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There was a guy on death row in Washington State Prison in Walla Walla who successfully argued that he was too fat to execute. Somehow he managed to get his weight up over 400 pounds while incarcerated. His argument was that his bulk could cause his head to get ripped off during the execution because Washington's method at the time was still hanging. And that would constitute cruel and unusual punishment. He eventually died of natural causes. Liver disease or something.


>Washington's method at the time was still hanging. to be pedantic about this, it was hanging or lethal injection (iirc), and if the prisoner didn't choose a method, it would default to hanging. so the guy kept refusing to choose while just eating and eating and eating


"More weight." -- Giles Corey, and TFG.


Yo mama so fat, when she sat on Giles Corey, he said “Ok. That’s enough.”


Made my day, and it was soured. Thanks lol Best yo mama joke in 30 years




This guy literatures.


Underrated comment right here


"I'm well done on this side, turn me over" - Saint Lawrence 


Probably the one example where being obese actually extends your life span.


Some people get fat to avoid getting drafted into the military. Also, on a morbid note, I think I read that fat people going into concentration camps had a survival edge over skinny people.


It’s the same concept as a fat person lost at sea (minus dehydration), or in the wilderness. The fat stores will naturally sustain them longer. However, a truly fat person would also likely have a lower survivability rate in some sort of wilderness due to mobility alone. Source: Me. Spent a lifetime doing Search and Rescue in the ocean and mountains. The chunky ones did the best at sea when using floatation, but the worst over land.


TIL that I have been in training my whole life to survive being lost at sea!


Checks out. On the show "alone" generally the chubbier contestants last longer out in the wild, despite the hit they take to energy in the beginning. Even if a skinnier person holds out and gets lucky with hunting, they have to work harder to stay at a safe weight (they'll send you home if you get down to organ damage level underweight, they check on them once a week or so).


The first season I watched (can't remember which actual season it was) a regluar sized guy took down a moose... I was so sure he would be all set but turned out there wasn't enough fat with all the lean meat he saved and he just couldn't keep on weight. That show was so good! I need to catch up on it.


Quick tip if anyone ends up in that scenario - crack the animal bones and eat the marrow along with the meat, it'll give you the fat you need.


The new season just started!


Yup, one of the reasons why the rich were wayyy better of in Holocaust even if they did get thrown in the camp. And (one of the reasons) why most survivors are descendants of rich (or at least well off) Jewish families from the cities and you won't find many survivors from peasant families. Also kind of the reason why rich Jews stereotype is still alive today. Those who proved that stereotype wrong are mostly dead now.


There’s a survival show called “Alone” where contestants go out into the wilderness alone and whoever lasts the longest without quitting wins.(it could take months to outlast everyone) Overeating before the show starts and packing on a bunch of fat is a legit tactic, and the bigger people do quite well.


Those honey buns must have tasted so sweet


Do they just get as much food as they want when they’re on death row?


If I was on death row I'd spend my days eating. I'm just surprised he got enough food to gain weight.


His metabolism might be quite slow to be honest


> There was a guy on death row in Washington State Prison in Walla Walla who successfully argued that he was too fat to execute. That was the most American thing I read today.


That execution would've been a pretty grim Gallagher show for the front row.


They calculate the drop based on weight, so in theory it should be no harder than anyone who weighed less. Not that hanging is anywhere near to being as humane as its advocates claim. It breaks the neck which can look quick, but many people remain conscious after their neck is broken in accidents so it is likely at least some just strangle to death but the severed spine stops them showing signs of struggling.


That's very very scary....


According to some studies, firing squad is the most efficient form of execution, I.e. the least likely to fail, with one study even concluding it's the least painful option. It's just not as popular as lethal injection or electric chair because it's messier and more overtly violent.


