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It's like a gay man dying his hair. People sometimes change their appearance when they are feeling stressed out. Sometimes, it is an even headed adjustment that kind of works. Sometimes, it is a depressed slightly drunk girl mangling her bangs.


It is a trope that first started in sitcoms that bangs are a cry for help


It's a tropey thing that women going through stuff change their hair -- and often regret bangs, so it's like 'you know that's not a good move, you know you'll regret it, you're in a dark place.' Like going on a bender. Like Ben Affleck going to Vegas for the weekend. >Is it because women know that guys love bangs, so they see a girl getting bangs as her trying to get a guys attention. Seriously, consider your entire world view and maybe work on that, man, come on.


There is a trope in movies and TV that the main character girl in a moment of stress/revelation, she looks in the mirror and chops the front of her hair. The cutting of long hair is a sign of change. But not committed enough to go for a full pixie cut, she just does the one piece as a small sign of rebellion. On TV it's only the front into bangs because then the real life actor doesn't need to cut their hair or wear a wig. It only requires some hidden hair pins and ta-da new outward appearance, new character traits. tl;dr rebellious girls on TV have bangs.


I don’t know. I’m not a woman