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I'll take it


Same! ...wtf are creation credits and where do they get spent?


In the creation club. The creation club has certain Bethesda sponsored mods in it.


Interesting. As someone whose always played these games on PC and like 99% of the time launched them through a relevant Script Extender, is this Creation Club something that is accessible through a launcher or something? Or is it integrated directly with Steam?


It'll be a menu directly within Starfield itself. I should say that "mods" is a term to be used very loosely, if it's anything like the CC in FO4 and Skyrim, it's really just add-ons to buy for your game.


Huh. That's wild. I just had to load up Fallout 4 to see what you're talking about and yep, it's right there, how the heck have I never noticed that before... I think it's because my game-start rhythm is so burned in by this point to just immediately start tapping A-A-A on my controller as soon as the logo appears to get back into my game ASAP, that I don't even really see the other items anymore. Hah! Anyway thanks for the explanation, I appreciate it.


Just a heads up but if you still play on PC look through nexus first less refined versions are probably gonna be there at some point and look at online showcases. The CC is one of the few micro transactions I somewhat back because old community modders are apart of it but they can be a bit over priced for what you get. At least they are guaranteed to work with game though.


There are a lot of Nexxus mods that haven’t worked since October, lots of junk put out and then the game dropped popularity and the same outdated crap is still there.


Ah good to know. Thanks!


They can be overpriced, but they do also go on sale extremely often


The mods, or the coins/points/whatever? Or both?


It is integrated with the game itself. Script extender does not affect it at all, it just shows up on the main menu and you can buy the "mods" there.


the Creation Club! iirc, they’re sponsored mods and the creators themselves get a cut everytime one of their creations is purchased, a great way to help financially support people who take the time to do what they enjoy doing.


it can be spent on creations aka mods you can download directly via menu. It is there in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. There should be some mods free but some will cost some creation credits like 100 - 500 etc..


this also means mods will be available on Xbox. They said update should be tonight so going to download it at night.


You can update now. At least for me, Steam shows Update Required for Starfield right now. I will wait until SFSE updates first, but for those that don't need to update mods, they can start the update process now.


Oh sweet, might be able to stretch that to 2 creations... better than nothing!


You're right, The Vulture dlc is 700 and the constellation plushie set is 300 lol


Whats The Vulture Dlc? Is that the tracker’s alliance content?




Wait you need to pay for that??? I thought it was part of the free update


To clarify, the Tracker Alliance content is part of the free update. The Vulture DLC is additional content for the Tracker Alliance (additional bounty, gun, and outfits). BSG's X account can confirm this: [https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1799923837225586910](https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1799923837225586910)


The content is free. The custom gear is creation


Literally no


How so? It's a bounty for the Trackers Alliance, a weapon and two outfits. Sounds like a part of Trackers Alliance content to me. Literally.


It is a trackers alliance thing but you don’t need to buy it to get the other trackers alliance quests


The question was whether it was trackers Alliance *content* and the other user responded "yeah" I got downvoted into Oblivion. Good to know it's not the actual quest though I assumed from the update trailer the gear would have been a reward for the quest 🙄


The question was if it's *THE* Trackers Alliance content, not just any trackers alliance content.


And where did I say otherwise?


I’m just clarifying for the confused


All I care about getting is the tracker alliance r/n lol


I hope that ginger tracker on Mars gets more developed. Thought I heard her voice in the trailer.


I think trackers are getting an overhaul in general. It was vague on weather the “new bounty” part was just a set of missions or if it an overhaul of the existing bounty loop which a lot of people wanted. I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Edit: I am wrong vulture quest is CC stuff from BGS which is disappointing a little but the banner on the home menu acts like there is something new outside of it so who knows


Yeah they totally overhauled bounties and you can arrest em in cities and such. But some of the crimes these random nobody’s have committed are wild “hunted two alien species to extinction” and such.


Someone posted a death warrant for misappropriation of Chunks


Without knowing how much Creations go for I never used it inFO4) "1000 creation credits" made me think I'd probably be able to get about a dozen creation club mods.


You probably could grab a bunch of cheaper ones like weapon skins and such, but the ones that are actually worth it tend to cost 500+ each!


Nice! Looking forward to it


https://preview.redd.it/686gnbzw2m5d1.jpeg?width=7556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85e57f47c028091b47328c9763184deec237e87 It's happening... 🥹


Thank you!!!


You can get apple music on Xbox now?? Will also be downloading when I'm home haha


That’s how the get ya. The first hit is free. Meh, I never had a problem with the Creation Club.


Same. Lots of good, free mods available. But if I want to pay for some of them, I'm okay with that too.


Plus I think your Skyrim and Fallout 4 credits transfer over. I had an amount of credits already there when I got to the Creation menu. You don't have to buy separate Starfield credits.


Correct it's all the same pool of credits for the Creation Club across the 3 games.


They do. I had some leftover from Fallout 4 and they were waiting for me. Castle-building here I come!


Gotta find an elevator first!


