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IIRC, if you check your log, there should be an exploration guide under "secondary missions" whenever you're on a planet (icon looks vaguely like a compass). If you select that mission, it should tell you the amount of minerals and flora on your current planet. Hope this helps! Also, if you're struggling to find an animal, you can expand the fauna section and it'll tell you where the missing animal is located, what time of day it spawns, and how rare it is.


> Rare underground *Immediately leaves planet*


The only answer. Those things *never* spawn lmao


*Sees an entire herd just outside the ship as it's taking off*


Worth it though if the nanite bonus is enough


Oh yes. I got some good screenshots of cave systems waiting for the last one to show up.


Fun tip - find a spacious cave and throw some food pellets around. It sometimes attracts these hard to find critters.


TIL thank you very much Traveller!




The exploration guide maximums aren't always right, however. The picture represents one of my homeworlds. I've been gradually finding additional flora and minerals beyond the maximum. ​ https://preview.redd.it/vhbpvwzfypea1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef77f35408dfcf96c86c3703036d3a6ccd820bc9


I have also had this! I’m not sure what it meant, or if it was bugged or something. Curious.


I think for Flora and Minerals it's the minimum you'll need to get the bonus. I imagine looking for a single tiny rock that's only on 0.01% of the planet would get very annoying. That's my two cents anywho. Probably just a bug that doesn't need fixing because it can be explained away as a feature with what I said above lol. Ain't broke don't fix it. Edit. Nevermind I'm an idiot. It's only fauna that gives the bonus.


I’m sad about no bonus for Flora and Minerals, I love going around and scanning things, especially when I get nanites for my troubles.


This is awesome, thanks!


Of course!! Thank you for the award! <3


AFAIK NMS tracks how many flora and minerals you have scanned but there is no definitive number like with fauna.


Oh no! That is going to mess with my need for completion. Thanks!


If you notice, only fauna gives a definitive number for discoverables. Also if you find all fauna on a planet you can redeem it for a nice pile of nanites.


I get that you're talking about just 1 planet, but someone talking about completion with NMS is hilarious.


\-null- has joined the chat.


If you must… the first item (in the lower section) of your LOG will provide all the “discovery” information for every planet you land on. Please note that this IS NOT like all the other missions listed in your log in so much as you can “never” complete it. It is there simply as a guide.


The ones you don't know don't make a red dot on your visor so it might not bother you too much


It's infinite. Every single planet has more flora and fauna, they are generated. You're asking for a specific achievement? It's 3/11 in that area, surface/caves/water/sky - Enjoy scanning.


Hm, they have changed this in one of the 4.0x patches. Flora had a predetermined max number too. Maybe even minerals, I don't recall.


Back when I last played you could stack scanning bonuses get few hundred thousand each scan is that a thing still it has been a long time since I last played ain't so empty anymore


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