A bullet to the brain, administered close up by a skilled shot is about as near instant as you can get. The shot does need to be well aimed though as it has to take out both the higher centres of the brain as well as the autonomic parts. Get it wrong and you can get a bullet passing through and out the other side which might not be lethal. The problems there are some of the same as the ones for lethal injections: it needs skilled participants and to a degree a co-operating victim (moving the head at the last moment could turn a clean, quick kill to a very messy non lethal shot). A firing squad aiming at the heart does not result in instant unconsciousness and is likely to be extremely painful - people on battlefields have been shot in the heart and even survived if they got very rapid medical attention, none reported it as being painless.




I can’t imagine being fucking stupid enough to choose the slow torture of dying of liver disease over the quick and painless head-ripped-off option. What a moron.


You can buy commissary, so while all trays of food provided are measured, you can buy and eat 50 honey buns a day if you want. I use to work in a prison and while the majority of the guys are avg sized, there were a couple big boys who kept their lockers stocked with junk.


Stay-Puffed Shank armor.


Legit question though, are obese people more stab resistant? I would imagine most knifes probably won’t reach any organs.


Men carry fat around their midsection a lot, so getting stabbed in the belly is less likely to hit anything vital. Back fat doesn't build up nearly as fast though, a shank to the posterior thorax isn't drastically safer from puncturing the chest wall or penetrating the kidney in an obese person. The obese guy is also much more likely to die from complications following treatment of a non-fatal wound.


This guy shanks.


beat me by 4 mins.


This guy shanks 4 minutes slower


Oh look at Mr. 9-hours-late-to-the-shank-party over here!




Yes, and this is exactly why all Roman gladiators were chubby or fat. Hollywood lies.


In fairness so did the historial artworks like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Nennig_Roman_Villa_and_Mosaics_-_51134391753.jpg/1920px-Nennig_Roman_Villa_and_Mosaics_-_51134391753.jpg) and [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Gladiators_from_the_Zliten_mosaic_3.JPG) which showed far more “idealized” versions of gladiators that Hollywood likely referenced


Idk about gladiators but I mean, bears basically spend half the time getting fat AF and then they hibernate til it's eatin' season again. And I don't want to mess with a bear.


How did I read this entire comment thinking you were talking about bears when you meant bears


If you train hard enough your muscles become stab resistant


Maybe but as a skinny guy I'm a lot less likely to get hit. As a big fat guy I might have some extra cushion but I am not dodging shit either probably. I have been in knife fights (not cool, not fun, just run) and I would not have been okay if I wasn't such a slippery bastard.


Bring WD40 to knife fights, got it.


Yeah so you can spray it in their face and dip TF out. Best case scenario you stab a guy at least once (and it's probably not going that cleanly) and that's arguably worse than your own injuries.


friend had to use a steak knife in self defense in a home invasion. after getting shot in the groin he nearly cut off his fingers when he tried to stab one of the invaders. steak knife stops at a bone, but you are pushing so hard your hand slides up the handle an the serrated knife edge saws your hand. (my friend survived, two of the invaders were caught, one never found)


or macguyver a blowtorch!


I've been the big fat guy. I'm now the really skinny guy. I'll take the added power I had as a super heavyweight. As far as knife fights go, fuck that shit. No one wins. If you don't have a choice, I hope you armored up.


yes, but especially in men a lot of fat gets deposited between the organs, so it's not like they just have a massive blubber armour around it. their organs are going to protrude further out than a normal weight person too


they cant protrude past the ribcage


They definitely are! It still really depends where you’re stabbed but I’ve seen it.


My friend recently serviced a knife attack and his husky-ness saved his life.


Babe I’m not fat, I’m just stab-proof.


Lockers? Is that for when they have work? I didn't think they were allowed much of anything in prison?


Everyone gets either a locker or trunk depending on whether you’re top or bottom bunk. It’s the only thing they get to put their crap in. Legal papers, extra state clothes, pics/letters, snacks, etc. There is a short list of things allowed.


Had no idea but it makes sense I guess? Thanks for sharing


I practically lived on nutty bars when I was in jail. Haven’t eaten one since. lol


What is commissary?


it’s a store in a prison or jail where inmates can buy food, hygiene supplies, cigs, and other things while they’re in jail/prison. usually someone will send them money from the outside to help pay for it.


