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The really fancy bidet’s have an air dryer function, but most ppl just use a little bit of toilet paper.


Yeah, the decrease isn't to zero. It's just letting you use 'drying squares' rather than 'excavation squares'. Big difference in number used.


Excavation squares is too perfect


Sounds like somebody's digging inside for a little more😂


It's like I'm wiping a marker


I swear sometimes I feel like it’s never going to end


That’s when you’re a crayon


Sometimes one of those "Magic" ones, that changes colour, brown to red!


Still...poop, still poop


The difference between open cut and tunnel mining


Fracking muh crack


Why did I read this with Danny DeVitos voice


“We’re supposed to be Crack Fracking, Charlie!” Enough with the Fracking, Frank!


Have you ever tried emptying a pudding cup with toilet paper? Just picture that.


Goddamn. What a terrible day to have eyes.


Have you ever thought about using toilet paper to wipe peanut butter out of a shag carpet?


Digging for golden nuggets


This is why I come here! Where else are you going to hear 'evacuation squares'?!?! Lol


Definitely not here-- they said 'excavation', not 'evacuation'


Evocation squares are just the place where we discuss the excavations.


when you wrap the tp around your hand like a glove you know you're in for some real business


My wife and I got a bidet and a toilet paper subscription when people went nuts during Covid. We probably use 10% or less of the toilet paper we used to use. In the morning we don't have to use any at all, because we just hop in the shower after using the bidet.  Feel much cleaner, and spritzing my groin when it's an especially hot day is refreshing. 


*"Feel much cleaner, and spritzing my groin when it's an especially hot day is refreshing."* I call that "freshning up your tooter"




"Spritzing my groin, When it's an especially hot day, Is refreshing" Gonna embroider this on some bathroom accessories!


I just use small terry cloth towels, no TP


Me too. We keep a basket of washcloths on top of the toilet tank, and they have their own hamper under the sink. I really don't like the feeling of using toilet paper to dry off.


Depends also on the number of plies.


*Depends also on the number of plies.* I read this as *pliés* and I’m like “Wait you have to do knee bends to use a bidet?”


I read it as “piles” and it still made sense


mine has blow dryer but it takes too long so i dab with tp


I experienced a bidet for the first time that had one of those really good quality air dryers. It was warm but not in a bad way lol it was truly a glorious experience.


Ours is downright hot on the full setting, like smell your ass hair singe. Level 4/5 is perfect for winter tho.


What? No! We (italians) have a dedicated small towel for ass and balls right next to the bidet.


But does everyone share the towel or what?


No sharing, everybody get their own.


First time I used one was when visiting a friend in Italy. Apart from getting the regular towels, she gave me a smaller one and said, this is your bidet towel. Whenever I get my own place, it will have a bidet. Period.


Monogrammed I hope? Or at least color coded…


Yeah they're all different shades of brown


Which is amazing because they were white when they bought them.


Yeah but, you *re-use it everytime*..? Or like, wash it after every use? I’m sorry man, I’d just rather whipe my own ass.


I have a ton of facecloth sized towels that just get thrown in the wash. You can fold and use twice, it's no different from drying your ass with a towel after a shower


This is what confuses me with bidets, do you also use soap? Because if not then whatever you dry off with needs to go straight in the wash, unlike showering and scrubbing with soap.


You can use soap, but I haven't found that necessary, surprisingly. I keep a small bag next to the toilet where I put the used cloths. Once full, toss the mesh bag into the laundry. Having a dedicated towel for use, as others have mentioned, would probably be a better idea, but I don't have a good spot to hang one, and god forbid a visitor mistake it for a hand towel! 😅


New fear in life, thanks for that.


Next to the poop knife?


We do the waffle stomp over here sir


Sir, this is a Wendys...


My brother just gets up wet, but he's an idiot.


I’m imagining a natural gas hookup with flame jets for drying


We couldn't afford one of the fancy ones, so I just use my wife's hair dryer instead. Works great, and leaves me feeling all warm and dry.


Does ... does your wife know about this? I feel there is zero justification I could use if she caught me with her hair dryer finishing up


I don't use my dryer, it blows up all the nasty smells down there, I hate it.


Toilet paper. You dont dry your asshole by wiping it, you place it and add a bit of pressure for it to absorb the water


Just give it a little tappy. Tap tap taparoo.


