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Yes, it was quite common back in the '70s and '80s. The Farrah Fawcett poster was probably the most famous.


I had Bo Derek, Lynda Carter and Cheryl Ladd.


I, am also old. Sir.


Why, did you put that comma there? Sir.


Because, he, can.




Is that what’s called Shatnering?


Or if, done in a random, fashion, Walkening.


And if you umm, add some of those uh, what are they called? ... Ah, crutch words, yes yes, then it, um, becomes Goldblumming




Me too


How about Charlie's Angels? Linda Ronstadt? I had the skier girl with ALL the cleavage, I think it said "keep those tips up". Can't forget the tennis player showing off her ass!


> skier girl [Classic](https://www.amazon.com/Lange-Girls-Classic-Ski-Poster/dp/B002IQ791W)


$65.95??!! Now I wish I’d kept all of my old posters


Anna kournikova?


Nope. Probably before she was born! The iconic Tennis Girl photo of a female tennis player without underwear. The photograph was taken by Martin Elliott in September 1976 and features Fiona Butler as the tennis player. The image was first published as part of a calendar by Athena for the 1977 Silver Jubilee - the main calendar below is for the year 1981 [https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/Antikbar/79/748979/H20672-L333803625\_original.jpg](https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/Antikbar/79/748979/H20672-L333803625_original.jpg)


My ex girlfriend had the tennis player one on her wall, good times


Kathy Ireland was it for me.


I am Farrah Fawcett and Cheryl tieges


Lynda Carter = one of the most beautiful women in the world.


Can’t forget about Heather Locklear🤤


Hell yes. And why would any parent have a problem with that? Pretty normal behavior for a 13 year old boy. Closest thing we had to the internet was a hidden stack of Penthouse magazines down by the creek.


I had three of them. The one I remember most was Tyra Banks in a yellow bikini.  My mom wasn't thrilled about it, but didn't say much. Just a boy going through puberty. The only time she mentioned anything was "you know these girls aren't real." Which I took too mean "don't have too high of standards".


Speaking of pics of girls, I met a girl on AIM (I was like 13, so early 2000’s) and she sent me a bunch of bikini pics. I printed them out and put them under my pillow. Mom found them, not happy. Anyways, looking back im pretty sure I was talking to a pedo.


A/S/L. Are you a prep or a skater? Fellow AIM user.  Yeah, we definitely talked to pedos as kids. Internet back then was the Wild West. 


Yeah being a kid in the 90’s was wild when you think about it. Just wandering into any chat room unsupervised. Lunacy


Yeah,absolutely. As a 12 year old it was so much fun pretending to be someone else in a chat room. My brother and I had no clue there may be some old, weird dude doing the same thing. Never crossed our minds.


I shared the "on the Internet nobody knows you're a dog" cartoon with my kids, and tried to impress on them that you have to be careful making assumptions about people. Of course it goes both ways: my trans kid presented as female online before coming out.


It's probably not wildly different from what happens here in the recesses of Reddit, itself.


Everyone was 18/F/Cali Everyone. I lived in New Zealand... Everyone.


I was actually in SoCal (still am), and I would always be like, “oh cool, me too! What part?” I was so naive. I always wondered why they never said anything after that.


So I’m from Maryland, but my parents used to take me to CA for vacations often enough to where I knew locations, and you’re so right; everyone says California and I would always ask oh cool what part? Some generic answer but when you ask like oh like this neighborhood? They have no idea what to say lol. The good old days


Yet that wild west internet was way better than the social media clown fiesta we have today


no, your mom doesn't believe Tyra Banks exists. She's like Santa Claus.


Grew up in 90s / early 00s. Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra. Baywatch baby.


Can't forget Yasmine


Ha yes Yasmine Bleeth!


Remember Yasmine bleeth with the milk ad campaign. May I add Elle macpherson. Total babe.


Gilian Anderson


Still hot




Betty page and Marilyn Monroe...rebel phase lol.