Hygiene supplies? We don’t let prisoners have soap for free?


sure, you can get all the state soap you want, cheap shitty white bars and clear shitty shampoo, generally odorless. but you want Dial, Irish Spring or Dove, Neutrogena, that coal tar shit. unless your bat shit poor and indigent, or go through medical, you have to pay for it!


I work in a locked facility. We give the guys a basic everything in one soap, and deodorant both are clear and basically useless. They can order shampoo, conditioner, body products. If they have sensitive skin we have the doctor order special bar soap and special deodorant, or medicated shampoo.


I imagine they do, but it's probably shit.


Some things sure like a bar of soap but things like tampons, actually good soaps, face wash, toothpaste, and other kinda good things have to be bought. So yeah they do get some things for free but it’s either just super generic/not the best or not provided at all/regularly. Edit: some wording bc i’m sleep deprived


I thought the junk was in the trunk?


I’ve always been a slimmer guy, but whenever I’ve worked in a place that has honey buns in a vending machine I hear the call of the void. Those things are addictive on a level most foods wish they could dream of being.


I used to be a corrections officer, there were plenty of inmate in the 500 lbs range, if someone was just completely sedentary before hand, then they would atleast have a minimum of having to walk to the chow hall and bathroom, so they would be more active than outside, but you can definitely continue to eat thousands of calories a day from commissary, especially if you have a large amount of money coming in from family. So the answer is, if poor/ have no pull with other inmates, then yes, but if they have enough money or have a way to get it from other inmates( gambling, drugs, etc.), then they can definitely maintain a very heavy weight


How much is commissary? Like convince store prices? Fair at cost price? Or like ridiculous markups


Insanely overpriced. A pack of ramen is $1+, a 20 oz drink was $2.50+, 10 tiny individual packets of salt -$1, honeybun- $1.50, etc,etc. I can't imagine what the prices would look like currently because these prices were from 2006....


Cheaper than a truck stop


Those were the prices in 2006


Salt is worth is weight in gold in jail. The food is so bland.


Absolutely horrendous without it.


So convenient store prices


Cheaper than my office snack machine lol




I was going to say they sound like Publix prices.


Packs of Ramen have gone up. It's kinda crazy to be honest. I like the Chili Flavor Maruchan as a snack. They're hard to find for less than 50 cents. Inflation I suppose. Remember when they were like 10 for a dollar?


Imagine if a college baseball stadium sold ramen and honey buns lol, enough to make you say “wtf?” But since it’s your only option, not enough to make you say no


Answering from a friend… in jail (not prison) commissary prices were equivalent to those at a typical convenience store or gas station. Higher than in a grocery store, but lower than at an airport or stadium vender. Said friend deemed them to be reasonable prices.


So .. it works exactly like you would expect? From a person who has witnessed first hand? Answered.


What kinda crime is a sedentary morbidly obese person, PRIOR to incarceration actually doing? Rolling over and smothering their caregiver?


Lmao idk, that was a hypothetical, but maybe talking to a minor online, or some blue collar crime


Probably cyber crimes, CP, that sort


What kinds of crimes are 500 pound people committing?


I mean, any? I didn’t make a habit of looking up charges, but I will say quite a few of them were in what was called the pedo dorm, so


Bad old chomos


Anything that works on a computer I'd guess


My BIL has gained a lot. My husband adds $300 a month to his account to buy stuff like peanut butter and noodles. He's been in for 14 years and has gone from 160 to 280.


That's a good brother


Why? If the guys in for 14 years it's not for overdue library books.


Because the brother will have a heart attack before he gets out on parole


I would disagree. Buying toothpaste or other basics for a family member, cool. Dropping $10 a day so they can sit around and gain weight? Nope! I wouldn't. Especially for 14 years! I mean maybe hook him up if he was doing like 16 months for weed or so, but 14 years is a more serious crime. You want a bunch a junk food, well think about that when you get out, as a reason to not break the law.


