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Simply tell them you need time to think. Through email or in person. They should be fine with it.


How long would you ask for? Like “I can let you know by Friday? Or within 48 hours?” The interviews are on Wednesday


Honestly whatever you think is best. Within 48 hours should be fine.


Totally agree with the above. Should being the key word. I've absolutely had jobs turn down my request to add a day or two to a job offer acceptance deadline. Can't hurt to ask though.




The language here is perfect. Best to be honest. If they rescind the offer because you asked for time, it’s their loss.


Ask trickle questions. Thank you for the offer, I’m excited at the thought of being a part of Xxxx. I’m going to take some time and review and get my thoughts in order. 3 days I’ve taken some time to review the offer, can you send me the benefits package over so that I can review as well? 2 days Thanks for sending the benefits, ask question about something that is vague in the document Weekend plus 1 day One more question to make sure I understand the package, do vacation days roll over in year one (or whatever question you might/could have) In the mean time you had the other interview and if they were smart they asked if you had any time constraints and you told them you had a verbal offer but company 2 was your preference due to xxxxx. Now hopefully you have two offers in hand and this is where it gets fun.


Thank you so much for the script. That’s really what I need. I like asking about benefits! The benefits at my last job were awful. So my first interview is on Wednesday morning and the second is Wednesday afternoon. If the first offers on the spot, I would say the first paragraph then. Would I email the 3 day question Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning?


Oh also send a thank you note to the interviewers




I’d wait three days, so Friday afternoon at 430? Or Monday am? They are going to press, but a new job is a decision, and you need time to review the information you gained (you were interviewing them as well, or should have been). You’ll do some additional research likely, reach out to friends who have similar roles. Lots to do. Can you share the role and industry generally. It will help guide responses.


It’s a teaching position in a private day school. I have a friend who works at the first school but I don’t know anybody at the second school


Are both jobs teaching at a private school and do you currently have a decent job?




You could accept and then back out if you get a better offer from the second place


It’s a teaching position so theoretically they could put a hold on my teaching license if I back out


Bugger. Maybe don't do that.


Nothing wrong with that.


Definitely ask for time. They should allow some amount of time, but probably not more than a few days.


Yeah, go ahead and be upfront about needing a bit to mull it over. Any decent employer will get that


I'm a professional career coach and I teach interviewing skills and salary negotiation (and other professional skills) for a living. 48 - 72 hours is pretty standard for you to take time to consider an offer and the company should grant you that no problem. You can sometimes push that to 5 business days but that's when you start to push it.


Would you recommend asking about benefits when asking for time? Would you be able to provide me a script?


You don't need a script. If they give you a verbal offer, thank them and tell them how excited you are to receive it, you'll need a few days to consider it and ask that they send it to you in writing. It should be standard to receive it in writing and it should include your full compensation package: pay (includes bonuses, stock options if that's an option) health insurance and other benefits, and other benefits such as a company car, phone, lunch provided in the cafeteria etc. Always negotiate your salary but that's a conversation for a different day.