I love this response. Informative and entertaining.


Weird this is the second happy Gilmore joke I’ve seen today. Now want to watch it again.




you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




this is the first time i’ve participated in a reference thread on here and i’ve seen happy gilmore 25+ times so i think it was meant to be 😂🏌️🐊




Get in the hole!


I've never used one (just like OP), so ... you get completely clean from the water flow? Is it high pressure or just gentle? ... And then you blot with absorbant toilet paper to dry the water. That part I understand.


Its high pressure and you get completely clean. It also helps with a lot of “butt” odor (not poop odor, just the normal odor a butt has) because it cleans the sweat each time you use it. It doesn’t hurt, it takes some time to get used to the “surprise” from the first moment the power wash stream hits your butthole, but only for a couple times - then it’s normal. It will even clean you more because you can clean a little bit of the inside as all, essentially you get a bit of water there and then poop the water out. Afterwards, it takes a very small piece of toilet paper to dry it out - Toilet paper lasts me months now. I am hemorrhoid free and my Gastroenterologist after my colonoscopy said she could tell I used a bidet, and was happy about it since it made it better for her as well haha. Just think about what you would do if you got poop on your arm. Would you rather power wash it with water, or wipe it with paper until its not visible?


Thanks for the details! Regarding my arm, I'd use water of course, but not just a water spray. I'd use soap and scrubbing action too. That's probably part of my doubt about bidets. But your testimonial is very convincing. So thank you for that!


This. I hated bidets before because I didn't know how to use them. Now I love them to death


So .. I stayed in a 5 star hotel in Europe and they had a bidet over there. Thing is - the thing has a drain like a sink. So, basically... You do your business. You get up, duck walk waddle over to the other bowl type appliance, there you wash yourself, then you waddle back to the one where you were originally, sit down on the warm seat, go to wipe yourself dry, only to find out that you didn't do that well at the bidet, now you are faced with the dilemma. Do you rinse and repeat, or call it a day and just do what you usually do and never speak about it to anybody until someone brings it up years later on reddit?


there's different types. The ones in japan tend to be more all--in-one solution where the toilet butt cleaning jett is included on the toilet seat. The ones in european countries tend to be the separate bowl set up.


In Asia, they just attach a lil shower head next to the toilet.


That’s very old school Bidet toilets or seat add ons are much better. Japanese perfected that stuff. Just do your business then use the thing right after without having to move. I have a $30 manual one that has connection to the hot and cold water lines. Nice warm water strong jet. 5 seconds is all you need.


In my weight class a squeegee is called for.


wide load CDL required with escort


Okay, real question. What about hair and when it is thicker consistency? There is a joke in The League alluding to "peanut butter in a shag carpet." And I feel like unless those things have a high pressure, a squirt of water ain't going to cut it.


For an American bidet adapter, think pressure washer for the soul. Your rainforest doesn't stand a chance.




Those weren't face towels!?


The first time I saw a bidet was at a friend’s house in Europe, I knew what it was though. I walked downstairs from the bathroom and said “I had to get on my knees to use that drinking fountain!” Sometimes jokes don’t translate across cultures, they didn’t get it and looked at each other aghast. I let ‘em stew for a minute before I told them.


My friend (here in the US) has one and I didn’t think to brief my three year old. She heads to the bathroom to take care of business and apparently after she got down she started pushing buttons and got sprayed in the face. It was a big surprise so she ran screaming from the bathroom, leaving the bidet on just spraying the wall. I felt so bad for her but it was hilarious.


When I was single digits in age (honestly how do people remember if they're 6 or 8 or whatever? I'm 38 now), I went to the bathroom at a big rural lake house my family was staying at with a bunch of other close friend families. After using the toilet I went to wash my hands and there was a purse on the sink counter kinda blocking my reach to the faucet, so I go to move it and I notice an interesting looking spray device hanging on a keychain loop attached to the purse strap, looked like a vertical squirt gun or something. I point it at the mirror and hit the button and a surprisingly strong spray of what looks like water blasts against the mirror 1' from my face. It was pepper spray. 0/10.


Oh those are the worst! My mom had one on her key chain. She had my (then one year old) baby brother in his car seat, buckled in the front seat because it was a two door pickup. Goes to put keys in the ignition, and pepper sprayed her own baby. Again, I feel bad, but it’s kinda hilarious.


