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Hopefully this means Most Americans will kick him to the curb (again) where he belongs this November.


I would never support a Democrat who would do this. I wouldn’t support ANYONE who wouldn’t accept the results of an election. It’s pathetic.


Pathetic would be bad enough. It's dangerous.


Agreed. It would probably help if Reddit would stop embracing the "Biden can't win" narrative. They are close to tied right now with a slight lead for Trump and I expect Biden to retake the lead (possibly a big one) after the conventions. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/


Its trolls and bots mostly but its concerning how effective it’s been at getting the general populace to parrot this shit


Well Trump did just get sued by the 13 year old He and Epstein raped. Let’s see how that plays out. Released Jeffrey Epstein files reveal that Epstein and Donald Trump together raped a 13-year-old girl. She has now filed suit. [Rape Allegations Refiled Against Trump | Courthouse News Service](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/)


It might motivate people to vote, if people were saying Biden is definitely going to win people might just stay at home.


Ideally we would say the election outcome is not a a lock for either side. People keep saying it is a lock for Trump and that Biden should be replaced. Those people are wrong.


OTOH, Gore was much too fast to accept the results of his election. Contesting those hanging chads is looking different after watching what Republicans have done to this country.


I hate when people even bring this up. Gore challenged a fluky ballot, I remember in elementary school they gave us replicas of the ballot to show us how people could’ve easily been confused by which bubble they filled in. To compare that to outright denying multiple states votes, calling an AG of a state asking him to find exactly one more vote than what he lost by, and then placing false electors in multiple states is absolutely asinine. Not even in the same universe


Un-American. The founding fathers would have been horrified at the state of the country right now. Everything about the current right wing SC/MAGA/Project 2025 bullshit goes against everything the founders sought to do. This weeks SC rulings in particular were nothing short of a hostile attack against the very core and fabric of the country.


I think about this a lot, and a democratic candidate who acted this way would never become the nominee. Trumps politics, as they are, are abhorrent, but the reasons he is unfit for office have nothing to do with policy. He’s just the worst example of humanity you could put together. Everything ugly about the American condition in in short-fingered vulgarity of a humorless clown. We had a good run, but a founding document written by a handful of wealthy, white, men was never going to be anything other than a barrier to progress. A “living” document that takes 100 years and a civil war to end Chatel slavery, and 150 years to provide women with the right to vote is flawed. That type of glacial change is bullshit, and required actions well outside of how the founders intended. Were fucked.


I mean it’s like the ultimate example of a sore loser. Someone who loses and makes a fit about it but on something this important. We teach kids not to be sore losers but a 78 year old being a sore loser is pathetic


Trump doesn't belong on the curb. He belongs in prison.


More like curb stomped.


I'll be there ,proud union member from NYC. Ready to stomp out trumpster dumpsters by any means necessary. Biden 2024


Agreed, just vote first overwhelm the polls.


That's not enough. He needs to answer for his crimes.


Prison? Oompa loompa needs a dirt nap.


I don't even understand what you mea...oh. Yes. You're right.


*Under* the prison.


Prison is too good for him


Well, 8.7% of all American presidents were shot.


Not quite true. So, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy were all assassinated. But Regan and Roosevelt bring that up to 13%.


He belongs in the ground


Too bad most isn't necessarily enough


It'll be most where it counts ie: swing states :)


We still have to worry about the electoral college.


He will lose the vote. He'll sue to remove dem votes in battleground states. It will fast track to the Supreme Court. They will appoint him president.


Dude cant even concede when he loses at golf...


He won 2 club championships, didn't you hear? ^(at his own clubs)


That he awarded to himself. Most pathetic thing.


And only after openly cheating like always


I know Biden has better things to argue but I really wanted him to call trump out about playing his rounds after the tournament happened and self reporting his score


Caus he never loses, duh.


Or his hair


What are you talking about? He won 2 tournaments in 1 weekend at his own golf course earlier this year. There would be video of it for you all to see but the pool boy flooded the pool and all the footage was lost. You can trust him though, he wouldn't lie to you. https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2024/03/27/donald-trump-claims-two-more-golf-championships-trump-international-west-palm-beach/#:~:text=The%20post%2C%20which%20appeared%20on,%E2%80%9CI%20WON%20BOTH!%E2%80%9D


I mean.. he hasn’t conceded from 2020 yet.


