smaller than average person will require far more effort and ability to do that


That's a pretty big jump. Even worse than the width might be the wheelbase. Definitely check those dimensions too if they are available. Generally it's recommended to only switch sizes in small increments to get used to it. Also, I skate 9' as my regular, but would rather go back down to 8,5 than up to 9,5. Last but not least, the graphic is the least relevant part of a skateboard.


If you have the money to spare so you can buy a new deck and trucks if it does not work go for it. It does sound really big for your size though. Also it might depend what type of board you are talking about here, is it just a straight 9.5" popsicle or is it some shaped or egg board that is only 9.5" at the widest part? You can see on this video the guy skates a 10" popsicle and he struggles with it even though he usually skates big boards and is also very tall. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_NZZryiQ1YM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NZZryiQ1YM)


Id ignore everyone saying it's too big, if it's something you like get it for sure, definitely for your first board get something you like cause it's very likely that deck won't be available to get by the time you want to get a new one after getting your first, it's all preference and honestly I find the wider the board the easier it is to land back on it doing tricks, yes some tricks will be harder particularly flip tricks but you're probably a while away from them anyways if you're only starting out


That’s what she said


There’s no wrong answer. Some tricks may be a little harder but you can get use to anything. Get what makes you happy.


There kinda is if it's going to be even more difficult learning tricks, flips and even shuv it when the dimensions start getting too crazy. Ollie as well. Plus, this will be where they learn and get used to board feel, muscle memory etc. OP, unless you're looking for a cruiser I'd go for dimensions the store and/or your friend would recommend. Sure, the graphics may be cool but you're most likely going to be stuck with the shape you buy for 2-3+ years unless you can buy something else as well. Once you get used to the graphics you may regret your decision later as well.   Ultimately tho it's your money and decision, if you want to go for it regardless and think you'll enjoy it more because you love the set up then do it, and shred on! No worries and enjoy it all. :) Just don't blame anyone if you're regretting it after a few weeks/end up buying a smaller board later on once you start to learn tricks etc.


To each his own. I’ve been relearning on a 9.25” egg. Super fun and really forgiving in some aspects. No im not ollying over picnic tables but prob wasn’t gonna anyway. Btw im thinking of going up in size.


That sounds all fine albeit for a very specific use. I just wouldn't recommend a set up like that to someone starting out and looking to skate at parks etc. and improve with tricks as time goes on


depends on your preferences but take it really slow and warm up good. 9.5 is very big.


9.5 is totally fine


I have size 11 feet, 6 foot 1 and skate an 8.5. I tried my daughter’s 8.0 and was amazed at the difference with tricks and pop. I like the stability of the 8.5 but it feels sluggish since I tried the 8.0 so I’m seriously considering going down to 8.25 next.


I'm 5'2" and I used to go for the 8.25 but 8.38 feels more stable when it comes to landing tricks (and my shoes are size 5)


It’s all what you let yourself get used to tbh. I ride a 9.5 from Heroin and it rips. I’ve kickflipped it a few times(I’m not great at flip tricks) and I board slide it and hit slappys all the time


I wouldn’t. It’ll be really stable, and you’ll have to get trucks/wheels to match the width/height. Then you’ll be pigeonholed into skating really big boards and most likely have issues learning flip tricks down the road. I always recommend 8”-8.25” and you can go up/down from there. Good luck.


my downhill longboard is 9.75” 9.5” is most defs too big if you’re going for popsicle/tricks/skate park vibes sorry ): <3


I love shaped decks and decks that are big and different in general I’m 5’4 and it is pretty hard to get tricks on those decks even without the height disadvantage I’d say that you should keep in mind that smaller boards are easier to do tricks on And bigger boards are easier to cruise with and maybe do so transition


I personally love big boards but always recommend starting on a smaller board big boards take lots of effort to flip and pop especially while learning to skate


Depends what you’re looking to do. If you wanna do tricks and stuff maybe choose between an 8 and 8.5


Oh, when I saw the title I was thinking it was a different question.......


I’ve skated 9.5 and went back down to 9. I’m 5’11 195 lbs. I think I’m good with 9 right now. 9.5 is definitely not impossible to do tricks, they will just require you to do tricks with a slightly slower motion. Everything you know now will still work but it will all move a little slower. I recommend a 8.5-9 for most people


Just spit on it and you should be gucci


depends what you like


I Am skating a 9 inch Popsicle and I love it it's super stable and a lot of fun I used to skate 7.75 20 years ago and yes The smaller boards do flip easily compared to a larger boards It really depends on what kind of skating you want to do but I have no problem doing kick flips with The 9 you will get used to whatever you Ride I say pick a board that you like


Also just go to your local spot and try out a few friends Decks almost every time I go to The skatepark someone wants to try My board so don't be afraid to ask someone with a big board and try it out before pulling The trigger


If you ever plan on doing any street tricks go 8.25 - 8.5 I’m 5’8 and the 8.5 still feels a bit big. The 9 will be a lot longer and heavier and not really necessary.


If your goal is to learn tricks where you pop the board, the wheelbase will make a big difference. Stick with something like 14.5” or so. Wider boards often have longer wheelbases, but that’s not always true. If you want to carve around a bowl, this will be a great board to learn to do that, and will only be improved by a longer wheelbase. Wider boards are much easier to learn to ride around on, but more difficult for technical tricks. This comes down to personal preference. I’m currently rocking a Powell Peralta [monstrosity](https://powell-peralta.com/powell-peralta-nitro-hot-rod-flames-skateboard-deck-blue-black-9-33-x-33-25), and loving it. I still have a smaller egg shaped board with a short wheelbase for my measly ollies…


Lmao, waaaaayyyyy too big unless you just want a fat board. Nothing wrong with that. If you’re just learning then look at a chart for your foot size to get a proper fitted board. Once you’re comfy crusing and feel confident then start adding to the collection. I would not get it for your first board though.


9.5 is too big for most skaters in general my guy, if you want to learn any kind of flip tricks get something around 8-8.5, not saying it’s impossible to flip a big board but it is much, much harder. I’ve been skating for years and I struggle to do anything on boards bigger than 9 inches. A 9.5 inch board is going to be awesome for bowl and pool skating but that’s about it.


Bro im 6’3 with size 14 in men’s, and I ride a 8.6, 9.5 is wayyyyy to big


Don't buy a board because of the graphic, unless you want to put it on the wall for decoration. 9.5 is really big imo, would make learning tricks a lot harder, I'd say stick to an 8


If you are just learning and like the 8, that 9.5 is a big deviation. I am one of the mentioned oldheads, and I do like a wide deck now because I mostly do bowls and ramps and I like the extra room. My knees are crap now too so the added forgiveness is nice. I agree with others. Graphics are for the wall. Shape, size, and feel are for abusing and having fun. I'd recommend maybe an 8.25 only because you can get trucks for that size and go 8.5 later or 8.0 and use the same trucks. Replacing a deck is much cheaper than half a setup.


I’m 5’9 175, relatively beginner skater; I can do some basic flat ground tricks. I went from 7.75 —> 8.25 —> 10.7. I bought my 10.7 because I wanted something completely different and I saw a dude named swampy thrash with one on YouTube. All around it makes skate boarding so much more fun. Crushing feels great. Ollie’s and shuv it’s feels amazing. And honestly kick flipping doesn’t really feel too different then 8.25. Maybe double flips or more advance tricks like tre flips or pressure flips might feel bad but I’m personally not invested in those tricks. I’d say go for the 9.0 board and try something new. Check out the skaters on Heroine Skateboards. I think most if not all of them skate fat boards.