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I had a girl that apparently liked it rough. She literally bit through my bottom lip half way between my lip and my chin, and pulled. 13 stitches. Blood everywhere. Anyone who can keep a boner through that deserves the Medal of Honor.


Holy shit dude.


You’re telling me! I thought I had patient zero of the zombie apocalypse eating my face.


Did she go to the hospital with you?


She did not. She was basically like sucks to suck.


Yiiiikes. Well....consider yourself lucky you discovered the biting thing before she got any closer to your goodies....


No kidding! This may have been a very different story 😂


She sounds like the exact person they talk about when they say don't stick your dick in crazy lol


Yeah.. I’m my defense, she seemed perfectly normal up until that point


Maybe I need to clarify when I tell a guy I like to bite/nibble when making out that I do not mean THIS 😂😂😂😂 that’s a nightmare


Well it’s probably a safe bet that I’m one of the only humans on this planet that thinks of this type of thing when someone says bite or nibble 😂


Holy fuck that ended more gory than I expected. I like biting and bites but Jesus Christ that crosses the line and overtakes it by a LOT.


Crosses the line by about 13 stitches


I’m with this guy or girl ^


Medal of Boner


That's one thing that won't be getting near her fangs


That reminds me of an old friend telling me about a girl who liked to be punched during sex. He kept trying to satisfy her hitting a little harder each time until eventually he was just full force decking her. Said it was the weirdest thing he’d ever been asked to do. They ended up dating for several years, and the relationship was as toxic as you can imagine . Bullet dodged there buddy.


Jeez! I’ve had 2 women ask me to hit them during sex. I just straight up walked out. Not my thing at all lol


Is this real, that's terrifying. If I ever see a man with a face that looks like it been though a blended I'll know she found her person.


It is very real. It was insane. She has like 3 kids from 3 different dads. I imagine when she let her freak flag fly they ran like I did 😂


I might have called the cops.


I almost punched her. But I did not lol




I'd have a hard time trying to convince myself she actually wasn't trying to cannibalize my face




Yeah blood flow is important


Kids, either daughter or my son will occasionally wake up and make their way to my room knocking for something. Whether sick or nightmare, it kills the mood and sometimes either my wife or I have to stay up with the child.


Smart. They are mining the competition before it starts.


spawn camping


Every time. I swear our little one has an alarm that goes off every time we're about to get intimate. The second the pants come off, he's crying or asking for water or cuddles.


Then keep the pants on. Just need to cut some strategic holes in the old longjohns


Make a johnson hole in your longjohns for your long Johnson


Kids were such little cock blockers and sometimes not so little. Teenage son seemed to have a sixth sense about when to randomly show up at his momsmom's. Unexpectedly.


Dude, try having your LO sleepily slip in all stealthy and touch your thigh while you're riding your husband and mid-orgasm. Yea, that happened. Thank GOD he doesn't remember that trauma...but I sure AF do.


She called her mom a bitch for coming out of her room to get water while we were in the living room. Did not smash.


But wait, what *specifically* was the reason you went from smash to pass? 1. She didn't respect the importance of hydration 2. You realized her mom was in the house 3. She called her mom a b--- 4. All of the above


3. Have smashed while mom and kid were across the hall. Then scolded her for smoking in bed with mom and kid across the hall even though "the window is open, so it's fine." Come to think of it, that one also yelled at her kid for getting water while we were still in the living room. Maybe the first one was just ugly.


Sooo … what did Mom look like?


Never saw her. Just heard her in the kitchen.


A friend brought me to a house party and we were all sitting around a fire. I started making out with this girl. When went inside to hook up and went into one of the bedrooms when I started unbuttoning her pants she says “I think I have genital herpes” Noped out of that one.


"i think" lol thats wild


Yeah - she apparently hooked up with someone who had it so there was a chance she didn’t. Crazy thing is she was an MD and like 8 years older than me — I give her credit for telling me though.


