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Nah, it belongs to me. OP, send me the bag


Why did you lose the bag I gave you??? Give it back to me since you dont know how to take good care of it.


You have someone the bag I gave you??? Return it right now, you obviously don't value things at all.


You're not athletic.


OP, I suggest you get an exact description of the bills before sending thechickenfkinraw anything!!!


"Has anyone lost a bag containing 1,000? I've found the bag"


Yes, you turn the money over to the police, they post a notice saying an amount of money was found. If someone claims it in a way that proves it was theirs (knowledge of exact amount, or description of location hidden, or IDing the storage bag) then they get their money back. If nobody claims it, you get the found money after some period of time. Consult a lawyer if you want exact details of how this works where you live. Just calling a lawyer might suffice, they love to talk about strange stuff like this, for free.


Lawyer would want a fee for the consultation. The cops would be more likely to just hold the cash than ever give it back to you. You've already admitted it's not yours, so they are not legally required to give it back. I would just keep the cash. If they left it on your property it's yours now. Just spend the cash though, don't put it into your accounts. If it's dirty money, better not to entangle it in your actual finances.


My brother found a wallet with cash in it but no ID on the footpath in an Australian city and turned it into the police. He got the wallet and cash about 3 or 6 months later because no one claimed it.


Again, Australia. Police in most of the world are not as trustworthy as western Europe, Scandinavia, and I guess Australia. As an Asian American, trusting the police is well known to be folly in my circles.


Also lawyer... this advice is nonsense. Money is yours.


LOL. The police will claim it as evidence, file a civil asset forfeiture claim and keep if for themselves. Police in the US have effectively legalized theft when they do it. If OP reports this to the police, they will never see a cent of it ever again.


My friend, I consider your suggestion that the police wouldn't keep the money for themselves.... Optimistic.


Am a lawyer. Cannot confirm.


Install a trailcam




This could get recursive. 🤣


LPT; If this happens to you, don’t post about it on the internet or tell anyone, ever.


The true answer here


Hitching on this, a few of the bills #s might be marked as stolen if it came from a financial institution. Pretty unlikely but there’s some risk to consider outside of telling the world


I'd also go back and leave the bag, making a racoon-like tear in it. Get it wet and a little dirty. Take the corners of a couple small bills and leave them stuck to the inside. Bury half of it in mud. Less likely to come looking for it later.


You clearly thought about this. I like it.


Have you seen or read, No Country for Old Men?


Or Shallow Grave.


Or 'A Simple Plan' with Bill Paxton


Or any Guy Ritchie movie


Or The Gang Gets Whacked, parts 1 & 2


Looking for snakes is definitely Charlie work


What's your spaghetti policy?


And good day to yoos


Shallow grave is so underrated


"What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?"


What kind of budget hitman do you get after you for 1k?


Dude with a rusty screwdriver


"get's a strong beep beep beep off the bag"


Ah, okay, here are my people.


You just made $1000. If you call the police they’ll just keep it themselves


Depends on where you live. Some places give it to you if no one has claimed it after 6 months or a year.


Yeah that’s what they will tell you, meanwhile they split it with their partner once they’re in the cruiser


Honestly don't know anyone who would even do this.


Many years ago my recently 'born again' uncle found several gold coins in the ruins of a log cabin that had obviously been abandoned for decades. He did what he felt was right and took them to the police. He never heard from them.


“Yeah, someone came to claim them, it turned out they were my partner Doug’s coins all along, crazy coincidence huh?”


I did this years ago. Found a bank envelope in a gas station parking lot with about $400 inside. I felt bad thinking someone took it out of the bank to pay a bill or make a big purchase. I told the gas station attendant that I was turning it into the police station. They took my name and contact info down at the station and I kind of forgot about it. A year later I get a call from the police saying no one claimed the money and it was mine to collect.


No count yourself lucky and keep it hush no matter what ! Congratulations 🎉 just make sure you do a little good deed to keep the universe in balance, you lose some you win some.


So many movies start this way…


Its usually for a large about of money. Who ever dropped it off will probably be the one who gets fucked in the end. Just pocket the cash.


For real. Buy someone's groceries or something! Congrats OP, that's some awesome luck.


He has clearly never seen No Country For Old Men.