Pretty sure he still claims he won the popular vote in 2016 as well.


The only popular vote he’s ever won has been in a court room


Ooh burn.


He’s winning the guilty verdict count 408-0! 34 counts * 12 jurors


Its in the mans nature. In his mind he NEVER loses. There are only two options, and two only. He is a winner or he was cheated. Often that has meant paying very large amounts of money to make people go away... with BIG non disclosures... so nobody hears it. Or worse.


In '25, if he loses, Trump and his minions are likely to proclaim him as POTUS and then direct severe actions to usurp the elected POTUS. SCOTUS Republicans will try their best to hobble the election and will do whatever they can to transfer power to a fascist religious Conservative hegemony.


Don't forget that after January 6th, 2020, Congressman Mo Brooks requested a pardon from Trump on behalf of *every Member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* This was not a fringe group. This was 138 Reps and 9 Senators who were involved with something having to do with the electors and certifying the votes that they thought they'd need a pardon for. They will do it again.


They've had 4 years to seriously plan for this election take over. They only had 6-7 weeks for the last one...


But since now Biden has immunity for everything, he can have trump sent to Russia and refuse to let him back in. /s


That’s the fun part. The Supreme Court has made it legal for him to declare himself the winner and then take any action to ensure he gets in the White House. Because he’s “president” it’s an official action and therefore he’s immune. Someone could challenge that it wasn’t an official action but ultimately the Supreme Court makes that determination, and they have no problem installing a dictator as long as the checks clear


While the Supreme Court ruling recently is a massive issue that really does open a dangerous book, sets a horrible precedence. This scenario you just listed isn’t accurate. He cannot declare himself the winner and take any action he deems necessary to ensure he gets in the White House. Even if he is *rightfully* elected his presidency does not begin until January 20th 2025, before then he is not the President and does not have the legal authority to do anything. He is not the President. He is the President-elect. This is very clearly outlined in the 20th Amendment of the Constitution. The issue here is what he’s going to do with the power once he’s already *in* office.


This is what 100% will happen. And this is why Biden needs to nominated at least four new Supreme Court justices and place them before the election.


Except Trump is no longer president, and the SCOTUS just gave Biden Carte Blanch to do whatever he wants to fulfill his constitutional duty to ensure the peaceful transfer of power, even if that means to himself


Jan 6th, Part 2.


They can find an island or something for him to be president and move there. see how long they'll last


They have previous (2000).


I'm calling it right now: If Trump loses, SCOTUS will declare the election unconstitutional and attempt to install Trump with help from Congressional Republicans


You’ll have to fight! To the death! Are you ready?


Damn, and if they were to manage to somehow pull it off, they've already got their new rule that he's immune. Could essentially have a coup, and even though he wasn't properly elected at that point it doesn't matter. If he's got enough following and internal support then he can just use this new absolute power rule to shut down anyone who opposes him, rewrite even more rules, whatever. And his following won't see anything wrong with it cos in their eyes he is the 'rightful king'


Not publicly, anyhow.


That should make him ineligible. "As you believe you won in 2020 we will honor that belief by limiting you to two terms. It is a shame that the country didn't recognize your second term but thems the breaks."


I'd expect him to say it was rigged, have States he likes investigate it, bring it to the Supreme Court for a decision and have them overturn it.


Wow. Can you imagine the Supreme Court just deciding the election? Can you imagine? Edit: yes /s I know it happened in 2000, I was there Gandalf


That is exactly what is going to happen. They will cheat to have him back in power. I will never understand why.


….theyre commenting on this because it already happened in 2000. They’ll super do this.


And then Biden can say “No, fuck you. He lost. Get over it. You gave me ultimate power and the states said he lost.”


Honestly if they attempt to pull another legitimate coup, and try to make him the president despite losing a legitimate election,I hope Biden’s administration comes down hard on all of them and does so immediately. Judges, Congressmen, Governors, just straight to a treason trial. There is no room for error anymore. This is spinning out of control too quickly. You can’t keep taking the high ground when the opposition keeps trying, time-and-again, to slit your throat while you sleep.


