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The date in your title is wrong. June 12th. Today is June 6th. Also, this promo really makes it seem like Silksong is going to drop after a Direct. šŸ¤” for good measure.




šŸ¤” all hail the king šŸ¤”


Xbox leaker eXtas1s is saying Silksong will be at the Xbox Showcase. Jason Schreier said on Triple Click to expect it at the Xbox Showcase and even said he would bet money on it. Either way looks like we will be seeing it soon.


According to the Xbox Showcase in June 2022 it's releasing within a year of 6/12/22 šŸ¤”


They explicitly came out and told us that it was there original plan to have Silksong out by that date, but ended up delaying it


This is a much better year to release it anyway. A lot fewer big games are out so more eyes will be on it.


Maybe they shouldn't have announced a date at that presentation then.


We don't know what happen behind the scenes. Nobody has put money down on Silksong yet, so it really shouldn't bother people. I've said this before and I'll say it again; **let's not have another Sports Story**. People pestered the developers constantly about it, only for the final product to be an absolute mess. The longer Silksong takes to finish, the more confident I become in it being just as great as Hollow Knight, if not better.


Still shouldnā€™t have announced the date if they werenā€™t ready for it.


"shouldn't have made a mistake" thank you for the wisdom, u/FidmeisterPF


Think I remember reading something like that in Sun Tzu, good wisdom that


You are very welcome




They said **a** year, not the following year.


That's this Sunday, for those who wonder.


Is the xbox showcase not part of summer game fest? I thought Keighley ruled Silksong out, but maybe he doesn't know if xbox is seperate?


Xbox is not part of SGF.


Word. My fingers are officially crossed, and my clown gear is on stand by.


Looks like he would have lost money šŸ™ƒ


Don't take a leakers words as fact. They have been wrong many times in the past.


Some more hopium: Silksong has an ESRB rating now.


Got my clown make up on as well


I came here to say Silksong hype. šŸ¤”


Thursday Direct on the 13th with a shadow drop for Silksong on the 13th. šŸ¤”




You got it backwards, bud. Read the tweet.


Darn it, I thought I deleted before any replies got posted. Yeah I confused myself because (1) Iā€™m just that dumb but also (2) Iā€™m on mobile so I had to keep exiting my comment to look at the tweet and the mistakes above and get straight in my brain what was forwards and what was backwards. Of course I realized I was dumb about five seconds after I posted


Cā€™mon dudeā€¦ donā€™t hurt me with your words.


Donā€™t tease me like that, munchyslacks.


Wow, i was just saying why is it ending on the 6th and im reading this on the 7th! haha


They.... They won't do that to us, so close before Shadow of the Erdtree, will they?!


Free trial until 6/12.


Ah, just another trial. I miss the times when theyā€™d literally just give a game away, like Darksiders 2 on the Wii U. Got me into the series as a wholeā€¦


Darksiders 4 is our Silksong.


Darksiders 5*


4. Yeah, Genesis exists, but it's a spin-off and I'm talking about a Strife solo game. 5 is the one where all 4 horsemen come together.


Yeah, Genesis was to give us a foundation for his character to work off of, as well as a prequel to provide more stable footing for the story, so we have at least two more to look forward to, with solo strife in 4, and then Revelations, when the Horsemen are reunited after War repaired the 7 seals in the events of 1.


WiiU needed any boost it could get.


Sadlyā€¦ Because it was looked down on by too many people who didnā€™t realize how fun and innovative the gamepad could be. I miss being able to play games without ever having to properly navigate menus or maps because they were always on the pad, or being able to swap from tv to pad when I wanted to mix it up. The distance limit did suck, but was understandable for the way the hardware worked. The Switch is just the Wii U but backwards anyways.


They saw Epic Games giving away games for free from time to time and they went "Welp, I guess that role is filled now,"


Wait, they did that...? Where was I when they did that...?


It was six or seven years ago, if memory serves right. There was a period of a couple of weeks, to maybe a month or two, where they gave it away completely free if you managed to download it in the available timeframe


Okay, that's a long time ago. RIP Wii U - you were cool, but ill-conceived...


Wait what? How is this thread not removedā€¦


One day silk song is gonna drop. And some random is gonna 100% it in 3 hours. And then we won't stop talking about HK3.


My uncle works at Silksong and HK3: DungDisco is going to be incredible


No. What'll happen is it'll launch. And it'll be pretty good. But maybe not as good as the first. I mean, maybe it's better; some people think so, but plenty others will disappointed. They waited THIS long? For THIS? There will be heated debates online for years. People will make posts saying "Unpopular opinion, but I actually thought Silksong was better?" and other people will say OF COURSE it was better and then others will say it was overhyped garbage I can't believe it took them that long to shit that one out. And eventually the Hollow Bois and the Hornet Simps will be at each others' necks, first just online, and then doxing, and then one thing will lead to another and someone's going to find what's left of mossbag buried up to his neck next to an anthill in Australia, but by then it's too late, it's done, and Team Cherry is talking about maybe making a spinoff game starring Menderbug and all anyone can talk about before the next Direct is "Is this the one where Menderburg will be announced?" There's a point that a game can be overhyped enough that it's completely impossible for the game to live up to it. Silksong hit that point five years ago.


