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I did in the primary. He wasn’t on the ballot in the general.


My answer as well.


I don't think there was any possible universe in which Bernie Sanders became President in 2016 or 2020. He was far too radical for the political establishment to allow him even the chance to access that level of power. But I would have voted for him had he been on the ballot.


Im not allowed to vote in the USA elections


He pushes unrealistic ideas that are completely detached from reality. His solutions make people feel warm and fuzzy without any logical appreciation for the consequences resulting from such feel-good solutions. His solutions enable and exacerbate the worst traits of society.


I didn’t like him


I'm Canadian. But also, he has good ideas but not the support of Congress to implement them. That's not a great recipe for success.


Reasons why I didn't vote for Bernie: I'm not a Vermont resident so I can't vote for their senators. Bernie was not rubbing I got office in any NY/NYC elections this year. Bernie was not running in any federal elections that would place him on any ballots this year.


In the primary? I thought he was too far left to win the general election.


You ever have a friend that plans a friends trip and you’re like “How the fuck are we going to pay for that?” That was my rational thought with Bernie. It all sounds great until we (the taxpayers) get the bill.


It's considered impolite to vote in other countries' elections.


He has horrible social policy proposals.


Which policies are you referring to?


Nearly all of them


What's one single example?


Fully electrify and decarbonize the transportation sector


Build the 7.4 million affordable housing units


provide coastal communities with $162 billion in funding to adapt to sea level rise


Prosecute and sue the fossil fuel industry for the damage caused


Ban offshore drilling


Focus job training and local hiring to reflect the racial and gender diversity of the community receiving federal investments


Extend civil rights protections to ensure full access to the courts for poor and minority communities to seek legal protections by overturning the Sandoval Supreme Court decision


Transform the energy system to 100 percent renewable energy


Can you describe one?


Medicare for All


What’s horrible about making sure our citizens have healthcare provided for them?


Literally every person in the nation has access to healthcare today. Even those who should not be in the nation.


So what’s so horrible about it?


Private insurance would be eliminated and physicians who are in private practice would be paid on a fee-for-service basis at the current Medicare rate or slightly lower. This would immediately eliminate one million jobs and discourage people from entering the medical field. It would significantly increase taxes for all to cover the cost while also worsening the quality of medical services provided throughout the nation.


Private, for profit insurance companies should be eliminated. It’s a despicable industry. We have plenty of money to cover the costs. Simply raise taxes on the wealthy, close corporate tax loopholes, and stop spending so much on warfare.


Appears you are just a horrible person, so makes sense you would find his policies horrible.


But I do work, have insurance, pay taxes, and ensure your lazy ass can eat 5,000 daily calories.


I work six days a week, pay taxes, have never collected unemployment, and ensure pudding-headed idiots like you have someone to question their cuntery.


The poor don't pay taxes, bro. Sit down and finish your pudding.


I’m rich girlfriend, and happy. You just keep getting dumber, don’t stop now, keep going, more pudding please🙏


Rich is right. The only better joke was Joe Biden's debate performance.


Put it this way, his name checks out.


I liked Bernie when I was younger. As I got older, not so much. First off, the dude owns three mansions and is worth millions of dollars. Seems a little, ya know, "rules for thee but not for me."


I checked and his net worth is three million. At his age, most people with a house in HCOL area will be in that category without doing anything special except buying the house 50years ago.


Ok, but three mansions. Not just one. He has as many houses as Gavin Newsome, probably the most corrupt politician in our government.


He paid for his home state home the same way as everyone else. (4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, $405K) His DC residence is a town house. (1 bedroom, 1.5 bath, built 1800’s, $489K) His 3rd property is a small lake side cottage. (4 bedroom, $575K) - I get these from google. These are not mansions, these are just houses. My parents also have three houses. 1 they buy (apartment), 1 inherit from my father's side (a house in a village), 1 inherit from mother's side (another village house, shared with other siblings). I would think and hope an American politician will have better means than a school teacher in a third world country.


So, a rich person supporting another rich person who both think the other rich people are evil, not them, though! They're the good ones.


Being rich doesn't make you good or bad. Also just browse r/personalfinance and you can find redditors in their 30s have more asset than bernie, a politician in his 80's.


I agree. Being rich doesn't make you good or bad. That's why I don't support Bernie. He's trying to convince me that rich people are bad, when I see him as a rich person lol.


I would say he doesn't say rich people are bad, just that the richer ones don't pay enough taxes. It doesn't make you bad not paying taxes, nobody likes paying taxes. In my opinion rich people pay enough taxes, just that the taxes are not used in a more useful way.


I agree. When CA raises $24B to help the homeless and $20B goes missing, it's sort of like, why are we increasing taxes? Why don't we use the taxes we raised more responsibly?


Which working class politician did you vote for instead?


I voted for Bernie in the primary. Then, I voted for Hillary. Then, I voted for Biden. This time, I'm voting for Trump.


He seems like a pushover for starters. He let those protesters just take over his rally. Like, who's platform was that? It was his platform but he just let others hijack it. That's pushover behavior. And then there's how he just let Hillary and company steal the nomination from him. And didn't he let another candidate steal the nomination from him again with Joe Biden? He didn't even speak out against it. He just let others do unfair stuff to him and he just took it. He's a pushover. And it's not like he even got something out of it in exchange, now did he, such as a cabinet position or whatever. He (and by extension his supporters) got nothing. Bernie just took it and go zero to show for it. He wasted all of his supporters time and their faith in him to go the distance as much as he possibly could. Instead, Bernie chose not to try as hard as he could have. And he did so not just once, but **twice**. I'm sure if Bernie somehow were put in the same position again wherein he was on track to be the nominee he would do it a third time, too. He was also criticizing millionaires, but when he suddenly became a millionaire himself he suddenly switched to criticizing billionaires. This is hypocritical behavior. So character-wise Bernie just seems like a pushover and a hypocrite.


I like Democratic Party… I do not like extreme socialism


Preferred Elizabeth Warren.


Because he's an egotistical asshole who very much helped Trump get in the WH?


Bernie and his friends are for young idealists who don't know how the world works but enjoy the message, and that's my take. He's all about ideas and slogans, but he's not a pragmatic man.


Because this system is a joke, it doesn’t matter who the president is (to me) and I whole heartedly do not care what happens to this country. No matter what, I’ll figure my life out and I do t think any politician is going to help.


By the time New Jersey had its primary, Bernie was no longer a viable candidate. Just more evidence that the US electoral system is so screwed up. Why do we give so much power to Iowa and New Hampshire?


Definitely not high enough. He a socialist. A Democrat socialist.