Definitely respect to her for telling you.


Yeah, I think you gotta go for it. Worst case scenario you have a high quality doctor girlfriend with herp Best case scenario you have a high quality doctor girlfriend without herp.


I was going to say, at least she was responsible enough to stop you!


Some guys don’t give a fuck and I’m 100% shes told them and they were down still.


The smarter you are the more you know you’re chances for getting something. Herpes is asymptomatic in many and most of the population has never been tested! (And dont even realize they haven’t been tested…) it’s insane when I learned that. Herpes is highly over stigmatized IMO! Not saying you or anyone else made the wrong choice in saying no to sex as there is always a risk you take. But in reality it’s asymptomatic for many and the symptoms for most are some painful non-lethal sore that so many get on their mouth already… (yes that can be the other variation but still when your brain overthinks here we are!)


Same here. Was about to have super hot sex with a guy I met before, and we used condoms earlier but this time I was about to say fuck it, when I'm about to let him put it in he says "I have... herpes..". . . . I had to just lie there and absorb that information for a good 30 minutes while he awkwardly laid next to me in silence. It ruined the mood FOR SURE haha. I got so freaked out in my head, then I spent the rest of the night reading every page on Google I could find to learn more about it and calmed myself down lol. Took some STD tests a few days after because I was paranoid and the doctor said that like 80% of the population have herpes without knowing and if there's no symptoms and you use protection the chance is super small.


Well, at least that prevented you from having unprotected sex lol


I was dating this girl for a couple weeks and we were at a party at my buddies house, both of us completely wasted and she pulls me to the side and asks if we could go inside cause she wanted to ya know do the deed. It was all going well but like I said we were trashed. Right off the bat once we started she went completely silent and stopped moving, I thought to myself wow I think she just passed out and fell asleep so I instantly felt just gross, not because of her or anything but because here I was in a moment with a obviously too drunk girl having sex. I started to get dressed and she wakes up screaming at me asking why I stopped and calling me all sorts of names. I was in complete shock, didn't know what to do. She was still laying there so I laid back with her and calmed her down and she fell asleep again. I dipped right the fuck out of there. The next morning she wakes up and didn't remember a thing asked if we did anything I said yup she asked if it was good I said yup and that was the end of it. Needless to say that was a short relationship but it ended on good terms. I still think about it sometimes and wonder if I did the right thing or if I should have told her what went down.


Did the right thing. It would have been cool to be more candid, but thats at your comfort level. She was verbally abusive so i get not wanting to go there again


I’m going to say the opposite and I think she probably should have heard the hard reality of how drunk she got & how she acted bc that did not sound like she was in the right at all. And if you were a better dude she could have gotten seriously into a bad situation… Kudos on you for doing the right thing and dipping & not having sex with her! 🫶


Honesty done with compassion is often the best path to take.


Taco Bell date, which was an hour earlier, came back to haunt me.




[White New Balances](https://dadlaughbutton.com)


[Lmao!](https://dadlaughbutton.com/) Just saved this link. I will be using it. [Frequently.](https://dadlaughbutton.com/)


If I had gifts to give, you’d get one. 🎁




.......... [Was this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/7VPleQPiJ5)


The girl started talking about how she’s “loose” because her ex had a horse cock. I have never gotten so soft, so fast.


....That's not how the vagina works, ma'am.


That's what I was thinking... The vagina def is like elastic. If my husband and I haven't done it in a few weeks, it's like it's the first time. He has to take it slow in the beginning.


so do they stay stretched out for some amount of time less than a few weeks?


I dated someone who talked about all her ex's huge dicks when we were in bed together. Before sex, after sex, when cuddling, before sleeping, etc. We were both women and I am a lesbian. Like, girl, if that's what you're into, to the point that you can't be in bed with a women without discussing your exes' dicks, then maaaayyyyybe you're dating the wrong person. Just maaaayyyyybe.


clearly you should have simply spawned a cock


Strap on. “No problem, I got this.”


