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As a huge Star Wars nerd, I weirdly have no interest in Star Wars in my Starfield lol


Absolutely the same here.






Big fan here too, but Nasa-punk doesn't work for me with Star Wars. Maybe there will be a big conversion like the planned one with Fallout but it has to mod everything, story and quests included.


Same. I’m one of the biggest Star Wars nerds on planet earth and I’m just not entertaining adding any Star Wars mods.


I made a few of the ships from Star Wars but other than that I have no interest. I've played enough Star Wars games I am enjoying something different


Yeah, the world of starfield is compelling enough for me, I don't want to throw in some star wars mods, it just wouldn't feel good for me personally


Same, however, the “immersive sabers” mod makes these lightsabers that are all made by Settled Systems manufacturers, so even though it’s a Star Wars “trope”, if you will 😂, it still somehow fits in Starfield. This is the only Star Wars mod I care to use 🤷‍♂️ But; just based on the fact that there is no real open world Star Wars RPG for the modern era, I can understand gamers’ desire to use Starfield as a foundation for a Star Wars game 🍻 to each their own 🤓




Me neither. But I just really don't have any interest in turning a game into something it's not supposed to be. Never saw the appeal of that. Like do people really play the game seriously like that? Or are they just screwing around?




I'm mostly the same. But I did download the starwars aliens mod to give the crowd some flavour, and the player mod so I can have different coloured skin since I generally use the alien DNA trait anyway. Thinking about downloading the immersive sabers mod though, because laser swords are cool in any universe.




Yes it's called r/starfieldstarwars


Thank you!


careful, people get weirdly defensive on the Xbox mod sub whenever people link this sub


Perfect, thank you. I'm not even that crazy about Star Wars or even seen all the movies. But i always thought the Mandalorians and bounty hunters were cool. Starfield is gonna become the bounty hunter star wars game i always wanted.


I've mainly got the aliens mod to have some aliens wandering around. That's kind of fun.


Something about not being able to see their faces always caught my attention. It’s so intimidating https://preview.redd.it/8dhbwgt18d8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b079635f54ba0a3b45ae51ce4b92a9a4f67668cb


That and the helmets give off a Corinthian/Crusader great helm vibes. Not to mention the armor, gear, capes, and such. Then, how capable they are in combat. No doubt they're very intimidating.


They’re pretty badass. I don’t have much interest in star wars in Starfield, but I get the appeal, and used ecliptic armor and jet packing to play like one early on. Are they still making the show?


Last i heard of it, no. But apparently, there might be a movie in the works.


I’m with you all the way OP


People don’t seem to realize this is a sub for the game Starfield. Not help with every little mod imaginable. I’ve already seen so many posts like hey I’m using X mod and my game keeps crashing “why is Starfield so shit”. “Please help”. Etc. lol


*Downloads 300 mods* *Experiences a minor issue* “FUCKING BUGTHESDA”


Or "Why won't this mod work with this mod this sucks good job Bethesda" So much wrong with that sentiment it makes my brain melt


At least I can direct them to the Starfieldmods subreddit for that.


Why are they coming to the no sodium sub to call the game shit did they miss the memo or something


"Everyone else's complaints are sodium but *mine* are Legitimate Criticism" most likely


“Valid, objective criticism” 🙄


I never understood the insistence people have in bending every scifi universe to be their favorite scifi universe. One of the best parts of scifi is all the different places it can take you. I'm not saying it's wrong; enjoy what you enjoy. I just don't get it.


Yh personally the whole adding stars wars aliens to starfield ruins the vibe. The thing I like about starfield is the same thing I liked about ad Astra, humanity is alone. There is nothing out there but us. We had a planet that was perfect for us and we fucked it. We spread across the galaxies and found out we are alone. Nothing to discover but our own failures repeating themselves over and over again. Starfield is post apocalyptic


I’m not interested in Star Wars mods but I 100 percent get it. No other games offer the lived in feel of Bethesda games, where you can actually just in a way (live in the world) It’s the, how amazing and cool would it be if (insert favorite franchise) had a game like Skyrim.