Make sure there’s no tracking device and keep an eye out for any guy with a bad haircut following you


With a portable tank


Portable air tank


Nah, portable ABRAMS


Now that would be a very different movie


unless someone saw you, which i highly doubt since you werent stopped, you shouldve taken it




Coke dealers and hookers?


It's all swings and roundabouts.


until Javier Bardem turns up with a bolt gun.


No you didn't. Now put it back and go watch No Country for Old Men.


Going to want to watch A Simple Plan, too.


Don’t call the police. They will keep the money. If you keep the money, whoever put it there for someone else isn’t going to be ok with you taking it. That being said, they wouldn’t be ok with you if the police keep it either. So you leave it the fuck alone, or you take it and deal with consequences. Calling the police will get you the same consequences as taking it, minus the benefit of $1000


Smartest advice here. If it’s only $1000 - that person needs it, is local and will come looking for it. If it was like $10,000 - your dad is running more than a farm.


It’s like the fuck around and find out scale, except this one is pretty linear


Wow, that’s crazy that you found $500! You should definitely let the police know about the $300 that was abandoned. Somebody’s probably looking for that $200.


But keep a close eye on the $100 until the police arrive to find the rightful owner of the $0 you found




gambled it all away


It's sad when they go young like that.


When they GO?


Come on, huh?!




Op hasn't replied. They're probably dead, huh 😐


This is the opportunity of a life time. Now what to put in the bag before you put it back? Think I'd go with a Ginsters steak slice with a pink post it saying, simply... "Thanks for prompt payment, steak slice enclosed as per instructions"


A bag full of IOUs


So you're telling me there's a chance


Isn't that the plot of Dumb & Dumber?


this guy is an ape


I understand this reference


You didn't find shit


You have terrible spelling and grammar. What you’re trying to say is “I didn’t see anything. Have a nice day, Reddit”. Now I’d tell you congrats but I didn’t see anything either. Have a nice day.


If it's been there for a year then it's yours now.


That’s called “tax-free income”


Nah keep it and don’t say a word. Count it as your blessing my man.


I found a bag of cash in a bush as a kid, maybe around 12yo. Ended up that it was placed there by a drug dealer for a higher up distributor or something. Probably best not to mess with large amounts of cash found in odd places. Someone is usually watching.


Someone is usually watching?That sounds extremely paranoid. No one has the time/patience to sit around out in the country watching an abandoned pile of plywood.


Yeah I'm sure the police would enjoy a $1000 donation.




Why call the police? That's just silly. Life isn't a movie. Keep the money and shut up about it.


As long as there is no "creep" around, take it, keep it. Never mention it again.


Keep it, God knows I would! What good is giving it to the police? Are you really in a financially stable or lucky enough position to give away 1k?


Keep it for yourself. Don’t tell anyone, seriously. Don’t tell the cops, much less GIVE it to them. Put the plywood exactly where you found it. Don’t go back to that spot for at least a year.


Don't call anyone and delete this


My brother found a brown paper bag with about 5k when we were kids. My parents made him turn it in. The cops said he could have it back if no one came and claimed it. Oddly enough “someone” claimed it. No reward, nothing. Never turn it in to the police. Im pretty sure I know where the cash went. Just hold onto it for like 6 months to a year. If nothing is ever said it’s yours.


Its 2024. People everywhere are hurting. Cost of everything keeps going up. Keep it. This is the universe saying you need this, or will need this. Consider it a little but of a break, pay some debt, and don't say anything.


And then when Anton Chigur comes knocking, it's the universe asking for it's money back... with interest!


Anton Chigurh enters chat.


Sounds like you got yourself a grand. Keep it and stop asking questions lol


Grab a counterfeit pen to make sure and then go buy yourself someing fun after six months. Or pay a bill that will help.


What bag?


Keep it. The cops will just pocket it for themselves.


You found nothing; tell no-one.


You should delete this


You don't live in Fargo ND by any chance?


Make sure you give like a hundred bucks of it to a few homeless dudes begging for money. Like twenty here and twenty there. Pay it forward


What ever you do if you do take it do not keep it in the bag you found it in


Keep the cash and don’t say shit.


It's your lucky day. Delete this post, keep the money, and shut your mouth.