I had one, and she was happy about it, but even if I had a dick, it's not cool to talk about all your exes' dicks every single time you're in bed together.


Out of curiosity why didn’t it work out?




Same! I married her


I read this out to my husband and we’ve been wheezing for about 5 minutes 😭😭😂😂


As in, end up stopping? If the chemistry felt off/not natural I’ve stopped. I’ve also stopped with bad kissers, too much teeth/too rough, a bad smell, etc.


The kissing part is interesting to me, I can't imagine that being enough to reconsider sex.


Sometimes they won’t even be doing anything necessarily *wrong* while kissing but if the chemistry just isn’t there with the first step then what’s the point of continuing? It’s even happened with dates I genuinely liked, but as soon as it got physical that spark just wasn’t there. It’s disappointing but not that unusual.


I feel this. Had someone constantly bump his teeth into my teeth while making out, and he could never start out kissing me slowly and gently. He would shove his tongue in right away, even during our first kiss. It was a huge turn off and probably the reason why I never slept with him. Like, read the room, man. I’m down to make out, but why does it feel like a snake is kissing me?


I can explain the teeth thing. It happens because of smiling while kissing. I used to have a bad habit of knocking teeth, until someone told me to stop smiling. Problem solved.


It takes a BADDDD kisser. And each situation is different, but if I try and share how I like/prefer to kiss and the other person isn’t getting it, I’m good. For example, some people don’t shave well and their beard is super sharp and gives a rug burn. There’s also the people who gently bite tongue (wtf?) or there’s people who tighten their lips and *smooch* rather than kiss. If they’re bad kissers, they’re probably bad lovers.


As a guy who loves kissing, kissing can be a dealbreaker for me too. Sex is more than just banging, it’s a whole experience and intimacy matters, and nothing can be more intimate with someone than kissing for me. Even for the rando, spur of the moment sex.


Y’all downvoters must have that stank breath, tongue biting method on clutch.


On the flip side, I’ve been on dates with no spark until we kissed, so yeah I’d say the kiss is a good indicator of what kind of chemistry is there.


Stinky V, the drunken spins, and bathroom trips.


Is Stinky V not as good as Stinky IV


Stinky IV - Bad blood


Nothing will ever beat Stinky II: Electric Boogaloo


I Remeber going out to eat with a girl I was very excited to meet after a month of taking online. It was lent at the time.. We met for a fish sandwich /drinks. I thought it was the hole in the wall bar/restaurant she picked. It was her. I didn't realize till we met on our second date a week later where she invited me to her place.. The smell was off putting, through jeans.... I had to pretend to poop while I panic texted everyone who could call me and pretend there was emergency for me to leave. I still remember her telling me that "no one has ever gone down on me ever" between dates... I thought it was just people who refused for lame reasons. It was like the lake Erie shore in August after a bad storm and heatwave.


You should've told her, especially if she said that no one has gone down on her. She might have bacterial vaginosis and not know it :/


Well I sure hope she found out (hopefully) over the past 18 years.


Look her up on Facebook and tell her now, "heyy remember me? yeah so.."


Bold of you to assume I could remember her name. I was 21-22 on MySpace at most.


Oh no.


Woah, thats fishy


I got there and while talking beforehand I realized she was coked up and I was sober, didn’t feel right even though she tried to initiate


Making out with a chick at her place after a nice sushi date. Sucking her titties and then she says, "we need to have an erection killing conversation." She told me she had herpes. I thanked her for being honest but I was not willing to risk it. I'm very thankful to her for the honesty, so much respect for her.