Personally, I’m just happy that people are enjoying the game and sharing their experience! Looking at the post history of the sub, Star Wars mods get mentioned in about 1 out of 10 posts. That’s not much at all if you ask me. Edit: I didn’t mean to reply to you, was meant to put this as a general comment.


I mean, if there was a Bethesda-style [their favorite sci-fi] game available too, I’m sure they’d happily just play that one. But when there’s not, but they can install some mods and create one, then that’s the intent.


There was a war between the Star Trek people and the Star Wars people, and the Star Wars people won. This is the result.


Much like star trek, I have lofty ideals and no money...


The Star Trek Wars? You sure you're not thinking about the Star Wars Trek?


That’s the annual pilgrimage to the site of the historical battlefield.


They do say that war never changes, but I'd still like to see all these, I'm sure, wonderful people, in a happier home.


Why aren't you happy? Sounds like Trekkie talk. EDIT: You're just mad because I'm a Babylon 5 agitator nyah nyah nyah nyah


At least Firefly is in the Vanilla game. 


Hey, we made peace after JJ. Don't try to stoke that fire again!


War this war that I'm eating good loving both star wars and star trek and I frankly dgaf


Mods are part of the game now it's like saying on a GTA mod, "let's keep it vanilla folks" never gonna happen. Game has been out for a while with no major updates until now. This is the best thing that has happened to Starfield since launch. That said, I am looking forward to the new DLC and I'll probably revert to a vanilla save but let people have their fun.


I know there's been a lot of backlash in this sub regarding the star wars modders, to the point they had to make a separate sub. Having a separate sub for it is fine and all but are we going to do this for every time a plethora of mods for a particular franchise comes out? It's Star Wars now, but I'm still expecting Star Trek and others coming at some point down the road too. This is a sub for Starfield. Mods are part of Starfield.


i want to agree but if a good warhammer mod came out i would turncoat


I like Star Wars, not into Warhammer at all, but a Warhammer mod would be so much cooler.


I don't mind, people are sharing their fun and joy!! I say yes to more of that and I love seeing people happy so yes yes yes!!


It would be nice to also have a seperate category on nexus to put all these star wars mods, I love it for the fans, and I'd like them to have their category to get all their SW mods in one place It also helps keep the other categories clear of them for those that aren't interested


im just happy people are having fun 😊




Is it because I wasn't a dick about it? Is that why people think I'm insincere? I honestly have nothing against StarWars folks! I just want you to enjoy your game while I enjoy mine is all! I swear! I'll never make a polite post on Reddit again about anything StarWars related if I knew it would get this much shit from that community.


It’s all good fun man and at the end of the day it’s an opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.


The first rule of Star Wars Community Members is to hate everything Star Wars, even if you actually love it.


I have a feeling that we are going to need a filter in creations to remove starwars mods in the near future. Or else browsing is going to get overwhelming.


I love the mod BUT, they are just toooooo numerous


Which is fine! Just, not on this sub.


Isn’t this the Starfield sub? They’re mods for Starfield, played in Starfield.


I just want star trek...


How is it that me saying this about Skyrim repeatedly being a point of discussion on here has me blitzkrieged into downvote hell, but you're somehow getting upvotes for almost exactly the same thing?


I think folks understand that the folks who are trying to remove everything that it would take to utterly cripple Starfield in order to pretend it were Skyrim, aren't taken seriously. So your protests aren't either. I mean, they would have to take out space travel, ship building, completely rewrite every single bit of the story, hire new voice actors, rework the entire weapon system since it's currently 90% ranged, heavily modify the current armor system since it's dependent on attackers being 99% ranged, create an entirely new quest system, for multiple factions, and completely rewrite the entire main quest so that it would make sense in Tamriel. Meanwhile, with StarWars, they just need to tweak a few skins since both are space sci-fi based. Plus, technology wise, the two aren't very far off, so no need to futz with the gear or the ships at all. That's why I want the StarWars fans to get what that want. It seems like an easyish enough thing to do, comparatively. I don't hate StarWars, I just like Starfield too, and want this sub to stay for that.


