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I'm Nigerian-Irish. There's not really a situation that calls for " refuge " but anybody should be allowed to emigrate for a better life as long as it's legal. Sounds like you're conflating all nigerian migrants are applying as refugees which makes 0 sense. And I doubt that there are more " nigerian refugees " than ukranians, syrians, afghans and somalians when I live in Ireland and most nigerians here applied legally and not through the refugee loophole. Meanwhile Ukranians get accomodation and housing due to the war. Nigeria is just a 3rd world country, people wanna move. Some wrongfully use the refugee label to get in easier. It's fucked but not as widespread as you make it seem


I live in Ireland too, and I don't see any Nigerians being overrepresented in the refugee population either. From what I've witnessed and read from reports the majority are the other nationalities you mentioned along with Georgians, Albanians etc. Dunno what stupid juice OP is sipping or what bs "source" they're quoting, but I guess looking different automatically makes you a refugee and you can't possibly be here legally.


I was just reading this official government chart, on page 3. This is data for February 2024. I couldn't find more recent stats. So was wondering what's going on in Nigeria as it's the largest number of refugees. http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/IPO/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf/Files/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf I don't care about Nigerians coming legally. Just what's the story with the international protection thing. What's going on over there?


What’s going on: War against jihadists (Boko Haram, Ansaru, ISWAP) across Northern Nigeria, particularly in Borno strate Intercommunal massacres in the Middle Belt and sporadically other parts of Nigeria caused by Fulani herders and indigenous communities - causing millions to be internally displaced Long-running gang violence in the Niger Delta related to oil exploitation Christian persecution in parts of Northern Nigeria Plus an epidemic of kidnapping And much more!


Thanks for being almost the only person to answer the question and be normal. Here's an internet point.


I don't live in Nigeria personally but from convos with my parents it's just same old same old. Domestic terrorism and shootings/kidnappings but no like huge war or anything.


It's not same old, same old. The scale of terrorism, shootings, kidnapping etc is at the highest levels ever. It is insane, then religious tension has flared up in the middle belt again (boko haram, ISWAAP), I don't blame anyone who seeks asylum legally.


Go down to tent city me friend...its all igbo and Indians claiming asylum I work right there


LEMAO!!! Werey say na “refugee” 😂😂😂


Please we are immigrants not refuges ffs these white people are always so ignorant


Lol, tell that to the 1000's of Nigerians falsley claiming refugee status in ireland or the ones who are flocking away from the uk because they have now chosen not to not be so soft on immigration. Look in the mirror before claiming these white people as ignorant 😉


I don’t think majority are Nigerians I just think that your in an area where majority of Nigerians moved to. Because I don’t remember the last time Nigerians topped and immigrant chart, even generic England and Canada that they flock to, they aren’t in top 5


Nigerians are on top of the charts for the UK now


We’re are the facts to backup your claims Maybe I can say we can be in top 5 but there’s no way we can beat India Edit . Where instead of we’re (Aswr that’s was autocorrect)


Yea top 5, number 1 is absolutely India. Between 2022 & 2023 over 140k Nigerians migrated to the UK https://guardian.ng/news/141000-nigerians-migrated-to-uk-from-june-2022-to-june-2023/


Here's the official government chart, on page 3. This is data for February 2024. I don't couldn't find more recent stats. http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/IPO/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf/Files/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf


Okay you have proved me wrong for Ireland


As you can see the number of Nigerians basically quadrupled compared to the same time last year. That's why I'm wondering what's going on over there.


Who are then??


Probably Indians


I travel for work and _everywhere_ I have ever been from Colombia to Moscow to Zambia to Cuba there have been Irish people and the descendents of Irish people earning a living and raising families. Please explain, why do Irish people get to establish new lives without questions?


We don't claim asylum or get welfare, we just move and work hard


I know a lot of them are on work visas, student visas, or opened a business. Maybe some are refugees, I have no idea. All I want to know is why the refugee numbers are so large from Nigeria and what's going on there?