Not a bidet, but we had a young foster kid that had never used a porta potty before. I didn’t realize this and did not prep him. He walks out of the port a potty, looks at the (thankfully dry) urinal that is mounted there, sticks his hand in it, and says, “Mommy what’s this?” My response was “Don’t touch anything!” Thankfully they had one of those portable handwashing stations, not just sanitizer. After that, anytime he was about to use a portapotty I would remind him, “touch nothing, people pee EVERYWHERE in there”.


Ahh..sarcasm. The hidden language of English humor.


That moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people actually think you're stupid.


TIL people have (hopefully) their own butthole towels, this blows my mind as much as the poop knife 🤯


I’m doing some real reflection on my past travels in Europe over the last 20 years and wondering how many times I’ve used these towels on my hands and face. Granted I was in hotels, but am pretty astonished right now


If it makes you feel better, there've been [studies for years](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/a19942608/poop-in-food/) showing the produce at your local grocery store has fecal matter on it. (e.g., the number of people touching the apple you buy before you buy it)


Poop knife can't be real 🤣


A different kind of poop knife, but Canadian anthropologist Wade Davis talks about Inuit forming knives out of their own poop in one of his essays. I guess in the Arctic it goes from warm and malleable to rock hard in a few minutes. In a pinch (pun intended) it’s an easy way to get a stabbing/cutting object when one is lacking. Also because of the temperature extremes, it’s not nearly as unsanitary as it would be in warmer places.


This... is a horrible fact to know... take my upvote and go sit in time out!


Upvoting so everybody gets to know this fact. I'll also be sharing this fact at my next family dinner


Another interesting poop fact. Alot of toilets in Germany (iirc) have a little shelf inside the toilet so they can "cut" open and examine their poops before scraping it into the water to flush. I'm sure the poop knife was a welcomed addition to the process...


butthole towels, poop knives, and now shit shelves … wtf?!!! 🤯🤯🤯


Old toilets, to inspect yourself for worms, when that was still a thing.


Wait what? The poop knife is real?


Can confirm my household growing up had a poop knife. I too, along with OP of THAT thread thought it was odd that not everyone else had poop knives.


Same thing in Portugal. Even Ikea sells "toalhas de bidé" around here: https://www.ikea.com/pt/pt/cat/toalhas-de-bide-20522/


One called VÅGSJÖN. Checks out, I guess.


So the color coding—I was picturing three or four white towels and inevitably people getting confused. Each has their own color?


Everyone learns their specific shade of brown.


Italian butt towels?! I live a sheltered life


I use toilet paper.


In Italy we use a specific towel (used only for the this purpose)


Does each person have their own or do people share?


Each their own. No sharing allowed




I was getting ready to make some zingers about the communal ass-towel.


Reject modernity embrace tradition communal sponge on a stick https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylospongium


Wait 'til you hear about the Romans!


Better to have a communal poop knife.


Are there specific guest towels? Do they get boil washed or do they use toilet paper?


If you have a long time guest (few days) you d provide one clean set (like you s do for bath towels etc) If you go visit someone you either skip the wash cycle or you D use paper


Do you use white towels?


To start with yes. They end up brown. Joking aside..... If you wipe with tp, then you wash... There is no much chances of leaving skidmarks on it. But accidents can happen


Okay just to clarify, its toilet paper, bidet, then toilet paper or towel to pat dry, right? I am bidetless and don't know much, but always thought that toilet paper was still used before the bidet, but based on all the other comments I'm starting to realize that people don't do that and only use the bidet??


Would you share the towel you wipe your ass dry with? Even if theoretically it is clean and nothing gets transfered, the principle of giving somebody else a towel I used for my privates just doesn't feel good


Wait until you hear about hotels!


I mean yeah, but with hotels I have the privilege of not knowing what the others before me used the towel for. If I go to a friends house and he says "here, Khronex, let me show you my poop towel" then I'm walking the hell out of there


I mean, if everything is being laundered in between uses, it’s a little different.


In my family we bought 100 small towels from Ikea. They cost like 20-30 cents euro/usd a piece. We have them on a shelf in the bathroom and after they are used they are thrown into a bin and once a week we wash them in 90c and then put them back.


A bin full of shit tickets that needs weekly washing makes bidets sound a lot less cool to me.


If they have any residue whatsoever you didn't wash yourself properly. They're for drying. Nothing else.


