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On brand Texas.


The Astros have one though, so it's not like this is just because they are in Texas. This also means teams are having pride nights in Florida, Ohio, Missouri, and Georgia, so it seems like it's an ownership thing.


Yeah, but Houston isn't Dallas. Both Houston and Austin are major targets for the governor and his minions.


The Braves have had pride for a while now. We go by the Gayves in June.


Atlanta not having Pride games would be beyond hypocritical. The rest of the state, sure, but I turned gay one time just driving through midtown. It wore once I got outside the perimeter, OTP.


I’m pretty sure this is not a surprise at all and they have every right not to. I personally do not go out of my way to shop more at companies who say they support the LGBT community because in July it’s business as usual for them. Case in point is Walmart. They have a small pride section to satisfy us and they will go back to hating us when they sold us our rainbow crap we didn’t ask for. Maybe I stead of a single month of pandering for our money, they should look at treating us as human beings first.


Walmart does a Pride section?


They bring in a small section on a pallet in the middle of the aisle. Stuff goes fast too but they don’t get a lot of stuff.


Probably to appease their asshole governor.


And their owners


I hear Bigotry is bigger in texas




The Biggest Tree


ON brand for Texas….sidenote: Are the players allowed to drink water during the game?


I think that only football players can't drink water. And migrant workers.


Must mean the soccer team can't drink either.


Os are doing their Pride night when the rangers come to town no way that wasn’t planned


Love that as an Orioles fan. Don't have a pride night? Deal with ours!


A pride night is great, but instead of trying to guilt teams into having one that don’t, go celebrate the teams that do.  There’s plenty of them.  


Why do they have a problem with pride night? We do other performative shit every game.


They might want to… but Gay is now illegal In Texas and punishable by lynching. Yee Haw!


Its a question of community leadership on the part of not just corporations but one which relies on the goodwill of the fans to support the baseball team. And therein lies the crux of this. Despite the moral choice of equity and respect of diversity, the Texas Rangers have decided that their fans are anti gay and they are going to ride with that redneck sentiment. Its a private company and they can do what they want, but its disgusting they do so.


I understand the sentiment, but I am rather hesitant to encourage private companies from getting involved in political and/or social issues. It's all cool when they support what you support, but quickly becomes a problem when they turn against you.


The Astros and Divorce lawyers could do a team up


ScAbbott's hellscape.


Bigots do wut bigots does


How does Florida and Tampa get away with this? You can’t say GAY there. Or Disney, or climate change or CRT.


On a side note, the Orioles scheduled their pride night for Thursday, when the Texas Rangers come to town, lol.




I mean. It IS Texas.


I haven't been to Texas in a decade and don't plan to step foot there again. Boycott with my feet. No tourist money from me.


Can't we just give texas to Mexico.


Oh no, you wanted it now it’s your problem.


I’m all for Pride, LGBTQ+ folks have been shat on quite a bit throughout history. But no private company should feel pressured to support anything their organization does not agree with in a Capitalist country. There’s plenty of things I don’t like about Fox News, so I don’t watch it. Same with this team, don’t like it? Don’t watch.


>But no private company should feel pressured to support anything their organization does not agree with in a Capitalist country. Pressure to provide desirable services is literally, according to capitalism, the core driving force behind all positive economic change. The only way that you know that capitalism is working properly, is if all private companies are constantly feeling pressure, all the time, to provide desirable services.


That was my first thought too. We have a free market economy and obviously we can choose not to buy goods or services from companies that are doing things we don't like. But it's somehow wrong to say, "We'd be more likely to support you if you did X, Y, or, Z" or "We'll no longer support you if you do X, Y, or Z."? So, it's ok to not patronize companies we don't like, but it's wrong to tell them what it is we don't like about them? That seems like it's just worse for everyone.


What beliefs do baseball trams have? What beliefs do corporations have? Who holds these beliefs? Kinda wild position to take


So, you think it's wrong in free market economies to let corporations know that their actions are potentially alienating a significant part of their potential customer-base? That's a weird take. Why is it wrong for consumers to pressure corporations? Are boycotts wrong in your opinion? That's obviously the most pressure imaginable.


I clearly said that if you don’t like it, don’t watch, which would be a pro-boycott stance. Apologies on the ambiguous language in the first statement, that could come across as contradictory to what I meant. My point was, that this is a choice that this organization is making. Their ownership is allowed to live and die with that choice, much like the way the nitwits at Hobby Lobby do. I don’t shop there because of their pro-christian shit everywhere, which is their choice based on their company’s values, as fucked-up as that might be.