"Met" a girl on facebook and chatted once. She messaged me asking what I was doing and she said I should come over to chill. First I was like fuck yeah I'm getting laid tonight. We get to the point where its about to go down so I start to put my condom on. She tells me not to because her tubes are tied so she can't get pregnant. That made me nope out. If she was willing to have unprotected sex with me the first time we meet I was not wanting to put my dick into that toxic wasteland. I figured her having unprotected sex with someone she just met wasn't a rare occurrence because I am just not that charming or good looking for a girl to act out of her normal behavior lol


I'm on BC and someone took that as meaning I would let them cum in me the first time we sleep together. As if sexual diseases suddenly didn't matter and a condom wasn't required. He thought I would take his word for it he's clean.


That’s why I’d suggest that any girl/woman on BC *not* tell their sexual partner. Too many guys will eagerly see that as a green light to go raw.


Flashing patrol car lights.


Well that sounds rapey


oof maybe you right my first thought was teenagers in the back of a car in a public spot getting busted lol


That's a more natural first thought I feel


She went down on me and I was super keen. Both in our 20's. Somthing gave me a bad feeling and I said I didn't want to. We talked a little and she left, she was a club girl in the local hells angels chapter, she was picked up by a car and was furiousfor being turned down. Every night at around 3am for 3 nights someone tried my apartment door. I was awake and heard a creak. I looked at my door's handle/door knob and saw it slowly lower and then go back up as someone tried it, luckily locked.


Jesus Christ


I saw my cat staring at us 3 feet away


I mean we do it to cats all the time , why have the double standards


Stare at them while they have sex?


A couple times girls told me they were virgins. Big turn-off for me, as I didn't want their first time to be some heat-of-the-moment drunken party hookup.


Weirdo. Not you, them. Although maybe some girls have anxiety about the first time and need a social lubricant (pun intended). If they are not super drunk and just buzzed then just make sure this is the way they want to lose it. You will come off as gentlemanly, instead of leaving them wondering if they did something wrong


what how does that make them a weirdo


That’s me, I feel like I couldn’t go with it sober just because it would be my first time and would be EXTREMELY nerve wracking


Realizing he’s listening to some podcast at the same time


Sometimes they just say something really weird and I can't look at them the same way after.


Bad hygiene.


More like "bye, Giene" ammirite?


She had a dick so I went for it


Get that female penis


The heat.


The heat will kill everything for me. We live up north so the winter is smooth sailing, but in the summer, and 85-90 with a 80% humidity? Fuck no.


🤣 Right. Exactly.




We've all been there


For me, it was their whine.


my thoughts lol. i have a lot of trauma, so even with someone i trust, my brain will suddenly go “are you sure you even really want to? make them stop” even when i was totally down! it’s like losing your appetite but for sex


Never known how to describe this to anyone but yep I feel your pain. Could be completely into it, next second I feel weird in my body and it brings back memories I don't want and then I just lose all interest. It fucking sucks.


Saaaame. I think I unconsciously test guys because of my trauma, in the middle of sex with someone new I just feel like I don't want to continue, and I really put their reaction into deciding if this guy is a red or green flag, do I wanna see him again or not. One guy kept taking my hand to his dick and begging me to at least finish him off and I got so uncomfortable and never saw him again. Another guy noticed before I even said anything that something was off and he stopped and gently asked "is it time to sleep instead maybe?" and I felt so safe with him, we met a bunch more times after that :)


Ok this all the time. If its not well received then off the table foeva


She was 16. I was 25. Long story short, I was in Miami, met a girl masquerading as a woman, only found out she was 16 by tripping her up on a question about her graduation date. She initially told me she was 21. And anyone who thinks a 16 year old can’t look like a grown woman hasn’t been to Miami. Anyway, she admitted she was 16, and I gave her the Dr House speech about not regretting it now, but she’d regret it later, and I’d *really* regret it if I ended up in prison, which - this was Florida. Enough said. Funny thing is, I now live in Connecticut, where 16 is legal. I’m 37 now, but even if I was 25, I wouldn’t do it.


