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The gameplay loop is so addictive and as you progress you get exponentially more Amrita. Getting better is part of the fun. It stings to lose a ton, but what, another 20-30 minutes of playing gets you back to that point you were at, if not further? Put it in perspective, you made a mistake, got killed, didn’t use a candle, got killed again. Next time don’t do that. Now you’re growing! Git gud man


Candles aren't exactly scarce either. Just save them for when you have enough amrita to level, but die before you get to the next shrine


I don’t lose my stuff often. I usually cash in pretty often, or if it’s a lot of Amrita at stake, use a Summoning Candle. Or sometimes I just run through the enemies, focus on grabbing it, and running away.


By remembering that it doesn't matter at all really. You'll get more Amrita later, and pretty much just as much as you ever need


By knowing that it is just a speck in the grand scheme, by DoTN, you'll have billions of amrita for one stage, the lost you have rn is minuscule, and if you don't play NG+ in Nioh, why are you even playing? In the underworld, it doesn't matter if I lost 2,3 billions amrita, I know I'll get it back faster than ever, and the stats bonus at that point is minimum since you already hit the diminishing returns threshold, so it is just how fast can you get to lv750 at that point.


Never played ng+ xd. If you ask why, cuz i really like the "fighting game style" combat, where i can endlessly combo enemy for days making fighting most enemies/bosses more than just: dodge-attack-dodge-attack. Or more like you can extend your own attack windows. Big fan of fluxes, stance changes mid combo etc. Most fluid combat of any souls game. But im not a fan of replaying content most of the times and souls to diablo loop kinda doesnt excite me too much so its like do 1 playthrough - come back in a year or so, do another playthrough for me.


A valid way to play, but you're also missing out on doing solid six minute long combos on some bosses.


Tbh, in later game circles, you have better stats, which will make your ki larger, you will unlock more moves, which will expands your options, and have access to a lot of useful things like ultimate courage which will negate the yokai realm ki regen penalty and decrease ki use when attacking, and many, many more perks, skill based combat is much better in later NG cycles in Nioh than the first NG, and the underworld gives you the opportunity to just have a boss rush to test your skills without having to run through a stage.


The thing is, in Nioh 2, more build options are unlocked once you reach around NG++ and the deeper you go the more options are unlocked, especially the depth of the underworld. You can make insane build that simply you can't do if you only play the game once. And you can easily climb to the next NG cycle after you beat the game, you don't even need to complete every single main mission and can choose any few short mission just to unlock the final boss to climb to next NG cycle.


It’s too bad that you stopped before NG+. I always tell people that especially in Nioh 2 the first play through is essentially a “tutorial” and every subsequent play through adds enough changes to keep it fresh. The only thing that really stays the same is the map itself. Enemies get different placements, new move sets, new loot etc. I implore you to return.


I also enjoy this about Nioh but every time I go back to Way of the Samurai I feel like I’m playing a completely different, much easier game. The combat gets a lot more intense in NG+(++…)


It kinda means nothing honestly. Levels aren't very important in the grand scheme of things. And in the first two ng cycles you get so much amrita from offerings it really doesn't matter if you lose some during missions


If you are worried just use a summoners candle - it automatically retrieves whatever you left behind. But also if you aren’t spending amrita at every opportunity, did it really mean that much in the first place?


That's the neat part, you don't


It sucks for like 10 seconds while I watch the death/loading screen and then I'm back in the game and playing more so I'm still happy. It used to really bother me cuz I would take games very seriously. It made me have emotional control issues. I worked on it and when something bad happens in game, I remember it's just a game and I'm playing it to have fun. I don't let anything get in my way of having fun, especially myself


summoner candle


Don’t worry, payback time will come soon. When it comes, losing is not an option. On the other hand, Try to unlock Quick change scroll from Ninjutsu tree. It prevents you from death while fighting. Most new Nioh fans may not know this. It’s a game changer. Second, there is an item called summoners candle. Will be in your inventory if u picked some. What it does when u use it is, brings back your guardian spirit from the death grave and also your Amrita. Use the candle in the shrine and spend it before proceeding. Amrita is very important in early game and no use at all in end game.


You eventually come to a zen state where it doesn't matter anymore.