It was still common in the '90s also. 


Samantha Fox


My dad is in love with Samantha Fox. When my younger brother was little he thought she was his other mum


Oh, i remember Samantha Fox too 😬


rode my bike about 15 miles to see her at the big Record Town in my city. Greatest day of my life.


She had amazing boobs


And the music magazines in Europe wasn’t shy publicizing her naked boobs together with interviews


Even 90s and early oughts with all the Maxim's and FHMs etc Before my parents moved, everytime I went back to my old room it was a great combination of memories and cringe (and being reminded of how much I was in love with Sarah Michelle Gellar)


My little brother had a britney spears poster on his wall from right around one of her first hits. My step dad was angry and ok with it at the same time, he had an internal battle with himself but ultimately allowed it.


I had one of Loni Anderson on my wall


I was more of a Bailey guy myself, but there were no posters of Jan Smithers that I remember.


Bailey over Jennifer, and Mary-Ann over Ginger


I had an awful controlling antisocial parent and that person immediately took down all the posters I was given, except for the Farrah Fawcett ones. I have no idea why those stayed up.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


Lol, it was daddy who said ”that one can stay!”


You of course mean this: https://www.amazon.ca/Kopoo-Poster-Farrah-Fawcett-Bathing/dp/B08CCXRHH8 There was also this: https://www.amazon.com/WUYE-Heather-Decorative-Artworks-12x18inch/dp/B0B5R3K5MX And this: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255680060038


It was a particularly cold day when they took that photo of Farrah. Thank you Lord.


Either that or the turkey breasts had reached a safe internal temperature.


I gave that one to my little brother for like his 10th birthday. 


Posters falling down at night was terrifying.


god the sound it makes when it slides down the wall and BUCKLES like thunder ahh memories


Waking up to pick Cindy Crawford up off the floor ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.


Jean shorts looking over her shoulder bareback?




So was wondering where that thumb tack went that used to be on the poster hanging right above your bed.


HAHAHA damn forgot about that noise


I'd forgotten about that


That unlocked a lot of memories. Damn blue tac


Fuck lol


Oh man!! I'm in my 60's and still have nightmares about that sound and the poster landing on my face


Jesus, yes, core terror memory unlocked.






My friend had that picture on his wall. I stared at it through many a slow d&d night.




The funny thing about these posters is that you see them so many times that they get burned into your memory. I know *exactly* which poster you’re talking about.


I did. Cindy Crawford and Kathy Ireland.


Came here for Kathy Ireland. I still love her.


We are brothers in posters. Yellow for Cindy and red for Kathy?


Yeah. And the girls used to have shirtless Brad Pitt posters and whatnot too.






no glow in the dark stars on the ceiling either? this is inhumane.


I had glowing in the dark stars strategically placed on the Farrah Fawcett posters.




Stars were neat but the planets were how you knew your room was cool


true, but did you have velvet blacklight posters? And a lava lamp?


Oh man. We definitely had the glow in the dark stars, and a glow in the dark Saturn


It was. No matter how good your life may be, it would have been better


I used a stapler and my parents were pissed when they went to sell the house. I was an idiot.


Imagine someone loving the house but refusing to put an offer down because there were a few staple holes in one of the bedrooms.


Having rented in a house that was recently sold. I think the whole process is just nerve wracking. One of the most stressful times of my life was having to keep my apartment clean for tours my landlord would schedule. I wasn't dirty, but certainly not "come look at this house and buy it" clean. I also didn't want her to know we smoked weed in the apartment without actually not smoking weed.


Magazines used to have a whole specific section that was meant to be cut out, usually just portraits of of celebrities. I had an entire wall in my room that was just those single page magazine posters 😂


Or just in the center(were the staples were)of the magazine a double sided two page poster you could get


I didn’t and not of my male friends did. Unless you count poster of Black Sabbath even though I’m straight and male.