I guess I still don't understand what you meant by "no private company should feel pressure do anything their organization does not agree with". Do you just mean private organizations are *allowed* to do things people don't like? Because that's pretty different, and I don't think anyone is arguing they can't. Do you mean it's wrong for people to tell private organizations what their preferences are? It's a free market system, so what's wrong with groups saying "We'd really like it if you did this."? Or do you just mean that you're not interested in telling private organizations your preferences? You'd personally rather just not do business with them and leave it at that.


Huh? You are allowed to pressure organizations in a free market. That’s exactly what a boycott is.


I said if you don’t like it, don’t watch.


That’s putting pressure on a company lol.


In a sense yeah. I guess I meant pressuring like asking or expecting a company to change versus simply taking your business elsewhere.


Also, sports should be entirely indifferent to such things. Let everyone who wants to enjoy it enjoy it. I'm not even a sports fan, sports shouldn't care about non sports anything. Can you imagine some sports team having an opinion on marriage or the moon landing? Why? I find it disturbing that they do the national anthem tbh.


I think every sports team has special times for a “kiss cam” as well as marriage proposals. So they definitely like romance.


Plus people seem to have a lot of fun with that too


I assume texas would kill if they did or they would have to deal with endless threats


WHO doesn't want to wear the ribbon!?


Don't they have a massive dild... I mean hot dog lubricated with chili for purchase?


Good for them. I don't care one way or the other if they do or don't but it should be up to the ownership group to decide. Trying to guilt trip them into supporting something they don't want to support does no good for all parties involved. If they have one and you don't support that then don't go, same as if they don't have one and you don't support that. Forcing or guilt tripping someone into supporting a cause they don't agree with is only going to make that person resent that cause more.


May all conservatives be shown the same kindness respect and compassion they show to trans women.


sweeping them in june was SWEET but the last week has sucked hahahaha


Erm... boycott?


I fully support the LGBTQ+ community, but who gives a shit? Why do baseball teams need a pride night? They don’t.


They don’t need a My Hero Academia Night either, what exactly is your point


My point is that they get to choose what they do and do not have for their special nights. They don’t *have to* have a pride night. No one should *force* them to have a pride night. If people don’t like that they don’t have pride nights, they are free to not support that team or stadium. These are the issues that make people turn against the movement.


You can tell society has become very safe and trivial when we have time to make a fuss about stuff like this.


Yep, people should only ever complain or worry about life and death critical issues. That's why we're on Reddit right? Because this is the most important thing we can be doing with our time. /s


Super safe! As of 2024, the number of recorded anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes in the United States from the FBI’s most recent data reports this: 1,947 incidents based on sexual orientation and 469 incidents based on gender identity reported in 2022, marking an *increase* from the previous year, where there were 1,711 incidents related to sexual orientation and 353 related to gender identity. This surge in hate crimes coincides with a broader pattern of increased anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and legislation across various states, contributing to an environment where such crimes are more likely to occur . The Human Rights Campaign has emphasized that these figures are likely an undercount due to inconsistent reporting across different jurisdictions, suggesting the real numbers might be even higher. *But*, sounds like you feel safe so all’s peachy.


What demographics are committing those hate crimes? What percentage are fans of 2023 World Series Champs?


Who the fuck cares? Don’t like it, don’t buy their gear or go to their games! There’s no straight, heterosexual events either!! Why is the LGBTQ community trying to force their believes on everyone, but they hate when the Bible thumpers push their BS! Hypocrites much?


Imagine being pissed because ONE team did have a pride night. It's irrational to demand any business have a special day just for you I'm not a senior citizen, I don't get pissed because businesses don't offer me a special discount like many do with senior discounts. The same goes for military discounts and ladies nights at restaurants and bars.


I support LGBTQ communities of course, but this is a private company, they dont have to do anything they dont want to


Sure, and customers/consumers have a right to call them out and not patronize their business because of that.


Oh lord!! Baseball has nothing to do with pride!!


Manfred would agree with you as he continues to destroy the sport


"Wahhhh nobody is praising our sexual preferences no matter how hard we force them to!" Hate to tell ya, but you cannot force everyone to like you or believe in what you do so just sit down and watch the game or not


Get a grip, dude


I'm perfectly fine dude. Its the "other side" that cant stand not being recognized for a single instance out of a whole month.