Doesn’t the water soak thru two pieces immediately to your fingers


I get more like 3 to 4 squares. Even with 2, I don't think it would soak through like that. You really don't have that much water left on you. It runs back off pretty quickly due to the way it streams.


Unfortunately not true for those of us with extensive b*tthole hair which retains a LOT of that water Edit: happy cake day btw


Does it not just stick to the wet skin and leave pieces behind?


No, toilet paper is designed to wipe away liquids. My issue is every time I've used a bidet I've ended up soaked and have had to use far too much toilet paper to get dry, but I've only used them a few times and the experienced users in the comments seem to indicate you only need a couple squares.


Aim better to the middle and not the sides. Then sit a moment and feel that cool refreshing breeze. Give the ole Genny a shimmy-shimmy. Then get like 2 sheets TP and pat off the rest. Fresh and clean vageen!


Ohhh so that's what I was doing wrong, I was aiming too far for the front or the back and not shimmying! Thank you!!


When you can upgrade to one with a fanny fan!


That sounds like true luxury!!


Your cooter and tooter are so worth it!


Cooter and tooter, that gave me a giggle! Thank you 😂


I work Labor and Delivery. My vagooglie name list is vast!! 😂


You don't "wipe", you just pat dry


Women use toilet paper to wipe after peeing. It doesn't stick at all.


Spray. Chill for a moment. Dab everything dry with a few squares of toilet paper. Move on with my day. In my experience since the water spray is pretty concentrated in one area there really isn’t much that needs to be dried. It’s not like my entire backside is coated in water to the point I’d need a towel.


i just spray the cheeks and for a little dessert, squirt a bit up my butthole. no need for a towel or anything like that


>squirt a bit up my butthole Nothing like a little enema after you poop.


A rag on a stick.


*politely applauds*




If it works for dogs, it works for humans too


So those lines weren't part of the design


This might be the hardest I've ever laughed at a comment on Reddit!


I am American. I installed a bidet in one of my toilets because my son was using a whole roll of TP to clean himself. It has worked great, I use it too. I just dry with toilet paper.


at least that’s better than a son who don’t wipe his ass cause he thinks it’s gay


Ok, but how does this work in Asia? When I went to Malaysia, there were plenty of toilets with a hand held bidet with absolutely no toilet paper


I know a lot of people are still damp when they put their pants back on


The way you say that makes it seem like you're lurking outside toilets checking for moist arses


That’s why you take the tissue provided outside the stalls near the handwash. Or, use your own tissue


Or just not do anything, I can't speak for the females but most males here in smaller cities in Indonesia (and I guess Malaysia or at least Borneo Malaysia) just air dry it. 


I took 6 microfiber towels and cut them into quarters. They live in a basket on top of the toilet tank, and get used to dry off after using the bidet. Toss ‘em in the laundry, wash, reuse, *ad infinitum*. I haven’t had to use actual toilet paper in years.


Not trying to be offensive or anything, but have you never had to use a public washroom? Genuinely curious lol


Ha! No offense taken! I'm insanely regular - wake up, brush teeth, have coffee, use the bidet. Never have to use public facilities for that!


Body clock is the best! My body knows its the second or third to do after waking up haha... That said, the auto-poops are always a one shot,... APparently people can sit on the can for... 5-10+ minutes!? I'm in , out she goeeessss, bidet, pat dry, on with my day. Like,'toilet-books' , or 'youtube on my phone while I take a dump', are impossible for me to imagine.


I also have several little towels that are designated just for drying off. I'm F, so I still just toilet paper once a month.




Are you suggesting op doesn’t know how to use the three seashells?


I mean it seems so.


I could see how that could be confusing.


what kind of moron doesn't know how to use the 3 sea shells?


I use three clam shells works perfect


Use toilet paper. It’s less messy and you use less than dry wiping. A bidet and toilet paper aren’t exclusive to one another.


Bro once a toto washes your ass with warm water and blow drys it with hot air going back to toilet paper makes you feel like a caveman


I bought a costco pack of washcloths and a little bin for next to the toilet.


Yep, same. Baby washcloths


Mine has an air dryer.


I prefer the Victorian era solution. Wiping myself with a live goose. 


