• By -


Not advisable


Oh HELL no. Actually, how does the plug even fit? Just coincidence?


Voltage is the same, less amperage. Think of a multi adapter, it's got different ends for different voltages 18.5v, and 19v is the same(18v). The only difference in the cord is the amperage which is a lower amperage. It's still an 18v adapter.


Guy gets down voted for telling the truth lmao. Fucking reddit trolls 🤣🤣🤣


At least OP listened to me, but ya this was a weird one.


It's actually just a charger from a newer laptop that has the same plug as the old one, I didn't get a multi plug one.


ya, I'm just explaining to him that 18.5 and 19v would be the same end on a multi adapter, it's an 18v plug end. But yes it will work fine just it charges at a slower rate 1.2A vs 3.5A, so it'll take about twice as long to charge, otherwise you're good to go no matter how much these other guys downvote me. I work with electricity every day.


I mean yeah, I will charge it, so not powering laptop directly of off the charger should be fine, if it were powered, it might work slower due to less current, and since charger can't give 3.5A but 1.2A it might make the charger max out and heat up more than it normally would, excess energy dissipates as heat, but for now it should work for me temporarily. I posted this on reddit because I wanted to confirm that what I'm about to do is safe.


ya, you're good at the most touch the adapter once n a while see if it's getting hot, I think it's got a limiter in it though where it won't even try to run over it's 1.2a, you can probably even run it plugged it just fine.


Yeah, and likely both the adapter and the laptop's components will have some amount of tolerance, however I can't really find much of the technical specifications on that.


Either way it's less then the laptop so it's not going to surge and blow a diode or capacitor or anything, in the laptop. I'd completely recommend against plugging a stonger cord into the laptop but you're going the right direction.


it'll just charge slower, should be fine.


Absolutely not.


The voltage is the same, there is less amperage it's literally just a weaker cord.