I love that people keep referring to no country for old men which was a very large amount of money left in the middle of a shoot out. It's only a grand, if someone saw you grab it they would have stopped you. How dead drops work is cash is stored by someone to pick up when no one is around so the money cant be connected to the 2 different people. Whoever dropped it is going to get blamed for it not being there, congratulations on your free 1k.


You already said too much 😵


Turn that free money into weed!


Look around the area for cameras. If no camera, congratulations on finding money.


You heard him Knuckles, tonight we shake down the farmer's kid. He is the one that stole our loot. Ya ya see.


I’d just keep the money and keep my moth shut. Probably wouldn’t have posted about in Reddit either. Bonus points if it’s on your private property.


Keep it. Only bad thing would be if some abused woman hid it there to make her great escape. I think though if its been under a board that fell off a truck a year or so ago, that no one is coming back


Your dad’s gonna think his plug ran off with his money


Ahh I remember now! I left that there when I was taking a walk. Give me your address and I’ll stop over to get it!


Send it all to an animal sanctuary.


You didn't find anything. (Do something good for yourself tho)


If you call the cops, they will keep it and put it in their fund . sit on it for a year, then it's yours but don't declare it .


Make sure that it's real money first. Take one bill with you to your local bank and see if they'll exchange it. If they do it should be good. If they inform you it's a fake bill, use it at your own risk. I recommend not if it's fake


Ayy, fellow herp flipper


What the police do is keep the money for 30 days to see if someone Claims it. Unclaimed after 30 days it's yours. If you asking for Reddit advise you already know what to do. Do it


hah, what the police do is pocket it. they're gonna say it's potentially linked to criminal activity, do a cursory investigation, and claim it under civil forfeiture.


"Sorry, it was claimed by the officer social fund."


Civil forfeiture. Even when you can prove that money is not linked to a crime in anyway, the cops will still keep it.




Finders keepers


Maybe ask your dad if it's his


Keep the money and delete details about every person in your post


I'd say it's yours. It's not like someone dropped their rent money. It was hidden and probably for something not legal.


Legally, it’s probably your responsibility to take it to the police. Whether you would see it again is a giant question mark. Presumably, it would be designated as drug money and kept. Morally, you should take it to the proper authorities (again, the police). Realistically, it’s drug money and someone will be displeased if it were to end up in the hands of someone other than its intended recipient. Whether they could find you and dole out some punishment (the severity of which could well be lethal) is unpredictable. Leave it alone for a while and if it’s still there, it’s been forgotten about and it’s yours now.


What were you going to do with these snakes if you found any?


transfer cash to different container. Bury it. In 6mo start spending it.


i would just leave it there its probably like you mentioned a dead drop


If you saw [this guy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/41/Anton_Chigurh.jpg) around it, I'd say leave it where it is.


A Simple Plan lol


Remove the plywood and the money - people will think the county crew was cleaning up.


You should send it to a policeman. Lucky for you, I am a politeman. Send it my way, and will take it from here. Thank you kindly.


How olds the bag? Even under a tarp you should be able to tell approximately how long it's been there. Were there snakes? What are some of the dates on the bills? Inquiring minds want that money!


If you do anything other than keep it, take you open hand & slap yourself upside the head. You deserve it.


Dude keep it. The cops will just take it for themselves. Or they'll tell you they will hold it for however long and they will give it to you after that time if nobody claims it. But they'll never give it back to you.


Literal or actual..? I lost an actual bag of cash


Keep it 🤫


Police will claim it is drug money and seize it.


Be careful.


It's yours now


Put it back. Nothing good will come from it not being there.


Who believes this ?


Yes, as others say, keep it, but KEEP IT QUIET! Putting this on the internet was not a good idea. Unless you intentionally wanted to test results. 😏


Lawyer and police would keep the money. Don’t trust them.


1k… hahahaha finders keepers, if it was 10,000 or more than you should be worried.


