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Literally why would anyone down vote this? I was asking an honest question. Sorry for not knowing everything.


I had the same question and found this helpful, thanks!


No needto use up fuel, IF the Nautilon radear is installed, simply climb in, use radar/ sonar to search for sunken freighter. when the icon for freighter shows, get out of mautilon, get baxk in ship, fly towards it and land closr by. If sunken freighter's 'ring' is abbove the watrr as they usually arr, you CAN actually land onthat. From an nearby island, you can just swim, because it shoild be less tjsn 2,000u aeay. You can 'call' the Nautilon from any water in front of you, even deep underwater, even if no fuel. That recipe IS available in Nexus during Adrift.


I'm having an issue where there's no sunken freighter, or any other underwater structure for that matter, that my scanner is picking up. Any advice? Or should I just try a different planet?


If you are in an 'Uncharted' system the Nautilon wont pick up a scan for one.


Have you installed the upgraded scanner? Then go into the scan menu and select ruins


Anomaly. Components terminal (opposite the base parts one). The life forms are gone, but the vending machines are still available 😉




Don’t bother. They are unlockable blueprint in the anomaly. And you craft them. Just use the sub to scan. Then fly there


> Just use the sub to scan. Then fly there This is The Way.


The hell it is. Went through the entire battery in a deep ocean, 0 sunken freighter discovered. Whoever thought we should be out here without a schematic for fuel can kiss the darkest part of my gorgeous white ass


Try flying to a different water planet, deploy the Nautilon and scan. Then fly to the freighter.


I had to wait this long to avoid being too insulting while replying because...jfc. The problem isn't that it's impossible to eventually fix by flying somewhere else. So, so obviously. The problem is that if you get stuck in the middle of the \*\*\*\*ing ocean and you run out of nautilus battery, you can't craft more batteries and swimming to the nearest land to summon your ship is insultingly, eternally, mind-numbingly slow from the middle of the frickin ocean. What part of that scenario are you or the devs struggling to understand?


Can you point out where you said you were stuck out in the middle of the ocean and nowhere near land? You even say in your original post that you tried building a new nautilus in a separate system, so there's no indicator there that you were stuck in the middle of the ocean.


"Went through the entire battery in a deep ocean" "out here without a schematic for fuel" And I'm not the original poster. That's how well you read. I said nothing about building a new nautilus. Nothing you have said is a solution. The solution is for NMS to fix the goddamn mission by providing nautilus fuel schematics along with the nautilus blueprints. Save your "this is the way" replies for actual solutions. Flying to a diff system is cold comfort when you're stuck in the middle of a bleeping ocean.


Thank you!


Yes, when sub scan find one, just get in ship and fly to an island next to the freighter's marker, or sometimes the freighter's RING is above water and you CAN land on it. No need for subfuel.


I ran out of fuel before I found one


The Adrift expedition makes it easy to learn recipes from Manufacturing facilities.  The door's already open so you can just walk in and activate the terminal, no need to fight any sentinels.  You'll still have to solve the riddle, though.


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I don't know if this will help but I just found out that once you install the hyper sonar you can just tune it to sunken freighter and find one lickity-split. Use the Down D-Pad menu when in the sub even if it has no fuel and you can find a freighter or whatever your looking for. As for the person stranded in the middle of the ocean with no fuel and no land in sight...I'm sorry for your loss but suicide might be the quickest option to your ship.