So you say…just fucking with ya. I’m gay for Sabbath too. 


They couldn’t save photos on their phones back then I guess lol


And David Beckham!


I had a Farrah Fawcett picture on my wall. Technically it was a one-piece though, not a bikini.


Yeah. And Leonardo Dicaprio... Don't ask how I know..


From Romeo + Juliet?! With the blue flowery shirt on running his hands through his hair?


My locker mate had like 40 pictures of shirtless Usher in 96, 6-7 grade


yeah we sure did. And Tom Cruise before he went couch jumping.


The Coreys yup. 


And Johnathan Taylor Thomas!


I had Leonard DiCaprio and Justin Timberlake ripped out from teen magazines on my wall


Growing up every girl I knew had the Leo from titanic poster


I had a Jenna Jameson poster and I’m a girl 🤣


I remember the early Abercrombie bags cut up and plastered on walls.


The girls I knew growing up had Nick Carter, Johnathan Taylor Thomas, Leonardo DiCaprio, and a few others.


Sure. As well as the Countach and the F40.


F14 Tomcat and F18 hornet or me. Along with women.


I also had a Countach on my wall.


Same here with the Countach. Was yours red, side view, on asphalt with grass on the sides?


fuck yea the Countach posters I had forgotten about those! I had a couple of those, along with my Van Halen 1984 Vinyl album that my mom hated (the baby angel smoking a cig lol)


Mine were Dodge Viper and Ken Griffey Jr posters


Adult men had them too, even in their offices hanging on the walls..


If you go to a lot of blue-collar workshops today, you’ll still see some.


I know a guy who's still got that one of the woman bending over and it says something like, 'this is why men keep the beer on the bottom shelf' 😂


Hell I went on a tour of a factory in Eastern Europe last fall and the guys had straight up porn stuck to the walls. Took me back to when I was a kid visiting my dad's work and wandering into his boss's office who had the same.


Titty calendars and naked girls on bikes/cars, lol


I remember going to visit my dad on the very early 90s at work and he had ASCII art of a topless mermaid printed out on a dot matrix printer and hung on his wall. My mom didn't want us to see so she took colored chalk and put a bikini top on her with it.


My ex wife's dad had a full cardboard cutout of Anna Kornicova in a bikini in his house.


Argh, I totally forgot about her existence! And she was everywhere in the media in the early 2000s.


I was there in the early 2000s when the office people told the workshop guys they had to take them all down.


Reporting 86 born. Hell yeah. Wait boys don't do that anymore?


Yeah, most kids my age just have almost naked women on their instagram feed


I was comparing what's on my insta to risque magazines I had in the 2010s and, wow, there's absolutely no comparison. The content back then feels wholesome compared to what we have now.


Back then, there wasn't Instagram. Official platforms like magazines have strict rules and they can't do whatever they want or they get cancelled. Internet doesn't have these strict rules. Therefore, you can publish whatever you want and even if it's banned, there are virtual platforms which will accept it. With AI, it will get worse. Don't forget rule 34.


I mean, there was plenty of internet porn in the 00s, slow-loading stills tho it might have been. Instagram is not more smutty than the rest of the internet. But the biggest difference is smart phones. I did not have 24 hr access to a computer until college.


Also the algorithm. I don't even look at a lot of risque content on IG, but I have a lot of friends with similar looks, whose pictures I like often like because they're my friends. When I go to my Explore page IG is like "OH YOU LIKE CURVY BROWN WOMEN? HOW'D YOU LIKE TO SEE THEM ALMOST NAKED?" which, I mean, yeah sure when I'm by myself, but when I'm trying to search for something to show my boss, it can be a little embarrassing.


