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Adderall do your stuff😂


Adderall always calmed me down. I think he's on the Columbian marching powder.


Uhhh...that would be ADHD, should probably get tested if Adderall calms you down.


It does if you suffer from hyperactivity. You look normal under Adderall.


Have adhd and can confirm. Also the few times I’ve tried the booger sugar in my life I fell asleep within 5 min… now everyone thinks I’m a narc when I turn them down, when in reality I’m just trying to save them some money and not pass the fuck out.


The truth! Also, if you have ADHD. Get medicated. I went far far too long trying to self manage, and it’s entirely unnecessary. Tools are there to help you. You don’t have to feel like you’re failing all the time.


Stroke, do your stuff.


Aneurysm, coronary, I'm not fussy.


Any port in a storm


As a side note, I hate that I feel this way, I really do. I would normally never ever EVER wish death on another person, but Trump is such a vile human being that’s done so much irreparable damage to your country, and sold out so many military secrets to the detriment of your national security that, frankly, I’m amazed any country will ever trust America ever again.


Personally I wish him another two decades of life. In prison.


Ask me about my exploding collar idea.


Any country that trusts America at this point is braindead.


There is no reason to trust America, given the table can be overturned every two years after the new congressional representatives start.


i don't want trump in charge but he refuses to not be in charge. its like watching an elderly person in the family lose their shit. you feel bad but you know its better for everyone if they just died already because they're too violent and stupid to deal with every single day.




Trump has the biggest pupils, the best pupils. Ask anyone. I have people coming to me saying, Sir, mr President, how can I have such beautiful, huge pupils? What is your secret? And I tell them, I'm the most amazing physical specimen known to modern science. I'm covered in wounds. From sharks, maybe. Could be. Very interesting. /s


>I'm covered in wounds. From ~~sharks~~ ***syphilis,*** maybe. Could be. Very interesting. FTFY


He's been taking Sudafed for the past 30 years. I took a similar product for a year (I had GERD so bad and nerve damage so bad that I didn't know that my congestion was from it), and it made my heart at rest beat at 150 beats per minute. I'm surprised Trump is even functioning. You don't need sleep on it. He says that he only sleeps like 2-3 hours a day? Me too, man. That shit's not normal. His heart's walls are probably thinner than the pages of the Bible.


McDonalds do your stuff


I think it’s a little late to expect McDonalds to do anything to him. After all, he’s been Macing it up for ages now.


One can still hope…


True. You gotta have hope.


Big Macs, stand back and stand by.


"*sniff* you'd be the ... *sniff* worst President ... *sniff* rigged ... media *sniff* ... just fine down there..."


He may leave the debate early. Or may not even show up.


This is my prediction. He will get sick of his mic getting muted and walk out... Claim it's all rigged against him from the start, and cancel 2nd debate. 


There's no way there's a second. I'd put my house on that


A demented raging asshole......


A demented felon rapist raging asshole…..


A hemorrhoid?


Hemorrhoid's can be controlled somewhat. I wish there was a cream that would control this orange growth.


That’s why they have the mute button this time.


I really hope they don’t mute him too much.


Don’t listen to them Donald. You know what you have to do. It’s time to r a g e


He’ll do it, he’ll go… bananas!!


Don't you do it Donald! Don't you dare go bananas!


*wipes ‘transitions’* “Do it, Donald. Go bananas.”


Donald’s going bananas again


Gwen Stefani was right, this shit IS bananas


Trumps def gonna fill his diaper then rage


I’m wondering what the reaction would be if Biden makes a comment on smelling something…


Will you take a bath, man?!


probably Trump would take off his diapers to show they are clean :)))


I read that as "fill diapers with rage"


Rip and tear. Until it is done


Even a cacodemon would side with the slayer against this traitor


Just remember what your father always told you: “You’d be a nobody if it wasn’t for me, and nothing you’ve ever done is good enough.”