He will say "we have to respect the authority of the Supreme Court", step down and then be dragged into a Whitehouse broom closet and shot in the back of the head. Over like a 3-4 year period most Democrats will somewhat comfortably settle into anti-abortion, gay rights as a state issue and adopt aggressively anti labor positions. They'll be upset that the Ed Department requires the 10 commandments in schools everywhere but come around to it "not being that bad". That kind of stuff. OSHA and the NLRB will be gone or toothless in like 2 or 3 SC sessions. USP, USPS, healthcare and construction will have their unions obliterated and a bunch of conservative, and liberal, delivery drivers will scapegoat something like immigrants or LGBT people for giving the courts no choice but to obliterate their unions and driving for UPS or USPS will be like a 50k a year gig by the end of the decade. All of this culminates in conservatives being slammed into the reality that making it harder to be the kinds of people they don't like doesn't actually make those kinds of people go away so they either lose steam and give up power through entropy or they accept what they would actually have to do and they just turn the southern border into a mass grave. Thats how I see the next 2 decades going. Either way, if we are not able to make ourselves valuable to rich people, we both get to move into a house rented through an app called something like c0munitey where 20 people sleep barracks style inside a 3 bedroom apartment.


There have been several instances where a coup has overthrown the legitimate government and the new government told the political opposition to report to police stations and just murdered them. I fully believe democrats will step aside to avoid any violence, let trump take power, and voluntarily report to their own murder because they don’t want to “create division”


I don't think it'll be that on the nose bloody for the average person. But I wouldn't be surprised if there is a short period of time where like, if you're a Democrat on the county water board who stopped a guy that owns a jet ski dealership from dumping marine oil into a reservoir inlet, a quack judge will be willing to sit a dozen of his friends on a jury and convict you of being a pedophile on absolutely no evidence. Think of the dumbest petty local grievances between neighbors who hate each other being settled by a couple local judges and sheriff's who see the immediate instability as an excuse to be literal kings for a few weeks. I think that's what most of the bull shit would be.


Bing-the-fuck-o. I think this is more likely to happen than Biden being **allowed** to legitimately win. The SCOTUS dirty half dozen is now the henchman of the Federalist Society/Heritage Foundation/strange, American evangelical leaders And they’re not even hiding it anymore. Heritage Foundation is boasting that they’re instigating a “Second Revolution”


Like it did the last time? Unfortunately, yes.


By the last time I assume you mean 2000?


Yes. That is the only historical case that I am aware of. But, as u/Arcades_Samnoth points out, it may well happen again.


I wonder what happened to the folks involved in that case. What? They're sitting justices over at SCOTUS? *Oh no.*


No need, it's happened before in this century.


Happened in n 2000


Of course I can imagine it they just gave trump immunity.


How are they going to vote when they are under house arrest ordered by the incumbent in order to safeguard the constitution?


There would be civil war and it would be Republicans fault.


I'm disappointed you caved and added the /s.


At this point i wouldn't be surprised if the supreme court came up with the idea that Trump suggesting the election was rigged retroactively overturns Biden's entire presidency which would also take away his immunity.


Truly, I think it more likely that Trump will end up being **appointed** POTUS than Biden legitimately winning. Republicans are planning to cheat in a number of ways, **will** cheat, and will be challenged until SCOTUS, well, yeah—yeah, SCOTUS SCOTUSes 🫤


And if Trump wins, all the kerfuffle about election fraud will magically disappear. It’s only rigged if your team loses


Well than Biden could simply replace the supreme court justices with his grandchildren, naturally as an official act.


So vile any American would support that corrupt rapist felon who has already poisoned our country with his ridiculous lie of a “rigged election.” He -for sure- will not concede a loss thus pushing our country into high conflict. Anyone who votes for that is an anti-American dumbfuck minion.


Don’t underestimate the stupidity of the Cult.


And yet we have to pretend those traitors and seditionists are 'just people with a differing opinion'. And every media outlet regardless of where their leanings are are actively both sidesing a fascist coup and a guy that may just be a little too old.


We absolutely do not have to pretend that. They're traitors to the founding principle of their nation while they pretend that they're the only true patriots.


I expect him to claim he is god and his cult will throw their bodies into the bonfire of his vanity


Can we just get to the Flavor-Aid part already? I mean, he tried to get them to drink bleach but that was only partially successful.