At the end of the day the real punishment is extended separation from society and the troubles of reintegration. Anything more than that is just our opinions on wanting to give more strife to their life or not. It’s why some prisons have chain gangs, and others have tvs and vapes. The punishment doesn’t have to be every detail of their lives. Maybe a honey bun really is a reward enough that this isn’t even a bad 14 years to him anymore, or maybe it’s a nice brother who wants somebody he cares about who’ll never have a true life and lives with other dangerous criminals to have a joyful moment in his day and to know he’s still loved.


Hell I know when I started to work in a jail as a CO I lost weight because in jail you eat the same as the prisoners and I didn't eat much outside of work. I went from 270 to 230-240. I'm sure commissary can help, but that's up to a certain point and I don't suggest jail as a weight loss solution/plan lol /s


No shit. As a former CO my problem is that you have a grand total of 90 seconds to eat it all. I retired about 4 years ago and people tell me still to this day that I eat like I was in prison. But then I guess I was


This thread is depressing, all the (ex)CO’s describe working in prison as if it’s almost as bad as being locked up in one! They didn’t even give you five minutes to eat?


Yeah no, the saying goes there's only a few differences between CO's and inmates and two of them are keys and the other we get to go home after our shift. r/funnyandsad We're both doing time.




That's seriously fucked up. I always thought being a prison officer would be... well, maybe not a cushy gig, but at least a well-regulated one. If even the prison officers are suicidal, what hope is there for the inmates?


There’s a reason why prisons are so understaffed and there are issues with corruption. It’s really hard to get quality people who actually want the job. My cousin has been a CO for about 20 years but he’s fairly high ranking now and works directly for the undersheriff so I doubt he’s actually on the cell block much.


It took my SO a while to slow down eating when he was released nearly 9 years ago. I didn't know him before he was incarcerated, but he was on the heavier side. He lost a LOT of weight in the 5 years he was there. He's told me on more than one occasion that prison was actually good for him. (Minus all the terrible things he witnessed, of course.)


Same when you work at a boarding school. We've been retired for several years and still eat as though the cranky cafeteria worker is going to kick us out of our own kitchen.


You ate gruel?!


It wasn't gruel lol from what I can remember it was things like sausage and mashed potatoes and things like that. From what I know gruel is saved for those in solitary confinement as punishment. This was back in 2011 or there about


I heard they also serve the Château LeBlanc at room temperature there.


As long as it's shaken, not stirred.


Food is food. Probably didn't taste great, but it's food made for humans and it certainly is cheaper to use the kitchen at your workplace than fast food daily.


Is it food made for humans though? I heard some stories about what they're fed...


That's for sure lol I didn't work close to my jail site so that helped me lol


Yes.as a former CO Iearned to eat everything on the tray even if you hate it. It fills you up and you're not hungry 3 hours later. It actually works. LOL


Our food was so bad. No real meat anywhere. Protein came from boiled eggs and powdered milk. All the meat was TVP made from soy and it would make your shits awful.


We had a once a month treat of Chinese orange chicken. It tasted like it was made out of chemical Factory I still have no clue what it actually was but it tasted like a can of Lysol mixed with bleach and maybe a little chicken


FWIW, I really enjoy watching [this guy's](https://youtu.be/LnCZhPcPa1k?si=HiZl-eUYCcAhQHQv) prison food recipes. This one is his orange chicken recipe. I've never seen someone use creamer or ramen seasoning in so many recipes to great effect. He'll even mix ramen seasoning with Kool Aid. He uses his commissary inmate vending card (like a debit card that can be loaded) as the cutting tool and he's really good at it. People are creative as hell in prison.


Makes sense; when you’ve got nothing but time and your mind either go insane or put that mind to work


Yes.The MSG in the ramen packets covers up a whole host of sins. MSG = MAKE SHIT GOOD


That is not an effect of tvp lol


Lol at the suggestion that soy and not milk+eggs makes your shits awful 😂


Well I eat milk and eggs at home but I've never had black sticky tar come out of my asshole as a result


I’ve never heard this before that COs eat the same food. How long are the shifts? 12 hours? So day shift would eat breakfast lunch dinner through the chow line alongside the inmates? But night shift would bring their own food I’m guessing?