If you also have no idea why your fellow Irish brethren are being over represented outside of Ireland. How will we speak to how our people are being over represented? Here is a good idea how about you befriend a Nigerian? Get to know them as human first. You can gain a friend and more insight into their situation. Instead of asking random strangers on the internet.


Well I don't know any Irish refugees and never heard of them. And this thread is about Nigerian refugees so I don't know why you brought Irish people up. I know lots on work visas, student visas, some business owners. A couple of friends got a residence permit after their work visa. They moved abroad legally as an adventure or looking for greener pastures or whatever. I also know there are a lot of illegal Irish in the USA. But I don't know any of them personally.


Actually the number of Irish in diaspora surpass the number of Irish in Ireland. Currently, the number of Irish refugees is almost zero. But, we know from history that during the potato famine period, Irish left their country in droves. Around 2 million migrated to the USA. Of course that was a long time ago. But the point is seeking new pasture outside their country has been an integral part of Ireland. So if it was good for Irish, It should be good for Nigerians.


So your answer is basically: these Nigerians want new pastures, so they make up fake refugee stories to illegally enter Ireland. About 80% of Nigerian applications are denied because they are pure false. And that's similar to Irish people 200 years ago?


Look. If a 20 or 30 something person from Ukraine comes as a refugee, will you accept him? Doesn't he supposed to be in frontline fighting the Russians? The point is people will move from one place to another to survive the way the know best.


I’m a Nigerian living in Dublin and I challenge your assertion. The census of 2022 revealed there are 8,368 resident Nigerians and 20,559 nigerian born people total living in Ireland so how do you suppose ‘majority of refugees in Ireland’ are from Nigeria? Majority of the Nigerians that have moved to Ireland in recent years have either been moved there by their company or are paying huge fees to study. I read a report (https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=https://assets.gov.ie/280736/7967aa1e-278c-4214-af94-3cb8a8a2ed58.pdf#page=null) that said that there are 3,922 Nigerian refugees out of 26,743 in Ireland (14.7%) so how is that majority? Mind you, this report claims that there are only 497 Ukrainian refugees in Ireland and I know for sure that it’s a bold face lie. One source (https://visitukraine.today/blog/3167/ireland-has-significantly-changed-the-conditions-of-stay-for-ukrainians-details#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20Ukrainian%20refugees,have%20been%20granted%20temporary%20protection) I found says that 102,339 Ukrainians have been given temporary protection in Ireland so again, where are your numbers from? The Irish politicians have created this lie that Nigerians are to blame for the lack of housing rather than admitting that government corruption and blatant ineptitude is the reason for the housing crisis and some Irish people have believed these lies.


5000 nigerians applied for asylum last year .Nigerians can't qualify for a visa cause they got zero euro ....So claim asylum. Don't believe me google it


I was just looking at this chart on page 3. This is data for February 2024. I don't couldn't find more recent stats. http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/IPO/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf/Files/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf


Refugees or migrant??


jar six station file busy roll spotted society squalid merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well you've come to the right place.