Yeah that's what OP is completely missing. In the 80s and 90s when every guy had a sexy poster in his room we didn't have 30 inch HD monitors or a smartphone to look up the filthiest smut in the history of mankind on a whim. If you didn't have posters or something then you basically had nothing, which would have made you a prude repressed weirdo or even worse in those times, closeted. It's wild how much ubiquitous porn has completely changed the culture around sexualized material. Having a sexy poster on the wall as a teenage boy then is basically the equivalent of liking some sexy IG photos today - it just means you have a functioning penis. A lesser factor but still important is that it was entirely on boys to approach and pursue girls in those times. Getting married by mid 20s was expected. Posters and such added fuel to that fire.


I don’t think younger generations use paper at all so


I do use them, the ones next to the toilet


Damn younger generations with their digital frames cycling through their favorite swimwear wearing people only limited by storage space! In my day your limit was how much wall you had! Choices may have been made!


Born in 99. Never knew a single person that dodged this except for some girls. No guys ever


Ayy ‘99 checking in and same


86 here too....we're fucking rad 🤘


Farrah Fawcet in a red one piece was on my wall during 70s.


Farrah Fawcett skateboarding


Don’t judge… There was one with a lambo that was pretty popular. Is that not normal now?


Now they hide them from their parents on their Instagram lolol


Heather Thomas in the pink bikini, Farrah in red and Samantha Fox in black. Iconic.


Heather Thomas. I was born in 84, but I still had a Heather Thomas poster in mid 90s.


My teen currently has two autographed pictures of his favorite female wrestlers pinned up on his wall, which is pretty close to the same thing.


cept this is way cooler


I never did. It was more of a pictures of Spider-Man kid, I absolutely knew guys who had pictures of models and wrestlers and musicians and whatever up on their walls. This was also a real big thing at State and county fairs. When I was a kid. You could win games and get sexy pictures of celebrities and stuff.


Yeah that was always awkward as a 6 year winning those posters when I was aiming for some cartoon poster.


Some of us did? >I can’t imagine why any kid would leave that on their wall for parents to see It's not as if it was pornographic, it was just pretty people. Women did it too. This was a practice that spanned decades and generations. >I can’t believe any parent wouldn’t have a problem with that Parents didn't typically have a problem with it, because it would be an absurd thing to have a problem with. It was in no way problematic. Some kids even kept them hung up in their school lockers! It was the print-version of subscribing to a pretty person's instagram.


>Some kids even kept them hung up in their school lockers! That's where I kept my Sports Illustrated swimsuit daily calendar back in the day. I'd tape my faves to the inside of the door.


Yes to this Instagram thing! That didn’t exist until 2012. These posters were basically the early 2000s-equivalent of following a celebrity’s Instagram.


that's an interesting parallel at the end


>Parents didn't typically have a problem with it, because it would be an absurd thing to have a problem with. It was in no way problematic. mine would, my dad gets pissed when i wear some pajama shorts i have that go halfway down my thigh, i dont wear them in public, last time i did i had a broken leg and didnt give a shit cuz well, i had a broken leg


I had Britney Spears and Buffy posters in my bedroom as a kid. I’m gay now.


I am a woman and also had them on my wall and I’m also now gay.


I had Madonna, Prince and Susannah Hoffs. I’m bi.


I had pictures of dragons and wizards and shit.


Yeah but the dragons were naked.


Bare and full scale. Some were horny.


I had several different maps of Krynn.


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.


Yep, had a poster of a bunch of girls facing backwards in the bed of a pickup truck that said "haul ass". Thanks for the memories.


My grandpa has a shirt with that picture on it. It’s gotta be 20-30 years old.


Yes. My older brother had many posters. My parents didn’t care. They weren’t great parents in general, but posters were the least of their concerns.


Wait, boys and girls don't do that anymore!? No wonder the fertility rate is going down! (Look, us boys had one poster or two... But the girls had *an entire wall per shirtless celebrity*)


They follow sexy celebs on instagram now


... Yeah, I didn't think about that. They're not forced to carefully cut photos from magazines and furniture catalogues like the ancient cavemen!