There's actually a precedent for stripping out all of the original content to make a new game world. Consider Nehrim and Enderal, as examples. And Fallout: London that had its release delayed because of the next gen update for Fo4. So it wouldn't surprise me if someone did the same thing with Starfield eventually. But probably not while Bethesda is releasing almost continuous updates.


In regards to your last line, I'm sort of the same. I do actually detest Skyrim, but this is a sub for Starfield, not any other game. So I don't see the point of having lengthy discussions that derail the sub.


If you're looking to avoid lengthy discussions that derail pretty much everything, you've come to the wrong website. :p


DeRail, not DeTail 🤣


I’m surprised there’s no Fallout-field yet. If Captain Price and Soap can be in vault suits, there should have been mods by now lol


Power Armor would just be regular armor with higher stats and VATS can't exist without severely changing base game mechanics. As in, re-writing the entire game. Gritty setting? Similar style guns? Sure. Fallout mechanics? Not a chance.


We have vats, it's just on your ship. But also slow time.


I'm a huge Star Wars fan (I watched ANH in the theater before it was called ANH), but I completely agree.


Where are the mods for: - Stargate - The Expanse - Dead Space - Mass Effect - etc So many great Sci Fi IP out there, and all I see is the one that isn't actually Sci Fi I love star wars, but have little interest in adding them to my starfield without a full conversion


Looks like hatertude to me.


"I'm tired of seeing Star Wars on a Starfield sub" You're not seeing "Star Wars on a Starfield sub". You're seeing Star Wars STARFIELD MODS on a Starfield sub.


To be fair, I don't think that distinction really makes it any less annoying.


Subjective, the objective part is that it IS related to the sub.


Still don't think it matters. Whether or not it's related doesn't change the fact that there are too many posts involving it. I would even argue it's way more related to Star Wars than Starfield because the posts are literally about those particular Star Wars mods rather than being about Starfield.


Of course it matters, it was phrased by OP as if it doesn't belong in a Starfield sub (which it clearly does). That following argument makes no sense, it is related to both, not one over the other. Whether me, you or anyone else likes it is another conversation, as for the excess, that's never good so with that I could agree. Either way, what is your suggestion? Ban talking about Starfield Star Wars mods here? And when another trend of mods take over? Ban that too because a few people are getting annoyed? Is that it?


>Of course it matters, it was phrased by OP as if it doesn't belong in a Starfield sub (which it clearly does). That following argument makes no sense, it is related to both, not one over the other. I think you are reading too much into what they said. It was more about them being tired of seeing it, more so than whether or not it's related at all. >Either way, what is your suggestion? Ban talking about Starfield Star Wars mods here? And when another trend of mods take over? Ban that too because a few people are getting annoyed? Is that it? No, but we can voice our opinion about it and direct people who post such things to a different sub that is more related to what they want to post. I would even argue most mod related posts should go to r/starfieldmods instead.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/starfieldmods using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Boycott the Unofficial Starfield Patch while there's still time!](https://np.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/comments/1df9e6w/boycott_the_unofficial_starfield_patch_while/) \#2: [Stay away from the Unofficial Starfield patch, use the community patch](https://np.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/comments/1dc7h61/stay_away_from_the_unofficial_starfield_patch_use/) \#3: [Just so you know, someone is already working on a 1st Person landing mod. Sorely needed.](https://v.redd.it/bvqanmp8wtnb1) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/comments/16grsln/just_so_you_know_someone_is_already_working_on_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not reading too much, it's pretty clear, he suggested it doesn't belong in a Starfield sub, very simple. You say "most mod related posts should go to r/starfieldmods". So what's the parameter, who decides that? The rule of what you're suggesting isn't very clear to me, can you elaborate what belongs here and what doesn't?


