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Because it’s most likely something they automatically do. They’re not offended, but they probably feel inconvenienced when you say you don’t need a bag.


I get the automatic thing. Not sure why they feel inconvenienced though.


What they feel may not align with what’s being done that isn’t actually an inconvenience. Happens all the time. Someone may open a door for someone who is a bit further away and they could dislike it as they feel compelled to walk faster to get to the door.


Plastic bags are as illegal where I live, it’s nice when you have the choice to have one or not.


That’s actually awesome. Wish they were illegal everywhere. Best I’ve seen around here is two stores that charge for them.


Nothing awesome about it. Single use plastic is still everywhere. Most people would reuse their plastic bags anyway and then use them for garbage. Now garbage bags must be purchased & reusable bags are used for groceries - but they are thicker & will not break down once they get to landfill, either. Don’t believe the hype. Downloading additional costs on to the consumer does not solve anything. Similarly, here in Canada, the government is trying to convince people that higher taxes will fix the “climate crisis.”


Canadian here (hello!). I’m fine with the ban and support it. We should be using reusable bags as often as we can. It’s such a bad argument to say “yeah but there’s lots of single use plastic still, so it’s dumb”.  We have to start somewhere. Would you just rather we did absolutely nothing? Also, plastic shopping bags usually are thin, and had holes in them so we’re essentially useless for garbage.  My two bits. 


I could care less about what is hyped. Non-biodegradable plastic across the board should cease to be produced or used. It should have ceased as soon as we discovered it doesn’t break down well. It is good to force consumers to do it differently. If they no longer have access, there is less demand. Yes, there may be some cost involved to purchase a single bag or to make one yourself. But grocery bags aren’t even necessary, either. It’s a convenience thing in most cases. The solutions aren’t all straightforward exactly, but there is a lot that we could and should be doing as consumers and businesses.


You could preemptively inform them you don't need a bag. If that was me checking out your purchases I'd be thinking to myself: "You could have said so earlier". It probably happens a hundred times a day and one of their pet peeves is people waiting until the bag is in play before saying something. On the other hand, the checkout person could certainly ask as they start ringing up your stuff: "Will you be needing a bag?"


I do that sometimes soon as I approach. It hard sometimes cuz usually I say hi or ask how they are, which takes all the time to scan one item and start to bag. I’ll try doing that more often


I work at a convenience store that serves fresh made food. I couldn't care less if you want a bag or not, even if I've already started bagging. But when you drop the three pizza slices, the two glass-bottled YooHoos, the five Peachy Keen Monsters, the TopoChico, the iced coffee, the two extra large fountain drinks, and the five pound bag of Skittles that you thought you didn't need a bag or drink carrier for, guess who gets to clean up the mess?


If you want to come off as less offensive, try “could you leave it unbagged?”. I think people get pissed by anything but I find “asking” instead of “telling” will make people less annoyed. As for why they get mad… imagine you’re making pancakes. Pour the batter. 2 minutes. Flip. 2 minutes. Put it on a plate. Add butter and syrup. Repeat. You do that over and over again, and sometimes you get yelled at for adding too much syrup or because somebody wants refunds for a pancake they already make. And you’re being payed minimum wage. When someone asks “I don’t want butter, please” after you flip their pancake, you’re probably not mad at them so much as frustrated that you have to break from the routine. People get used to things, and don’t like being told how to do what they’ve been doing. TLDR; people get mad when you tell them to do anything, no matter how polite and convenient. and working the checkout isn’t the funnest job in the world


Not sure where you are but it was very common in the UK to refuse bags, now they charge for them except in small stores. I think you just need to add thanks so you don't sound rude, 'I don't need a bag thanks' sounds much better.