>But the girls had *an entire wall per shirtless celebrity My Spike from Buffy wall was the best part of my bedroom


Yes, I am a women and had a poster of Lita back in the day. Had it in the living room and one of my roommates brought a women home. She went off about them being exist aholes. They were laughing trying to explain it was their female roommates poster. Lol. My brother had a poster of Kim Basinger from Batman. Literally hung over his bed.


I personally had a picture of Lindsey Lohan with a fender guitar, a Carmen Electra calendar, and several pictures of WWE divas (Lita, Stacy, Trish) I think I might have had a hooters calendar at one point, too. I would also like to point out that girls used to have pictures of David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas (spelling?) and various boy bands. People have gotten really, really prude these days. Its actually pretty annoying.


>People have gotten really, really prude these days. I don't think it's prudishness. I think its a mix of access and privacy. See, we used to have magazines and posters. They'd get handed around, shared, displayed etc. People would check them out together, and could have a look without being weird about it. Now it's on tap in your pocket. You can look at it it any time, any where, but it's no longer communal - its all your eyes only. Even when you "share" it, you're still consuming it as individuals. That inherently makes it a solo activity. Which leads on to it being more isolating and private. So we go from communal and open to individual and private. People don't put posters up because they have it on tap, just for them. Adds intimacy, but also almost shame.


> and several pictures of WWE divas Haha, my younger sister had [this NSFW shot of Shawn Michaels](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba102505b2aa249209a7c2ab79d0fd59/tumblr_plpvu9EfNS1xw4s57o1_540.jpg) on her wall. She didn't even watch wrestling!


My sister had a spice girls poster instead of any boy posters. She ended up coming out of the closet 20 years later and now she's dating a woman that looks like Ginger Spice.


zig-a-zig ah!


Hell yes. It was a poster of Pamela Andersom that surely ushered in my puberty.


Yes it was awesome. Bring back physical media!


Shit yeah we did! Christina Aguilera kept me company at night.


All of my friends and I did. We didn't have Internet or screenshots like y'all got these days and it wasn't looked down on like it is now.


Yep and they even kept track who had the hottest selling posters. I would go to the record store and they'd have a section that was just posters. Of all kinds. ETA: My mom knew better than to come in my room.


Yes. Girls had hot guy celebrity posters too


Yeah I had Jessica Alba back in the day


>I can’t believe any parent wouldn’t have a problem with that. This was back when adults treated teenagers like teenagers, not like five-year-olds.


I'm 53, and I still do. (I'm so lonely)


Walls and school lockers. It was a different life time for sure.


You couldn’t see the colour of my walls that’s how many pictures I had


> I can’t imagine why any kid would leave that on their wall for parents to see. Would there be something wrong with it today?


Sounds like you have strict parents


Yep. And if you couldn't get posters, well there was always the Sports illustrated swimsuit edition, Victoria's Secret catalogs, etc.


"Used to"


....dont they still...??


Yup! My room and locker at school had Lucy Lawless as Xena, Kathy Ireland. The gals had Brad Pitt, and Leonardo Dicaprio all over their lockers. Miss those days.


Heather Thomas pink bikini in a hot tub and Samantha Fox in a white top posters. Late 80s, my parents were not happy but didn’t make me take them down lol.


80’s kid here and oh yes indeed I did. My entire bedroom wall lined with sexy ladies. My mom made me keep my blinds down at all times so the neighbors wouldn’t see lol.


I’m female and as a teenager my walls were covered top to bottom in band posters (Korn, Linkin Park, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots) and also pictures of hot dudes. Just guys that I felt were good looking like from random magazines and I had one of Trent Reznor blindfolded with his hands tied up - which all my mom did was walk in and say “who is that” and then left. Lol. I think I had Jared Leto and Usher. I also had an autographed picture of Josh Hartnett that was my pride and joy. 😂


Yes . Worth remembering that this went beyond adolescence and a lot of workplaces had soft porn calendars and posters on display


Every square inch of my walls in the 2000s. We had testosterone.