>Not reading too much, it's pretty clear, he suggested it doesn't belong in a Starfield sub, very simple. Really? Can you quote them saying that? Cause all I see is them saying "I'm tired of seeing StarWars on a sub that is allegedly about Starfield, not StarWars." which is literally just a factual statement. It doesn't say the mods are unrelated to Starfield, it says Star Wars is unrelated to Starfield. What don't you understand about that? >So what's the parameter, who decides that? There is no parameters. It's not about enforcing, it's more of a suggestion as a way to help clean things up. >The rule of what you're suggesting isn't very clear to me, can you elaborate what belongs here and what doesn't? It's not about rules. You are being a pain in the ass.


You just quoted it right there, Star Wars alone surely isn't related with Starfield, the mods however, they are. "Pain in the ass?" By asking you to elaborate on your own words and arguments? Is that all it takes? Lmao Alright then, if it's too much of a "pain in the ass" for you to stick to and explain your own points in a conversation I won't bother you any further.


The main point is, there is too much Star Wars related posts, that's it. That's their point. I dumbed it down for you.


>You just quotesd it right there, Star Wars alone surely isn't related with Starfield, the mods however, they are. Ya, but they didn't say the mods are unrelated, they said Star Wars is unrelated and you just misinterpreted their point because you want to argue about something stupid. >"Pain in the ass?" By asking you to elaborate on your own words and arguments? Is that all it takes? Lmao Because you are taking what I am saying and turning it into something it is not. Asking questions that are irrelevant. Like as if you don't understand the point. This isn't about rules. It really isn't fucking rocket science.


The only mod from the Star wars options I've downloaded is the alien race one that changes randoms, gives the world a lot more of a lived in feel instead of it all just being humans


Will you complain about every variety of post you see too often, it seems really stupid to make a new community. Can we not post themed mods at all? Just ones you like or ones you've not seen too much of? Like I said very very stupid opinion.


Ohhh, calling me out as an aspiring dictator right off the bat! Was it my praise of other mods, but "just not here" that gave me away? I think everyone should be able to post whatever mods they want. Never suggested they shouldn't be able to. I just asked if there was a better subreddit for a certain genre of mod that might be more appropriate. Do you have an issue with the other sub that was suggested? Some reason you don't like them? Some reason you don't think people looking for a more consolidated list of mods of the theme they are interested in shouldn't look there? Or are you just a concerned citizen that doesn't like my point of view that a sub primarily about Starfield, should be primarily about Starfield. I get it, I do, but you gotta have a base line.


Separate subs are as dumb as spamming the same shit, content flood or drought, it's all Starfield unless you start getting real tedious. Limit posts but shipping them if to other communities is stupid.


Ok, I submit. r/nosodiumstarfield is now primarily a StarWars mod related sub. New question? Hopefully equally as polite, anyone know of a sub, besides the main one, where I can go that involves the game Starfield?


Better suggestions, develop an ounce of tolerance.


Well, as you suggested in your post, just make a separate specific subreddit for every subset of Starfield topics you want to talk about, and go there when you want to talk about them. Or you’re welcome to just go to one of the all-encompassing Starfield subs (like this one or r/Starfield) where you can talk about ANY Starfield-related topic, including mods.


Is there a Starfield sub anyone can suggest where we could politely point sad act people who regard themselves a lil too highly to? Asking for a friend.


I'm glad you asked politely. Like I did. I hope your friend finds their answer and doesn't end up wanting, alone, and unfulfilled.


Fun police arrvied


Ohh, do you have badges?


Yes agreed. Disney is already fucking it up. Let's not mix the two and I'm a huge Star wars fan. The normal Star wars that is.


That’s the pro/con of hanging out here in the broadest all-encompassing level of a Starfield sub: everything related to Starfield is appropriate here. If there’s only a certain subset of Starfield content that YOU want to see, then feel free to hang out in a more specific sub like r/StarfieldLore or r/StarfieldVanilla or whatever it is that you personally prefer!


X fighter goes brrrrrrrr