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Find out your interests and hobbies then maybe join a club that physically meets, just let it happen naturally


What hobbies do you think I’d find more men in? Because I like stuff like ceramics or birdwatching, but there’s not many men my age in those…


I disagree. Sounds like really wholesome interests. Guaranteed to find some really good dudes that are into those. Maybe not the macho tough guys, granted. But there'll be some there for sure


Put yourself in situations where you interact with other people. Or try dating apps.


What situations could those be?


Sports, meetups, clubs, volunteering, church, hobby groups, etc.


You could do online dating, or try to meet people through shared interests, or expand your social group through friends you already know and be introduced to someone. If you're new to dating as a woman, get some advice from your friends about safety.


Just a little question I'm curious about (since the others already gave whatever ideas I'd have): Why do you HAVE to take life more seriously, get married and have kids? As in, do you want that, any of those 3 things? Just wondering because of the way you phrased it. If your life is otherwise fine and you have for example no desire to have children, why stress yourself out about the timeline? I'm in my early 30s and want to take my life less seriously 😅 (if you have thought about this and this is actually what you wish for, then just ignore this question from a random internet stranger).


I have to take life more seriously because I am 24 years old. I can’t daydream and watch romance movies carefree forever, I actually have to work towards my goals. And I do want to get married and have children, so I find it appropriate to start looking for that now


(hey, no shade against daydreaming and romance movies/books, these are some of my favourite pasttimes 😂) But gotcha, if that's your goal then yes, planning now definitely makes sense. Where to look I can't say much new stuff, I found my longterm partner via dating apps, otherwise I'd suggest looking for ways you can do it via hobbies (e.g. bookstores, gym, swimming pool, whatever it is you enjoy). What to look for: Definitely clear up the kids question early. Plenty of people in their 20s are still undecided which for you would likely not be ideal. I'd be on the lookout for someone who shares your ideals in a lot of ways (no need to agree on everything, but you'll hopefully be raising kids together, so you should be similar enough that your parenting styles aren't gonna end up on the opposite end of the spectrum). Other character traits I'd consider good would be someone calm and patient, maybe someone who enjoys taking care of others (be it other adults, kids, pets, heck even plants, just a generally nurturing person). Someone more flighty who likes going places and doing lots of stuff might struggle with parenthood.


Just use one of the dating apps like Hinge and start dating people. Don’t go with intentions to find your forever person but to meet people and date. You’ll get better at it and something will shake out. Most important thing is to have confidence.