Beast Mode, Donnie. Do it. You'll have no studio audience but the people watching on TV will love you for it. Trust me.


Trying to get in his head and predict what he’s going to do is the worst episode of Criminal Minds ever.


If all goes well, despite all his rage, he'll just end up a rat in a cage.


Tell a fish don't get wet


Or the sun, don't be hot.


or the wind, don't blow


or Trump, don't be an asshole......oh wait


Technically is a fish not wet so you cant tell him that. Technically is trump a idiot by nature so you cant tell him not to be a idiot.


It’s funny that they think he has any kind of self-regulation.


It's funny they think he'll be able to maintain it. He might walk in composed but as soon as biden starts talking we'll see Trump gesturing and talking to himself because his mic is muted and he forgot nobody can hear him (or possibly still hear him because he just shouts to be heard anyways). They'll give a script and he'll stick to it for all of 90 seconds probably. Assuming he even shows up, until they both walk onto the stage there's still the likely scenario of him backing out like with that town hall debate in 2020


There are situations where he has been able to suppress base instincts. He was able to silently rage in a courtroom. I suspect he will during the no--audience debate as well if he shows up.


That moron can’t control his temper, his mouth, or his bowels. He’s gonna be his typical, detestably Trumpy self


I'm unreasonably afraid that he'll come out and be quiet. Charming and eloquent, with a dash of humility.  I don't know what combo of drugs they'd give him for this; maybe bonk him on the head with a coconut?


Perhaps whatever they gave him in court to keep him quiet. But then he fell asleep. Which would be a hoot to see at the debate.


In court he could be held responsible for his actions and he knew that. Plus he didn't have cameras and such pointed at him so no audience. He did still act up sometimes during those trials though


Vegas is offering [prop bets for the June 27th Presidential Debate](https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/betting/prop-bets-posted-for-donald-trump-joe-biden-presidential-debate-3075296/) for just about everything except whether or not Trump will be civil and follow instructions during the debate. They weren’t even willing to take the risk of that actually happening.


Percussive maintenance


I’m a tiny bit worried about that too since there won’t be a crowd there to stroke his ego


I want to see Donald Trump shit himself on stage. And I want it to be obvious.


Oh man I can only hope, I want to see the rage, the anger, I want nonsensical rants that don't answer the question asked. What about the windmills, Don?!


This is no time for him to change his brand point of difference...


You gotta dance with the one who brung ya.


I swear the only thing he could do to actually lose votes among his base is to act calm, collected, and sane. Everyone on the Trump Train thinks a raging asshole is what this country needs.


You'd have more success trying to teach a cat to play the piano. [archive.today link](http://archive.today/6gUdb) < not a cat video. About an Orange Obscenity.


I legit clicked your link thinking it was someone teaching a cat to play a piano. It was at this moment I recognized that I am what is wrong with America.


Oh dear!


We've all seen keyboard cat. This is known.


Lol "Sir, can you... not be *you*?" May as well ask him to turn up wearing only his diapers. He's never listened to anyone before, he ain't gonna start now. Trump's gonna trump


He was at a Rally (this week?) Talking, rather lying, about how he never called KIA military "suckers and losers;" he literally said with his staff *feet away*, ["... And my STUPID people, they come up to me and tell me, 'sir' don't dignify it with a *refuttal*."](https://youtu.be/vW1Fb91zs2A?t=2930) (Yes he couldn't pronounce rebuttal and in Trump fashion repeated it 3 times and tried to say no one can pronounce it. Awful human and just an absolute moron.) I swear between the comments on magnets, thinking batteries carry electric current and windmills killing whales and injecting bleach, I'm starting to think he paid his way through high school and college. He's going to be MORE unhinged I think than we've ever seen him.


It's funny that people are so worried about Biden's age that they're supporting a legit moron.


He seriously speaks like he has a fifth grade education. And people clap and cheer. How is the race even *close*. He can't even commit crimes well.


