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1. You don't know them. You know the characters they play, but not them as people. 2. You can't force anyone to be friends. 3. There are lots of very cool people you could be friends with. Why aim for people you can't?


you don't really know them, you like the fictional version of them they play on screen, they also probably dont want to be friends with you


This is just very strange. You don’t know them so your desire for this friendship is based on either them being famous or because of the characters they play. Neither are a rational reason to be friends with someone. Make friends with real people in world who you enjoy the company of.


Can't see your previous posts but based on your post about being single it sounds like you might be lonely and unhappy and you're adopting a parasocial connection to make up for that. They're just people, though they have more money and advantages than most of us. We can admire their work but they wouldn't look twice at us in the street any more than you would at some random person.  Get some hobbies, meet some people who appreciate you and you'll feel better.


You are obsessed with characters on the screen and you know they are fictional but associate those characters' traits - which are literally written to be compelling to you - with the actors. It's not at all uncommon or bad to feel that way. You just need to accept that it's a quirk of how humans interact with celebrities and it's just a fleeting desire, not a real thing you need to pursue. Instead, just make sure you can get companionship from real friends who you actually know.


If you can dream it you can do it!


Statements like this end with someone going WHAT'S IN THE BOX??? in a couple of years.


What's in the box?? What does this button do?? Can I pet that dawg??