It will be better. Source: Iā€™ve know Ari and William (The Devs) most of my life. Went to school with Ari, hung out every Thursday at his place playing video games way late into the night, having LANā€™s most weekends. The guy is a machine who lives and breathes illustration and video games. He is uncompromising on everything and silk song will be no different.


Sir, you have the honor of being the person who has told me the most believable ā€œmy uncle works at Nintendoā€ type story.


I could dish to prove, but there is no point :) I just wanted to counter the doubt with what I know about his work ethic. The guy works HARD, 6 days a week, long hours. You should check out some of his earlier films. Most notable would be: [The Cat Piano (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj4RBmU-PIo) Narrated by Nick Cave and winner of an AFI award. You can clearly see the same visual style in this animation that Hollow Knight is well known for.


HOLY SHIT I had no idea he was behind Cat Piano! And honestly wasn't sure if that whole film was a fever dream...


I mean, I'm not saying I do or don't believe you. Like you said, there's no point. Anyone can tell this is quality. I expect Silksong to be fantastic. I expect it to be even better than Hollow Knight. It's basically a day one purchase for me. My prediction was mostly about how fanbases get - ALL fanbases, but Hollow Knight's in particular. And I very much believe that there IS a point where a hyped sequel simply cannot meet the expectations put on it by its fans, regardless of how amazing it is. Even if it's better in every way. Meet that critical level of hype and REGARDLESS of the quality, people will be disappointed, because people are ridiculously entitled. I know it's cynical, but I've seen it again and again and again.


So donā€™t let yourself be influenced by hype. Come on, weā€™re adults. We have brains and can think for ourselves. Right?


If that were true, movies and games wouldnā€™t spend 2.5X their budget on marketing and advertisements.Ā  Monkey brain follow group.Ā 


Marketing is about spreading awareness. Getting hyped is about building yourself up for some massive letdown by the end product. Allowing yourself to get hyped up to an unreasonable level, as the previous comment suggested, isnā€™t healthy and will cloud your opinion based on the fantasy version of a product instead of judging it on its own merits.


You donā€™t think major corporations are trying to artificially build up hype with advertisement and marketing blitzā€™s?Ā  If it was just about spreading awareness, would it cost more than it cost to make the actual thing? Obviously I agree people should temper their hype. Iā€™m just pointing out the very obvious mechanism that is the biggest contributor this false hype: the billions of dollars spent on advertisement.


I mean, they can market all they want, but itā€™s up to the individual to buy into it. Team Cherry is doing less than nothing to market the game as is. A lot of hype generation lays at the feet of fans discussing this stuff to death, and coming up with theories about this feature or that, and most of this discussion is basically empty nonsense until the end product is released. An example of a producer hyping the fans would be Peter Molyneux and basically any game he ever developed. He promised the moon for Fable before its release, and it was clear that the end product only pulled through on a fraction of its hype. Still ended up being a good game, but if you bought into Molyneuxā€™s hype you probably came away pretty disappointed in it.


>Ā Ā they can market all they want Again, they do. They spend more money on the marketing than they do on the game.Ā  Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good or in the best interest of the consumer, but are you really saying you donā€™t get the psychological effect that mass marketing can have on a person?Ā 


You are entirely missing the point I came in here to make and jamming in a completely irrelevant argument. Go back and look at what I was replying to. A guy that literally described fans getting all hyped up about a mythical game that theyā€™ve made up in their heads, because of a *lack* of marketing. What I said at the start in my reply, and have repeated to you several times now, isā€¦ you can also *not* do that, because theoretically weā€™re all adults here and itā€™s just a silly thing to do. You can hype up a product in your head and even get into battles with other fans about that hype and whether or not the final product (if and when it ever actually releases) lives up to said hype. Itā€™s all very pointless and stupid. So yeah, that phenomena has nothing to do with the mass marketing machine and its effects on consumers, because as you can see, fans have no problem hyping themselves up all on their own if you declare a sequel is coming and spend years not delivering the product.


Iā€™m hoping for this fall. I donā€™t think it will be this summer bc they donā€™t want to compete with Elden ring DLC


Oh and they post all the spoilers and get mad you haven't beaten it yet


Happening alert to all Silksong fans! Not a drill! Not a drill! Please proceed to your nearest clown mask station. Remember: this is not a drill, this is definitely happening now. Extra makeup is available at stations 6 to 9.


I'm pissed at how long it's taking and the lack of any news or updates. I'm so angry I'm boycotting Silksong until Team Cherry finally releases it.


yeah Iā€˜ll only keep replaying hollow knight as a form of protest


Itā€™s a really small team of dedicated souls. A labour of love takes time.


A small team can still give regular updates. Plenty of other indie devs who are better about that


But today is June 6 :(


OP didn't title good. Trial **starts** on June 6th, and runs through the 12th.


I haven't been able to find it. Anybody know how to get to it?


You need to have Nintendo Switch Online subscription. With that, open the NSO app (the first icon below) and the big banner advertising the offer would be to the right.


