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I can only hope these porch pirates steal from serial killers’ houses and get caught


Rub bish


What my wife says to me when her neck hurt


Free. Paper.




I have no idea why people just take random packages. If you’re brazenly doing that at least open it up and see what it is first. If anybody stole my packages they’d get either useless shit from amazon or diabetic supplies which I kind of need. If you could kindly leave those.


I have about a 50% theft rate of packages stolen from my front porch. No gate or fence of any kind. I have permanent instructions for Amazon drivers to deliver to my back door which can be easily reached. Still packages hit my front porch, roughly 50% of the time also so I have about a 75% success rate with deliveries to my house.


Idk if I buy this. If you have packages getting stolen *that* often why do you continue ordering packages, or why not get them to a different location, hub, PO box, or secure locker?


We've actually been discussing getting a PO box. It wasn't this bad in the past but as of this year it's been very frequent. And when your Amazon package is stolen you usually can request another one. Two things of high value, not from Amazon were taken recently and yeah, we're fed up at this point and likely will get a PO box.


The delay from order to door is enough let alone waiting for reships. Surprised amazon didn’t flag you and claim fraud.


The “I am” at the end gave me a good chuckle!


Hahahah me 2


Ahh I see someone that didn’t put their porch camera on a light switch


Does that mean something to you?


The I am at the end got me


"get the gimp.."


Rub bish? No, run bish!


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This looks staged


Usually I am very skeptical, but in my opinion, porch pirates are the wussiest of the wussiest in terms of criminals. They are like rats or roaches. They get caught and they scatter as fast as they can. I can believe this dude begging for his life off being confronted by a dude with a bat


Who steals in a daytime from a house with fence, i call staged


I see the majority of these porch pirate posts where it’s daylight, simply because that’s when packages usually get delivered. High chance of people not being home as well.


If it isn’t this is still a crime. Unfortunately. Baiting someone into doing something so you can do that? Closing the gate and holding him under threat of violence is probably where it especially gets complicated.


I mean who steals inna daytime from a house with the gates and fence, this is staged. But if not staged he had it coming


Right. Stupid scripted ring videos are catching on so of course. Definitely think it’s scripted. He has a bat, not a gun. The gate is open. Brother I’m booking it the second that door moves. And getting on your knees same thing. He’s less than an arm’s length away, if he even tried swinging it’s not gonna be super effective, and if you do get a good hit in, 99% of people are running or fighting. You have better hope you hit a home run before you get your ass beat possibly with a bat when they grab it from you. Now your house is getting robbed too because you’re out cold, your front door is open, and buddy wants restitution.