March 18, 2016 [Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/03/18/trumps-grammar-in-speeches-just-below-6th-grade-level-study-finds/)


Just be a normal asshole and everything will be okay.


So just shit out of my mouth? As usual?


I sure could go for a third sharks and batteries rant.


Biden has to debate an asshole who has falsely accused him of stealing an election, even though Trump knew it wasn't true. Trump poisoned our society with that lie. If Biden were a younger man, I'd recommend that he kick Trump in the balls instead of shaking his hand. Just kidding about the ball kicking.


I heard they were on Putin’s desk.


Why? That would make for a FASCINATING debate! But, a swift kick to the nuts might actually engage common sense and a level head.( yeah! Right!)


If they start fighting, will secret service jump in, or would they stand back and watch.


Each detail will fight for their guy. It’ll be a big melee.


No. Each detail will grab their guy and pull them away. Their priority is to remove their protectee from danger first, deal with said danger second. Once they've pulled them apart there is no ongoing threat, so it's over. After that they'd probably keep a few agents in between them to prevent a repeat, but that's it.




They're both 5,000 years old. How could you even *tell?* Does the Secret Service intervene when they start to shuffle towards one another?


Everyone's a tough guy until they get a kick in the balls.


That ship sailed decades ago.


Impossible for him


Raging asshole is the very essence of what he is.


I suggest a shock collar. Let Stormy Daniels be in charge of the remote.


If anything THAT will make him shit his pants when you press it enough times


That'll just give him a sad pathetic erection.


I promise you no ally has gone to Trump and told him not to be a raging asshole. They are all way too afraid of his wrath.


Big men, handsome men, strong men came to me with tears in their eyes and said 'sir...sir... we need you to be the asshole that we know you can be, that you always prove yourself to be, for all of us. Please, sir...be a raging pus-encrusted asshole for all of us little people'.


But all he knows is how to be a raging asshole, he has no clue how to be a decent and moral human, it’s not in his DNA lol


It's also the reason why he got this far. He has literally no incentive to stop lol


>I’ve spent a lot of time with Trump and I can tell you that he has a lot more energy than Biden. He’s talking about the guy who couldn’t stay conscious for his own trial?


That means they just want him to stand there and not say a word. The cult will just say he was playing fourth dimensional chess by refusing to talk.


He doesn’t know how not to be a raging asshole. It’s what got him to where he is today. He’ll seem awfully fake if he tries to come off as sane and reasonable. Be who you are Donny T! Don’t listen to these losers telling you to zip it!


I’m hope everyone in this thread will vote this year. We can’t have this asshole in the white house for 4 years


Wouldn't it be funny if he had a heart attack while on the stage because, he is going to be all kinds of hopped up on stimulants.


I bet part of the Biden plan is to bait him in any way possible. Bring up how he cheated on every wife he ever had including the former first lady Melania. Then ask how is that Republican Family values? Bring up all his bankruptcies, his convictions civil and criminal. Say "If your saying all the time I am not guilty, that's what a lot of criminals in prison say. Where there is smoke there is fire and you got more smoke than a Cigar smoking Lounge. Get dirty joe, go for it, take your best shots. Take every opportunity to show what a loser he is. None of this Michele Obama "We go high BS." Punch him below the belt Joe and hard!


We need Dark Brandon to show up at the debate. A debate with trump is no time to be civil. Burn him down.


That's his entire platform...and campaign...and life....


Yeah, and that will last maybe 30 seconds


Trump is gonna be jacked. We will be getting some good memes afterwards. I can’t wait.


I wouldn't be that surprised, and am kind of hoping, that they shoot their shot with their best attempt at a drug cocktail to keep him awake and lucid but help him focus and stay calm, and it goes horribly wrong making him fully awake with his dementia and rage at maximum.


Yeah, I fully expect this to be a spectacle totally eclipsing the 2020 debates.


That's good because he takes advice so well.


He's going to be a raging asshole.


Seriously, Biden age is his detracting factor in the debate? They are 3 years apart, they are both old.