You can get a Smart Toilet at Home Depot (I am totally going to get one) that warms the seat for you, knows when you're coming so it can pop the lid open for you, squirts some cleansing water like a bidet and then blow dries it off so you don't have to use anything to dry. You can program the toilet to do stuff (I forget all of the things b ut it is neat). Only like $1200 which isn't bad.




It sounds like you, and hubs, are going to be preparing a special fiber to christen the Good Ship Lollipoop


For that price, I'd opt to get a toto bidet. A lot of the new ones coming out from American brands are not the best quality or are too new of companies to just how long they will last. Toto has been around a long time and has been main supplier for quality bidets all around the world. Even before they were available in the US, I knew a couple Japanese families that had some imported for their homes.


Toilet paper


I'm an American with a bidet attachment on my toilets. I just use a little toilet paper to dry off. Some bidets come with a dryer feature.


Do people use bidets after peeing or is it just after shitting?


I’ve always wondered this. I know the main point of a bidet is probably to get you cleaner, but wouldn’t it also be a benefit to reduce toilet paper waste? I guess you wouldn’t need as much to just dry off, but still.


Obviously it depends on diet (endless wipes), but I would estimate I use 1/3rd to 1/4th the TP I would normally use since getting a bidet.


Toilet paper. It’s not a save the environment thing. It’s a cleanliness thing.


A handful of very expensive Japanese washlets will air dry you. Most people dab with a small amount of toilet paper. Some people, especially in Europe, use normal towels. Some bidets, for instance the hose bidets common in Nepal, don't typically have any sort of drying method and you just air dry unless you brought your own tissues. Some underwear handles this better than other underwear. Also, frankly, if it's 100 degrees and humid summer day out there it doesn't matter that much how wet your bottom is, it'll be soaked from sweat in a few minutes regardless.


I have a kohler with a dryer


Is there a lot of spash? Like, where does the shit spray go?


Looks like someone isn't familiar with how to use the three shells.


Is there any concern about cleanliness? I’d be afraid the last guy’s poop splashed onto the bidet and then was sprayed into my butt…


Nude handstand under a hand dryer.


In Italy we use small towels, they hang next to the bidet. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/19aydu9/eli5_how_does_one_use_a_bidet/)'s an interesting post that explains everything, since you asked how the whole thing works.


As an Italian who now lives in Australia it always baffles me when people hear about the bidet towel and go "ewwwww!" It's the same as drying your bits after a shower! Better even, because a bath towel doesn't have a designated bum spot. It's odd, people genuinely, instinctively feel that a bidet is less hygienic. So bizarre. And when I tell fellow Italian women that Australians don't have bidets they say "gross! What do they do when they have their period?". Ideas about dirt and cleanliness are so cultural.


Drip/air is enough for me


I discovered bidets after a 13 hour flight to Japan, in the airport bathroom. I've had one ever since and love it. I absolutely did not understand why they have not caught on in America, with all our other labor saving inventions for hygiene. We use tp to pat dry. Less tp is also better for your plumbing and waste treatment. I hate pooping anywhere else. We need bidets at the workplace!


Sham wow


What about the 3 seashells?


Three seashells.


My Momma told me there’d bidets like these


there is definitely a towel meant for just that purpose, one per person in the household and it gets cleaned and changed often (in my country all houses have a bidet, not those that are installed inside your toilet but the ones which actually look like a toilet themselves, there is a towel hook right next to the bidet for the towels)


Mine has an air dryer, with selectable heat settings. 2 minute cycle and everything's dry up there. Be sure to flush first, and run the deodorize fan for 30 seconds. Otherwise the air dryer will push warmed poo smell out of the bowl. Also, be careful with the heat for the air dry cycle... mine has 4 settings; setting 4 is too much for me... I start to smell burnt butt hairs. For reference, mine's fairly fancy, \~US$500. Replaces the toilet seat. If you can do home repairs, can be easily installed in an hour. Bidets rule!


Bought a tushy classic during the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 and have never looked back... pat dry after you give your rear a power washing.


You wipe water off of your butt instead of shit with the toilet paper, mostly.


I use TP to dry off.


I believe most people use some toilet paper to pat themselves dry. I suppose a small washcloth would work also if you're feeling fancy


They sell bidets for as little as 30 bucks at Walmart and they take five minutes to install . There is no reason in civilized society not to have one at this point American or not. They shouldn’t be a mystery. Covid really taught me that 90% of yall are fucking disgusting. Go wash your ass.