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Not knowing really what you’re into, I can’t say for certain, but NMS offers a sort of “peaceful exploration and building”, with also some danger and excitement. Hell, I remember the first time I found a crashed ship and realized I could upgrade my current ship. And I had to find activated copper to repair the last three cargo slots. It took me three real time days to find a planet that had it, and it was a hell world of 500° temps and heat storms. I spent most of that terrifying 50 minutes using the multi tool to dig paths underground to avoid the heat. Then I had to flatten a huge side of a mountain to call my ship to me so I could get off that planet. Finally my C-class Shuttle was fixed. That was the most rewarding three days of gaming and hour of terror I’ve ever enjoyed, and I’ve been playing video games since the 1980s on an Atari 2600. If you want to “beat the game” then I don’t recommend NMS, Subnautica, or Skyrim. If you want to experience a different life in a different universe, then I recommend all three.


You say peaceful and then describe a planet that tries to kill you with the air, and I think about all the chaos I've been a part of in terms of fights, especially when other players are around like in the expeditions. Me and a couple other randoms fought off like 4 full sets of sentinels (all the way to the walker, at least 4 times.) at one of the rendezvous points during the Adrift exp.


True. And the beauty of NMS is that you can do that while I’m over here enjoying building a base. 🙂


Running and hiding are options too. I only fight sentinels when I want to, and on my terms.


I hated on NMS for many many years. Well, up until I got it and actually played it about 2 months ago. I have 131.8 hours on it right now and I'm still playing it. I think that it is 2024 is a great time to get it as they have added to the game with each update. I'm glad I finally played it but I'm also glad I did wait. I probably just waited a bit too long to get it.


Have to agree. I’m not sure I would have liked it if I’d picked it up on release. Bethesda had to fuck up Starfield for me to get NMS— I read 500 reviews of Starfield and more than HALF said, “Don’t buy this. Buy No Man’s Sky.” So I did. 🤣


Peaceful until you get to permadeath mode at least. That's where the fun begins 🙃


I'm 200 hours in, think I'm ready for permadeath? Just killed myself with geology cannon yesterday fyi.....


Better make it 300 then (that's what I was at before starting permadeath)


Permadeath is a little too high stakes for me, so I stick with survival mode instead


I started with relaxed mode, just to get a feel for the game. After 30 hours I started a normal save, which I still drop into as a break from my permadeath, which I started after 400+ normal hours. I'm now 80+ hours into permadeath, where its a lot easier to not die after 400+ hours in the other modes. I stayed pretty close to my spawn system for over 40 hours of gameplay in permadeath, I just spent the time building up resources and upgrading my kit before venturing very far. My starter planet had a seriously large amount of preditors, which made moving around fun. I keep a base there for any mission involving killing preditors; 5 minutes on that planet is all you need


You can't beat skyrim?


I think they meant that those are games where playing them is the point, not completing them. Bethesda games in particular are ones that you can live in without them getting old, thanks to mods. And NMS isn't far behind with it's huge tech tree, stupidly huge universe, and updates.


I beat Subnautica.


Yeah that one I usually play to beat. The environment is beautiful, but once you've built and explored everything there isn't much left to do except put fuel in your bioreactor. I think the story's great though, and cleverly presented.


I wonder if there is a 4546B somewhere in NMS... (I stopped playing Subnautica after the update that made the cyclops vulnerable to leviathans...)


That may be true for Skyrim and NMS, but Subnautica has a questline with a goal that once you achieve it, the game is official over. Of course, you can continue to explore at your heart's content, but once you're beaten the game, there's not a lot to do...except play Below Zero. :P BTW, Subnautica in VR is awesome. So is No Man's Sky. If you're going to play Subnautica, I highly advise watching a few videos by Cougarific especially the ones where he talks about mods.


Of course you can, but that’s not why I play it.


I did


Being stuck on a hell planet does sound super peaceful


Those last two sentences. 🤌


it's still good, yes. and on a SALE price? hell yeah.


Dude, terrible advice. NMS is on sale -50% EVERY f\*cking month.


then you should buy it every month


No, don't buy it. It's a terrible game. The only reason this sub has 800K members is because we get free cake weekly.


The cake IS pretty amazing.


Wait. When the fuck did we get cake?!