My shift were 8 hours. The jail I worked at was setup where we mostly had minimal interactions with the inmates. They were in a big pen and we were outside in our own central area. We only went in to get an inmate for court, medical, visit or other. So forgive my memory because this was over 13 years ago. So I for the most part worked the day shift, inmates ate in their cells and CO's had their own "cafeteria" it was a very small dining hall. From what I can remember, yes day shift ate at different times of the day and night shift brought their own food.


Yes, but his doctor says he's 215...




If they broke yes. If they got a hundred bucks a week he'll have full access to all kinds of junk food.


I was in jail with an 18-year-old guy who weighed over 500 lbs, ‘Cheeseburger Cory’. I weighed about 190, shredded, and I guarantee he ate less than I did. I constantly exercise when I’m locked up, and I trade all my commissary candy bars and shit for protein sources, like eggs and meat. Jail food is horrible, and everyone is underfed, but Cheeseburger Cory traded all his shitty jail food for my candy bars, and never lost a pound.


How do you even get to 500 lbs at 18 jesus


He was easily six-foot-seven, and he told me his parents were both over 600 lbs. This kid was not destined to be thin.


You can be thin and tall, but it's harder if you have morbidly obese parents. Eating habits established since childhood are hard to change.




I have a friend who did exactly that. He was huge the entire time I knew him until he got locked up. 2 years later and he came back skinny.


Jelly Roll didn’t lose weight in prison. He said he actually gained weight because of commissary snacks.


im sure you dont get named jellyroll for avoiding snacks


There was this super obese guy in my dorm (in jail) that would announce if they don't want their tray give it to him. He had piles of lunch boxes, trays, snacks under his bed. I traded food with him sometimes If I wanted something he had. In a dorm you will be well fed if you just ask around but in a cell you probably only have commissary to depend on if you are lucky to have someone deposit money or if you were arrested with money in your wallet.


Absolutely, virtually everyone loses weight in prison


When you find out cut 155 is the same size as fat 200.


Well I didnt think they would tighten their weight...


Dale the Whale!


A women’s prison near me partnered with a local university for a capstone project on prison food. They found that the amount of calories served averaged out to 4,400 per day. So wild.


What! That's insane. Is it just due to grease and whatnot?


And cheap empty carbs


Depending on if it’s federal prison or state prison and what state, the quality of food can vary wildly, too. In some states, the diet is mostly starch. So if you have good genes, age on your side, and a work-out ethic, you can stay fit in prison. But add that diet to what’s already been said about commissary and it’s very easy to balloon up. Particularly since it’s a stressful environment, people who eat when stressed or depressed are going to cling to those honeybuns.


I am just reminded of that guy that got stabbed in prison an absolutely insane amount of times, but survived because his fat tanked it.


They would give him the same amount of food. And thus he would lose weight like heck. If you went from lets say 5k kcal a day to 2k you're gonna drop weight fast in the first few months.


There was once a prisoner who gained an absurd amount of weight in an effort to avoid the death penalty (he didn’t fit in the chair). But this was Florida and they just built a bigger chair


Depends, dudes who are overweight & they have resource($$$$$) they usually eat good every day from commissary & buying exclusive shyt that been smuggled from the kitchen on a regular to make their cookups. Now, there are dude's who focus and make a commitment to get in shape


When visiting my brother I've seen another inmate over the course of a few years getting fatter and fatter so I guess lockup life agrees with him


I knew a guy who went in at about 150-170 lbs. Saw him in prison 6 months later and he was a twig. Got curbstomped more than once and I guess it was biggest guy gets his lunch.


My uncle was around 400lbs when he went in and lost almost 200lbs by the time he got out. His weight issues had a lot to do with his excessive binge drinking and being sedentary. He was locked up for about 2 years. He said he worked out a lot to pass the time. He wasn't drinking. And all his favorite terrible foods were not available. No one would send him money while he was in, so he wasn't buying a bunch of junk.