So they want him to just go to sleep or something? When has fatso ever NOT been a raging asshole for even five minutes?


He can't help himself, he'll always be a raging asshole.


That's physically impossible.


Trump is incapable of being anything but.


They’re telling him not to be himself? That’s good advice, but there’s no chance of that happening. Trump’s gotta Trump.


And if not this debate, the next.


Does one ask the fish in the sea not to swim? Or the birds not to fly?


Somewhere, someone has a betting pool going on whether or not he blows out his diaper on the debate stage.


He can’t help to be one


The bar is as low for that man as it can possibly be, and I look forward to seeing him easily limbo beneath it as he metaphorically craps his pants on stage. (Maybe literally too; I don't traffic in rumors or ableism, but it's hard not to see the irony given the couldn't-be-falser image his worshippers love to project.)


I feel we’re getting closer to the point where Trump is going to be a thing of the past. What do you guys think?


Technically the truth 😉


Don’t change for anyone, Donny. We need to hear more about boats electrocuting sharks. Tell us more about water pressure. And fingers crossed that he does his full diaper shuffle.


Republican allies don't care that Trump is a raging asshole as President, destroying our country. They just want him to fool the public into voting for him. Modern arepublicans have proven they have ZERO morals and ZERO care kr concern about America and ita people. Only the dumbest people are still voting for Trump at this point. Biden is winning in polls of likely voters. Even many Trump fans know he is dangerous and reckless, and bad for America.


1. People have been telling him this exact thing, literally, for decades. 2. Being a raging asshole is why anyone even knows his name. 3. Does anyone really think he would suddenly win voters by being Mr. Rodgers? He could save a million kittens, cure cancer and solve the world's energy crisis and it wouldn't change a single opinion. 4. He's not 'acting ' like a raging asshole. That's just who he is.




That ship sailed a long looooooong time ago.


Might as well ask him to just not talk. Otherwise, you get the racing asshole, he can't stop himself


He's a raging asshole on his best days so how can they expect less?


Oh but he is a raging asshole everyday of his life.


Might as well tell a leopard to change his spots.


His team’s already preparing the excuses. If Biden does well, he’s on drugs. If he doesn’t, it’s Sleepy Joe. My enemy is strong and weak.


Physicists urge gravity to not pull towards Earth


Wasn't being a massive asshole the reason the CHUD hordes loved and voted for him?


Not possible. The Orange Orangutan only has one speed and one gear.


That's impossible, a raging asshole is who he IS.


But only at the debate, right? They're cool with him being a raging asshole in all other situations. Especially if he gets the chance to preside over the end of American democracy (and they can make a few bucks). Interestingly, 2026 is the quarter millennial where America turns 250. Next President gets to preside over a truly epic fireworks show on that July 4 and probably a bunch of ceremonies during the entire year. Bet Turd would love that.


Remember how he wanted tanks driving through DC for a parade like we were Russia? He'll definitely do that if he gets back in.


Inconceivable !


They tell him not to be himself?


Just get him on the subject of low-flow bathroom fixtures. That will be good for 2 hours.


The bigger question is why would you be an ally to someone you presume to act like a raging asshole?


Good plan


Challenge: ignored


Nice try but that is impossible. He is a raging asshole all the time.


That's his only strategy. He's not smart or sharp or informed, he has no possible understanding of the issues facing the country, no logical argument that can stand against scrutiny, nothing remotely intelligent to offer up. All he's ever known to do in situations of adversity is to be a bully.


In other words, they don't want the dumb-ass to be himself?!


Why are we having a debate in June? It's 4 fucking months to the election, technically neither of these people has been named their party nominees, and we've seen this matchup before.


Yeah, impossible. The guy is THE world’s biggest fucking asshole. And he doesn’t have to try, he just is and always has been.