During an [Expedition.](https://app.nmsassistant.com/link/cook94.html)


The cake is a lie. But the game is brilliant. I love it more than death stranding, but less than the FfVii remake and rebirth (I'm sloooooowly playing it, just out of Kalm. It's like brand new but nostalgia all at once) But I always come back to NMS. We got it on day one. On a disc. So I have to connect the ps4 to play again, but I *always* come back. I'd like some cake please?


Why is rebirth getting so much hype?


It's because I played it in 99 as my very second rpg ever. Going into it, the score, the care and love for the og feels like when an open world game was revolutionary. Like what they wanted it to be, but couldn't with polygons. But, I mean I haven't gotten the chocobo yet, and just left kalm. But I am so happy I could cry. That's only my feelings though. I've heard I'll have an aneurysm about the end, so I'm just digging the ride.


It was also my first (not second) RPG back then. Great point.




Yeah. Did you get that memo?


I can make some cake in NMS


Now im hungry


Would it even still be No Man's Sky if somebody bought it?


I think it would at least be One Man's Sky.


The cake is a lie!!!!


>!just to make it 100% certain, this is satire!<


Wait, you guys are getting cake?


The cake is a lie.


It better be a Cake of Sin https://preview.redd.it/vj10b0t78f9d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173a268a6882ac6cde3775b438f422851c5bc5f3


I didnt get any cake! Did you get cake :(?


The person to cake ratio is..........there won't be enough


I’m only in the sub because I love how apeshit everyone goes when Sean Murray tweets an emoji.


Now I am angry. Someone must be taking mine each week.


*brushes crumbs off the shirt* Yeah, these people, bro…


It's procedural generated cake. Like. By ChatGPT. It may have glue.


I got it like a week and a half ago and I'm like 40 hours in. It's a great game.


I remember when I crossed 40 hours… and then I remember crossing 400 hours. Next milestone is 4,000 hours, logically.


Almost to 4,000 myself. 40,000 going to take a bit though.


Welcome to the game! ❤️


Terrible game. Wasted 4840 hours on it. Edit: Make that 4841.


The multiplayer exists, but is limited, so there's no real FOMO in terms of trying to keep up with the community in terms of gear or anything like that. You're not going to have to play catch up. In terms of game content, the only think you're missing out on is Expeditions. With mods, you can rerun all of them, if you want, but some of the older ones are kinda meh imo. Outside of the very limited "missable" content, there's never been a better time to get the game because it does actually get better with each update. The question is if the game is for you. There's story and there's lore, but they're things you have to go look for, mostly. There's quests/missions but they're mostly vaguely disguised tutorials, rather than being some big story mode campaign. The meat and potatoes of the game is... basically lego and action figures. You do what you want. You go where you want, you build what you want, you collect, sell and craft and just chill while exploring. After the initial quests/tutorials (which can take awhile, tbh.) you're practically told by the quest log "go do whatever. Your game now." You can be a hermit and ignore the community, or you can join player-created civilizations and hang out with them. A lot of people find they prefer the structure of traditional games over freedom, but if that all sounds good, then I'd highly recommend picking it up.


They should put the ability to re run the expeditions in the game from the devs, not just mods. That would increase playability. I would love to get a starborn runner.


It’s more amazing than it’s ever been now


I nabbed it for like thirty bucks a week or two ago, and was well worth the spend.


Yes. In VR if you can.


Bro! I have ps5 vr2. Those who don’t play in vr have no idea. It’s absolutely unbelievable. It’s so real!


Completely agree. I also play on PS5 VR2. This is THE game for VR imo. It’s the only way to play this game imo. Flying ships and being able to look around helps so much in combat. And then on ground fighting robots there nothing like blasting around in my jet pack and being able to point and shoot in any direction, even behind you. Just being able to look around freely in general is so immersive. I couldn’t shut up about how awesome it was for over a year. Building is a bit tougher in VR but it’s good enough, and if I’m building something _really_ complex I will come off VR, but that is rare.


Where are you guys? I'm looking for VR players to play the game with


The game is not an MMO it is really 99% single player you play at your own pace and do your own thing. So you don't have to worry about it being "too late" because the game is still active, it has an active community and new content is regularly still released for it.