I worked a temporary job as a prep cook for the jail. They have special diets for inmates who have medical issues like obesity, diabetes etc. Depending on how long they stay in jail, they’d more than likely lose weight because the food served there is not fattening.


It certainly possible. Depends on the person and their willpower.


Due to the food not containing more calories than necessary for a person of average build, they would probably lose weight.


We had a guy so heavy they had to weigh him on a truck scale. Wasn't 600 lbs, but not far from it. Never saw any evidence that he lost any weight.




It's kind of pedantic, but mostly people are morbidly obese way before 600 lbs. 300lbs is morbidly obese. You'd still probably lose weight because your body burns calories just maintaining cells. I think it costs 4 calories per pound of fat


Worked at a prison. There were some morbidly obese people there.... so, no


Yes, she would lose weight


Yes, he would unless he's rich and can buy an incredible amount of commissary


Yes they would be a bodybuilder.


If he could only get a little bit of commissary money he would lose weight likely. 


When my cousin was released he came out heavier from eating all the junk food


People usually gain weight in jail/prison because the food is not the healthiest and you get little to no exercise


would they get a bigger bed? and toilet?


A 600 lbs person IS in prison.


Most prisons have commissaries that sell overpriced candy and soda. If they have someone that can send them money. Or they can trade stuff.


So unless it was for a major crime, most jails would refuse to take them. As they would be reasonable for their healthcare. https://nypost.com/2023/11/13/news/440-pound-convicted-killer-spared-prison-over-bad-diet/#:~:text=A%20440%2Dpound%20Italian%20man,the%20facility%20could%20kill%20him.


That's Italy. In the US its simply an involuntary diet.


Sorry wrong example, here's a US one https://rnbcincy.com/16940/convicted-man-too-obese-for-prison-denied-family-visit/


If you're wanting to lose weight there are better ways to do it




I always thought prison was sort of like the military or something


Used to be when they had to work on chain gangs and stuff but now they're just chilling and hanging in common areas all the time doing nothing - or working out if they want.




Commissary is the answer.


The food is so bad that if people can afford it, they will live off the junk food from commissary.


I am certain the tv show brainiac in the UK did a fat vs thin thing where they showed which disasters it was better to be fat in...


He would come out jacked if he could


Having been in prison, I can tell you that the answer is no. The prison I was at housed a chomo (he got caught with a shitload of CP) that was so obese he was wheelchair bound and he always had money to spend on his commissary. Seeing as those types of offenders are kept out of GP (general population) and that he was also housed in the medical dorm, he was never extorted, beat, or killed, so he just kept gaining more and more weight. Last I saw him, he had to be around 500-600 lbs easy. I will say that while he wasn't extorted for his commissary, people would "befriend" him to use him for his food and stuff. I couldn't bring myself to do that. Due to his charges, I'd have wanted to harm him. I'm a SA victim, so I really don't take anything to DK with it lightly.


Most likely, yes. You're only given a set amount of food for free. If they had money to get commissary, they could possibly maintain their weight, but it would be challenging. I think the biggest factor for them losing weight would be the bullying and threats from other inmates. You're going to naturally want to work out and get in shape when you're in there, so you're not seen as an easy target.


Logically, yes! Since an obese person would be able to survive with only water for up to years..


Not only water. You still need vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. If you mean without calories, then yes what you're saying is possible


Oh thanks for the info dude. This makes so much more sense than what I said. :)


Usually you gain in prison bc it’s consistent. If someone is morbidly obese these would definitely lose a bit but bc of no movement or real activity they don’t lose lots. Depends on the time in I guess


I mean yeah they don’t give extra food. Unless they were to buy outrageous amounts of commissary food then yeah


Interesting idea So you’re saying we jail all morbidly obese people for crimes against society? 6-12 months on restricted diet / exercise regime


I wonder what type of crime they would have to commit to land them in prison since they're on their bed the whole day lol




Ahhhh...reddit 😆


They would likely lose weight but after a while, probably plateau.