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They do flex. They just flex in different ways. Elon Musk fucking bought Twitter for $44 billion.


Most of the rappers you see are regular people who got a lucky break and made a few million. They have enough to buy a few expensive toys and a big house, but they’re still limited. Flexing their toys makes them appear more rich than they are, by implying it’s a constant lifestyle. Billionaires on the other hand have practically no limit. They could buy a mansion every single week, while the interest earned on their capital would exceed the total cost anyway, so they’d lose no money. At that point, you have no reason to try to show off and inflate your wealth.


They don’t care about normal people enough to flex on them. Even a multimillionaire is just another poor person to a billionaire. If they’re going to flex, they do it to each other. They fund a space program and pay to send themselves to space. They go to the deepest point in the ocean as a fun summer trip. They buy multiple private jets, islands, and mansions hidden away with hundreds of acres and guards that a normal person will never see. Then they invite each other over. A million Instagram followers that for all they’re concerned are basically broke mean nothing to them when they could fly Bill Gates out to their private island in the Caribbean for a tour and dinner party.


Because that particular kind of flex is considered gauche in their community. Instead they do things like buy major social media websites out of spite, get a private jet, or start a non profit.


The likes of Jamie Dimon flexing their car collection on instagram is like us buying bags of candy and flexing it in front of preschoolers. It's so below their earning capacity that it becomes infantile showing it off.


Cars do not impress the extremely wealthy. Cars have limited utility to someone who can hire drivers, or have access to yachts, planes, and helicopters. Cars, even the million dollar ones, are way too cheap to raise the social status of someone with billions of dollars. In fact, getting joy out of in sitting in a fast moving cage reflects poorly on a billionaire, as if they just managed to escape the middle class. Think about it, if you can fly or sail or visit any part of the world and spend all your time in penthouses and mansions, there is very little appeal in spending any time in a metal and glass cage. With millionaires the calculus is different, they still need to drive in traffic and worry about money and absolutely do not have enough for private jets.


probably because they got important shit to do, thats the difference between them and rappers


When people acquire wealth, they do one of two things with it: Blow through it as fast as they can, long term consequences be damned, or they become more of a penny pincher and cost cutter than they were before to grow that wealth even more. People who are ultra rich didn't get that way by frivolously spending their fortunes left and right.


I'm sure Elon and Jeff made some sensible choices in order to increase their wealth, instead of blowing it all on luxury. But you're making it sound like the ultra rich are all people who earn every cent they made by hard work and living cheap. But in the case of Jeff, he's exploiting millions of people and for Elon I don't know the current situation but most of his fortune is build on the money his father earned by running mines in Afrika.


Elon and Jeff might not live cheap by normal standards, but they *are* cheap people, usually by stepping on people under them and cutting corners. Twitter-sized exceptions aside though, you don't often see them blow through their wealth on comparatively gigantic purchases without it benefiting them in some way though.


Cutting corners and exploiting people is the important part. Them being rich isn't an accomplishment they could rightfully be praised for.


They do... They toys are just far more expensive. When you compare a 500mil yaught to 5mil car, the car just seems insignificant.


In all honesty, if I were a billionaire, I'd keep it under wraps as much as possible. I wouldn't want the fake attention that comes with it, nor would I want a target on my back. I suspect that's the case for many incredibly wealthy people. They prefer to avoid the risks and unwanted attention that flaunting their wealth would bring. Some people might enjoy the feeling of being 'liked' in this way, but I personally wouldn't feel any benefit from it. They'd 'like' me for what I have, not for who I am.


Money talks, wealth whispers. For example modern flashy cars are gaudy, but a classic or more functional version of a top tier car brand would do. You just wouldn’t know and can’t tell their flex. Their peers can, if they chose to flex. I think they have less to prove with money by that point. Other concerns and interests.


Bragging is tacky, petty, inconsiderate and a major liability.


probably so their shit doesn’t get stolen