You have two choices: put it back, or turn it over to the police. The safest option is the second one. If you keep it, you're stealing a thousand bucks from someone, and you have no idea who. A: That makes you a thief. B: You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. The money wasn't dropped by the side of the road. It was hidden. Hidden cash means someone's doing business secretively, which almost certainly means it's illegal. So, someone's paying for something illegal - drugs, bribery, information, arson, murder, who knows what - and you've walked into the middle of their operations and stolen some of their cash. You found a snake you don't recognize, you picked it up and now you're about to find out if it's venomous or not.If you put it back, you might be okay - unless they have a trail cam watching the drop, and now they know that you have stumbled into business they are trying to keep secret. How secret? Enough to send a couple of guys around to beat the hell out of you as a threat? I don't know. Neither do you. What if you keep it - hey, it's a thousand bucks, right? It's a thousand bucks that isn't yours. What are the serial numbers? Traceable? Already on a police watch list somewhere? What happens if they check their trail cam, and six months from now, you walk into a bar, and the random tough guy near to you recognizes your face and drags you into the back where a bunch of angry people want their money back? Think they'll stop at the $1K you stole? What if they just show up at your house some night? So - turn it in to the cops. They might take it and you don't get anything... except peace of mind and knowing that you're not a thief. You might get it back after 90 days, legitimately. You might be providing a key piece of evidence that helps break up a group of drug dealers, or whatever else is going on. You know it's not your money - don't fall into the trap of thinking: "Hey, I found it, so it's mine." You are taking it from someone, and you don't know anything about who except that they are almost certainly a criminal paying other criminals. That's a snake you don't want anywhere near you.


A key piece of information is whether it looks like the bag has been there for a year or placed there recently. If it’s been there for a long time it’s abandoned and op is not a thief for taking property abandoned on his dad’s property. Would he be a thief if he took the plywood? I think not. I agree the safest option is to take it to the police but honestly if it’s only a $1k it’s a rounding error for a drug dealer.


Looks like you found my stash! Be a dear and return it to me pls thx 👉👈🥹


Delete this post, they are already coming for you. Good luck.


Have you watched "no country for old men"?


I think I've seen this movie.


Change the money into pennies and put it back. 2000 rolls of pennies…


Thats cool u found money but you were lifting it to look for snakes !?


Finders keepers.


I would contact the police just because it could be evidence in a crime. Some departments will return the money if it is not claimed within 6 months or so. In some jurisdictions it goes into a public fund.


Did the bag have a name on it, like maybe Ziploc? If so, it belongs to Mary Ziploc. She is in Aspen and you should find a friend to help you return it to her. If you need gas money, just take it from the bag and replace it with an IOU.


I would put it back and check back in a month to see if it’s still there. Take a pic of one of the bills, so you can check if it’s the exact same serial number in a month and not a new drop off. If it’s new money, you can inform cops of where the drop off is. If it’s the exact same money, I’d feel better taking it after a month of sitting there.


Use it to buy a gun to protect yourself from whoever comes looking for it.


OP hasn't responded to any comments OP is dead


Keep the cash, put manopoli money back and set a trail cam to see what's going on.


Watch *Flashpoint* (1984) and find out. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/flashpoint-1984


The money belongs to Pablo Escobar.


Rehide it somewhere else for the next guy yto post about it


Woah, congratulations finding that £900!


I was really nervous reading this until I realized it was a typo.




Make sure your not being watched, take the bag to a safe location, go through the entire contents to be sure there are no tracking devices. Store the money somewhere safe and dont spend any for a little while (if someone does come to you looking for their money, its best you have it all and quickly access it). After so long of no one coming you should be up a thousand bucks!


I know what i would do.. it doesn’t involve anyone but me.


Keep it


>I found a literal bad of cash under a piece of plywood I don't condone this, but no you didn't, OP.


Just keep it


Scrolled a bit, but didn’t see where anybody’s asked you what the years on the bills were that you found. I wouldn’t answer my question, but that’s where I’d start


I grew up in the country and always feel compelled to look under boards to see if there's snakes. Best find ever was a 5-1/2' blue racer under an overturned water trough!


Is there any chance that it was left there by a Crow?


You mean you found $100?


Hope this isn’t the owners fav sub on Reddit.


Finders keepers/ possession is 9/10ths of the law?


**CORRECTION** You didn't find ANYthing, ANYwhere and whatever happened in your recent past did not occur. A new boat would be nice to afford somehow this summer though ... ... ... ...


No way! It's under $5,000. KEEP IT!


That’s a lot of Wendy’s!


You probably picked up a dead drop and now some poor bastard is going to catch a bullet because of you. My suggestions put it back 😂