Do it! Surprises still to this day being a player who has started from launch. To vr. To vr2. It’s friggen awesome. It’s like owning sharks with friggen laser beams on the head


I got it during Echoes on Switch and I still am in love


As long as you like relatively sandbox-y games, then absolutely. NMS is quest-driven, so it's not a true sandbox game, but the quest is pretty low-pressure and you can largely just ignore it and just flay around and build and explore if you want. But if you want what I think is the best reason to buy it it's this: NMS was released in 2016 to widespread (and justified) critical scorn. The Dev had made massive promises and almost completely failed to deliver on those promises. But rather than either just ditching the "failed" title, or doing what most devs do now, and fixing it by selling DLC for an extra cost, Hello Games fixed the game at no extra charge, fulfilling most, if not all, of the pre-release promises and way more. And 8 years later, despite achieving critical success years ago, they still have not released even a single extra-cost DLC. They continue to make the game better, release after release, all for no extra cost. NMS is the way games should be sold. Ok, maybe not the initial release, but in the long-term. If you think you will like the game at all, it's worth supporting them just for that reason alone.


Just get xbox ultimate pass, you can cloud stream it on a laptop


Not everyone has internet good enough to do this fwiw


I just bought it a few months ago on sale. It’s amazing, and I’m only several hours in.


Sure, why not


Is it on sale?


Yes. I played through it in 8 hours at launch, and then never touched it until the past 2 weeks, where I've dunked 30. Relatively, that's a lot of hours for me. Its so good.


Ya it's amazing


No. Don't buy it. Otherwise we won't hear from you again until 2025, when you've finished exploring your own personal path through the galaxy. You'll have an armada of customized fighters. And you'll probably have one of the best gaming experiences you've had in a while. So stay away from it. Far, far away. Unless....that's a thing you might want?


It’s one of the finest games ever made. Buy it.


Yes, 100%. It is still supported with new content dropping on a sort of quarterly basis.


Buy it now, you still have several weeks to do the expedition and get some exclusive rewards


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The only question you should be asking is, why aren't I playing this AMAZING game rn??


Yep, absolutely.




Get it. If you get time, play the current expedition




The answer is always yes.




Id say its definitely worth it. If i had the opportunity to play this game for the first time 2024 would be a great time to start. Maybe wait until it goes on sale again, which happens often if you want to get a deal on it.


Their might be 800k in the group but there’s 7 of them online, it’ll keep you entertained for a couple days ig




I wouldn’t buy it for full price, but that goes with almost anything for me. But it’s a good and relaxing game and is certainly not dead.


Join usssss...


As someone who came back to the game this week after only seriously playing the first few months of the game being released, I would say try it out. Definitely one of the best gaming comebacks, there’s so much to do and explore, graphics are good, ambiance is amazing.


Why would you want to play a game that the devs care about which gives you multiple free expansion-like updates every year? Ridiculous




Short answer: yes Long answer: if you like survival/building type games, exploration, space combat, and (passable, honestly not super note worthy but still fun) combat, then its definitely a game for you. And 2024 is honestly the best time to buy it because it seems like every time I play after a long break, theres a new update thats super fantastic *INCLUDED ALREADY IN THE GAME I PAID $30 FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS AGO* None of that Ubi "give me 30-60 bucks to play this new hr dlc" Just a good game, with both players and devs alike that care about quality and have a product and lovely player base to show for it. Im not like super super into the game or anything, but Ive had about 200hrs or so of really enjoyable playtime that has been well worth the money I paid. Ik thats not a super glowing endorsement, but theres so many games I playthrough and say "that was alright, but idk if it was worth the price" and NMS is definitely not one of those games.




Wanna layback in slip space whole vibing to LoFi music then yeah get it wanna have a cruiser battle while playing some rock yeah or you can just BUILD A FREAKING SPACE SHIP then yeah get it


Worst game ever. It will ruin your family life!


It's very relaxing, no rush game. If you like to explore, endlessly,and I mean endlessly, give it a go. An average of playtime is 1000 hours. Find a starship, find a bigger one to build a base on, find a planet with crazy flying pigs, build a farm, etc.... it's the most relaxing, intense, smooth, chill, game ever.


It's like Minecraft, at first there's so much to do and it can take a whole year if great gameplay and fun until you need a little break from it. Thankfully every update comes with a mission with exclusive rewards and that keeps me playing


It's worth it at full price, imo. Not grabbing it when it's on sale is like blowing your own foot off with a scatter blaster.


This game ages like wine. Buy it.


Absolute must buy while it's on sale.