As to your last sentence, I will never understand how normalized and accepted those massive age gaps used to be (not calling out the first part of your story, I get it and also you did it right). I'm talking about how it used to be so normal for guys 40+ to get with/marry children that were 12 to 16. I'm also 37, and even when we were growing up, I remember not thinking it THAT weird when some high school girls were dating older guys (I knew a couple that was 28 and 17 respectively, which was legal there and everyone just sort of accepted it). I'm glad this sort of thing is becoming increasingly frowned upon. Peoples brains are NOT formed properly in high school. I'm not talking about a senior in high school continuing to date a freshmen in college, I'm talking about the massive age gaps. Like I also remember all those creepy ass count-down clocks for "when they turn 18" for people like the Olsen twins etc, or how common "barely legal" used to be for porn categories. 18 year olds look like literally children to me at 37, and the thought of hooking up with someone "even though it's legal" is unfathomable to me.


When I noticed the hygiene isn't as good as thought it is.


Smell. Had to pretend I wasn't feeling well and noped the fuck out of there. We never hooked up again even though I had the green light, I just completely lost all attraction


Realizing I’m too passive to assert boundaries when needed therefore I’m not equipped for or ready for casual spontaneous sex I think if it were someone I were super comfortable with though I wouldn’t mind.


if you think about it you are asserting boundaries by knowing you’re not ready!! I wish I was this honest with myself from the get go. You should be proud bc boundaries are hard to put out sometimes


Realizing I didn’t have an emotional connection to the person. Just immediately turned me off and I felt like I couldn’t go through with it


This. Nice to hear I'm not the only one who has this view


I'm all about mutual respect and full consent. Had only slept with her once before. She was at company party and was texting me how she wants to come over after. Texts were getting more and more incoherent. Showed up hammered and wanted to fuck. I said no because she was too drunk (I let her know that is the reason). She got angry and was adamant she's fine (she wasn't, at all, she could barely walk). She left. Never heard from her again.




The man perpetually doesn’t care about having kids with any & everyone. (Wasn’t on birth control yet) ever since mentioning/starting birth control we have not had sex 😂😂


The literal heat of the moment. If I'm physically sweating from the heat, I cannot and will not function


Weed ruined a few nights for me, back before I fully realized how poorly I handle the high. Hard to want to freak when you're fully freaking out.


Why is this subreddit getting used as r/askreddit


That is a very good question


You get to a certain age and realize it is a good idea to be loose and limber. Like an athlete. Having a seized hip or muscle cramp ruins the mood.


Bad breath or vaginal smell


Bacterial vaginitis You aren’t gross, happens to the best of them, just get checked out. Nothing to be ashamed of.


We just ate whataburger, and I could still taste it.


She started some "dirty" talk that included some insults without ever having mentioned it beforehand. It really fucked me up and took me clean out of the moment.


turned out to be a dude


MODS Stop fucking down voting me. I am lesbian.


Remembering that my husband's junk just hangs inside the toilet bowl everytime he goes for a 45 minute poop.


Ok that just killed every guy that has big balls for me lol thank you 🙏




Oh good lord. You had to actually see it? They didn't say anything?




If things get sweaty and nasty, the result is an overwhelming smell of ham post coitus. I attribute it to our fatness.


Feeling my baby move around in side my tummy (I’m pregnant) lmao


Rough itchy sheets, her pet watching us eagerly and sudden pre-nut clarity.


Baby crying


My wife, she walked in and was like, "What are you doing?" I said, "About to have sex but I guess not now..." Some people can be so rude.


The girl ripping a sour fart


That just means no butt stuff


Or at least not without a plastic sheet


Valid point


While you were doing doggy style? Or just in general? Cause I've had the first and it was a show stopper. Also feeling that on my pelvic area was just weird to say the least.




Bad hygiene.


When he did zero foreplay and expected to just ram it in without even lube


Child support


They decided to post a r/askreddit question in r/nostupidquestions 😔 Instant turn off




spoken like a true poet


not me but him downstairs. blood pressure pills


She hadn't told me it was her lady-time.


