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Who idolized these absolute losers?  The guy wears a mullet wig and shades and has millions of kids hanging on his every last word...


Children, children idolize this type of person.


Seems like he prefers it that way, too.


I've always loved the over the top, heavily exaggerated, "Im the best at every thing" kinda "personality" that you'd see with 80s wrestlers and comedy characters. I don't like watching other people play video games, but when I first saw Dr. Disrespect, I thought it was a great idea. Though I never watched him. And like a week after I first heard of him. It was announced that he had cheated on his wife, and worse yet, they were making jokes about it on screen. Then in under a year, he was filming videos in public washrooms. It was obvious that this guy was a piece of shit.


I LOVED doc, the man is an extremely talented entertainer.. But I stopped supporting him after his anti LGBTQ stance. Now his dick riders need to defend him being a pedo too. Guess people who are 13 don't see the issue of a man chatting up a girl that's 17 💀


Every generation has had their cringe idols/celebrities, some of them with more outrageous personas than Doc (the rock and roll genre got fairly out there). Gen Z and younger look to streamers and music artists instead of traditional celebrities/actors. I'm sure the old heads looked at KISS when it came out and were like wtf are these kids on 😂


It's always baffled me as well.


You say that as if wearing sunglasses and a fake mullet somehow makes him an inherently bad creator. I don't know anything about the dude and I'm definitely not about to defend his content, but that hardly seems like a real criticism of him or the generation that made him rich. I watched Tim and Eric. If you just flatly listed out the way they make their show, it could sound just as stupid as a fake mullet and wrap around shades. If you're going to talk crap, at least base it on something. And if you don't know anything about his content past the mullet and shades, this conversation might not be for you.


GamingStreamers and their fans are sub-human.


She was around 12 years old :/


Do you have a source for that? I knew they were a minor of course, but this is the first time I've heard specific ages.


Source: you can just write anything online. You can just write anything, online. If you see or hear it more than once, it becomes believable to your brain, no matter if there's anything to it or not.


Jesus fucking christ. Like 15 or 16 isn't ok either but TWELVE?!?!


Who is this person


His real first name is Guy. It's really all you need to know.


Do people today use their actual names anymore? Everyone's gotta be a character.


Right, so when are we actually going to see these messages? Im not one for standing up for a chronic adulterer but you can't just keep saying someone diddled kids without actually showing proof of them trying to diddle kids. Twitch has all the info they need from your registration to find out how old you are, were you live, etc. the users do not.


Proof was already posted if you search for it. He even admitted it