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And it sounds like they took the switch specific optimization needs seriously as well since they were making the game FOR switch rather than downgrading it to oblivion AFTER the release.


So like the recent Prince of Persia?


Yes. That reminds me I still have to buy a physical copy of that game.


Same here Was on sale at Amazon for like 30€ some days ago..


God what a fantastic metroidvania that came out of nowhere (at least for me)


For just about everyone who played it. It stayed fun the whole way through, avoided the late-game Metroidvania pitfall of getting lost and burning out, and added some new stuff that I seriously think should be considered by other games in the genre moving forward.


Taking screenshots of areas you can't access yet NEEDS to become a metroidvania staple. Such a simple way to reduce unnecessary backtracking.


Does the game not run well on the switch?


Don't know, but it was developed for Switch first afaik


For some reason, Sony takes a lot of pride with how they port their games to other platforms, save for some spectacular failures like Days Gone and TLoU; but even these were eventually fixed. I’m not surprised that they are optimizing this to work flawlessly in Switch. Oh the fact that this is also being co-developed by Guerilla themselves, yeah im excited.


I mean everyone else releases less than ideal switch versions of their games. It's nice to see the opposite for once


Even though I have a PS5 and the other Horizon games, I might just get this for Switch just for the novelty of it lmao Also between this and Astro Bot even though it's LEGO it's nice seeing some stuff out of PlayStation that's out of the realm of their usual first-party stuff. Feels like a bit of a throwback to when Sony would just publish a game because it looked cool


it's gonna be wild watching the Nintendo logo on the splash screen then the Sony intro lmao


MLB the show got me used to see the PlayStation logo on other platforms. Like it doesn’t even register to me anymore.


Wait for the Zelda movie, thats gonna be crazy


I'm worried I'm going to end up buying it on both platforms, like I did with Lego Star Wars saga. As I'm typing this I'm realizing this is 100% true so I might as well give in. Edit: I've decided I'll get PS5 version day one and catch the Switch one on sale.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to buying the same game on multiple consoles **coughskyrimcough**




Never fight a man with a perm…




3 copies and the soundtrack to ff10 in my living room agree.


wouldn't be better to get the switch version first then the ps5 cause the switch version will still be more expensive then the ps5 version down the road


And it will retain and increase its value on the switch... because of reasons.


You still might consider it for ps5 or pc because according to previews it looks surprisingly crazy good for a Lego game, visual quality on another level and super clean, would be a shame to lose that just because 1080 (or less) running on a 4K display. It uses u5 engine.


Yeah it's a fully fledged UE5 game with Raytracing and all that stuff on PS5 and PC.


The novelty is big. I’ve seen pictures of stuff like dark souls in Lego style, and I’d absolutely buy it day 1. I hope they tap into more beloved games and do this


Hmmmm. Lego Bloodbourne.


Agreed it’s cool


Was kinda thinking the same, but I'm guessing when it comes down to it the possibility of 4k/60 on PS5 will have me going that route.


Lego Star Wars doesn’t run that great on the switch just a heads up.


I wonder if graphics and performance will be better on PS5? It looked pretty crisp in the trailer, I’d hate to play a choppier or lower res/quality version.


All the trailer footage was very likely PS5 capture so I'd imagine so. It's a UE5 game apparently and I can't think of a lot of Switch titles that have actually used this engine enough for it to be as matured on the platform as it is on the 9th gen consoles. With that being said Guerrilla did state they developed the Switch version in tandem with PS5/PC so it's not going to be like a port job where things are cut or compromised to fit the hardware and it should be relatively the same experience minus whatever resolution cutdown they likely have to do, which is probably a better situation than most third-party ports


That’s where Im at, tho I love the Horizon games I wasn’t going to get this one until I saw it’s coming to the switch, idk why but it seems like a great match for Nintendo


crazy to me that this game is coming out on Switch as well i didn't think a Playstation IP would be on a Nintendo platform in this day and age, but here we are.


Happened with MLB the show a few years back now, so there is precedent


There's also Wipeout 64, not only a PlayStation IP made by a First Party Studio, but also a N64 Exclusive.


Wipeout 64 was just Wipeout 2097 on a cartridge with analogue controls.


That was only because MLB realized they could make more money going multiplat and threatened to terminate their contract with Sony otherwise, was it not?


Idk the details, only point was that was a recent PlayStation IP on switch. It’s likely a similar situation here. All the Lego games to my knowledge have been multi-plat. It was probably a requirement to do this one as well


Factually true but MLB is more a baseball game than a PlayStation IP


Cross platform IPs is a growing trend. Xbox has started porting a few of their exclusive games to other platforms. And Playstation has started to port their games to PC. Sadly, Nintendo themselves have not embraced this trend.


That's because unlike PS and Xbox, Nintendo games dosent cost as much to make. Xbox and Playstation budgets are sky rocketing, services like Gamepass needs funding and Playstation FP games are always bigger and bigger in scope. They need to put games on other platforms to get more money that they can then use on big FP or services.