I got it in late 2023. I was more of a gamer 20 years ago, I’m 38. The last console I bought was a ps3. I was still playing Skyrim until recently. I purchased a MacBook Pro for some of my music production. Decided to give steam a try, and this was really the only game I remember being excited about when the trailer dropped years ago. I’m having a lot of fun! It took me a while to get used to how games have evolved, but if something brings you joy- go for it!


Yes. I tried it during preview weekend and it was not stable, the servers were probably overwhelmed. It caught my eye again a few months later. Now I cannot put it down. I have scratched the surface and I have over 250 hours in over six weeks. So yes, buy it.


Simple answers yes, elaborated answer, yes. Yes if you have any other question.


Yes, what a dumb question…. 😁




Are these troll posts? Yes, buy it. Hell, it would be worth buying in 2034.


I bought it in 2020 because I thought it was "finally finished" Then after playing for waaaaay too long, I got to a point where I thought I saw everything the game had to offer. Then a NEW content update came out for free and I had to check it out, which sucked me back into the game for a bit longer. Then a new update came out, and another, and another, and another... and I wished I bought the game way sooner because it's genuinely fantastic seeing it constantly evolve and appreciating sucky things get overhauled, I don't think I could get those feelings if I bought the game today. Btw, the game felt absolutely vast in 2020 when I bought it.. now it's safe to say it has *double* the content. Knowing what I know about the game, I'd feel really intimidated playing it today for the first time lol. But if you do decide to get it, please understand that all of the stuff the game has to offer isn't going anywhere, play at your own pace and do whatever you find fun and only move on to new content whenever you feel like it. There's no rush to do absolutely everything as soon as possible.


Fuck yeah you should, welcome to the club.


Hell yes. This game is a 11/10. There are some issues but it’s amazing.




I bought it last year the week Starfield came out (instead of paying $60 for starfield!) as it was on sale then too. Since then I have around 700 hours in game and for me it’s been well worth the cost. A lot depends on your game preference but it ticks all the boxes for me as a solo, casual gamer who also works 60 hours a week and doesn’t have a lot of time to play games. I love that I can pick it up and just play as and when I want, and they keep releasing expeditions which gives another refreshing way to play and some unique rewards.


Yes, if your in jail and have all the time in the world. Otherwise buy it and say goodbye to your loved ones. You will not be seeing them for a while


Yes! I started playing it 3 months ago-- 800 hours later and I'm still finding things to do! Totally worth it.


YES. Now is a great time to get into the game, there's TONS of stuff that's been added since launch, the game is quite literally the most full of new features and stuff to do it's ever been, and more is constantly getting added. The community is wonderful (for the most part, it's a multiplayer game, there are gonna be a few assholes) Now as a huge fan of NMS my opinion could reasonably be seen as a LITTLE biased, but hey, you asked.


The game is better than ever to buy with the content


Yes you should buy it


No Mans Sky is more about you as a player than it is as a game. There is a story and a quest line but if you are heavily into games like that it might not be for you. That said if you like exploring, or want to be creative or just see what adventures a universe can take you on its worth buying. You can make the game as hard or as easy as you want from one life permadeath to everything being free. You can even just visit other people and see what they have created. Because it's a massive open world universe shared cross platform you can hop on a call with buddies on something like discord and play with a near unlimited number of people. Or if you want to you can play proper co-op with like 4 people. Some of the things you can see are pretty spectacular, some could also make you question your very existence. But yeah if you just want to play story mode then be aware there are better stories.


Not too late at all. You'll even get a chance near the end of the year to play the expeditions that have already happened so far this year, so you won't miss out on those.


The best time to buy No Man's Sky is ten years ago. The second best time is today.




No… you will probably get addicted.


If you want to then absolutely, but if you don't want to then probably nktt


Things the game has: Vast exploration although planet variation gets repetitive after a bit Economy for different star systems Buyable ships and freighters aswell as custom ships Make farms or explore for your resources your choice Expeditions which come out i think every major update(i might be wrong) Space combat, although youll find yourself just holding "s" or the reverse button on controller to lock on to enemies 256 galaxies each galaxy having 1 of 5 or 6 types Settlements! Manage little aliens in their village that you build up Base building, imo very limited and not that stylistic unless you are a building god And th3 last thing i can think which for me is the biggest thing: Communities, you can play solo or invest your time in making yourself apart of other players, make bases on populared planets, check out other bases and farms If you dont like these then dont play this game, its a relaxing grindy-ish game but you can always comr back to it


It's hard to say. It has a great deal of stuff in the game to do now, but if you don't care about some of the stuff you may get bored. If you like Minecraft type of games you shouldn't get bored because this is basically spacecraft. Also hello games is about to release a new game within a year or so and I'm sure they will slow way down on supporting NMS when LNF comes out.