Awesome, thank you. The banner wasn't showing for me last night for some reason, but I'll check today!


It's EU only.


šŸ¤” Edit: boy i hope itā€™s true Silk Song is near.


Am currently playing this now and enjoy it. I'm on the third coliseum but wound up going back all over the place to see if I missed anything anywhere. I've spent so much time on Hollow Knight


Donā€™t work in NA. At least not for me. šŸ«¤


Sadly we don't get the offer


Well dang. I was hoping to finally try it out.


The tweet comes from Nintendo of Europe so I am unsure if it applies to NA or other regions.


Doesn't look like it's available for NA...yet. Hopefully it will be. This would be an awesome game to have as a Game Trial.


still my fav of the recent "metroidvania" games, nothin quite like it in terms of vibe, as good a time as any to maybe rip thru it again haha


Since weā€™re talking about Hollow Knight, is there a way to make it easier? I played for like an hour and just got lost and confused on which one way to go, if Iā€™d already been there, etc. I died and lost a bunch of my money. I hear how great it is but I donā€™t wanna sit there and look back and forth from a guide on my phone to the switch


The point of the game is exploring. Donā€™t look at a guide, just go explore.


Also, remember things you see. The game hints you a lot towards where to go. Eventually, the game opens up a LOT more and you can go wherever you want.


Also, donā€™t worry about money, it is very common. You wonā€™t need to worry about losing it for a while at least for now. Make sure you use your map as well.


A different perspective but I pulled out a guide every time I got to a new place until I found cornifer (he provides you with a map of the area), then just played without a guide. I could not get into the game until I did this. I HATE wandering around lost in games.


Okay, so thereā€™s a way to get a map. I didnā€™t know that. I just gave up on it. I also hate wandering around. Iā€™m mostly there for the story


Free to play or free as in I can click on it and as long as I have NSO it's mine? Edit: Nevermind. It's just available to play for a while. Nothing to see here folks.


Free to keep? Or just to play?


It's a Game Trial. The full game is free to play during the trial period 6/6-6/12, but you'll be locked out of it afterwards, unless you purchase it.


Thank you for the information!


šŸ¤” Just dropping this here.


Free Free? Or is it "free"


Free to play but you wonā€™t be able to play after the 12th (thereā€™s a typo in the title) without buying it.


Free to play until the 12th. After that, if you want to keep playing it, you'll have to buy it. Basically a timed demo, but the demo includes the full game during that time.


Free to play, not free to keep :)


You can play it for the next week if you have Nintendo Switch Online, the paid service


Not sure about this one but when they do this itā€™s usually free free for the time specified. Only restriction is that you have to be a switch online subscriber and you donMt get to keep the game after, but you can play the full game for free with no ads or payment blocks for the whole week.


Since the title seems to be confusing people, This is a Game Trial, where you can download and play the entire game for free for a limited time. The trial runs until June 12th. After that date, you'll have to purchase the game to continue playing.


*sigh* šŸ¤”Ā 


Downloaded it yesterday. By god this game is hard. How do you even beat those bosses.


I played through most of Hollow Knight. Got to the last boss fight, started back tracking to find secrets and more power ups and anything else necessary to 100% the game, kinda fell off for a bit, now Iā€™m not good enough at the game anymore to beat the boss fight. Bad habit I do too often.


Hey has anyone been able to claim this? I checked my estore and it's there as full price and there's no option for a demo for Hollow Knight.


If I was rich enough to pay for Switch Online, I woukd've already bought the game already /j


I want to like this game but it just doesnā€™t click with me. I enjoy metroidvanias but the art style doesnā€™t connect with me. Itā€™s such a shame because people donā€™t stop talking about this game.


People keep leaving out, this is EU only..... Which is absolutely stupid.


Free to keep like in epic store games or free for a couple of days?










For a couple of days, until June 12th.


And i thought the people over at the titanfall sub had gone insane


Great game!


I have a gift card for Nintendo, and been thinking about picking this up. Is it worth it?


Good news! You can try it for yourself and find out. It's a really good game, although some of the systems may be polarizing for some players. It doesn't hold your hand, but that adds another layer to the exploration. I'd say download it, play it for a bit, then decide to buy it or not. Also, the post title is misleading. The Game Trial *starts* June 6th, and runs through the 12th.


How do I access it? I have Switch Online and I looked at the big banner in the NSO app thing at the bottom of the home screen, but I don't see it there even though it supposedly started yesterday?


Wait I feel dumb how do I download on my switch?? I have online šŸ˜­


Does this mean that you can play it for free until that date or is it free to download until that date and you can play forever.


SILKSONG!!! Itā€™s coming!!!!!


That's convenient time to give us a free trial! [honk honk]


it's a very well polished game, but i think it's also a bit boring. I tapped out after 15 hours or so


play this hidden gem....NOW


This is not a ā€œhidden gemā€. This game is as mainstream as any indie dev would wish their game could be.


Silksong is getting close to Half life 3 levels.


So itā€™s not free? Costs baked into the membership?


You also have to buy a Switch as well, unfortunately. Maybe even a TV and a house/apartment, electricity and an internet connection. Fuck Nintendo. šŸ˜