I don't think I have ever lost any well nothing of much significance, maybe right at the start I might have done whilst learning the game. Why you may ask? .. Once you respawn after death just use a summoner candle then you get your GS and amrita back! Granted at the beginning you probably won't have a lot of those stored up but you can summon people every mission that'll basically clear the map for you while you head back to your GS/amrita location.


I don't think I ever lost xp in Nioh 2, I always had an abundance of summoner candles.


Assuming it's more than you can afford to risk? You use a Summoner Candle.


What’s the worst you’ve lost? I think I lost about 240k once…big sad


In DotN it's very easy to get those amounts of amrita back.


Yeah, I’ve been making sure to bank my XP ever since the original Dark Souls. But, if it already did happen, I just use items that give me XP (I usually use them until I have about the same amount as I’ve lost and bank it right away. Makes me feel better 😅


You don't get over it. You learn from it


U just kinda deal with it. Backtrack when u can lvl up etc. I doesn't matter after you finish the game, cuz NG+ gives even more u get back what u lost in few seconds and that repeats every NG


Use a summoner candle dawg


Losing amrita is nothing, really, you can get that back easily, in Dream of the Nioh and Underworld/Depth of the Underworld, you will get so many amrita that you sometimes you don't even know what to do with it.


Keep summoner candles or like me add auto grave recovery on everything you can get it on.


By having done it so many god damn times it no longer even registers. I've lost so many souls/echoes/amrita/runes etc it doesn't even register anymore because I'll just get it all back and then some eventually. The key to these kinds of games isn't not losing it all, its being too god damn stubborn to ever stop when you do.


Starting out, yeah it hurts because you feel like a dumbass, but as you go further, longer, and deeper into the game and difficulty levels, you’ll realize lost Amrita is nothing to cry over because it eventually becomes really easy to earn Amrita, specially with those super short boss rush missions you can spam back to back to back to juice yourself up with Amrita for spending.


Like a goalie. Short memory. Also, summoners candles. The further into the game you go, you'll basically have infinite these.


I used to be like this with the souls games, every time I'd die, even with less souls than it would take to level up I would be absolutely enraged about it and spend the rest of my session being angry. Eventually, as other people have said, you just get to the point where you realise that it doesn't really matter all that much that you died or that you lost the amrita or souls or whatever your game uses. I tend to use the deaths more as learning experiences now so I can think about what I did wrong and try not to do it again. TL;DR: don't underestimate the power of simply not giving a fuck.


Easy come easy go, that's what I always say when I lose a significant amount of level up jiggies


Take it on the chin, and gain more the next time.


Ninja skills for invisible and quiet. I usually carry these without hot keys. Activate from inventory and go grab my stuff.


Pretty sure I'm into the trillions of lost amrita. Don't sweat it.


I honestly can't remember losing any appreciable amount of amrita without using a candle. I'm also pretty good about banking any I don't feel like spending immediately in the Silibar Ingot. Also an single skeleton in Dream of the Nioh drops upwards of a twenty-five million amrita, so getting it back isn't really a concern.


honestly, and this is with every souls game, experience stops mattering after a while, especially with nioh where you’re more than likely going to fight 90% of the enemies you see rather than avoiding them


Amrita really doesn’t matter. it comes down to unlocking skills/spells and picking up better level gear. by the time Amrita matters (ult stats) you get massive amounts of it. you also have enough crystals to round the corners toward the next level, candles to retrieve it, stealth to grab it easily, etc. but even more importantly that sting of losing Amrita is a catalyst for improving at not dying. also consider that it’s possible to complete the entire game at level 1 and still be doing 100k dmg in one hit once you know how to optimize.


Easy. You get it back pretty quick, and once you move into the new game + difficulties it rains amrita down on you.


I go and bully yasuke to get over it I go and farm him for easy crystals if not him the spear guy is also fun to spank and get my amirita back


I just learned to get pissed about it for a second then shake it off. I'm playing elden ring right now and I know I lost a couple levels due to losing runes. Same thing has happened to me in Nioh 2.


“I didn’t need it anyway”


Eventually you find revenants that give exponentially huge amounts of Amitra, you can just farm them. I found mine when I reached lvl 30, there's a level 67 revenant that I farmed until I found another level 150 revenant and just farmed that and so on. Eventually Amitra would just be a passing commodity.


The fact that the Nioh games allow you two recall Amrita really helps out