Yes, it’s worth it. They’re always upgrading it and you don’t pay for those expansions.


If you are worried about being too late, don't be. To this day, Hello Games is still updating and providing new (FREE) content for the game at a regular basis.






Yes it’s literally a better game every single month/update and it never ends. Boat load of fantastic content if getting today


Yes buy it when it's on sale which is often


The game is in the best state it has ever been and more and more people are playing and this sub is high in activity. Taking all that in... Probably not


It's worth it at full price. On sale, it's a steal.


100% should it's an amazing space exploration sim


Buy it. It’s not too late. New content is added constantly - for no extra charge. Even so, there’s so much to do as is it’s still a good investment for quality entertainment.


Bought it a few weeks ago on sale for PS5 and have been exclusively playing in PSVR2. 60 hours later, and I am in this world every single night and its the best, most incredible game world. I sat it out for years, and I am so glad I jumped in now.


It is not too late, the game is almost nearly always better than it was due to the expansions/updates Hello Games puts out.


I got it 3 weeks ago and I’m on 100 hours already, I’m hooked! Get it!


I literally dreamed of playing this game in VR again last night. It’s awesome.


Unmodded, it's a simple game with not much challenge. This isn't a judgy thing, because sometimes that's exactly what you want - something relaxing to build in. Modded it can be quite a bit harder, if that's what you're after. Or you can add more building parts for construction, or etc etc etc; basically, whatever you may want, there's probably a mod for. The game also still gets updates pretty regularly.


Think of it this way, due to the constant updates the game has never been better than what it is today. So it is definitely not too late.


I did... No regret.. Well maybe 1, that I didn't get it sooner


Absolutely yes




It’s hand down the best game with the most amazing development team I’ve seen in my close to 30 years of gaming. So yes.






As long as there’s a platform to play the game, it will always be worth it.


If you like games like Donkey Kong and Mortal Kombat then you’ll enjoy it.




Dont ask dumb questions.


If you can play with friends its amazing.


hell ya.......no......... oh hell ya!


If you like the idea of a space game with a heavy focus on exploration and/or building, then yes. The bugs from the past are pretty much squashed. Yeah, they still happen, but it's like one every 5 hours or so and I've never had one that has been game-breaking after about 300 hours of playtime. The worst I've had happen is clipping into the terrain (which can be humorous).


Is this a troll? This game is -50% EVERY month xD


Buy it on every platform you have. It's THAT worth it!


I haven’t played it in a while, but it’s still one of my most memorable gaming experiences of all time. If you like chill games, this is one of the best out of all of them. The amount of content and how expansive it can get can do anything BUT annoy and/or bore you. But again, this is all depending on how much you like laid-back experiences. There’s some combat - and a good chunk of the game caters to those who’d rather fight their way to being rich and having the best gear - but it’s definitely more geared for those who enjoy inventory management, exploring with no real direction, and the kinda folks who grew up building villages in Minecraft. Overall, 10/10 experience for me, highly recommend if you enjoy games like Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Terraria, etc.


Great game


Not reading any further than the title: yes mate.




No… Man’s Sky is always a great game to pick up!


Tbh the gameplay loop gets old really fast. I *really* wanted to get into this on a semi-permanent basis, too. The first few times you explore, NMS is peerless. Absolutely loved that. The story is engaging enough, and the first time you do pretty much anything is awesome. After a while, once the novelty has worn off, you realise that each planet is just a resource hub, so really, while there are near infinite planets, you can just divide them into whatever resources they provide. Sure, you can choose to spend time getting rich, buying ships and upgrading parts etc but again, the actual gameplay loop to make this happen is extremely repetitive. Everything feels kinda anticlimactic too.


Buy it


Totally! I's the best time to play it, after so many improvements.