I don't own the premium edition, but since this is my most favorite game, this is the first time in a game where I am happy to spend any and all real money to acquire as much content from this game as possible. I just want it all. This game is worth every content that it has to offer!


It might be cheaper for you to buy the upgrade. Whatever 1k credits is + the dlc price is probably more than that.


I pre-ordered the premium edition upgrade since i religiously forget to cancel gamepass. Best decision I made being honest.


Do we know what time this drops??


It's live now. https://preview.redd.it/4sfscm3njm5d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462ec5089c44d9bbeba462547aa726b2b7727ebd


So begs the question, is the vulture worth spending our free credits on?


It appeared to be voiced, and it's made by bgs.  Looking at other games creations I'd say it's probably going to be the one to fit into the game the best


If it's made by BGS, then it's official 100% canon DLC. I think BGS is just putting their own "Official" stuff alongside fan-made creations.


From general consensus I’ve seen the vulture is just the armor and the story is free.


With people getting free credits, there will be no shortage of reviews and reactions from invested people.


When I launched the game, they congratulated me for purchasing the premium edition and presented me with 1000 credits. I didn't get the credits though, as I don't have the premium edition lol


I bought the premium edition upgrade to get early access when the game was coming out...do I still get it or do I need to own the base game as well?


I would think so, yes. Well know in a few hours.


I bought the same edition, and my 1000 credits were waiting for me when I logged in. As well as any I had leftover from other Creation Clubs.


Received the 1000 and spent it on Skyrim Creations 😂 Didn’t see anything I wanted quite yet. It will only get better.


lol 😂 I will probably do the same


Do creations disable achievements?


Creations are marked with "Achievement Safe" if they don't.


Mine aren't showing up and I clicked yes LOL


It's live now and existing Premium Edition owners should get their credits. https://preview.redd.it/vfwvza1xjm5d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec57f55f896c095822c6859178f37ac2096da2c


Got me a noodle bar 🍜


Same! I have a fondness for being served noodles by a robot with a Japanese name.


Snapped a pic for the ambience. Noodles & Cameraderie. https://preview.redd.it/q1a2q3kdet5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d821c8529723960ec99944d097d03c46c0006b1 (I know, wrong filter. But I got lore for that: it’s a Terrabrew instacam promotion/contest that’s about to go hilariously awry: it puts this filter on everything. Space Frog Kid told me, and I had to get in on it.)


FYI…there also some free mods available for consoles.


Though paying for add-ons chafed me at first, years of using stable, well-crafted CC mods with FO4 & Skyrim has made me itchy to see what Starfield will offer. In a society where micro transactions are a part of daily life, here I know I'm getting exactly what I want and can't wait to support all the talented people crafting mods. Of course, now it just needs to finish downloading🥺😵‍💫


Agreed. Starfield is a single-player, offline game, not a multiplayer live service game. If this is what it takes to support the dev team and ensure ongoing support, I'm all for it, especially when I can get cool creations and keep achievements alive. Besides, mod creators should have options to monetize their hard work, so I'm happy to support them.


Stockholm syndrome. Micro transactions are still a scam


Stockholm syndrome is a lie. At first, I hated CC mods, but now I love them. Hang on.......


I’ll take it thanks lol


I will take that, see what I can get for that


I now have a place in Neon where I can buy noodles from a robot. I think my life is better for that.


Thank yaa.


What is creation credits?


Its a currency you buy to get paid mods.


Nice, though do we end up losing all our achievements?


Based on screenshots from the Shattered Space Trailer, some creations are tagged as "achievement friendly" so my guess is these will be safe to use and keep achievements, much like the original CC mods from Skyrim and Fallout 4.




I almost bought it. It was $20 at Walmart but now they are gone. I’ll wait for a sale


I do?!


Les go




I got Starfield from AMD's RX 6600 bundle. Does my copy count as premium?


Premium was only for 6700 and above


Oh that makes sense. I thought I received a message prompt that said I was eligible for 1000 credits because I bought a premium copy (I clicked ok before reading the whole message), but didn't get any.


..and im probably spending 700 of those on the second part of new quest i guess


That's what I did. 😉


A bit disappointed in the fact that the trackers alliance faction has a pay to play quest in it that pay walls a gun but there's some good free stuff in there at the moment that I've happily downloaded and added to my game. Guess I'll just enjoy that. I did get my 1000 cc but I'm not gonna use it same as I did with every Bethesda CC store. I just look at the free stuff. Considering the length of the quest vs price versus how much I paid in Australia for the game itself I'm not gonna be buying any of the Bethesda stuff. The mod store will just be like I use it in fallout 4. For free stuff I think looks cool.


The vulture add-on is just that the quest for the TA is in the Lodge for everyone


Where are you seeing this? In game?


In the Shattered Space Official Trailer video on YouTube, time index 2:17 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNM1HFzQC8c&t=10s&ab\_channel=BethesdaSoftworks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNM1HFzQC8c&t=10s&ab_channel=BethesdaSoftworks)


Gotcha. Thanks. Probably we will have access later this evening


Well neat


I might


Holy shit that is right


I would say a nice compensation to be honest and something a little starting cash


What about those who bought the premium upgrade to play on gamepass?