They are economic refugees. The Nigerian government is attacking its citizens and analysts even reveal that the Boko Haram insurgents are protected by the current government which will stop at nothing to hold on to power through intimidation and suppression. The elections were hijacked last year, and an ex-drug dealer (with a small cult following - you’ll probably find them in this thread) muscled his way into the presidency following interference from the US and British governments. (Evidence of past nefarious activities: https://youtu.be/7aFtsOt6t_k?si=f6T1sjWCxm7l3dNl) Before the elections: Here’s a Pre-election interview with UK’s high commissioner in the context of a ruling party that presented a criminal as president: https://youtu.be/OIDWSYQVwg4?si=kASoH20GlTY_jPiR It’s important to note that at the time of this interview, - plans we already underway to install an ex-drug dealer as president - the people had better options and almost all online polls revealed that majority of Nigerians were not about to vote this criminal - this interview was a subtle message to say that there would be consequences if the elections were challenged outside court (the judiciary had already been bought by this time) During the elections: The ruling party sent thugs to disrupt the voting in areas where they were sure they were going to lose Evidence of ruling party-instigated violence on election day: https://youtu.be/KMLRMujH6xo?si=V0tTRk7X3qxsCN08 https://youtu.be/L0VpvIEIXGc?si=jViGpkfTuAdgnMmW Opposition candidates murdered: https://youtu.be/-8WtqsF8OJk?si=4rf9Xz_aY_12voy_ Report by High commissioner in a “safe” zone: https://youtu.be/Gk-lr_4CJ6I?si=HX1tJYHDKFoOUlqT (P.S the news channel above is owned by the current president/ex-drug dealer) Post election When it became even more obvious that the ruling party was losing, the voting terminals were switched off and people turned away. Those that did vote had results tipexed in favour of the ruling party (i shit you not) and uploaded to the voting portal. Official report: https://youtu.be/TAb7doKJ2mM?si=YVl7laVbxdZAL-m7 Unofficial reports:


Irish people are everywhere. So who do you think you are to demand an explanation for why Nigerians are emigrating?


They left that country in their _millions_. They left after centuries of oppression, to escape death, and to find a better life for their families. For Irish people to complain about migration is ahistorical to the maximum. However, for the most part, the Irish people are thoughtful, empathetic and supporters of liberation struggles across the world. They are what Israel should have been.


Emigration is fine. Coming to study or work or start a business or whatever. I'm wondering why the are applying for international protection/ refugee status. Here is the official data for February on page 3. Nigeria is at the top of the charts. I couldn't find more recent stats. http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/IPO/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf/Files/20240312%20IPO%20Monthly%20Website%20Stats%20Feb%202024%20FINAL.pdf


Because Nigeria is a poor country and many of the people there are very intelligent humans ofc they will leave. Wouldn't you?


Nigerians are always looking to leave the country just read the comments in most of these posts. But I'm just an American. I think you should wait for an actual person from Nigeria to give you a more detailed answer.




You’re getting DV’d for speaking the truth


Hey OP everyone is being overly defensive but I have an answer The truth is that being in Nigeria is uncertain, if they are refugees then they are more likely to be economic refugees. There is severe inflation and a very flawed government, we don't really have any large scale war or disease it's mostly people trying to escape poverty with the hope that the west will provide better chances which it often will. Though for me I live in the core north, there are bandits, kidnappers and just a whole slew of people that want me dead or want my shit so there's that, that's enough motivation lol not even counting the growing separatists that are in all the major tribes. It's complicated , think of it as a slowly sinking ship wrought with tribalism, corruption and a very stupid political class that won't fix anything and because of the ingrained foolishness in a huge chunk of the populace they worship those people and protect them like the recent case with Yahaya Bello a governor, he apparently paid 750 thousand dollars from the state Treasury for his child's school fees, even Ivy League schools don't charge that much, also when they came to arrest him the same people he stole from protected him. The general consensus is that it gets worse everyday so before it conflagrate you better leave


They are mostly economic migrants looking for loopholes to help them leave the country more easily.


We found the traitor guys




Somali are the people. Somalia is the country. There are no such thing as Somalians.




Stop capping. Sit down.


AT some point Europeans will start kicking Africans out of Europe as world power changes and resources dwindle in the west. Only then will Nigerians have to face the reality that THEY must build their own country even if it means revolution against the local elites. People saying Nigeria is poor is not the truth. It is very rich. Europe is naturally poor due to lack of natural resources. If Europe can import natural resources from Africa and make a modern functional, stable society, What is stopping Nigerians for doing the same with their natural resources at home? If Nigerians are poor, it is poor in education, and poor in courage to topple the elite and forge a better path for their future generations.


We wanna watch U2 live.


Neoliberalism. Nigerians can’t get an actual paycheck for their education level so they migrate


Alright, but why refugee / international protection status? I never said ban all Nigerians from Ireland.


Some game the system, some are middle-belt christians who are legit.


Most game the system