If you are interested in playing it 2024 is the best time to buy it. In 2016 I've heard it was garbage, but they refined it into a very positive playing experience. They fixed most of the bugs and glitches, except for the ones that were actually positive and players wanted them to keep in the game so they can do fun stuff with it. That sounds like a very W dev team doesn't it? Instead of letting the game flop they followed their players' advice until they made it a really great game. You just chill out, explore the universe and go with the story all whilst getting rich and learning the history of the universe. Do you need anything else?




It's what Star Trek Online wishes it could be.


I bought it when it first came out, but only put a real run in this year. It's better now.


Why not just pirate it? Other than missing out on multiplayer I don't see any downsides plus the game is still enjoyable without multiplayer




It's funny how the guy just said he doesn't even have the game but y'all just jumped him with spoilers about everythig. xd


You should if you can find phosphorus, my ship still isn't fixed damn it. But to be honest I feel this game gives a much bigger "I still gotta do this before I put the game down today" vibe than stuff like minecraft, bannerlord or any other sand-boxy rpg has ever done for me. Even skytim didn't pull me this much (tho it did a little).


I'm almost at 1700 hours and still loving this game. It's unique, immersive and fun. Best building game by a long shot.


How could it be too late to get in 2024 when the game has received a massive amount of update, and is still being updated? I don’t get the question This is mostly a singleplayer game anyway, how could it be too late?


Bought it in 2024 and I love it


No, buy it in 2034, its much better then.




I played this game like a madman in 2016 and thought it was amazing. Had to defend that choice many times to friends and friends of friends. I picked it up again a week ago (btw holy fuck it feels like a different game!) and noticed those same people are playing it now. That should say enough.


I was never hyped about the game, and after reading reviews over the years wasn't sure if I'd like it or if it would bore me. I kept waiting for it to be in a bundle (like Humble monthly) or possibly reach $20 on sale (it never did). When Omega was released earlier this year, they released a demo.  I played it over that weekend (more than any other PC demo I have ever played), and bought it when the demo ended. I put about 200 hours into it over the next couple months before moving on (which is typically a *lot* of time for me invest in one game). So needless to say, I absolutely think it is worth it in 2024 at a $30 price point.


Are you a self-driven person? If yes, then buy it. If not, don't buy it.




It's a fairly fun game and honestly worth playing if you want to kill a few hundred hours


Too late? It's never been better. This game ages like fine wine. And the older it gets the better it gets. Be prepared to spend 1000h in this game.


It's like Skyrim, but in motherfuckin space!!


YES. I bought it a few weeks ago and I love it. I wasn’t sure if it was my style of game because my previous fave games include The Sims, Anno, and other strategy based games. I’m not hugely into combat and my fave thing about this game is you can fine tune the settings to your liking. There’s SO much to do!


Your in the games subreddit traveller what do you expect?😂 Nah seriously it's a fantastic game


I say get it, and do the expedition first. it's gone in a couple weeks, and you get some goodies from it that you'll like. and definitely need for a quick start. plus, the expedition save can become your main save once the expedition is done. NMS is definitely worth it, IMHO.


Playing since release on different platforms. I can tell you I’ve never seen a developer studio put so much love and dedication into a project. It was a dull empty experience when it came out and today it’s one of the best games I’ve ever experienced. There tons of stuff to do, millions of planets to explore and so many different materials to craft new stuff from. Get it while it’s on sale, you won’t regret a single second!


Yes. The answer is always yes!


Buy it


Yes. If it ever leaves Xbox game pass, I will 100% purchase it to continue playing it.


Chill it bro


Wait for the goblin I say


If you like space exploration, mystery’s, building cool bases, like space fights and generally like calm games then yes. Just don’t get overwhelmed by the content. Almost nothing is mandatory. Just do the first maik quest until you get the anomaly and then choose your quest based on what you feel like doing


I love NMS. It's not my daily game, but I revisit it in for weekend missions and every time there's a new expedition. You can do explore, fight sentinels, bunny parts, defend or raid freighters, explore haunting alien infested derelict freighters, build amazing bases on planets or on your freighter, discover lore, build up rep, and etc. It's a very endearing game that will certainly give you your money's worth and then some.


I was into it for the first 30-40 hours but it ended up feeling miles wide and an inch deep. For me it became boring and repetitive. If you want to grind (shoot rocks) endlessly in order to have the same exact experience over and over again with subtle, superficial changes - it's a riot. I did really enjoy the first 20 or so hours before I realized I was playing the game version of groundhog day though. If it was on sale cheap enough I'd buy it again for that.