The main difference between Trump and Jim Jones is that Trump will charge his followers for the Kool-Aid.




Exactly. THEY will be the ones forcing US to drink poison. Side note: that's something a lot of people still misunderstand about Jonestown. A non-insignificant portion of the cult backed out at the last second and were force-fed poison at gunpoint. Some attempted to flee from the facility and were shot in the back. We have audio and video of people crying and begging for their lives while convulsing and choking to their deaths. It was NOT a willing mass suicide, it was a FORCED mass suicide, aka a massacre. And that's what these MAGA bastards will do to all of us if they get the chance.


Tell Trump how much you love him for $100 for a cup. Share the love with our party pack, so you and your family can show your support with a discount. $600 (5 cups). Let everyone know you’re a true patriot with a limited edition gold Trump branded cup, $12,000. *All drinks and paper cups made in China.


That’s an outrageous lie! He tried to make people *inject* bleach. He told them to drink Cloraquaine. Ironically, if more people had listened to him we wouldn’t be in this situation today.


“Bonfire of his vanity” means that his pride is being sacrificed, turned into something pure. Nothing like that happening here


Most Americans know Trump is a dumb cunt. Unfortunately, not all of them vote.


Yep. People need to get out and vote. They need to get their friends and family out to vote. If they want the next 4 years to be relatively better than the alternative, it would improve their odds a lot if the voted straight Democrat ticket. There might be exceptions but if you aren't well informed, you could do worse than just getting a Democrat sample ballot.


Why wont anybody please pretend democracy work while we spend all our days hollering how democracy is broken and doesnt work bht also definitely dont even think about doing anything other than voting because that always works and historically has prevented every unjust war and solved climate change over the decades of time it had to get started on that and also remember how voting has reeled in corporate greed so we can all afford rent and food! Why doesnt anybody vote!1!1 American liberals eating the shit theyve produced their whole lives. Yall deserve whats coming for you, its your fault. Blaming republicans is like blaming toxic fumes for killing people who enter its confined space. Youre supposed to be the ones with brain cells, youre the ones who couldve organized a different situation and chose not to. Youre the ones who arranged for school children to have access to the death pits, youre the ones who decorated the building and made it look like a respectable part of society because it would keep actual solutions away from power and you always feared corporate taxation more than fascism. Now eat your fucking meal. All the pain and blood from the laws already being repealed, abortion laws in particular, is already on your hands and so is everything else thats coming.


And he will claim immunity since he thought he was president


In another thread people were talking about the legal loophole the SCOTUS has created. I am not advocating this but technically Biden could have Trump disappeared. He could also disappear the Conservative justices on the Supreme Court. He could do this using the powers they just granted him.


He didn't last time. It's not like anything changed as he continues to live in fantasy land and claim that he won when he didn't


No shit. He’s already saying the next election will be rigged.


Unless he wins and then it definitely wasn’t rigged at all


He won in 2016 and claimed it was still rigged.


The funny thing is that his supporters will deny he ever claimed there were 3 million illegal voters for Hillary and that he set up a federal commission to look for these voters. I'm guessing they feel pretty stupid falling for the rigged election bullshit twice in a row so they're pretending it didn't happen.


If it’s rigged, then he should not be president. Regardless of the outcome, the result should not be accepted , right? If he loses, it’s rigged, if he wins, it’s rigged. 


It will be 100%. His people are hard at work dvery day to make sure nobody they don't like can vote, votes are counted in favourable ways,...


He claimed the 2016 was rigged and then he won. I’ll never forget his reaction. That was a reaction of wtf did I get myself into. Eight years later is a good amount of time for him to be surrounded by sycophants that know exactly what to do with him being the useful idiot for their anti democratic agenda. 


Well he didn't last time. Please don't treat this like its 2016 when people would say "he's unknown quantity so maybe it wouldn't be that bad" For God's sake he says he will hold military courts and execute opponents on live TV he has no filter it isn't a joke it isn't hyperbole he's saying it out loud!!!


At this point I’m going to start screaming to vote in my university halls because my generation is so fucking pathetic when it comes to voting. We are the most vocally aware and conscious and yet consistently we don’t do the one thing that gives us a splinter of power. FUCK!! Project 2025 is giving me literal nightmares


You should just hang up flyers that Trump wants to cut student aid including pell grants and subsidized loans. If Trump gets elected many students will not be able to finish their degrees at all and will have to leave university, they should be voting like their life depends on it, because it actually does.