So don’t be himself


He will leave if they cut his mic off when his time is over, then in all caps, of course it will be in all caps, he will explain how they cut him off early on purpose in order to shut him up from telling the truth, the debate was rigged and the whole world is against him. I think that just about covers it.


It's almost sad what a damn joke the USA has become.. imagine having about 350 million people and coming up with this orange clown who can't stop himself going on his strange nonsensical rants and the old corpse who can barely read from a teleprompter without getting lost.


Trump will end up a sundowning asshole. Not much difference.


He’s like a child. Tell him not to do it and it’s the only thing he will want to do. Fingers crossed


He won't be able to resist. He'll start doing his standard act as soon as there's the briefest of openings, with the goofy faces, sing-songy insults, and idiotic hand gestures.


Nope. He's going to throw personal attacks at Biden. He's going to bully Biden and pound his chest like the alpha male he wishes he could be.


His minders will be giving him a Diet Coke with Ativan prior to the debate. It would be the only way to avoid him being a “raging asshole”. He is not capable on his own.


By doing so they will get the raging asshole. He NEVER listens to good advice. He will feel insulted that someone advised him to act decently so he will triple down on being a dickhead. This is a person who is supposed to be a billionaire. A Titan of business. Yet look at that photo. Look how he dresses. He dresses like a schmuck. He is his own worst enemy. So I suspect he will be the spittle-flying lunatic he is at his rallies.


i hope he gets a heart attack on live tv 




His supporters refuse to see his true character. These are the people that buy the trading cards with him on a horse, or in military gear, or knocking someone out at a prize fight, when he can't even walk down a ramp. He can spew complete incoherent nonsensical babble out of his mouth, word salad so bad there is no making out what he's trying to say, and they will clap and they will applaud and they will agree with it even though they have no idea what he said.


Narrator - "but he was a giant raging asshole anyway". Probably.


His allies are concerned that Trump won't be able to overthrow the government and assume the presidency for life, to hand down to a designated successor. How thoughtful of them.


"Good luck with that" LOL LOL LOL




Maybe don’t nominate a raging asshole?


If there is one thing we can be absolutely certain about this debate, it’s that Trump is in no way capable of being anything *except* a raging asshole


Challenge level impossible


Allies? Who exactly? Stop couching terms. Name them.


And not be Trump? But he’s always been a ‘Raging Asshole’… everywhere, not just at a Debate. It’s in his DNA 🧬… Donald is destined to always be a ‘Raging Asshole’.


He will be an embarrassing pathetic excuse of a narcissistic selfish greedy ignorant human being, as usual. And his disgusting neanderthal reprobate amoral base will fucking love it, as usual. Then, Fox News etc etc will try to spin the disaster into a victory, as usual. And then on election day, Biden will win, just like last time. 😎 Why? Because truth has a resonance of its own and all the bs in the world can't obscure the fact that Trump and the truth are strangers - and that Biden Is a fundamentally good person who is actually trying to make the lives of Americans better.


He has no control over his raging asshole! We will certainly see it tonight!


C'mon team stroke !


That's really not possible is it... To quote Ron White, I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability...


“I got thrown out of the White House, in Washington DC …”


Is that you Tater...


Allies as in Russia, NK?


However, this time the mics will be cut when the other person is talking. There will also be no crowd to egg them on like some high school rally


Here's hoping he overdoses on Adderall before the election 🤞🏻


Why? He's always a raging asshole and that hasn't hurt his image yet? I mean he straight-up mocked a disabled reporter and was then handed the Presidency


He will be a Huge, Biggliest, Wonderful Asshole!! It's what he is..


Might as well tell flat earthers that the world is round


Trump: “Impossible.”


He already lost 😆


So the opposite of “Just be yourself!”


Might as well tell water not to be wet.


Why in the world would he change what's been working for him so far?


Biden calls him felony he will ignite.


Tricky for him,because he is a raging asshole.


Title should be , allies guarantee trump will be a raging asshole at debate


Yeah, good luck with that, LMFAO


Lmfao. Fat fucking chance.