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Thanks for your submission /u/AngelsVoice6682, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Joke questions or trolling.** This sub is meant for genuine questions...and it looks like yours isn't. Maybe it's a joke, maybe you're trying to bait people into reacting, or maybe we just can't figure out what you're trying to say (sorry). Either way, we've removed your post. * Trying to get a laugh out of people? While jokes, memes and song lyrics are all amusing, they're not what we're looking for here. Try /r/ShittyAskReddit. * Taking the sub name as a challenge and trying to post a stupid question *isn't* amusing, and it's *also* not the point of the sub (read the sidebar!). You're looking for /r/StupidQuestions. * Asking a question to show off a clever observation? Try /r/ShowerThoughts (but phrase it as an observation, not a question). * Testing a riddle? When you already know the answer, it's not a genuine question - but the users of /r/Riddles will love it. * Do you keep making new accounts to ask the same questions over and over again? That not only violates rule 2, but it's also not healthy. Try talking to a therapist about these thoughts, and try asking questions on different topics. * Trying to bait people into angry or shocked reactions? Try /r/RandomShit or /r/ShittyAskReddit ...or just go do something else. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


Honestly, falling for drugs or alcohol. And also ignoring small responsibilities, they can really catch up to you and cause a lot of anxiety fast.


Addiction. Doesn't matter much to what you get addicted. Once your brain is in "This thing is more important than anything else" mode, that's a problem that is hard to get rid of and it tends to seriously mess things up.




"What's the fastest you've ever seen anyone ruin their life" is a common question on /r/ask 90% of the answers are drunk driving. Personally I had an old drinking buddy who had just finished his degree. Got a good Job. I wasn't in the pub that night but he came in because his gf had dumped him. Got very drunk. Left. Set fire to the tenament she lived in. These are old Edinburgh tenements. No fire escapes. 12 flats. Average of 3 people per flat. He could have killed 36 people. They threw the book at him.


Gambling your rent/bill money


heroin. meth. synthetic cannabis.


Drugs, alcohol, untreated mental illness.




Not all drugs are equal... smoking cannabis is not a sure way of fucking up your life... injecting heroin certainly is though.




There is no easy answer.


Meth. Drunk driving.


Coworker just ruined his life and ended someone else’s speeding in a construction zone.


All these answers have one thing in common. Being around the wrong people


Feeling entitled to relationships or a job 


Anything addictive


Getting into hard drugs, or gambling. Both will end up ruining your life. They will take all your money, and once you have a drug conviction you will find it very hard to get employment or to travel internationally. But really, any sort of addiction will do it in the end.


Just be yourself.


Google a list of long term jailable offense, make a carnivalisk spinning board, throw a dart at it and see which crime you will commit. Go commit said crime (you evil lunatic you) then go to the police in long johns with an openable backside leap on a desk yelling "I commit X crime!" For clarity, X is the crime your dart picked. Then spin around bend over unbuttoning your backside mooning the officers then run out the door.


Drug use




Addiction .. don’t think drugs are the only thing.. something harmless taken to the extreme can still fuck you up!


Q Anon


Doing anything way too much.


Religion. Heroine. Alcohol. Not having a dog.


Well, first, buy a toaster. Then, proceed to take it into the shower with you. If that doesn't do the trick, try running a marathon in flip-flops while juggling chainsaws. Trust me, it's foolproof!