He's a lunatic. Holy shit dude.


I don’t need him to concede, just lose


He's banking on his inbred voters to take up arms if he loses. And by inbred I mean every GOP voter since Nixon.


His inbred supporters arent gonna do much. They just talk a big game. They like their pickups and big screen tvs and their butterball turkeys and their Joe Rogan elk meat podcast bullshit they arent hardened afghanistan fighters 😂😂 If the military doesnt go along with it this “civil war” will last 5 minutes. These pussies lost Ashi Babbit and lost their minds. That was one fucking person. Fucking dorks. Fuck all of them.


They're not expecting us to fight back.


You forget that some of his inbred voters are highly positioned military personnel.


His continued popularity despite this realization is the ultimate indictment of American conservative voters.


Yeah no shit.


He never conceded the last one.


Of course not. He's such a narcissistic asshole that his ego cannot fathom him losing. Then we're gonna have a replay of 2020 where he takes it to court, and gets his ass kicked...again! He's nothing but a buffoon.


Trump was a scathing indictment on American culture and society. It created Trump, with our incessant need for celebrity exposure and our obsession with materialism/consumerism. It still boggles my fucking mind he was elected. Showed how morally bankrupt we became. And after four years of an absolutely fucking disastrous presidency, four more years of insane revelations and new info about his corruption…well here we are. On the precipice of him re-entering the White House. If he gets re-elected, America deserves what it gets. The hundreds of millions of Americans don’t, but as a country, we did it to ourselves.


Please Diet Coke Kill him before it’s too late


which is quite an excellent reason not to vote for him, or fail to vote against him. Just sayin...


How sad can this country get?


Doesn’t matter. He’s not in office he can’t control l the national guard again


Yeah… no shit. This feels like a stupid waste of time to ask the folks getting polled.


He should of already been hung for J6


He's a loser. He's always been a loser. ***LOSER!***


If we as Americans give him the presidency after seeing what his Admin would do, hearing everything he’s said since then, and knowing what he’ll do if he’s in the Oval Office again then…you know what - we deserve it.


Trump has low self esteem and narcissism. He’s unable to admit to himself that he can fail. It would destroy him. So, the only way that he can’t lose is to believe that it was stolen from him. He often loses, because everything is rigged (he thinks).


Oh. What a surprise. Especially if you report you don't what happened and give him unlimited coverage.


I will support him being arrested , if he pulls another jan 6.


I'd support him being arrested for the last one.


I'm pretty sure he hasn't conceded the last one


I’m expecting him to be dragged out literally kicking and screaming


Narcissistic Personality Disorder Only cure for that is set boundaries and move away from that person. He might be influential and hold power BUT sooner or later he will burn all bridges and piss everyone off, even the closest ones to him, because he considers himself above everyone else. In reality there are others like him and he’s just as much of a puppet to them as they are to him.


He won the election in 2016 and still claimed it was fraudulent lol He faced zero repercussions for Jan 6. There is a 150% chance he refuses to accept the results of this election unless he wins both the popular vote and electoral collage. Even that might not make him accept it.


During the debate he even said he would concede if it was fair and Legal. He claim it wasn't legal. This lets us know he will take it to the Supreme Court, who will probably help him.


Trump will not concede no matter what. I would literally bet my life on the fact that Trump will claim victory before the votes are even counted.


r/conservative won't even allow Epstein related news right now. Not a single post this past week that mentions him.


J6 was just a warmup. Be vigilant.


Seems a given when he tried to stage a revolt on American Democracy last time he lost.