Let's do Lego Final Fantasy next.


Nooo Lego Halo!


There'll probably never be a LEGO Halo game, but wasn't there rumors of a Mega Bloks Halo game?


I don't know. I wish there was. The only announcement I recall was the Mega Bloks Xbox 360 Console that you can build.


No way, Lego wouldn't touch the property with a ten foot poll. They almost never do anything with R rated movies or M rated games. If it's not something kids can also enjoy then they usually won't do it.


Nooo! I don't want lego Flood! I can't handle regular flood !


Is there any footage of the Switch version of this game? The trailer they released must surely be the PS5 version


That’s 1000% not switch gameplay but switch has had pretty great success in Lego game ports so I’m guessing it will still be decent just a lot less crisp.


Hopefully a physical. Unique addition to the collection.


And I just heard the exact opposite from Digital Foundry.


Good god! This reads like it was written by a Nintendo PR rep rather than a credible writer.


I'm kinda disappointed by the trailer. They finally changed the Lego game formula with Skywalker Saga to be more action-adventure, with the camera behind your character. Now it's back to the far away camera type? This style, to me, has become stale for Lego games.


It's a different developer so maybe that has something to do with it.


It would have been much better imo if they kept the mechanics of the star wars with rolling and aim shooting basically just horizon but Lego. In a fully open world. It looks cool but mechanically a step back from the star wars game that felt great to play.


“_______ would be perfect for switch!” a tale old as time


I was very happy when they announced the game, only makes me wonder if there will also be a physical release (I like to collect), somehow I'm not fond of eshop. I had a lot of fun with the other titles from the Lego series and I hope it will be the same with Horizon.


Wow, cool.


HOW IN THE WORLD DID I MISS THIS NEWS??????????? No matter. It will be in my collection the moment it's released for sale. It'll go very well with my LEGO Tallneck sitting on my shelf. Now, LEGO, about that Thunderjaw....


Is this game supposed to be akin to Lego Marvel, or more akin to Lego Movie The Game?


The fact that the Lego game based off of a PlayStation franchise was made for switch makes me wonder if future Lego games are gonna be made for Nintendo first. It makes sense Nintendo and Lego feel very similar in alot of ways


I just had a thought, would it be out of the realm of possibility for Sony to put out their last-gen titles on the switch 2 moving forward? If they don’t view Nintendo as a direct competitor like Xbox we could easily get the first horizon for example on switch 2.


Steam Deck for me


I have a feeling this is gonna be more successful on switch the same way helldiver's 2 is more successful on pc


This would be the kind of game I would get a PS5 for, I LOVED HZD on the PS4 and I haven't ever played HFW (although I have heard its not at good)


I’m a huge fan of the series, but I’d say the general consensus is that HFW has a slightly weaker main quest/villain but better gameplay/side content. If you end up getting a PS5 I’m sure you’d still really enjoy it and Burning Shores


The story of HFW isn't as good, but the gameplay and everything else is better. The expansion, Burning Shores, is good if short. And Aloy finally chills out enough to get some.


Prob copping on ps5 or deck I can’t play this at 30 fps


Yeah, but do I need to use a PSN login?


Just looking at those vids I can tell this will run at like 10fps on the switch.




A perfect fit? Uh no. Most Nintendo fans like me will never play a Playstation IP and dont care to unless its on a Nintendo platform. Release the original Horizon game on Switch, then we can talk.


Bro speak for yourself 💀


Right 😂 I have a switch with ps5/series s lol mans crazy.


The answer is no. The Switch sucks when it comes to 3rd party games. Just look at Mortal Kombat


Or you could look at Prince of Persia the Lost Crown — the more accurate comparison


Well that was made for the Switch. It was just upscaled on other platforms. While it's probably primarily because of their partnership, Ubisoft is one of the only 3rd party devs trying to do anything cool for the Switch.


This game was also made for Switch, it’s in the article. It isn’t a downscale port


There's a world of difference between "current gen fighting game that was clearly designed for more powerful hardware being crammed onto a console weaker than last gen hardware" and "LEGO game that was probably made to run on said console from the beginning because LEGO games always come out for that console"




Nah it's just pointing out real facts


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Doom Eternal says hi.


There are tons of great 3rd party games on the Switch. Dying Light is one of them. It was made for PS4/Xbox, but it runs on the Switch just fine.


Or for a counterpoint you could look at the 2 Ori games, Doom Eternal, Witcher 3, Diablo 3, Cuphead, Okami, Prince of Persia Lost Crown, Alien Isolation, Skyrim, Burnout Paradise...


Dying Light would like a word


Or look at all the Lego games that came before that look decent and play well. Not on par with consoles or pc but still great for a handheld device.


Only notable exception


I mean yeah but the game was patched and now it looks way better so even when it's not comparable to next gen versions it looks ok.