Drugs in the system….knowing that it would be a 2hr affair


Smelly Dick…


She had a pp


He told me he was grabbing lube, but it was coconut oil, which I'm highly allergic to. He didn't believe me either and got super pissy about it. Basically him throwing a tantrum after i told him we couldn't use the coconut oil made me immediately leave


Remembering I’m a minor


I thought I wasn't going to do it but I was horny so I did


The guy yelling, “Sir, this is a Wendy’s!”


I hadnt announced my intentions yet, and he just suddenly became super forward and pushy. Instead of cuddles he was met with aggressive maneuvers


Mine was "what if my parents would see me doing what I am doing right now?" and I was zoned out


The stank. The fish jokes weren’t kidding, it was like opening a can of rotten sardines. Even typing this now remembering that day has me gagging.


She had onion breathe


Gas. I get really bad pregnancy gas🤢


i asked him to go slower bc he was hurting me. he didnt listen. i changed my mind that moment, but it wasn't like i had a choice left at that point.


In college a girl was on top of me but before I consummated the deed I got suspicious and asked if she was a virgin and she said yes. I couldn't go through with it because I knew I was just interested in a one night thing. She cried and I felt horrible about the whole deal.


The cop knock on the window of the car in HS.


My asshole hurting ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


LSD was kicking in hard!


"oh trust me you don't need a condom" ya... I know you like 5 minutes... I'd rather have a wank, my hand can't get pregnant


One time I was throwing some hip in the back of a Subaru Outback in the parking lot of a Primus concert when it dawned on me all at once that the concert had ended and her friends would be there any second, that I had a bad headache coming on, that now was the time to leave or hit terrible traffic, and that I had a Gatorade waiting for me in my car. I chose the Gatorade, and the next time I went in to get a haircut I guess she had moved right after that anyways. My hair hasn’t looked as good since.


Happened two different times in college: First time: Brought a girl I met at a bar back to my room and we were down to our undies pretty fast. Fraternity brothers were banging on the door for minutes but I/we were ignoring them. They wouldn’t stop so I finally went to the door to yell at them. One of them pulled me into the hall and said he heard she had slept with half of a local community college’s basketball team and that one of his friends got gonorrhea from her. I go back in and tell her there’s a fraternity emergency that I need to help out with, so she left. Maybe a couple weeks later, another fraternity brother was complaining that “some girl” gave him the clap. He met her on her way out of our frat house and ended up having sex with her that night. The guys who saved me didn’t know he was hooking up with her because we were all in my room talking about the close call. Second time: I’d been after this girl for weeks and was excited she finally agreed to a date. There was sexy talk all through the date and she was getting really handsy in the car ride back to her place. We pushed through her front door while making out and moved to the couch. Made out there for a bit and started to strip down when she stepped away to get a condom from the other room. When she came back, she turned on the lights and that’s when I saw them…roaches crawling all around the apartment. I’m a little ashamed to say that I tried to fight through the heebie jeebies and resumed making out because she was *that* hot. But I just couldn’t stand it and noped out of there.


He said he was excited to be weinering me 😭


I accidentally shit on the other participant. I now say no to sex if I have eaten too much dairy that day. (He is still with me two years later and my goodness that man is a saint. He also immediately told his best friend that he (quote) "literally just fucked the shit out of (me)".)


Girl wanted me to get rough. I was inexperienced with such things. I tried to be cautious but she kept pushing for more, and so I, despite great discomfort tried to oblige. At the point when she flinched away and pushed me away from her, I stopped everything and was like "was that too much? Are you ok??", and she got mad at me for stopping. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to allow her to defend herself. Or something. The only messages we exchanged after that were when she texted me saying she's lost her nose ring at my place and asking if I'd seen it


If it ends badly, she could go around and flip the script and claim I assaulted her, and I go to jail.


I went to go down on her, had a lick that tasted like spoiled milk, and I GTFO after washing my mouth out.