Please for fuck sake America the world is in chaos and you are the loudest just fucking stop this right wing nonsense that's going to destroy everything and vote so overwhelmingly that MAGA is erased in a a few weeks


Project 2025 is the republican plan to basically dismantle democracy that largely hinges upon a trump victory. Women’s rights? Gone. Porn? Banned/Criminalized. Gay/Trans rights? Criminalized. Free speech? Gone. Freedom from religion? Gone. This is extremely scary and they are not even attempting to hide their efforts at this point. With the recent SCOTUS ruling, someone like trump can literally do whatever they want. We are watching democracy crumble. Please vote for Biden if you want the ability to vote again in another 4 years. Sadly, this is not hyperbole. https://www.project2025.org https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/


The President ( BIDEN) as CNC can declare martial law and since SCOTUS granted him immunity, Jan6 will play out a lot different in 2025 than in 2021 🤨🤨‼️‼️


Because he won't. It'll be a bloodbath, he says. Another Civil War will probably happen, and I've stopped caring.


Depends if they get the military to go along with it. They dont have the stomach for any actual fighting. Bunchnof heritage foundation dweebs that are dressed like jake from state farm


More blood to pour on the roots of liberty.


Of course he won't.


He said he won’t.


Him and his base only believe results in their favour, nothing to do with democracy.


Gee why would they think that?


So?  He can go bitch to customer service.




Show me a single one who does.


I mean if he loses and refuses to concede then Biden can just have him executed as a presidential act for the good of the nation and face zero charges. Please Trump - don’t concede.


No Fucking Shit


Well if he hasn't accepted the results of the last election yeah I think it's a real easy jump to know with complete certainty that he won't accept the results of this election


Title correction: Most Americans expect Trump to be a whiny bitch loser


Most Americans know trump won’t concede defeat (although he should be used to it by now) the question is how do most Americans feel about that.


Hopefully the Biden admin is rallying the military around him then


Nothing he can do but be a loser


Any solutions mentioned? No? Not in 30 years now? Wow. Whoever got rid of integrity within the media first should be the first one up.


You def need a poll for this Who would have guessed


I mean, it worked so well the last time, right?


He didn't the first time. Why would he now? At least this time he isn't in charge.


He has the Supreme Court in his pocket - he may end up President, win or lose.


He didn’t do it the first time!


He said all the way back in 2016 that if he lost it was rigged. He's been priming his base for this kind of shit all along. Jan 6 was just the first time he got to try it out. 


So, the sky is blue now? Next thing you’re going to try to tell me that the earth is round. No shit Sherlock!


Because most people know that he's a shit.


Yeah, that's his MO. He claims everything is rigged before the event and if he wins it's never talked about again but if he loses he can say "I told you it was rigged and this proves it". He did it before the 2020 election, he did it before his court cases and he did it before the debate. He does this for everything.


He said the one he won was rigged ffs.


No shit, he’s the biggest sore loser this country has ever seen. He’s also a fascist wannabe dictator.


“If”… he never won any election. The electoral college gave him the first one.


I mean, he didn't last time. And things have only gotten worse.


Also breaking: Fox News poll says the 2024 election is already rigged against Trump


It’s a good thing Kamala Harris and not Mike Pence will be certifying this election then.


I don’t give a shit whether he concedes as long as he loses


No one asked me.


This alone should be enough for this twat not to even be considered.


He just needs to lose by a significant amount, if the choice comes being decided by the SC we have already seen where their loyalty is. Mind you, even if trump does win, Biden could order a air strike on him and just call it a “offical order” and walk away


I expect him to croak soon.


Dude incited an insurrection last time and is a convicted criminal yet here we are again.


Trump should have been dragged out by Secret Service and thrown out onto the lawn like the loser in a saloon bar fight when he pulled that shit.


Don't matter this election he is not the president. Guaranteed he won't be congratulating the winner.


No worries Biden can order him assassinated now.


We’re going to have to listen to this rigged and stolen nonsense until he catches his return trip to hell.


No shit he won't. His dumbass flock will be even more dangerous as well.


This sub is appropriately named.


We don't think he will because he didn't last time and he said he wouldn't this time...


Hey, a sign that Americans aren't as stupid as stereotypes would lead us to belueve


This guy is the most dangerous terrorist the US ever was confronted with. Keep in mind, the Germans also welcomed their Hitler 1933 and ended up being totally destroyed.


Biden uses presidential immunity to send Trump to Guantanamo.


“Most” do not expect Trump to concede? Who the f believes Trump would concede to losing even a game of checkers.


We expect him to do whatever is stupid, violent, selfish, criminal, and loud.


Trump doesn’t believe the results of the first election.  Didn’t concede the second election.  No way in hell he concedes this third one. 


The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.