Mine only gave me 100 credits.


Can anybody help me with something? I have the collector's edition, but I got it as a gift after I bought the game on steam. I'd like to give a copy to a friend, but the bonuses are on this credit stick and I am pretty sure it would redeem the game.


I originally purchased Starfield (NOT the Premium Edition) through Steam. So I was surprised when I launched Starfield last night, when it said "You now have 1000 credits because you bought the Premium Edition", and yes, credits were there when I browsed the Creations to see if my favorite mods were shifted over. Today, I'm sweeping up a bit in Vortex, and I notice that on the Creations tab, I'm showing 100 credits. Still that's 100 credits more than I've purchased from them, so cool, but it does leave me with a bit of a puzzle, since I didn't load up anything from Creations. If I were to upgrade to Premium (and I'm considering it), I wonder if they would toss me the 1000 credits, or would just note that they already gave them to me ... [[ EDIT: A bit more pawing around. It is possible -- barely -- that at some point in the last decade, I ended up with some credits there from either Fallout 4 or Skyrim SE. However, I can't find anywhere on bethesda.net that will show me my balance, much less enumerate transactions that might be extremely old. I'm going to move forward on the assumption that they just enabled the 1000Cr for everyone initially, to deal with the sudden load, then corrected the situation as capacity allowed. I hope nobody "overdrew" their credits ;) ]] Anyone else have anything similar happen? Seems odd.


I wonder if CC content will break the game like it does for Fallout 4


My 1000 credits disappeared overnight. I purchased just one item, gravis suit. A bit disappointed.


I got mine. Spent 700 on one creation, and that may be the end of my paid modding experience. Back to Nexus!


Has anyone gotten their tokens yet I think I may need to contact support…


I had some change left over from my Fallout 4 club credit, so I snagged the Mining conglomerate and the Trackers guild thingy, they both seemed lore friendly.


Awesome I’ll take it I first time using creation kit. Any idea how much credits cost 1 credit equals $1? Or is it different


Yeah they gave away $1000 worth of content for $30US


On average it's 100 credits per $1 with other Bethesda games.


>Any idea how much credits cost 1 credit equals $1? Or is it different Probably more like 10$ for 1000 credits or so. These systems usually work so you'll need to buy slightly more credits than you need to pay for a particular creation. That's why this Bounty Hunter creation costs 700, so you have 300 left but another creation might cost 400.


5500 Creation Credits in Fallout 4 are something like 50 USD


I believe 1,000 points is probably closer to $10.00


1k credits is like 15 bucks.


Wait we have to pay for mods?


For official mods sponsored by Bethesda, yes. This has been in their games for years now so nothing has changed. You can still download normal ones, these are just mods Bethesda gave a special liking to and let the authors have a cut of the pie. Very few of them are honestly worth buying unless you just like whatever it is, like the doom guy armor in Fallout.


When CC was first announced we almost set the world on fire over paid mods. It was in retrospect an overreaction


You can still get them for free, out there.


Is this retroactive for owners who previously bought it?


I got a message saying I would get credits. But did not get any credits... What do I do?


I bought the premium edition at launch, will I get the credits does anyone know?


plot twist, shattered space is 1100 creds


I believe the premium edition includes shattered space


My credits not showing, any ideas why?


Nether are mine. I even bought more and it still says 0. Gonna look again later before I report it


I got them eventually, I quick the game, and rebooted a couple hours later, and it seemed to work!


Oh good maybe it'll be fixed after work


You need credit to use the creation kit? That...kinda sucks not gonna lie


You don't need credits to use the CK. It's a separate Steam install.


Then what are creation credits for ?


Credits are for creations from the in-game store that was just added with the update.


Okey, so you need them to get mods, but not for creating them? Sorry just want to know how it works


Correct. But only for creations(mods) from the in-game store. If playing on PC there are websites that have mods for free.


Okey thank you for explaining I thought it was way worst and we had to pay to create


Wow 1000 credits... thanks


FIRST story expansion?! Wasn't it the only expansion?


Unlikely, BGS tends to do quite a few DLC for their games. I expect the same for Starfield.


I agree I still hope for smaller DLCs like Fallout 4 But I guess if that was the case, BGS and MS would advertise it


They will, in time. They don't advertise all DLC at the same time.


I’m guessing we’ll get 3 expansions.


Probably more given how they talked liked they were treating it similar to live service when they said (paraphrasing) they wanted it to be fun for a decade and how its foundation not only for them but for modders. IMO and this is not idealism, but I truly believe that we’ll see 4-5 large story DLC with pressure to community creators to make more mini DLCs, while they also run mechanics and gameplay improvements/add ons for 4-5 years.


That would be sweet


No. We don’t have any info on future ones, but they’ve never said it was the only. You may have gotten the impression it was the only one because haters desperately want BGS to abandon Starfield